
#' @name tdsApp
#' @title Web Interface for a Temporal Dominance of Sensations
#'     Experiment
#' @param attributes A vector names representing the attributes that
#'     compose a sensory analysis.
#' @param max_time A numeric representing a max time, in seconds,
#'     allowed for each consumer.
#' @param shiny_dir Path name of the directory that will be used to save
#'     the source files from shiny interface (\code{ui.R} and
#'     \code{server.R}). Use to customize the application, set the
#'     directory and edit the \code{ui.R} adn \code{server.R} files. By
#'     default, source files are saved in temporary directories
#'     (\code{\link[base]{tempdir}()}).
#' @author Eduardo E. R. Junior <edujrrib@gmail.com>.
#' @description This function builds a consumer web interface for
#'     Temporal Dominance of Sensations experiment.
#' @return Open the web browser for show the shiny interface.
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @export
tdsApp <- function(attributes, max_time = 60, shiny_dir = tempdir()) {
    ## Paths
    pcauxi <- system.file("ShinyApps", package = "SensShiny")
    pcpath <- paste0(pcauxi, "/tdsApp")
    pcincl <- paste0(pcauxi, "/_includes")
    shpath <- shiny_dir
    if (pcpath == "") {
        stop("Application not found. Try reinstall package.")
    ## Read the shiny components
    server <- readLines(paste0(pcpath, "/server.R"))
    ui     <- readLines(paste0(pcpath, "/ui.R"))
    footer <- readLines(paste0(pcincl, "/footer.R"))
    ## Create components that depend of the arguments
    REACTIVE <- lapply(1:length(attributes), function(i) {
            "observeEvent(input$attr", i, ", {
            time <- as.numeric(
                difftime(Sys.time(), isolate(va$time),
                         units = \"secs\"))
            da$sample <- c(isolate(da$sample), input$SAMPLE)
            da$consumer <- c(isolate(da$consumer), input$CONSUMER)
            da$attribute <- c(isolate(da$attribute),
                              attributes[", i, "])
            da$time <- c(isolate(da$time), time)
            da$general <- c(isolate(da$general), NA)
    BUTTONSATTR <- lapply(1:length(attributes), function(i) {
            "column(width = 3,
                    inputId = va$shortattr[", i, "],
                    label = va$attributes[", i, "])
    REACTIVE <- do.call(paste, list(REACTIVE, collapse = "\n"))
    BUTTONSATTR <- do.call(paste, list(BUTTONSATTR, collapse = ",\n"))
    FOOTER <- do.call(paste, list(footer, collapse = "\n"))
    ## Replace this components into server
    attnames <- paste0(capture.output(dput(attributes)), collapse = "")
    server <- gsub("## INSERT-NAMES-ATTR ##", attnames, server)
    server <- gsub("## INSERT-MAX-TIME ##", max_time, server)
    server <- gsub("## INSERT-REACTIVE-HERE ##", REACTIVE, server)
    server <- gsub("## INSERT-BUTTONS-ATTR-HERE ##", BUTTONSATTR,
    server <- gsub("## INSERT-FOOTER ##", FOOTER, server)
    ## Write the shiny components
    writeLines(server, paste0(shpath, "/server.R"))
    writeLines(    ui, paste0(shpath, "/ui.R"))
    ## Run the application
JrEduardo/SensShiny documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:17 a.m.