
Defines functions trajClas

Documented in trajClas

#' Climate velocity trajectory classification
#' Function for the spatial classification of cells based on VoCC trajectories after Burrows et al. (2014). The function performs
#' a hierarchical sequential classification based on length of trajectories, geographical features, and the relative abundance of
#' trajectories ending in, starting from and flowing through each cell. Essentially, cells are first classified as non-moving,
#' slow-moving and fast-moving relative to the distance a trajectory will cover over the projection period based on local climate velocities.
#' Two types of climate sinks are then identified among the fast-moving cells: (i) boundary (e.g., coastal) cells disconnected from cooler (warmer)
#' neighbouring cells under a locally warming (cooling) climate, and (ii) locations with endorheic spatial gradients where the velocity angles of
#' neighbouring cells converge towards their central point of intersection. Finally, the remaining cells are classified by reference to the total
#' number of trajectories per cell based on the proportions of the number of trajectories starting from (Nst), ending in (Nend), and flowing
#' through (NFT) a cell over the period. Based on these proportions, cells are classified into five classes: (1) climate sources, when no
#' trajectories end in a cell (Nend = 0); (2) relative climate sinks, when the relative number of trajectories ending in a cell is high and the
#' proportion of starting trajectories is low; (3) corridors as cells with a high proportion of trajectories passing through; and (4) divergence
#' and (5) convergence cells identified from the remaining cells as those where fewer/more trajectories ended than started in that
#' cell, respectively.
#' @usage trajClas(traj, vel, ang, mn, trajSt, tyr, nmL, smL , Nend, Nst, NFT)
#' @param traj \code{data.frame} as retuned by voccTraj containing the coordinates
#' and identification number for each trajectory.
#' @param vel \code{raster} with the magnitude of gradient-based climate velocity.
#' @param ang \code{raster} with velocity angles.
#' @param mn \code{raster} with mean climatic values for the study period.
#' @param trajSt \code{integer} number of trajectories starting from each cell or spatial unit.
#' @param tyr \code{integer} number of years comprising the projected period.
#' @param nmL \code{numeric} upper threshold (distance units as per vel object) up to which
#' a trajectory is considered to have traveled a negligible distance over the study period (non-moving).
#' @param smL \code{numeric} upper threshold up to which a trajectory is considered to have traveled a small
#' distance over the study period (slow-moving).
#' @param Nend \code{numeric} the percentage of trajectories ending to be used as threshold in the classification.
#' @param Nst \code{numeric} the percentage of trajectories starting to be used as threshold in the classification.
#' @param NFT \code{numeric} the percentage of trajectories flowing through to be used as threshold in the classification.
#' @param DateLine \code{logical} does the raster extent cross the international date line? (default "FALSE").
#' @return A \code{raster.stack} containing the trajectory classification ("TrajClas"),
#' as well as those based on trajectory length ("ClassL"; 1 non-moving, 2 slow-moving, 3 fast-moving cells),
#' boundrary ("BounS") and internal sinks ("IntS"), and the proportion of trajectories ending("PropEnd"),
#' flowing through ("PropFT") and starting ("PropSt"). The trajectory classes ("TrajClas") are (1) non-moving,
#' (2) slow-moving, (3) internal sinks, (4) boundary sinks, (5) sources, (6) relative sinks, (7) corridors,
#' (8) divergence and (9) convergence.
#' @references \href{https://www.nature.com/articles/nature12976}{Burrows et al. 2014}. Geographical limits to species-range shifts are suggested by climate velocity. Nature, 507, 492-495.
#' @seealso{\code{\link{voccTraj}}}
#' @import data.table
#' @export
#' @author Jorge Garcia Molinos
#' @examples
#' # input raster layers
#' yrSST <- sumSeries(HSST, p = "1960-01/2009-12", yr0 = "1955-01-01", l = nlayers(HSST),
#' fun = function(x) colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE), freqin = "months", freqout = "years")
#' mn <- raster::calc(yrSST, mean, na.rm=T)
#' tr <- tempTrend(yrSST, th = 10)
#' sg <- spatGrad(yrSST, th = 0.0001, projected = FALSE)
#' v <- gVoCC(tr,sg)
#' vel <- v[[1]]
#' ang <- v[[2]]
#' # Get the set of starting cells for the trajectories and calculate trajectories
#' # at 1/4-deg resolution (16 trajectories per 1-deg cell)
#' mnd <- disaggregate(mn, 4)
#' veld <- disaggregate(vel, 4)
#' angd <- disaggregate(ang, 4)
#' lonlat <- na.omit(data.frame(xyFromCell(veld, 1:ncell(veld)), veld[], angd[], mnd[]))[,1:2]
#' traj <- voccTraj(lonlat, vel, ang, mn, tyr = 50, correct = TRUE)
#' # Generate the trajectory-based classification
#' clas <- trajClas(traj, vel,ang, mn, trajSt = 16, tyr = 50, nmL = 20, smL = 100,
#' Nend = 45, Nst = 15, NFT = 70, DateLine = FALSE)
#' # Define first the colour palette for the full set of categories
#' my_col = c('gainsboro', 'darkseagreen1', 'coral4', 'firebrick2', 'mediumblue', 'darkorange1',
#' 'magenta1', 'cadetblue1', 'yellow1')
#' # Keep only the categories present in our raster
#' my_col <- my_col[sort(unique(clas[[7]][]))]
#' # Classify raster / build attribute table
#' clasr <- ratify(clas[[7]])
#' rat_r <-levels(clasr)[[1]]
#' rat_r$trajcat <- c("N-M", "S-M", "IS", "BS", "Srce", "RS", "Cor", "Div", "Con")[sort(unique(clas[[7]][]))]
#' levels(clasr) <- rat_r
#' # Produce the plot using the rasterVis levelplot function
#' rasterVis::levelplot(clasr, col.regions = my_col, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, scales = list(draw=FALSE))
#' @rdname trajClas

