
plotRAST <- function (LongLat = NULL, polygons = NULL, longrange = c(-126, -124), latrange = c(41.5, 43.5), 
    layer = c('ETOPO1_ice_surface', 'ETOPO1_bedrock', 'crm', 'socal_3as', 'socal_1as')[1], autoLayer = ifelse(missing(layer), TRUE, FALSE), URL = NULL, 
    verbose = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, landOverlay = TRUE, col.imap = "grey40", alphaRaster = 1, col.pts = "red", pch.pts = 16, 
    cex.pts = 0.25, col.poly = col.alpha((grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors = c("violet", "blue", "lightblue",
    "lightgreen", "yellow", "orange", "red")))(length(polygons)), alpha), alpha = 0.75, border.poly = NULL, 
    lwd.poly = 1.5, Fname = NULL, levels.contour = if(landOverlay) seq(-100, -2000, by = -100) else seq(-11000, 9000, by = 500),
    plot = TRUE, plot3D = FALSE, GoogleEarth = FALSE, alphaGoog = 0.5, ...) 
    if (!any(installed.packages()[, 1] %in% "devtools")) 
    if (!any(installed.packages()[, 1] %in% "JRWToolBox")) 
    # JRWToolBox::lib(rgdal)
    if (plot3D) 
    if (GoogleEarth) 

    if (is.null(LongLat)) {
        plotPoints <- FALSE
        LongLat <- c(mean(longrange), mean(latrange))
    else plotPoints = TRUE
    if (is.null(nrow(LongLat))) 
        LongLat <- as.data.frame(t(LongLat))
    Long <- as.numeric(LongLat[, 1])
    Lat <- as.numeric(LongLat[, 2])
    minLon <- longrange[1]
    maxLon <- longrange[2]
    minLat <- latrange[1]
    maxLat <- latrange[2]
    if (is.null(Fname)) {
        if(is.null(URL)) {
           if (all(Long > -162.000416666667) & all(Long < -63.9995833372533) & all(Lat > 15.9995833344534) & all(Lat < 49.0004166664667) & autoLayer) # The West Coast of the contiguous USA
               layer <- 'crm'
           if (all(Long > -123) & all(Long < -115.999999944) & all(Lat > 30.99972218222) & all(Lat < 36.99972223022) & autoLayer) # Southern California Bight with 1 arc-sec resolution
               layer <- 'socal_1as'
           ptsPerLat <- c(60, 60, 1200, 3600)[c('ETOPO1_ice_surface', 'ETOPO1_bedrock', 'crm', 'socal_1as') %in% layer]
           if(verbose & 3600/ptsPerLat != 60) cat("\n\nlayer = ", layer, " with ", 3600/ptsPerLat, "-second resolution\n\n", sep="") 
           if(verbose & 3600/ptsPerLat == 60) cat("\n\nlayer = ", layer, " with 1-minute resolution\n\n", sep="") 
           if(layer %in% c('ETOPO1_ice_surface', 'ETOPO1_bedrock')) 
              URL <- paste0("https://gis.ngdc.noaa.gov/arcgis/rest/services/DEM_mosaics/", layer, "/ImageServer/exportImage?bbox=",
              minLon, ",", minLat, ",", maxLon, ",", maxLat, "&bboxSR=4326&size=", ptsPerLat * (maxLon - minLon), ",", ptsPerLat * (maxLat - minLat), "&imageSR=4326&format=tiff&pixelType=S16&interpolation=+RSP_NearestNeighbor&compression=LZW&f=image")
           else {
             if(layer %in% c('crm', 'socal_3as', 'socal_1as')) 
                URL <- paste0("https://gis.ngdc.noaa.gov/arcgis/rest/services/DEM_mosaics/DEM_all/ImageServer/exportImage?bbox=",
                   minLon, ",", minLat, ",", maxLon, ",", maxLat, "&bboxSR=4326&size=", ptsPerLat * (maxLon - minLon), ",", ptsPerLat * (maxLat - minLat), "&imageSR=4326&format=tiff&pixelType=F32&interpolation=+RSP_NearestNeighbor&compression=", 
                   "LZW&mosaicRule={%22mosaicMethod%22:%22esriMosaicAttribute%22,%22where%22:%22name=%27", layer, "%27%22}&f=image")
                stop("Check the name of layer argument")  
        if(!quiet) cat("\n\nURL =", URL, "\n\n") 
        Fname <- "TMP.tif"
        if(quiet) {
           optUSR <- options(warn = -2)
        utils::download.file(URL, Fname, method = 'auto', mode = "wb", cacheOK = FALSE, quiet = quiet)
    # BathySmall <- raster::raster(Fname, xmn = minLon, xmx = maxLon, ymn = minLat, ymx = maxLat)
    BathySmall <- raster::raster(Fname) # Can't override limits inside of Fname
    # BathySmall.NA <- BathySmall
    raster::NAvalue(BathySmall) <- ifelse(is.na(BathySmall@data@min), 0.000001, BathySmall@data@min)
    if(plot) {
       raster::plot(BathySmall, alpha = alphaRaster)
       if (!is.null(levels.contour)) 
           raster::contour(BathySmall, maxpixels = 5e+05, add = T, levels = levels.contour, ...)
       if (landOverlay) 
           Imap::imap(list(Imap::world.h.land, Imap::world.h.borders), longrange = c(minLon, maxLon), latrange = c(minLat, maxLat), add = T, poly = col.imap, zoom = F)
       if (plotPoints) 
           points(LongLat[LongLat[, 1] >= minLon & LongLat[, 1] <= maxLon & LongLat[, 2] >= minLat & LongLat[, 2] <= maxLat, ],
                  col = col.pts, pch = pch.pts, cex = cex.pts)
       if (!is.null(polygons)) {
           col.poly <- rep(col.poly, length = length(polygons))
           for (i in 1:length(polygons)) polygon(polygons[[i]], col = col.poly[i], border = border.poly, lwd = lwd.poly)
    if (plot3D) {
            xy <- raster::xyFromCell(BathySmall, 1:ncell(BathySmall))
            BathySmall.xyz <- data.frame(xy, z = c(t(raster::as.matrix(BathySmall))))
            names(BathySmall.xyz) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude", "Elevation")
            BathySmall.xyz$Splits <- JRWToolBox::factor.f(BathySmall.xyz$Elevation, 
                  (max(BathySmall.xyz$Elevation, na.rm = T) - min(BathySmall.xyz$Elevation, na.rm = T))/254)
            colTable <- data.frame(Splits = levels(BathySmall.xyz$Splits), Color = rev(terrain.colors(255)))
            BathySmall.xyz <- JRWToolBox::match.f(BathySmall.xyz, colTable, "Splits", "Splits", "Color")
            rgl::plot3d(BathySmall.xyz, col = BathySmall.xyz$Color)
    if (GoogleEarth) {
           assign("alphaGoog", alphaGoog, pos = 1)
           plotKML::plotKML(BathySmall, colour_scale = rev(terrain.colors(255)), alpha = alphaGoog)
John-R-Wallace-NOAA/Imap documentation built on April 1, 2024, 8:31 p.m.