
Defines functions .get_index .correct_countries .build_height .build_cartesian3D .map_lines .r2axis3D .r2axis .set_axis_3D .set_z_axis .set_y_axis .set_x_axis .set_any_axis .get_data .get_type .get_class .build_river .build_sun .build_tree .add_outliers .build_outliers .get_outliers .build_boxplot .build_graph_category .build_graph_edges .build_graph_nodes_no_cat .build_graph_nodes_no_size .build_graph_nodes .build_sankey_edges .build_sankey_nodes .build_data_p .add_bind .add_bind2 .build_data2 .build_data_jitter .build_data_size .jitter .build_data .rm_axis .assign_axis .arrange_data_by_group .arrange_data_x

globalVariables(c("x", "e", ".", "acc", "epoch", "loss", "size", "val_acc", "val_loss"))

.arrange_data_x <- function(data, x, reorder = TRUE) {
  vect <- data[[x]]

  if (reorder) {
    if (any(c(inherits(vect, "numeric"), inherits(vect, "integer")))) {
      data <- data[order(data[[x]]), ]


.arrange_data_by_group <- function(data, x, reorder = TRUE) {
  vect <- data[[1]][[x]]

  for (i in 1:length(data)) {
    if (reorder) {
      if (any(c(inherits(vect, "numeric"), inherits(vect, "integer")))) {
        data[[i]] <- data[[i]][order(data[[i]][[x]]), ]


.assign_axis <- function(x, data) {
  x$mapping$include_x <- FALSE
  cl <- x$mapping$x_class
  if (any(c("factor", "character") %in% cl)) {
    labs <- unique(data[[x$mapping$x]])

    if (length(labs) == 1) {
      labs <- list(labs)

    x$opts$xAxis <- list(list(data = labs, type = "category", boundaryGap = TRUE))
  } else if (any(c("POSIXct", "POSIXlt", "Date") %in% cl)) {
    labs <- unique(data[[x$mapping$x]])

    if (length(labs) == 1) {
      labs <- list(labs)

    x$opts$xAxis <- list(list(data = labs, type = "time", boundaryGap = TRUE))
  } else {
    x$mapping$include_x <- TRUE
    x$opts$xAxis <- list(list(type = "value"))

.rm_axis <- function(e, rm_x, axis) {
  if (isTRUE(rm_x)) {
    axis <- .r2axis(axis)

    if (!e$x$tl) {
      e$x$opts[[axis]] <- NULL
    } else {
      e$x$opts$baseOption[[axis]] <- NULL

.build_data <- function(e, ...) {
  data <- e$x$data[[1]] |>
  # data <- data[, c(...), drop = FALSE]
  data <- unname(data)

  apply(data, 1, function(x) {
    list(value = unlist(x, use.names = FALSE))

.jitter <- function(x, factor = 0, amount = NULL) {
  jit <- tryCatch(
    jitter(x, factor, amount),
    error = function(e) e

  if (inherits(jit, "error")) {
  } else {

.build_data_size <- function(data, x, y, size, scale, symbol_size, factor = 0, amount = NULL) {
  row.names(data) <- NULL

  data[["sizeECHARTS"]] <- as.numeric(data[[size]])

  if (!is.null(scale)) {
    data[["sizeECHARTS"]] <- scale(data[["sizeECHARTS"]]) * symbol_size

  data <- data |>
    dplyr::select(x = x, y = y, size, "sizeECHARTS") |>
      x = .jitter(x, factor, amount),
      y = .jitter(y, factor, amount)

  data <- unname(data)

  apply(data, 1, function(x) {
    list(value = unlist(x, use.names = FALSE))

.build_data_jitter <- function(data, x, y, factor = 0, amount = NULL) {
  row.names(data) <- NULL

  data <- data |>
    dplyr::select(x = x, y = y) |>
      x = .jitter(x, factor, amount),
      y = .jitter(y, factor, amount)

  data <- unname(data)

  apply(data, 1, function(x) {
    list(value = unlist(x, use.names = FALSE))

