mergeLibs: Merge and save libraries of experiment

View source: R/experiment.R

mergeLibsR Documentation

Merge and save libraries of experiment


Aggregate count of reads (from the "score" column) by making a merged library. Only allowed for .ofst files!


  out_dir = file.path(libFolder(df), "ofst_merged"),
  mode = "all",
  type = "ofst",
  keep_all_scores = TRUE,
  paths = filepath(df, type),
  lib_names_full = bamVarName(df, skip.libtype = FALSE),
  max_splits = 20



an ORFik experiment


Ouput directory, default file.path(dirname(df$filepath[1]), "ofst_merged"), saved as "all.ofst" in this folder if mode is "all". Use a folder called pshifted_merged, for default Ribo-seq ofst files.


character, default "all". Merge all or "rep" for collapsing replicates only, or "lib" for collapsing all per library type.


a character(default: "default"), load files in experiment or some precomputed variant, like "ofst" or "pshifted". These are made with ORFik:::convertLibs(), shiftFootprintsByExperiment(), etc. Can also be custom user made folders inside the experiments bam folder. It acts in a recursive manner with priority: If you state "pshifted", but it does not exist, it checks "ofst". If no .ofst files, it uses "default", which always must exists.
Presets are (folder is relative to default lib folder, some types fall back to other formats if folder does not exist):
- "default": load the original files for experiment, usually bam.
- "ofst": loads ofst files from the ofst folder, relative to lib folder (falls back to default)
- "pshifted": loads ofst, wig or bigwig from pshifted folder (falls back to ofst, then default)
- "cov": Load covRle objects from cov_RLE folder (fail if not found)
- "covl": Load covRleList objects, from cov_RLE_List folder (fail if not found)
- "bed": Load bed files, from bed folder (falls back to default)
- Other formats must be loaded directly with fimport


logical, default TRUE, keep all library scores in the merged file. These score columns are named the libraries full name from bamVarName(df).


character vector, the filpaths to use, default filepath(df, type). Change type argument if not correct. If that is not enough, then you can also update this argument. But be careful about using this directly.


character vector, default: bamVarName(df, skip.libtype = FALSE). Name to assign to single libraries inside merged file, only kept if mode != "all"


integer, default 20. If number of rows to merge > 2^31, how many times can you allow split merging to try to "rescue" the merging process?


NULL, files saved to disc. A data.table with a score column that now contains the sum of scores per merge setting.


df2 <- ORFik.template.experiment()
df2 <- df2[df2$libtype == "RFP",]
# Merge all
#mergeLibs(df2, tempdir(), mode = "all", type = "default")
# Read as GRanges with mcols
#fimport(file.path(tempdir(), "all.ofst"))
# Read as direct fst data.table
#read_fst(file.path(tempdir(), "all.ofst"))
# Collapse replicates
#mergeLibs(df2, tempdir(), mode = "rep", type = "default")
# Collapse by lib types
#mergeLibs(df2, tempdir(), mode = "lib", type = "default")

JokingHero/ORFik documentation built on Feb. 19, 2025, 11:33 a.m.