Man pages for JimmyClowes/rethinking
Statistical Rethinking book package

AchehuntingHuman forager hunting returns data
AMTLAnte-mortem Tooth Loss Data
axis_unscaleDraw an axis with units on original scale
bangladeshBangladesh contraceptive use data
BoxesSocial learning experimental data
chainmodeFind mode of a continuous density estimate
cherry_blossomsJapan Cherry Blossom Historical Data
chimpanzeesChimpanzee prosocialty experiment data
coeftabCoefficient tables
coeftab.plotPlots of coefficient tables
coerce_indexBuild and check integer index variables
col.alphaColor utility functions
compareCompare fit models using WAIC or DIC
contour.xyzContour plot from equal length x,y,z vectors
CrofootCapuchin monkey contests
cv_quapDiagnostic trace and rank histogram plots for MCMC output
dbetabinomBeta-binomial probability density
densDensity plots
dgampoisGamma-Poisson probability density
DinosaursDinosaur growth data
DissertationsDissertation page length data
dlkjcorrLKJ correlation matrix probability density
dmvnorm2Multivariate Gaussian probability density
dordlogitOrdered categorical log-odds probability density
drawdagPlot Directed Acyclic Graphs (dagitty)
dstudentNon-standard Student's t distribution
dzagamma2Zero-augmented gamma probability density
dzibinomZero-inflated binomial probability density
dzipoisZero-inflated Poisson probability density
ensembleSimulate an ensemble of posterior predictions
extract.samplesCollect posterior or prior samples from a map or map2stan...
FishFishing data
foxesUrban foxes
glimmerglm/glmer formulas to map/map2stan formulas
HMC2Functions for simple HMC simulations
HooglandPrairie dog dispersal data
Howell1Howell !Kung demography data
HPDIConfidence/credible intervals from samples
HurricanesHurricane fatalities and gender of names
image.xyzHeat map from equal length x,y,z vectors
KlineOceanic islands data
KosterLeckieGift exchange data
LafferCorporate tax rates and tax revenue for 20 nations
linkPredictions for map and map2stan models
log_sum_expRethinking utility functions
map2stanBuild RStan models from formulas
map2stan-classClass 'map2stan': fitted map2stan Stan model
mcreplicateMulti-core version of replicate
milkPrimate milk data
Moralizing_godsReligious ideology and population growth
pairs.map2stanTrace plot of map2stan chains
Panda_nutsChimpanzees cracking Panda nuts
plot.map2stanTrace plot of map2stan chains
postcheckPlot posterior predictive check
precisPrecis of model fit
Primates301Primate life history and social learning data
progbarProgress display
PrussianHorsesNumbers of soldiers killed by horse kicks in the Prussian...
quapCompute quadratic approximate posterior distribution
reedfrogsData on reed frog predation experiments
resampleResample map2stan fit
rethinkingStatistical Rethinking package
rethinking-internalInternal Functions and Methods
RinderLivestock mortality data
sample.naive.posteriorSamples from quadratic posterior densities of models
shadeShade density intervals
simSimulate posterior observations
simplehistSimple histograms
sim.train.testSimulate in-sample and out-of-sample model performance
trankplotDiagnostic trace and rank histogram plots for MCMC output
TrolleyExperimental data on ethical dilemmas
UFCleftiesUltimate Fighting Championship matches
ulamBuild RStan models from formulas
WaffleDivorceWaffle House and marriage statistics
WAICInformation Criteria and Pareto-Smoothed Importance Sampling...
Wines2012Wine tasting scores, Princeton NJ 2012
JimmyClowes/rethinking documentation built on Dec. 18, 2021, 1:36 a.m.