
## Server.R

# allow upload until 200 MB
options(shiny.maxRequestSize = 200*1024^2)

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

  reset_reactiveValues <- function(){

    ranges$x <- ranges$y <-
    ranges$x_temp <- ranges$y_temp <-
    ranges$x_fitting <- ranges$y_fitting <-
    ranges$x_transformation <- ranges$y_transformation <-
    ranges$fit <- NULL

    buttons$fit <- FALSE

    plot$fitting <- NULL
    plot$transformation <- NULL
    plot$plot <- NULL
    plot$guess <- NULL
    plot$newx <- NULL
    plot$fit <- NULL
    plot$df <- NULL
    plot$mod_form <- NULL
    plot$save_PDF <- NULL

    df_reac$df_transformation <- NULL

  remove_fit <- function(){

    buttons$fit <- FALSE
    plot$fitting <- NULL


  theme_update(axis.text = element_text(size = 16),
                 axis.title = element_text(size = 16, face = "bold"),
                 legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
                 legend.title = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"))

  ## TAB 1: INPUT & PLOT


  ranges <- reactiveValues(x = NULL, y = NULL,
                           x_temp = NULL, y_temp = NULL,
                           x_fitting = NULL, y_fitting = NULL,
                           x_transformation = NULL, y_transformation = NULL,
                           fit = NULL)

  plot <- reactiveValues(plot = NULL,
                         fitting = NULL,
                         guess = NULL,
                         transformation = NULL,
                         newx = NULL,
                         fit = NULL,
                         df = NULL,
                         mod_form = NULL,
                         save_PDF = NULL)

  buttons <- reactiveValues(fit = NULL,
                            table = FALSE)

  df_reac <- reactiveValues(df_transformation = NULL,
                            df_basic_plot = NULL)

  names <- reactiveValues(input_name = NULL)

  ## get input

  data <- reactive({

    input_file <- input$file
    input_URL <- input$URL
    buttons$table <- input_table <- input$table

      if (buttons$table) {

      df_tmp <- input$paste_table

      row_names <-  as.list(as.character(seq_len(length(df_tmp$data))))

      df_tmp$params$rRowHeaders <- row_names
      df_tmp$params$rowHeaders <- row_names
      df_tmp$params$rDataDim <- as.list(c(length(row_names),

      if (df_tmp$changes$event == "afterRemoveRow")
        df_tmp$changes$event <- "afterChange"

      if (!is.null(hot_to_r(df_tmp))) {

        df_matrix_data <- as.matrix(hot_to_r(df_tmp), ncol = 2)
        colnames(df_matrix_data) <- c("x", "y")

        table_temp <- list(
          dataset = list(
            list(data_block = df_matrix_data,
                metadata_block = data.frame(key = character(0),
                                             value = character(0)))),
          metadata = data.frame(key = character(0),
                                value = character(0))

        attributes(table_temp) <- list(
          names = c("dataset", "metadata"),
          format_name = character(0),
          class = "rxylib"

      } else {


    if (is.null(input_file) & input_URL == "") {


    } else if (!is.null(input_file)) { # input is file

      names$input_name <- input_file

      ext <- tools::file_ext(input_file$name)

                paste(input_file$datapath, ext, sep ="."))

      return(rxylib::read_xyData(file = paste(input_file$datapath, ext, sep = ".")))

    } else { # input is URL
      names$input_name <- basename(input_URL)

      return(rxylib::read_xyData(file = as.character(input_URL)))


  output$paste_table <- renderRHandsontable({
    rhandsontable(data = data.frame(0, 0),
                  height = 300,
                  colHeaders = c("x", "y"),
                  rowHeaders = NULL)

  x_axis <- reactive({

    if (is.null(input$x))


  y_axis <- reactive({

    if (is.null(input$y))


  blk_nr <- reactive({

    if (is.null(input$blocks))


  ## check doubleklick in tab DATA

  observeEvent(input$plot_dblclick, {
    brush <- input$plot_brush
    if (!is.null(brush)) {
      ranges$x <- c(brush$xmin, brush$xmax)
      ranges$y <- c(brush$ymin, brush$ymax)

    } else {
      ranges$x <- NULL
      ranges$y <- NULL

  ## check doubleklick in tab

  # observeEvent(input$plot_fitting_dblclick, {
  #   brush <- input$plot_fitting_brush
  #   if (!is.null(brush)) {
  #     ranges$x_fitting <- c(brush$xmin, brush$xmax)
  #     ranges$y_fitting <- c(brush$ymin, brush$ymax)
  #   } else {
  #     ranges$x_fiting <- NULL
  #     ranges$y_fitting <- NULL
  #   }
  # })

  observeEvent(input$plot_transformation_dblclick, {
    brush <- input$plot_transformation_brush
    if (!is.null(brush)) {
      ranges$x_transformation  <- c(brush$xmin, brush$xmax)
      ranges$y_transformation  <- c(brush$ymin, brush$ymax)

