insideOutsideORF: Inside/Outside score (IO)

insideOutsideORFR Documentation

Inside/Outside score (IO)


Inside/Outside score is defined as

(reads over ORF)/(reads outside ORF and within transcript)

A pseudo-count of one is added to both the ORF and outside sums.


  ds = NULL,
  RFP.sorted = FALSE,
  weight = 1L,
  overlapGrl = NULL



a GRangesList object with usually either leaders, cds', 3' utrs or ORFs.


RiboSeq reads as GAlignments, GRanges or GRangesList object


If it is TxDb object transcripts will be extracted using exonsBy(Gtf, by = "tx", use.names = TRUE). Else it must be GRangesList


numeric vector (NULL), disengagement score. If you have already calculated disengagementScore, input here to save time.


logical (FALSE), an optimizer, have you ran this line: RFP <- sort(RFP[countOverlaps(RFP, tx, type = "within") > 0]) Normally not touched, for internal optimization purposes.


a numeric/integer vector or metacolumn name. (default: 1L, no differential weighting). If weight is name of defined meta column in reads object, it gives the number of times a read was found at that position. GRanges("chr1", 1, "+", score = 5), would mean "score" column tells that this alignment region was found 5 times. if 1L it means each read is weighted equal as 1, this is what among others countOverlaps() presumes, if single number (!= 1), it repeats for all ranges, if vector with length > 1, it must be equal size of the reads object.


an integer, (default: NULL), if defined must be countOverlaps(grl, RFP), added for speed if you already have it


a named vector of numeric values of scores


doi: 10.1242/dev.098345

See Also

Other features: computeFeatures(), computeFeaturesCage(), countOverlapsW(), disengagementScore(), distToCds(), distToTSS(), entropy(), floss(), fpkm(), fpkm_calc(), fractionLength(), initiationScore(), isInFrame(), isOverlapping(), kozakSequenceScore(), orfScore(), rankOrder(), ribosomeReleaseScore(), ribosomeStallingScore(), startRegion(), startRegionCoverage(), stopRegion(), subsetCoverage(), translationalEff()


# Check inside outside score of a ORF within a transcript
ORF <- GRanges("1",
               ranges = IRanges(start = c(20, 30, 40),
                                  end = c(25, 35, 45)),
               strand = "+")

grl <- GRangesList(tx1_1 = ORF)

tx1 <- GRanges(seqnames = "1",
               ranges = IRanges(start = c(1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50),
                                end = c(5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 200)),
               strand = "+")
tx <- GRangesList(tx1 = tx1)
RFP <- GRanges(seqnames = "1",
                  ranges = IRanges(start = c(1, 4, 30, 60, 80, 90),
                                   end = c(30, 33, 63, 90, 110, 120)),
                  strand = "+")

insideOutsideORF(grl, RFP, tx)

JokingHero/ORFik documentation built on Feb. 19, 2025, 11:33 a.m.