
Defines functions climPCA

Documented in climPCA

#' Reduce dimensionality of climate predictors via Principal Component Analysis
#' Function to extract the first n principal components explaining a predefined total amount of variance among climatic variables.
#' These components can subsequently be used as synthetic climatic variables to reduce dimensionality in climate-analogue methods.
#' @usage   climPCA(climp, climf, trans = function(x) log(x), cen = TRUE, sc = TRUE, th = 0.8)
#' @param climp \code{raster.stack} with one layer for each climatic variable with the values for present or baseline conditions.
#' @param climf \code{raster.stack} with one layer for each climatic variable with the values for future conditions.
#' @param trans \code{function} specifying the type of transformation to be applied prior to the PCA.
#' Specify NA where no transformation is required (default log(x)).
#' @param cen \code{logical} should the variables be centered prior to the PCA? (default TRUE).
#' @param sc \code{logical} should the variables be scaled prior to the PCA? (default TRUE).
#' @param th \code{numeric} threshold giving the minimum amount of total variance that should be explained by the principal components extracted.
#' @return a \code{list} containing (i) the output from the PCA (call to 'prcomp'), and
#' (ii) a table with the present/future cell values for the principal components accounting
#' for the specified percentage of total variance (th).
#' @seealso{\code{\link{dVoCC}}, \code{\link{climPlot}}}
#' @import data.table
#' @export
#' @author Jorge Garcia Molinos
#' @examples
#' comp <- climPCA(JapTC[[c(1,3,5)]], JapTC[[c(2,4,6)]], trans = NA, cen = TRUE, sc = TRUE, th = 0.85)
#' summary(comp[[1]]) # first two components explain >90% of variance
#' # Create a data frame with the necessary variables in the required order (see climAna? for details)
#' clim <- comp[[2]][,c(2,4,3,5,1)]
#' clim[,c("x","y")] <- xyFromCell(JapTC[[1]], clim$cid)
#' @rdname climPCA

climPCA <-  function(climp, climf, trans = function(x) log(x), cen = TRUE, sc = TRUE, th = 0.8){
  # get a data table with the pooled values (current/future) of the clim variables
  clim <- data.table(rbind(getValues(climp),getValues(climf)))
  clim <- na.omit(clim[, c("cid", "p") := list(rep(1:ncell(climp[[1]]), times = 2), rep(c("present","future"), each = ncell(climp[[1]])))])
  # apply transformation if required
  if(!is.na(trans)){ clim <- trans(clim[,-c("cid","p")]) }
  # apply PCA
  clim.pca <- prcomp(clim[,-c("cid","p")], center = cen, scale. = sc)
  # extract numper of components explaining more than th accumulated variance
  a <- which((cumsum((clim.pca$sdev)^2) / sum(clim.pca$sdev^2)) >= th)[1]
  val.pca <- clim.pca$x[,1:a]
  val <- data.frame(val.pca, cid = clim$cid, p = clim$p)
  # put it back in wide form
  v <- reshape(val, idvar = "cid", timevar = "p", direction = "wide")
  return(list(clim.pca, v))
JorGarMol/VoCC documentation built on Aug. 17, 2022, 11:07 p.m.