    } else {
      ranges$x_transformation <- NULL
      ranges$y_transformation <- NULL


  output$dataset_metadata <- shiny::renderDataTable({
    if (!is.null(data()))
      if (input$dataset_meta_button)
        if (nrow(data()$metadata) > 0)


  output$block_metadata <- shiny::renderDataTable({
    if (!is.null(data()))
      if (input$block_meta_button)
        if (nrow(data()$dataset[[blk_nr()]]$metadata_block) > 0)


  ## create dropdown list with n-elements (n = number of blocks) -------

  output$block_ui <- renderUI({
    if (is.null(data())) { return() }

    if (is.null(names(data()$dataset)) || names(data()$dataset) == "") {
      blk_name <- 1:length(data()$dataset)
    } else {
      blk_name <- names(data()$dataset)

    blk_name_list <- seq_along(blk_name)
    names(blk_name_list) <- blk_name

                choices = blk_name_list

  # if block is changed, remove fit
  observeEvent(input$blocks, {



  observeEvent(input$file, {



  observeEvent(input$URL, {



  #create dropdown list with n-elements (n = number of columns in one block)
  output$column_ui <-   renderUI({
    if (is.null(data()) || is.null(blk_nr())) { return() }

                 choices = 1:ncol(data()$dataset[[blk_nr()]]$data_block),
                 selected = 1),
                  choices = 1:ncol(data()$dataset[[blk_nr()]]$data_block),
                  selected = 2)
    ) ## end list

  ## render plot in tab "DATA" ----

  output$plot <- renderPlot({
    if (!is.null(data())) {

      col_names <- colnames(data()$dataset[[blk_nr()]]$data_block)
      x_lab <- col_names[x_axis()]
      y_lab <- col_names[y_axis()]

      x <- data()$dataset[[blk_nr()]]$data_block[,x_axis()]
      y <- data()$dataset[[blk_nr()]]$data_block[,y_axis()]
      xlim <- ranges$x
      ylim <- ranges$y

      df <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)

      df_reac$df_basic_plot <- df

      gg_plot <- ggplot(data = df , aes(x = x, y = y)) +
        geom_point() +
        xlab(x_lab) +

      if (!is.null(ranges$x)) {

        gg_plot <- gg_plot + xlim(ranges$x)
      if (!is.null(ranges$y)) {

        gg_plot <- gg_plot + ylim(ranges$y)

      plot$plot <- gg_plot



  ## create downloadbutton for input data
  output$download_Data <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste0(names$input_name, "_", Sys.Date(), ".csv")
    content = function(file) {

      writeLines("# Exported by rxylibShiny", file)

      if (input$download_Meta & nrow(data()$metadata) != 0) {
        write.table(data.frame("# Metadata", "\n"), file, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)
        write.table(data.frame(paste0("# ", data()$metadata[,1]), data()$metadata[,2]), file, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)
        write.table(data.frame("","\n" ), file, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)

      for (i in 1:length(data()$dataset)) {

        if (is.null(names(data()$dataset)) || names(data()$dataset) == "") {
          write.table(data.frame("# BLOCK", i), file, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE)
        } else {
          write.table(data.frame(paste("#", names(data()$dataset)[i]), ""), file, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE)

        if (input$download_Meta & nrow(data()$dataset[[i]]$metadata_block) != 0) {
          write.table(data.frame(paste0("## ", data()$dataset[[i]]$metadata_block[,1]), data()$dataset[[i]]$metadata_block[,2]), file, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)
          write.table(data.frame("","\n" ), file, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)

        write.table(data()$dataset[[i]]$data_block, file, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, sep = ",")
      } ## end for loop
    } ## end content = function(file)
  ) ## end downloadHandler()

  ##create download for TKA
  output$export_TKA <- renderUI({
    if (!is.null(data())) {
      if ("format_name" %in% attributes(data()) && attributes(data())$format_name == "Canberra CNF") {
        downloadButton(outputId = "download_Data_TKA",
                       label = "Download data as .TKA")