trajClas <- function(traj, vel, ang, mn, trajSt, tyr, nmL, smL , Nend, Nst, NFT, DateLine = FALSE){

TrajEnd <- TrajFT <- TrajSt <- IntS <- BounS <- TrajClas <- raster(ang)

# add cell ID to the data frame
traj <- data.table(traj)
traj$cid <- cellFromXY(ang, traj[,1:2])

# A. Number of traj starting from each cell
TrajSt[!is.na(ang[])] <- trajSt

# B. Number of traj ending in each cell
tr <- traj[, .SD[.N], by = trajIDs]  # subset last point of each trajectory
enTraj <- tr[,.N, by = cid]
TrajEnd[!is.na(vel)] <- 0
TrajEnd[enTraj$cid] <- enTraj$N

# C. Number of traj flowing through each cell
cxtrj <- unique(traj, by = c("trajIDs", "cid"))
TotTraj <- cxtrj[,.N, by = cid]       # total number of trajectories per cell
TrajFT[!is.na(vel)] <- 0
TrajFT[TotTraj$cid] <- TotTraj$N
TrajFT <- TrajFT - TrajEnd - TrajSt   # subtract traj starting and ending to get those actually transversing the cell
TrajFT[TrajFT[] < 0] <- 0   # to avoid negative values in ice covered cells

# C. Identify cell location for internal sinks (groups of 4 endorheic cells with angles pointing inwards)
ll <- data.table(xyFromCell(ang, 1:ncell(ang)))
ll[,1:2] <- ll[,1:2] + 0.1   # add small offset to the centroid
a <- fourCellsFromXY(ang, as.matrix(ll[,1:2]))
a <- t(apply(a, 1, sort))
# If date line crossing, correct sequences on date line
if(DateLine == TRUE){
a[seq(ncol(ang), by = ncol(ang), length = nrow(ang)),] <- t(apply(a[seq(ncol(ang), by = ncol(ang), length = nrow(ang)),], 1, function(x) {x[c(2,1,4,3)]}))
# Extract the angles for each group of 4 cells
b <- matrix(raster::extract(ang, as.vector(a)), nrow = ncell(ang), ncol = 4, byrow = FALSE)
ll[, c("c1", "c2", "c3", "c4", "ang1", "ang2", "ang3", "ang4") := data.frame(a, b)]
# now look if the 4 angles point inwards (internal sink)
ll[, c("d1", "d2", "d3", "d4") := .(((ang1 - 180)  *  (90 - ang1)), ((ang2 - 270)  *  (180 - ang2)), ((ang3 - 90)  *  (0 - ang3)), ((ang4 - 360)  *  (270 - ang4)))]
ll[, isink := 0L]
ll[d1 > 0 & d2 > 0 & d3 > 0 & d4 > 0, isink := 1L]
# get the cids for the cells contained in the sinks
celdas <- ll[isink == 1, 3:6]
IntS[!is.na(vel)] <- 0
IntS[c(celdas[[1]], celdas[[2]], celdas[[3]], celdas[[4]])] <- 1

