Defines functions .getValues.LDA print.LDA is.LDA LDA

Documented in is.LDA LDA

#' @title LDA Object
#' @description Constructor for LDA objects used in this package.
#' @details
#' The functions \code{LDA} and \code{as.LDA} do exactly the same. If you call
#' \code{LDA} on an object \code{x} which already is of the structure of an
#' \code{LDA} object (in particular a \code{LDA} object itself),
#' the additional arguments \code{param, assignments, ...}
#' may be used to override the specific elements.
#' @family constructor functions
#' @family LDA functions
#' @param x [\code{named list}]\cr
#' Output from \code{\link[lda]{lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler}}. Alternatively each
#' element can be passed for individual results. Individually set elements
#' overwrite elements from \code{x}.
#' @param param [\code{named list}]\cr
#' Parameters of the function call \code{\link[lda]{lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler}}.
#' List always should contain names "K", "alpha", "eta" and "num.iterations".
#' @param assignments Individual element for LDA object.
#' @param topics Individual element for LDA object.
#' @param document_sums Individual element for LDA object.
#' @param document_expects Individual element for LDA object.
#' @param log.likelihoods Individual element for LDA object.
#' @param obj [\code{R} object]\cr
#' Object to test.
#' @param verbose [\code{logical(1)}]\cr
#' Should test information be given in the console?
#' @return [\code{named list}] LDA object.
#' @examples
#' res = LDARep(docs = reuters_docs, vocab = reuters_vocab, n = 1, K = 10)
#' lda = getLDA(res)
#' LDA(lda)
#' # does not change anything
#' LDA(lda, assignments = NULL)
#' # creates a new LDA object without the assignments element
#' LDA(param = getParam(lda), topics = getTopics(lda))
#' # creates a new LDA object with elements param and topics
#' @export LDA

LDA = function(x, param, assignments, topics, document_sums, document_expects,

  if (!missing(x)){
    if (missing(param) && hasName(x, "param")) param = x$param
    if (missing(assignments)) assignments = x$assignments
    if (missing(topics)) topics = x$topics
    if (missing(document_sums)) document_sums = x$document_sums
    if (missing(document_expects)) document_expects = x$document_expects
    if (missing(log.likelihoods)) log.likelihoods = x$log.likelihoods
    if (missing(assignments)) assignments = NULL
    if (missing(topics)) topics = NULL
    if (missing(document_sums)) document_sums = NULL
    if (missing(document_expects)) document_expects = NULL
    if (missing(log.likelihoods)) log.likelihoods = NULL
  if (missing(param)){
    param = list(K = NA_integer_, alpha = NA_real_, eta = NA_real_, num.iterations = NA_integer_)
  assert_list(param, names = "named")
  assert_subset(c("K", "alpha", "eta", "num.iterations"), names(param))
  assert_list(assignments, null.ok = TRUE, types = "integerish")
  assert_matrix(topics, null.ok = TRUE,
                mode = "integerish", any.missing = FALSE, col.names = "unique",
                row.names = "unnamed", min.cols = 2, min.rows = 2)
  assert_integerish(topics, null.ok = TRUE, lower = 0)
  assert_matrix(document_sums, null.ok = TRUE,
                mode = "integerish", any.missing = FALSE, col.names = "unnamed",
                row.names = "unnamed", min.cols = 2, min.rows = 2)
  assert_integerish(document_sums, null.ok = TRUE, lower = 0)
  assert_matrix(document_expects, null.ok = TRUE,
                mode = "integerish", any.missing = FALSE, col.names = "unnamed",
                row.names = "unnamed", min.cols = 2, min.rows = 2)
  assert_integerish(document_expects, null.ok = TRUE, lower = 0)
  assert_matrix(log.likelihoods, null.ok = TRUE,
                mode = "numeric", any.missing = FALSE, col.names = "unnamed",
                row.names = "unnamed", min.cols = 2, nrows = 2)
  assert_numeric(log.likelihoods, null.ok = TRUE, upper = 0)

  res = list(
    param = param,
    assignments = assignments,
    topics = topics,
    document_sums = document_sums,
    document_expects = document_expects,
    log.likelihoods = log.likelihoods)
  class(res) = "LDA"

#' @rdname LDA
#' @export
as.LDA = LDA

#' @rdname LDA
#' @export
is.LDA = function(obj, verbose = FALSE){

  if (!inherits(obj, "LDA")){
    if (verbose) message("object is not of class \"LDA\"")

  if (!is.list(obj)){
    if (verbose) message("object is not a list")

  emptyLDA = LDA(param = .getDefaultParameters(1))
  if (length(setdiff(names(obj), names(emptyLDA))) != 0  ||
      length(intersect(names(obj), names(emptyLDA))) != 6){
    if (verbose) message("object does not contain exactly the list elements of an \"LDA\" object")

  if (verbose) message("param: ", appendLF = FALSE)
  param = getParam(obj)
  if (!is.list(param)){
    if (verbose) message("not a list")
  if (any(!(names(getParam(emptyLDA)) %in% names(param)))){
    if (verbose) message("not all standard parameters are specified")
  if (verbose) message("checked")

