
lib <- function (Package, Package.Name = NULL, attach = TRUE, updateCRAN = FALSE, pos = 2, quiet = FALSE, 
         warnPackageUpdateOnly = quiet, force = FALSE, autoAddRepo = TRUE, INSTALL_opts = "", ...) {
   sourceFunctionURL <- function (URL) {
       " # For more functionality, see gitAFile() in the rgit package ( https://github.com/John-R-Wallace-NOAA/rgit ) which includes gitPush() and git() "
       if (!any(installed.packages()[, 1] %in% "httr"))  install.packages("httr") 
       File.ASCII <- tempfile()
       getTMP <- httr::GET(URL)
       write(paste(readLines(textConnection(httr::content(getTMP))), collapse = "\n"), File.ASCII)
       source(File.ASCII, local = parent.env(environment()))


   oldOpts <- options(download.file.method = "auto")  # Sometimes remotes::install_github() throws an error without this
    " # quiet = ifelse(sys.nframe() < 2, FALSE, TRUE) "
    if (autoAddRepo & options()$repos[names(options()$repos) %in% "CRAN"] %in% "@CRAN@") 
            r <- getOption("repos")
            r["CRAN"] <- "http://cran.fhcrc.org"
            options(repos = r)
    "  "
    if (!(is.character(substitute(Package)))) 
        Package <- deparse(substitute(Package))
    if (grepl("/", Package)) {
        if (any(utils::installed.packages()[, 1] %in% "remotes")) {
            if (updateCRAN) 
                update.packages("remotes", ask = FALSE)
        else install.packages("remotes", quiet = quiet)
        if (!any(utils::installed.packages()[, 1] %in% "remotes")) 
            stop(paste("CRAN remotes package is not installed; an attempt to install failed (check for internet access)"))
        if (!(is.character(substitute(Package.Name)))) 
            Package.Name <- deparse(substitute(Package.Name))
        if (Package.Name == "NULL") 
            Package.Name <- get.subs(Package, "/")[[length(get.subs(Package, "/"))]]
            on.exit(cat("\nPackage = ", Package, "; Package.Name = ", Package.Name, "\n\n", sep = ""), add = TRUE)
        if (any(utils::installed.packages()[, 1] %in% Package.Name))  
             SHA.OLD <- packageDescription(Package.Name)$RemoteSha 
        remotes::install_github(Package, quiet = quiet, force = force, INSTALL_opts = INSTALL_opts, ...)
        if (!any(utils::installed.packages()[, 1] %in% Package.Name)) 
            stop(paste0("R '", Package.Name, "' package from Github is not installed. Note that the R package name may not be the same \n            as the GitHub directory name, if so, use the Package.Name argument. Find the R package name using quiet = FALSE."))
        if(exists('SHA.OLD') && length(SHA.OLD) > 0) {
          if (packageDescription(Package.Name)$RemoteSha == SHA.OLD & !warnPackageUpdateOnly & !quiet)
              warning(paste0("R '", Package.Name, "' package's SHA number did not change, however the package was placed in position ", pos, " of the search() path."))
          if (packageDescription(Package.Name)$RemoteSha != SHA.OLD & warnPackageUpdateOnly)
              warning(paste0("R '", Package.Name, "' package was updated to the latest version"))                 
        if (attach) {
            library(Package.Name, pos = pos, character.only = TRUE)
    } else {
        if (any(utils::installed.packages()[, 1] %in% Package)) {
            if (updateCRAN) 
                update.packages(Package, ask = FALSE)
        else install.packages(Package, quiet = quiet, INSTALL_opts = INSTALL_opts, ...)
        if (!any(utils::installed.packages()[, 1] %in% Package)) 
            stop(paste("CRAN", Package, "package is not installed; an attempt to install failed (check for internet access)"))
        if (attach) 
            library(Package, pos = pos, character.only = TRUE)

John-R-Wallace-NOAA/JRWToolBox documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 1:16 a.m.