    } else {

  output$download_Data_TKA <- downloadHandler(
    filename = paste0(
      sub(pattern = "\\.CNF", replacement = "",
 = TRUE,
          x = names$input_name),".TKA"),
    content = function(file){
      rxylib::convert_xy2TKA(object = data(), file = file)




  output$plot_transformation <- output$plot_fitting <- renderPlot({

    if (!is.null(data())) {

        col_names <- colnames(data()$dataset[[blk_nr()]]$data_block)
        x_lab <- col_names[x_axis()]
        y_lab <- col_names[y_axis()]
        x <- data()$dataset[[blk_nr()]]$data_block[,x_axis()]
        y <- data()$dataset[[blk_nr()]]$data_block[,y_axis()]



          none = {},

          max = {
            y <- y/max(y)
            y_lab <- "Normalised"

          first = {
            y <- y/y[1]
            y_lab <- "Normalised"

          last = {
            y <- y/y[length(y)]
            y_lab <- "Normalised"
        }) ## end switch

        if (input$execute_inverse) {
          y <- -y

        if (input$execute_wl2energy) {
          y <-   y * x^2/(4.13566733e-015 * 299792458e+09)
          x <- 4.13566733e-015 * 299792458e+09 / x
          x_lab <- "Energy [eV]"
          y_lab <- "Intensity [a.u.]"

        if (input$execute_energy2wl) {

          x <-  4.13566733e-015 * 299792458e+09/x
          y <-   (y * 4.13566733e-015 * 299792458e+09)/(x^2)
          x_lab <- "Wavelength [nm]"
          y_lab <- "Intensity [a.u.]"

        if (input$execute_cumsum) {
          y <- cumsum(y)

        if (input$execute_zeroy) {
          y <- vapply(y, FUN = function(Y) {max(0,Y)}, FUN.VALUE = 1)

        ## check if logarithmic axis
        if (input$execute_logx & !input$execute_logy) {
          x <- log(x)
          x_lab <- "ln(x)"
        else if (!input$execute_logx & input$execute_logy) {
          y <- log(y)
          y_lab <- "ln(y)"
        else if (input$execute_logx & input$execute_logy) {
          x <- log(x)
          y <- log(x)
          y_lab <- "ln(y)"
          x_lab <- "ln(x)"

        ## basic plot
        df <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)

        ## make copy of df for fitting
        df_transformation <- df

        gg_transformation <- ggplot(data = df , aes(x = x, y = y)) +
          geom_point() +
          xlab(x_lab) +

        if (!is.null(ranges$x_transformation)) {

          gg_transformation <- gg_transformation + xlim(ranges$x_transformation)
          df_transformation <- df_transformation[which(df_transformation$x >= ranges$x_transformation[1] &
                                                       df_transformation$x <= ranges$x_transformation[2]),]

        if (!is.null(ranges$y_transformation)) {

          gg_transformation <- gg_transformation + ylim(ranges$y_transformation)
          df_transformation <- df_transformation[which(df_transformation$y >= ranges$y_transformation[1] &
                                                       df_transformation$y <= ranges$y_transformation[2]),]


        plot$transformation <- gg_transformation
        df_reac$df_transformation <- df_transformation



    }) ## end renderPlot


  ## Function definitons ----

    linear_fit <- function(model_coefs, newx){
      a <- model_coefs$a
      y_0 <- model_coefs$y_0
      out <- a * newx + y_0

    quadratic_fit <- function(model_coefs, newx){
      a0 <- model_coefs$a0
      a1 <- model_coefs$a1
      a2 <- model_coefs$a2
      out <- a0 + a1 * newx + a2 * newx^2


    cubic_fit <- function(model_coefs, newx){
      a0 <- model_coefs$a0
      a1 <- model_coefs$a1
      a2 <- model_coefs$a2
      a3 <- model_coefs$a3
      out <- a0 + a1 * newx + a2 * newx^2 + a3 * newx^3


    exp_dec_fit <- function(model_coefs, newx){
      a <- model_coefs$a
      t <- model_coefs$t
      out <- a * exp(-newx/t)

    double_exp_dec_fit <- function(model_coefs, newx){
      a <- model_coefs$a
      t <- model_coefs$t
      out <- a * (1 - exp(-newx/t)) + exp(-newx/t)

    gaussian_fit <- function(model_coefs, newx){
      a <- model_coefs$a
      w <- model_coefs$w
      mu <- model_coefs$mu
      out <- a * exp((-4*log(2) * (newx - mu)^2)/w^2)

    ### create modell function ----

    fit_model <- function(mod_form, start, dat){
      fit <- try(minpack.lm::nlsLM(formula = mod_form,
                                   data = dat,
                                   start = start,
                                   control = list(minFactor = 1/100000, maxiter = 500)),
                 silent = TRUE)

    model_func <- reactive({
     func <- switch(input$set_model_type,
                           "linear" = linear_fit,
                           "quadratic" = quadratic_fit,
                           "cubic" = cubic_fit,
                           "exp_dec" = exp_dec_fit,
                           "double_exp_dec" = double_exp_dec_fit,
                           "gaussian" = gaussian_fit)

     return(list(func = func))