  NTopic = getK(obj)

  if (verbose) message("assignments: ", appendLF = FALSE)
  assignments = getAssignments(obj)
  if (!is.null(assignments)){
    if (!is.list(assignments)){
      if (verbose) message("not a list")
    NDocs = lengths(assignments)
    if (!is.na(NTopic) && NTopic != max(unlist(assignments)) + 1){
      warning("Check Assignments. Maximum of Assignments do not correspond to Number of Topics.")
    if (!all(sapply(assignments, is.integer))){
      if (verbose) message("list elements are not all integerish")
  if (verbose) message("checked")

  if (verbose) message("topics: ", appendLF = FALSE)
  topics = getTopics(obj)
  if (!is.null(topics)){
    if (!is.matrix(topics)){
      if (verbose) message("not a matrix")
    if (!is.na(NTopic)){
      if (NTopic != nrow(topics)){
        if (verbose) message("number of topics is not consistent")
      NTopic = nrow(topics)
      if (!is.null(assignments)){
        if (NTopic != max(unlist(assignments)) + 1){
          warning("Check Assignments. Maximum of Assignments do not correspond to Number of Topics.")
    if (!is.integer(topics)){
      if (verbose) message("matrix is not integerish")
  if (verbose) message("checked")

  if (verbose) message("document_sums: ", appendLF = FALSE)
  document_sums = getDocument_sums(obj)
  if (!is.null(document_sums)){
    if (!is.matrix(document_sums)){
      if (verbose) message("not a matrix")
    if (NTopic != nrow(document_sums)){
      if (verbose) message("number of topics is not consistent")
    if (exists("NDocs")){
      if (length(NDocs) != ncol(document_sums)){
        if (verbose) message("number of documents is not consistent")
      if (any(NDocs != colSums(document_sums))){
        if (verbose) message("lengths of documents is not consistent")
      NDocs = colSums(document_sums)
    if (!all(sapply(document_sums, is.integer))){
      if (verbose) message("list elements are not all integerish")
  if (verbose) message("checked")

  if (verbose) message("document_expects: ", appendLF = FALSE)
  document_expects = getDocument_expects(obj)
  if (!is.null(document_expects)){
    if (!is.matrix(document_expects)){
      if (verbose) message("not a matrix")
    if (NTopic != nrow(document_expects)){
      if (verbose) message("number of topics is not consistent")
    if (exists("NDocs")){
      if (length(NDocs) != ncol(document_expects)){
        if (verbose) message("number of documents is not consistent")
      if (any(colSums(document_expects) %% NDocs > 0)){
        if (verbose) message("lengths of documents is not consistent")
    if (!all(sapply(document_expects, is.integer))){
      if (verbose) message("list elements are not all integerish")
  if (verbose) message("checked")

  if (verbose) message("log.likelihoods: ", appendLF = FALSE)
  log.likelihoods = getLog.likelihoods(obj)
  if (!is.null(log.likelihoods)){
    if (!is.matrix(log.likelihoods)){
      if (verbose) message("not a matrix")
    if (nrow(log.likelihoods) != 2){
      if (verbose) message("not two rows")
    if (ncol(log.likelihoods) != getNum.iterations(obj)){
      if (verbose) message("number of columns does not equal num.iterations")
    if (!is.numeric(log.likelihoods)){
      if (verbose) message("not numeric")
  if (verbose) message("checked")


#' @export
print.LDA = function(x, ...){
  val = .getValues.LDA(x)
  elements = paste0("\"", names(which(!sapply(x, is.null))), "\"")
    "LDA Object with element(s)\n",
    paste0(elements, collapse = ", "), "\n ",
    val[1], " Texts with mean length of ", round(val[2], 2), " Tokens\n ",
    val[3], " different Words\n ",
    paste0(paste0(names(getParam(x)), ": ", round(unlist(getParam(x)), 4)), collapse = ", "),
    "\n\n", sep = ""

.getValues.LDA = function(x){
  NDoc = NA
  meanDocLength = NA
  NWord = NA
  if (!is.null(x$assignments)){
    NDocs = lengths(x$assignments)
    NDoc = length(NDocs)
    meanDocLength = mean(NDocs)
    if (!is.null(x$document_sums)){
      NDocs = colSums(x$document_sums)
      NDoc = length(NDocs)
      meanDocLength = mean(NDocs)
      if (!is.null(x$document_expects)){
        NDoc = ncol(x$document_expects)
  if (!is.null(x$topics)){
    NWord = ncol(x$topics)
  return(c(NDoc = NDoc, meanDocLength = meanDocLength, NWord = NWord))
JonasRieger/ldaPrototype documentation built on Feb. 5, 2023, 6:45 p.m.