.build_data2 <- function(data, ...) {
  row.names(data) <- NULL
  # data <- data |>
  #  dplyr::select(...)
  data <- data[, c(...), drop = FALSE]
  data <- unname(data)

  apply(data, 1, function(x) {
    list(value = unlist(x, use.names = FALSE))

.add_bind2 <- function(e, l, bind, col = "name", i) {
  e$x$data[[i]] |>
    dplyr::select(bind) |>
    unname() |>
    unlist() -> bind

  for (i in 1:length(l)) {
    l[[i]][[col]] <- bind[i]

.add_bind <- function(e, l, bind, col = "name") {
  e$x$data[[1]] |>
    dplyr::select(bind) |>
    unname() |>
    unlist() -> bind

  for (i in 1:length(l)) {
    l[[i]][[col]] <- bind[i]

.build_data_p <- function(data, ..., vector = FALSE, scale = NULL, symbol_size = 1) {
  data |>
    dplyr::select(...) |>
    purrr::set_names(NULL) -> data

  if (!is.null(scale)) {
    data[[4]] <- scale(data[[3]]) * symbol_size
  } else {
    data[[4]] <- data[[3]]

  if (isTRUE(vector)) {
  } else {
    apply(data, 1, function(x) {
      list(value = unlist(x, use.names = FALSE))

.build_sankey_nodes <- function(data, source, target) {
  nodes <- c(
      dplyr::select(data, source)
      dplyr::select(data, target)

  nodes <- data.frame(
    name = unique(nodes),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  apply(nodes, 1, as.list)

.build_sankey_edges <- function(data, source, target, values) {
  data |>
    dplyr::select(source, target, values) -> edges

  names(edges) <- c("source", "target", "value")

  apply(edges, 1, as.list)

.build_graph_nodes <- function(nodes, names, value, symbolSize, category, symbol, xpos, ypos) {
  row.names(nodes) <- NULL

  data <- nodes |>
      name = !!names,
      value = !!value,
      symbolSize = !!symbolSize,
      category = !!category,
      symbol = !!symbol,
      x = !!xpos,
      y = !!ypos

  apply(data, 1, as.list)

.build_graph_nodes_no_size <- function(nodes, names, value, symbol, xpos, ypos) {
  row.names(nodes) <- NULL

  data <- nodes |>
      name = !!names,
      value = !!value,
      symbol = !!symbol,
      x = !!xpos,
      y = !!ypos

  apply(data, 1, as.list)

.build_graph_nodes_no_cat <- function(nodes, names, value, symbolSize, symbol, xpos, ypos) {
  row.names(nodes) <- NULL

  data <- nodes |>
      name = !!names,
      value = !!value,
      symbolSize = !!symbolSize,
      symbol = !!symbol,
      x = !!xpos,
      y = !!ypos

  apply(data, 1, as.list)

.build_graph_edges <- function(edges, source, target, value, size, color) {
  row.names(edges) <- NULL

  if (is.null(size) && is.null(color)) {
    data <- edges |>
        source = !!source,
        target = !!target,
        value = !!value

    x <- apply(data, 1, as.list)
  if (!is.null(size) && is.null(color)) {
    data <- edges |>
        source = !!source,
        target = !!target,
        value = !!value,
        size = !!size

    x <- apply(data, 1, function(x) {
        source = unname(x["source"]),
        target = unname(x["target"]),
        value = {
          if (is.null(value)) "" else unname(x["value"])
        symbolSize = c(5, 20),
        lineStyle = list(width = unname(x["size"]))

  if (!is.null(color) && is.null(size)) {
    data <- edges |>
        source = !!source,
        target = !!target,
        value = !!value,
        color = !!color

    x <- apply(data, 1, function(x) {
        source = unname(x["source"]),
        target = unname(x["target"]),
        value = {
          if (is.null(value)) "" else unname(x["value"])
        lineStyle = list(color = unname(x["color"]))

  if (!is.null(size) && !is.null(color)) {
    data <- edges |>
        source = !!source,
        target = !!target,
        value = !!value,
        size = !!size,
        color = !!color

    x <- apply(data, 1, function(x) {
        source = unname(x["source"]),
        target = unname(x["target"]),
        value = {
          if (is.null(value)) "" else unname(x["value"])
        symbolSize = c(5, 20),
        lineStyle = list(
          width = unname(x["size"]),
          color = unname(x["color"])


