entropy: Percentage of maximum entropy

View source: R/riboseq_features.R

entropyR Documentation

Percentage of maximum entropy


Calculates percentage of maximum entropy of the 'reads' coverage over each ORF in 'grl' group. The entropy value per group is a real number in the interval (0:1), where 0 indicates no variance in reads over all codons of group For example c(0,0,0,0) has 0 entropy, since no reads overlap.
Interval: [0]: No reads or all reads in 1 place
Interval: [0.01-0.99]: >= 2 positions covered
Interval: [1]: all positions covered perfectly in frame


entropy(grl, reads, weight = 1L, is.sorted = FALSE, overlapGrl = NULL)



a GRangesList object can be either transcripts, 5' utrs, cds', 3' utrs or ORFs as a special case (uORFs, potential new cds' etc). If regions are not spliced you can send a GRanges object.


a GAlignments, GRanges or GRangesList object, usually of RiboSeq, RnaSeq, CageSeq, etc.


a numeric/integer vector or metacolumn name. (default: 1L, no differential weighting). If weight is name of defined meta column in reads object, it gives the number of times a read was found at that position. GRanges("chr1", 1, "+", score = 5), would mean "score" column tells that this alignment region was found 5 times. if 1L it means each read is weighted equal as 1, this is what among others countOverlaps() presumes, if single number (!= 1), it repeats for all ranges, if vector with length > 1, it must be equal size of the reads object.


logical (FALSE), is grl sorted. That is + strand groups in increasing ranges (1,2,3), and - strand groups in decreasing ranges (3,2,1)


an integer, (default: NULL), if defined must be countOverlaps(grl, RFP), added for speed if you already have it.


A numeric vector containing one entropy value per element in 'grl'

See Also

Other features: computeFeatures(), computeFeaturesCage(), countOverlapsW(), disengagementScore(), distToCds(), distToTSS(), floss(), fpkm(), fpkm_calc(), fractionLength(), initiationScore(), insideOutsideORF(), isInFrame(), isOverlapping(), kozakSequenceScore(), orfScore(), rankOrder(), ribosomeReleaseScore(), ribosomeStallingScore(), startRegion(), startRegionCoverage(), stopRegion(), subsetCoverage(), translationalEff()


# a toy example with ribo-seq p-shifted reads
ORF <- GRangesList(tx1 = GRanges("1", IRanges(1, width = 9), "+"))
entropy(ORF, GRanges()) # 0
entropy(ORF, GRanges("1", IRanges(c(1)), "+")) # 0
entropy(ORF, GRanges("1", IRanges(c(1,4,6,7)), "+")) # 0.94
entropy(ORF, GRanges("1", IRanges(c(1,4,7)), "+", score = c(1,2,1)),
        weight = "score") # 0.94
entropy(ORF, GRanges("1", IRanges(c(1,4,7)), "+")) # Perfect = 1

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