
Defines functions GibbsNormalGAU

Documented in GibbsNormalGAU

#' LGP
#' This code implements a standard Gibbs sampler for normal data using a mixed effects model
#' @param B The number of iterations of the Gibbs sampler
#' @param X An nxp matrix of covariates.
#' @param G An nxr matrix of basis functions.
#' @param Z An n dimensional vector data.
#' @param betas2 An optional argument to define the initialized value for the fixed effects.
#' @param etas2 An optional argument to define the initialized value for the correlated random effects.
#' @param xi An optional argument to define the initialized value for the uncorrelated random effects.
#' @param taus2 An optional argument to define the initialized value for the variance of the data.
#' @param Hphib2 An optional argument to define the initialized value for the covariance of the random effects.
#' @param sig2xi An optional argument to define the initialized value for the variance of the random effects.
#' @param printevery Option to print the iteration number of the MCMC.
#' @import actuar MfUSampler stats coda MASS progress Matrix LearnBayes
#' @return ans A list of updated parameter values.
#' @examples
#'#load the necessary packages
#'#define a test function
#'#A non-linear test function
#'lambda <- function(t) exp(1.1 + sin(2*pi*t))
#'#define some 1-d locations
#'points = seq(0,1,length.out=1001)
#'m = dim(as.matrix(points))[1]
#'#get the true mean at these locations
#'for (j in 1:length(points)){
#'  truemean[j,1] = lambda(points[j])
#'#simulate the data
#'data = matrix(0,m,1)
#'for (i in 1:m){
#'  data[i] = rnorm(1,truemean[i],1)
#'#plot the data
#'plot(data,xlab="time",ylab="Poisson counts",main="Response vs. time")
#'#covariate intercept-only
#'X = matrix(1,m,1)
#'p <- dim(X)[2]
#'##compute the basis function matrix
#'#compute thin-plate splines
#'r = 8
#'knots = seq(0,1,length.out=r)
#'#orthogonalize G
#'G = THINSp(as.matrix(points,m,1),as.matrix(knots,r,1))
#'#orthogonalize X
#'#Run the MCMC algorithm
#'#trace plots (without burnin)
#'#estimates (remove a burnin)
#'f_est = apply(X%*%output$betas[,1000:2000]+G%*%output$etas[,1000:2000],1,mean)
#'f_lower= apply(X%*%output$betas[,1000:2000]+G%*%output$etas[,1000:2000],1,quantile,0.025)
#'f_upper= apply(X%*%output$betas[,1000:2000]+G%*%output$etas[,1000:2000],1,quantile,0.975)
#'#plot estimates and truth
#'plot(1:m,truemean,ylim = c(0,max(f_upper)+1))
#' @export
GibbsNormalGAU<-function(B,X,G,Z,etas2=NA,betas2=NA,xi=NA,taus2=NA,Hphib2=NA,sig2xi=NA,sig2beta2=NA,printevery = 100){

p = dim(X)[2]
r = dim(G)[2]
n = length(Z)

if (is.na(betas2[1])==1){
storeit= 1
betas2 = mvrnorm(1, matrix(0,p,1), diag(p), tol = 1e-3)
etas2 = mvrnorm(1, matrix(0,r,1), diag(r), tol = 1e-3)
xi= mvrnorm(1, matrix(0,n,1), diag(n), tol = 1e-3)
taus2 = 1/rgamma(1,1)
Hphib2 = (1/rgamma(1,1))*diag(r)

betas3 = betas2
etas3= etas2
xi3 = xi
Hphib3 = Hphib2[1,1]
sig2xi3= sig2xi
sig2beta3 = sig2beta2

  #Gibbs Sampling
  for (i in 2:B){

    #update betas
    BetAcovar<-solve((1/taus2)*t(X)%*%X + (1/sig2beta2)*diag(p))
    betas2=mvrnorm(1, BetAmean, BetAcovar, tol = 1e-3)

betas3 = cbind(betas3,betas2)

    #update etas
    BetAcovar<-solve((1/taus2)*t(G)%*%G + solve(Hphib2))
    etas2=mvrnorm(1, BetAmean, BetAcovar, tol = 1e-3)

etas3 = cbind(etas3,etas2)

    #update xi
    BetAcovar<-1/((1/taus2) + 1/sig2xi)

xi3 = cbind(xi3 ,xi)

    #update sig2xi
    alphaTau =1+n/2
    betaTau = 1 + 0.5*(t(xi)%*%(xi))

sig2xi3= cbind(sig2xi3 ,sig2xi)

    #update taus
    alphaTau =1+n/2
    betaTau = 1 + 0.5*(t(Z-X%*%betas2-G%*%etas2-xi)%*%(Z-X%*%betas2-G%*%etas2-xi))

taus3= cbind(taus3,taus2)

    #update sigma2s
    alphaTau =1+r/2
    betaTau = 1 + 0.5*(t(etas2)%*%(etas2))

Hphib3= cbind(Hphib3,sigtemp2)

    alphaTau =1+p/2
    betaTau = 1 + 0.5*(t(betas2)%*%(betas2))
sig2beta3 = cbind(sig2beta3 ,sigtemp2)

if (i%%printevery==0){
print(c("Iteration Number:", i))



names(ans) <- c("betas","etas","xis","sig2eps","sig2eta","sig2xi","sig2beta")

JonathanBradley28/CM documentation built on July 8, 2021, 9:59 a.m.