.build_graph_category <- function(nodes, cat) {
  nodes |>
      name = !!cat
    ) |>
    unique() -> data

  apply(data, 1, as.list) -> x
  names(x) <- NULL

.build_boxplot <- function(e, serie, i) {
  x <- .get_data(e, serie, i)


.get_outliers <- function(e, serie, i) {
  x <- .get_data(e, serie, i)


.build_outliers <- function(e, out) {
  x <- length(e$x$opts$series[[1]]$data) - 1
  x <- rep(x, length(out))
  matrix <- cbind(x, out)
  apply(unname(matrix), 1, as.list)

.add_outliers <- function(e, serie, i) {
  outliers <- .get_outliers(e, serie, i)
  outliers <- .build_outliers(e, outliers)

  scatter <- list(
    type = "scatter",
    data = outliers

  if (length(e$x$opts$series) == 2) {
    e$x$opts$series[[2]]$data <- append(e$x$opts$series[[2]]$data, outliers)
  } else {
    e$x$opts$series <- append(e$x$opts$series, list(scatter))


.build_tree <- function(e, ...) {
  jsonl <- e$x$data[[1]] # in case user's data is already in json-list format
  if ("data.frame" %in% class(jsonl)) {
    jsonl <- jsonlite::toJSON(jsonl, auto_unbox = TRUE, pretty = FALSE) # convert nested tibble to JSON
    jsonl <- jsonlite::fromJSON(jsonl, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE) # JSON to json-list
  if (!jsonlite::validate(jsonlite::toJSON(jsonl))) {
    stop("invalid input data", call. = FALSE)


#' Adding styles to hierarchical data by item names or levels
#' @author helgasoft.com
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @param styles Style lists, expects a \code{vector}, defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param names Names of items to style, expects a \code{list}, defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param levels Hierarchical levels to style, expects a \code{list}, defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @return updated hierarchy in json list format
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
.build_sun <- function(e, styles = NULL, names = NULL, levels = NULL) {
  #' recursive json-list traversal, append style on matching level and/or name
  recu <- function(chld, level) {
    if (!is.null(levels)) {
      idLevel <- unlist(lapply(
        function(x, i) {
          if (level %in% x[[i]]) i
        x = levels
    if (!is.null(names)) {
      idName <- unlist(lapply(
        function(x, i) {
          if (chld$name %in% x[[i]]) i
        x = names
    id <- if (length(idName) > 0) idName else idLevel # name supersedes level
    if (length(id) > 0) {
      chld$itemStyle <- styles[id]
    if (!is.null(chld$children)) {
      chld$children <- lapply(
        function(x) recu(x, level + 1)
      level <- level - 1

  jsonl <- e$x$data[[1]] # in case user's data is already in json-list format
  if ("data.frame" %in% class(jsonl)) {
    jsonl <- jsonlite::toJSON(jsonl, auto_unbox = TRUE, pretty = FALSE) # convert nested tibble to JSON
    jsonl <- jsonlite::fromJSON(jsonl, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE) # JSON to json-list
  if (!jsonlite::validate(jsonlite::toJSON(jsonl))) {
    stop("invalid input data", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(styles)) {
    jsonl <- lapply(jsonl, function(x) recu(x, level = 1))
  } # recursively add styles

.build_river <- function(e, serie, label, i) {
  x <- .get_data(e, e$x$mapping$x, i)
  label <- rep(label, length(x))

  e$x$data[[i]] |>
    dplyr::select(serie) -> data

  data <- cbind(x, data, label)
  row.names(data) <- NULL

  apply(unname(data), 1, as.list)

.get_class <- function(e, serie) {
  class(.get_data(e, serie))

