
Defines functions tissue_classifier

Documented in tissue_classifier

#' Classify genetic signals using a simple rule-based classifier
#' This function takes the calculated toa scores for each genetic signal and applies a simple
#' rule-based classifier to assign each signal to a tissue/cell-type. The signal is assigned to the
#' tissue/cell-type that has the highest TOA score and exceeds a user-specified score threshold (default 0.2).
#' The user can also specify a threshold for determining shared signals. If two or more tissues yield TOA scores
#' that fall within this specified range of each other, the signal is designated as a "shared" signal. If
#' designated as shared, the responsible tissues will be indicated in the output data frame.
#' @param toa.df Dataframe of tissue scores for each SNP (output from calculate_tissue_vectors function)
#' @param tissue_threshold Dataframe of tissue scores for each SNP (output from calculate_tissue_vectors function)
#' @param shared_threshold Dataframe of tissue scores for each SNP (output from calculate_tissue_vectors function)
#' @export
tissue_classifier <- function(toa.df,tissue_threshold=0.2,shared_threshold=0.1){
  "%&%" <- function(a,b) paste0(a,b) # just a shortcut for the paste function
  '%>%' <- magrittr::'%>%'
  if (dim(toa.df)[1]>1){ # in case only one genetic signal is profiled 
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min=1,max=dim(toa.df)[1],style=3)    
  out.df <- c()
  for (i in 1:dim(toa.df)[1]){
    row.df <- toa.df[i,]
    tiss.scores <- row.df %>% dplyr::select(., -one_of("SIGNAL", "unclassified")) %>% sort(., decreasing = TRUE)
    tiss.names <- names(tiss.scores)
    tiss.scores <- tiss.scores %>% as.numeric(.)
    keep.scores <- tiss.scores[tiss.scores > tissue_threshold]
    keep.names <- tiss.names[tiss.scores > tissue_threshold]
    if (length(keep.scores)==0){
      classification <- "unclassified"
      tissues <- "unknown"
    } else{
        shared.limit <- max(keep.scores) - shared_threshold
        shared.limit <- max(c(shared.limit,0))
        final.scores <- tiss.scores[tiss.scores >= shared.limit]
        final.names <- tiss.names[tiss.scores >= shared.limit]
      if (length(final.scores)==1){
        classification <- final.names
        tissues <- final.names
      } else{
        classification <- "shared"
        tissues <- paste0(final.names,collapse = ",")
    build.df <- data.frame("SIGNAL"=row.df$SIGNAL,"classification"=classification,
                           "tissues"=tissues,stringsAsFactors = F)
    out.df <- rbind(out.df,build.df)
    if (dim(toa.df)[1]>1){
Jmtorres138/TACTICAL documentation built on April 4, 2021, 3:07 a.m.