    ## choose model parameters ----

    model_coefs <- reactive({
                            "linear" = list("a" = input$a, "y_0" = input$y_0),
                            "quadratic" = list("a0" = input$a0, "a1" = input$a1, "a2" = input$a2),
                            "cubic" = list("a0" = input$a0, "a1" = input$a1, "a2" = input$a2, "a3" = input$a3),
                            "exp_dec" = list("a" = input$a, "t" = input$t),
                            "double_exp_dec" = list("a" = input$a, "t" = input$t),
                            "gaussian" = list("a" = input$a, "w" = input$w, "mu" = input$mu))

    ## create guess ----

    guess <- reactive({

      if (is.null(ranges$x_fitting)) {
        ranges$x_fitting <- c(min(data()$dataset[[blk_nr()]]$data_block[,x_axis()]),

      newx <- seq(from = min(ranges$x_fitting), to = max(ranges$x_fitting), length.out = 100)
      plot$newx <- newx

      guess <- model_func()$func(model_coefs(), plot$newx)


    ## observe fit button ----

    observeEvent(input$start_fit, {

      mod_form <- switch(input$set_model_type,
                           "linear" = formula(y~a*x+y_0),
                           "quadratic" = formula(y~a0 + a1*x + a2*x^2 ),
                           "cubic" = formula(y~a0 + a1*x + a2*x^2 + a3*x^3),
                           "exp_dec" = formula(y~a*exp(-x/t)),
                           "double_exp_dec" = formula(y ~ a*(1-exp(-x/t)) + exp(-x/t)),
                           "gaussian" = formula(y ~ a * exp((- 4 *log(2) * (x - mu)^2)/w^2)))

      ## save as reactive value
      plot$mod_form <- mod_form

      ## check if a transformation was done. If not, the basic plot from panel DATA will be fitted
      if (!is.null(df_reac$df_transformation)) {
        fit <- fit_model(mod_form,
                         start = model_coefs(),
                         dat = df_reac$df_transformation)
      } else {
        fit <- fit_model(mod_form,
                         start = model_coefs(),
                         dat = df_reac$df_basic_plot)

      plot$fit <- fit

      if (inherits(fit, "try-error")) {
        outmsg <- paste0("The fit failed.<br>",
                         "The error was: <code>", attr(fit, "condition")$message, "</code><br>")
        output$fit_print_caption <- renderText("")
        output$fit_print <- renderText(expr = outmsg)
      } else {
        output$fit_print <- renderTable(expr = {broom::tidy(fit)},
                                        rownames = FALSE,
                                        digits = input$set_digits_fit)

      buttons$fit <- TRUE

      }) ## end observe(start_fit)

    observeEvent(input$remove_fit, {

    ### plot output tab FITTING ----

    output$plot_fitting <- renderPlot({

      if (!is.null(data())) {

        if (!is.null(plot$transformation)) {

        if(length(plot$newx == guess())) {

          df_guess <- data.frame(x = plot$newx, y = guess())

          if (input$see_guess)
            plot$guess <- geom_line(data = df_guess, aes(x,y), colour = "red")
            plot$guess <- NULL

          if (buttons$fit) {

            if (inherits(plot$fit, "try-error")) {
              plot$fitting <- NULL
            } else {
              plot$fitting <- geom_line(data = data.frame(x = df_reac$df_transformation$x,
                                                          y = fitted(plot$fit)),
                                        colour = "green")


          plot$save_PDF <- make_fit_plot(plot$plot, plot$guess, plot$transformation, plot$fitting)

          return(make_fit_plot(plot$plot, plot$guess, plot$transformation, plot$fitting))

      } ## end if(length(plot$newx == guess())){

    } else { ## end if !is.null(data())

      if (length(plot$newx == guess())) {

        df_guess <- data.frame(x = plot$newx, y = guess())

        if (input$see_guess)
          plot$guess <- geom_line(data = df_guess, aes(x,y), colour = "red")
          plot$guess <- NULL

        if (buttons$fit) {

          if (inherits(plot$fit, "try-error")) {
            plot$fitting <- NULL
          } else {
            plot$fitting <- geom_line(data = data.frame(x = df_reac$df_basic_plot$x,
                                                        y = fitted(plot$fit)),
                                      colour = "green")


        plot$save_PDF <- make_fit_plot(plot$plot, plot$guess, plot$transformation, plot$fitting)

        return(make_fit_plot(plot$plot, plot$guess, plot$transformation, plot$fitting))