.get_type <- function(e, serie) {
  cl <- .get_class(e, serie)

  if (any(c("character", "factor") %in% cl)) {
  } else if (any(c("POSIXct", "POSIXlt", "Date") %in% cl)) {
  } else {

.get_data <- function(e, serie, i = 1) {
  data <- e$x$data[[i]] |>
    dplyr::select(serie) |>


.set_any_axis <- function(e, serie, index, axis = "x", i = 1) {
  raxis <- .r2axis(axis)

  update <- length(e$x$opts[[raxis]]) - 1 < index || length(e$x$opts$baseOption[[raxis]]) - 1 < index

  if (update) {
    type <- .get_type(e, serie)

    ax <- list(type = type)

    if (type != "value") {
      axis_data <- .get_data(e, serie, i)

      if (length(axis_data) == 1) {
        axis_data <- list(axis_data)

      ax$data <- axis_data

    if (!e$x$tl) {
      e$x$opts[[raxis]][[index + 1]] <- ax
    } else {
      e$x$opts$baseOption[[raxis]][[index + 1]] <- ax


.set_x_axis <- function(e, x_index, i) {
  .set_any_axis(e, e$x$mapping$x, x_index, axis = "x", i)

.set_y_axis <- function(e, serie, y.index, i) {
  .set_any_axis(e, serie, y.index, axis = "y", i)

.set_z_axis <- function(e, serie, z.index, i) {
  .set_any_axis(e, serie, z.index, axis = "z", i)

.set_axis_3D <- function(e, axis, serie, index) {
  ax <- .r2axis3D(axis)

  if (length(e$x$opts[[ax]]) - 1 < index) {
    type <- .get_type(e, serie)

    axis <- list(type = type)

    if (type != "value") {
      axis$data <- purrr::map(e$x$data, serie) |>
        unlist() |>

    if (!e$x$tl) {
      e$x$opts[[ax]][[index + 1]] <- axis
    } else {
      e$x$opts$baseOption[[ax]][[index + 1]] <- axis

.r2axis <- function(axis) {
  paste0(axis, "Axis")

.r2axis3D <- function(axis) {
  paste0(axis, "Axis3D")

.map_lines <- function(e, source.lon, source.lat, target.lon, target.lat, source.name, target.name, value, i) {
  data <- e$x$data[[i]] |>
    ) |>
    apply(1, function(x) {
      x <- unname(x)
        coords = list(
          c(x[1], x[2]),
          c(x[3], x[4])
  if (!is.null(source.name)) {
    data <- .add_bind2(e, data, source.name, col = "source_name", i)
  if (!is.null(target.name)) {
    data <- .add_bind2(e, data, target.name, col = "target_name", i)
  if (!is.null(value)) {
    data <- .add_bind2(e, data, value, col = "value", i)

.build_cartesian3D <- function(e, ..., i = 1) {
  e$x$data[[i]] |>
    ) |>
    unname() -> df

  apply(df, 1, function(x) {
    list(value = x)

.build_height <- function(e, serie, color, j) {
  # data <- .build_data(e, e$x$mapping$x, serie, names = c("name", "height"))
  e$x$data[[j]] |>
      name = e$x$mapping$x,
      height = serie
    ) -> data

  names(data) <- c("name", "height")

  apply(data, 1, as.list) -> l

  if (!missing(color)) {
    color <- .get_data(e, color)

    for (i in 1:length(l)) {
      is <- list(
        color = color[i]
      l[[i]]$itemStyle <- is