# D. Identify cell location for boundary sinks (coastal cells which are disconected from cooler climates under warming or warmer climates under cooling)
# detect coastal cells
coast <- suppressWarnings(boundaries(vel, type = 'inner', asNA = TRUE))       # to avoid warning for coercing NAs via asNA = TRUE
# make a list of vel values and SST values for each coastal cells and their marine neighbours
cc <- na.omit(data.table(cid = 1:ncell(vel), coast = coast[]))
ad <- adjacent(vel, cc$cid, 8, sorted = TRUE, include = TRUE) # matrix with adjacent cells
ad <- data.table(coastal = ad[,1], adjacent = ad[,2], cvel = vel[ad[,1]], ctemp = mn[ad[,1]], atemp = mn[ad[,2]])
# locate the sinks
ad <- na.omit(ad[ad$cvel != 0,])      # remove cells with 0 velocity (ice) and with NA (land neighbours)
j <- ad[, ifelse(.SD$cvel > 0, all(.SD$ctemp <= .SD$atemp), all(.SD$ctemp >= .SD$atemp)), by = coastal]
j <- unique(j)
BounS[!is.na(vel)] <- 0
BounS[unique(subset(j$coastal, j$V == TRUE))] <- 1

# Total number of trajectories per cell and proportions per cell
TrajTotal <- calc(stack(TrajSt, TrajFT, TrajEnd), sum, na.rm = TRUE)
TrajTotal[is.na(ang[])] <- NA
PropTrajEnd <- (TrajEnd/TrajTotal)*100
PropTrajFT <- (TrajFT/TrajTotal)*100
PropTrajSt <- (TrajSt/TrajTotal)*100

# reclassify by traj length
rclM <- matrix(c(0, (nmL/tyr), 1, (nmL/tyr), (smL/tyr), 2, (smL/tyr), Inf, 3), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
v <- raster(vel)
v[] <- abs(vel[])
ClassMov <- reclassify(v, rclM)

# Classify the cells
TrajClas[!is.na(vel)] <- 0
# capture non-moving (1)
TrajClas[ClassMov[] == 1] <- 1
# capture slow-moving (2)
TrajClas[ClassMov[] == 2] <- 2
# capture internal (3) and (4) boundary sinks
TrajClas[IntS[] == 1] <- 3
TrajClas[BounS[] == 1] <- 4
# Classify remaining cells into sources(5), rel sinks(6), corridors(7), divergence(8) and convergence(9)
d <- na.omit(data.table(cid = 1:ncell(TrajClas), val = TrajClas[]))
d <- d[val == 0, 1]
d[, Nend := PropTrajEnd[d$cid]]
d[, Nst := PropTrajSt[d$cid]]
d[, NFT := PropTrajFT[d$cid]]
d$clas <- ifelse(d$Nend == 0, 5, ifelse(d$Nend > Nend & d$Nst < Nst, 6, ifelse(d$NFT > NFT, 7,ifelse(d$Nend < d$Nst, 8, 9))))
TrajClas[d$cid] <- d$clas

# return raster
s <- stack(PropTrajEnd, PropTrajFT, PropTrajSt, ClassMov, IntS, BounS, TrajClas)
names(s) <- c("PropEnd", "PropFT", "PropSt", "ClassL", "IntS", "BounS", "TrajClas")
JorGarMol/VoCC documentation built on Aug. 17, 2022, 11:07 p.m.