      } ## end if(length(plot$newx == guess())){

    } else { ## end if !is.null(data())

  }) ## end renderPlot()

    ## helper function to combine all plots

    make_fit_plot <- function(plot_plot, plot_guess, plot_transformation, plot_fitting){

        return(plot_plot + plot_guess + plot_fitting)
      } else {
        return(plot_transformation + plot_guess + plot_fitting)


    ## Download Fitting parameters -----

    output$download_Fit_table <- downloadHandler(
      filename = function() {
        paste0(names$input_name, "_Fitting_parameters_", Sys.Date(), ".csv")
      content = function(file) {

        write.table(data.frame("# Exported by rxylibShiny", "\n"), file, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

        write.table(data.frame(paste("# Used formula:", deparse(plot$mod_form)), "\n"), file, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)

        write.table(data.frame("# Fitting parameters", "\n"), file, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)

        write.table(broom::tidy(plot$fit), file, sep = ",", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)

        write.table(data.frame("\n# Original values (x & y) & fitted values & residuals", "\n"), file, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)

        write.table(broom::augment(plot$fit), file, col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE, sep = ",")


    ## Download Fit as PDF -----

    output$download_Fit_plot <- downloadHandler(
      filename = function() {
        paste0(names$input_name, "_Fitting_plot_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$set_output_format)
      content = function(file) {

        ggsave(file, plot = plot$save_PDF, device = as.character(input$set_output_format), dpi = 300)


    ## create UI for setting model parameters ----

    output$model_formula <- renderUI({
      if (is.null(input$set_model_type)) { return() }
      # Depending on input$set_model_type, we'll generate a different
      # UI component and send it to the client.

           "linear" = withMathJax(helpText("$$y = a \\cdot x + y_0$$")),
           "quadratic" = withMathJax(helpText("$$y = a_0 + a_1 \\cdot x + a_2 \\cdot x^2$$")),
           "cubic" = withMathJax(helpText("$$y = a_0 + a_1 \\cdot x + a_2 \\cdot x^2 + a_3 \\cdot x^3$$")),
           "exp_dec" = withMathJax(helpText("$$y = a \\cdot \\exp\\left(-\\frac{x}{t}\\right)$$")),
           "double_exp_dec" = withMathJax(helpText("$$y = a \\cdot \\left(1 - \\exp\\left(-\\frac{x}{t}\\right)\\right)+\\exp\\left(-\\frac{x}{t}\\right)$$")),
           "gaussian" = withMathJax(helpText("$$y = a \\cdot \\exp\\left(-\\frac{4 \\cdot \\ln(2) \\cdot \\left(x-\\mu\\right)^2}{w^2}\\right)$$"))
      ) ## end switch
    }) ## end output$model_formula

    output$coef_guess_ui <- renderUI({
      if (is.null(input$set_model_type)) { return() }
      # Depending on input$set_model_type, we'll generate a different
      # UI component and send it to the client.

           "linear" = list(numericInput("a", withMathJax(helpText("$$a$$")), value = 1),
                           numericInput("y_0", withMathJax(helpText("$$y_0$$")), value = 0)),

           "quadratic" = list(numericInput("a0", withMathJax(helpText("$$a_0$$")), value = 1),
                              numericInput("a1", withMathJax(helpText("$$a_1$$")), value = 0),
                              numericInput("a2", withMathJax(helpText("$$a_2$$")), value = 0)),

           "cubic" = list(numericInput("a0", withMathJax(helpText("$$a_0$$")), value = 1),
                          numericInput("a1", withMathJax(helpText("$$a_1$$")), value = 0),
                          numericInput("a2", withMathJax(helpText("$$a_2$$")), value = 0),
                          numericInput("a3", withMathJax(helpText("$$a_3$$")), value = 0)),

           "exp_dec" = list(numericInput("a", withMathJax(helpText("$$a$$")), value = 1),
                            numericInput("t", withMathJax(helpText("$$t$$")), value = 100)),

           "double_exp_dec" = list(numericInput("a", withMathJax(helpText("$$a$$")), value = 1),
                                   numericInput("t", withMathJax(helpText("$$t$$")), value = 100)),
           "gaussian" = list(numericInput("a", withMathJax(helpText("$$a$$")), value = 1),
                             numericInput("w", withMathJax(helpText("$$w \\left(FWHM\\right)$$")), value = 1),
                             numericInput("mu", withMathJax(helpText("$$\\mu$$")), value = 0))
      ) ## end switch
    }) ## end output$coef_gues_ui

}) ## end  shinyServer
JohannesFriedrich/rxylibShiny documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:19 a.m.