.correct_countries <- function(x) {
    "United States of America" = "United States",
    "Viet Nam" = "Vietnam",
    "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" = "United Kingdom",
    "Republic of Korea" = "Korea",
    "Russian Federation" = "Russia",
    "Congo - Kinshasa" = "Dem. Rep. Congo",
    "Congo - Brazzaville" = "Congo",
    "Central African Republic" = "Central African Rep.",
    "South Sudan" = "S. Sudan",
    "North Korea" = "Dem. Rep. Korea",
    "South Korea" = "Korea",
    "Western Sahara" = "W. Sahara",
    "Myanmar (Burma)" = "Myanmar",
    "Laos" = "Lao PDR",
    "C\\u00f4te d\\u2019Ivoire" = "C\\u00f4te d\\'Ivoire",
    "Czechia" = "Czech Rep.",
    "Equatorial Guinea" = "Eq. Guinea",
    "Eswatini" = "Swaziland",
    "Falkland Islands" = "Falkland Is.",
    "South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands" = "S. Geo. and S. Sandw. Is.",
    "French Southern Territories" = "Fr. S. Antarctic Lands",
    "British Indian Ocean Territory" = "Br. Indian Ocean Ter.",
    "Solomon Islands" = "Solomon Is.",
    "Dominican Republic" = "Dominican Rep.",
    "Bosnia & Herzegovina" = "Bosnia and Herz.",
    "North Macedonia" = "Macedonia",
    "Heard & McDonald Islands" = "Heard I. and McDonald Is.",
    "Micronesia (Federated States of)" = "Micronesia",
    "Trinidad & Tobago" = "Trinidad and Tobago",
    "St. Vincent & Grenadines" = "St. Vin. and Gren.",
    "St. Lucia" = "Saint Lucia",
    "Antigua & Barbuda" = "Antigua",
    "U.S. Virgin Islands" = "U.S. Virgin Is.",
    "Faroe Islands" = "Faeroe Is.",
    "\\u00c5lland Islands" = "Aland"

.get_index <- function(e, serie) {
  series <- if (e$x$tl) names(e$x$data) else purrr::map(e$x$opts$series, "name") |> unlist()
  purrr::map(serie, ~ which(series == .)) |>
    unlist() |>

.add_indicators <- function(e, r.index, max, radar = list()) {
  if (!length(e$x$opts$radar)) {
    e$x$opts$radar <- list(list())

  x <- .get_data(e, e$x$mapping$x)

  indicators <- data.frame(
    name = x,
    max = rep(max, length(x))

  indicators <- apply(indicators, 1, as.list)

  e$x$opts$radar[[r.index + 1]] <- radar
  e$x$opts$radar[[r.index + 1]]$indicator <- indicators

.name_it <- function(e, serie, name, i) {
  if (is.null(name)) { # defaults to column name
    if (!is.null(names(e$x$data)[i])) {
      nm <- names(e$x$data)[i]
    } else {
      nm <- serie
  } else {
    nm <- name


.list_depth <- function(this, thisdepth = 0) {
  if (!is.list(this)) {
  } else {
    return(max(unlist(lapply(this, .list_depth, thisdepth = thisdepth + 1))))

.e_graphic_elem <- function(e, elem, ...) {
  if (!e$x$tl) {
    if (length(e$x$opts$graphic) == 0) {
      e$x$opts$graphic <- list(...)
  } else if (length(e$x$opts$baseOption$graphic) == 0) {
    e$x$opts$baseOption$graphic <- list(...)

  opts <- list(type = elem, ...)

  if (!e$x$tl) {
    e$x$opts$graphic <- append(e$x$opts$graphic, opts)
  } else {
    e$x$opts$baseOption$graphic <- append(e$x$opts$baseOption$graphic, opts)


.get_locale <- function() {

#' Determines the extremum of a vector
#' If the vector contains only 1 element, then one of the extremum is set to 0.
#' @author Wei Su
#' @param rng Numeric vector.
#' @return A list contains maximum and minimum value.
#' @noRd
.get_validate_range <- function(rng) {
  max <- max(rng, na.rm = TRUE)
  min <- min(rng, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (!(max > min)) {
    if (rng[1] >= 0) {
      max <- rng[1]
      min <- 0
    } else {
      max <- 0
      min <- rng[1]
  return(list(max = max, min = min))

check_installed <- function(pkg) {
  has_it <- base::requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE)

  if (!has_it) {
    stop(sprintf("This function requires the package {%s}", pkg), call. = FALSE)
JohnCoene/echarts4 documentation built on June 14, 2024, 7:56 a.m.