
#' Stop words for text mining with miRetrieve
#' Data frame containing English stop words, PubMed stop words,
#' and common 2-gram stopwords. English stop words are based on
#' tidytext::stop_words, while PubMed stop words are manually curated from
#' PubMed abstracts
#' @usage stopwords_miretrieve
#' @format Tibble.
#' * `word`: Column containing stop words. Pulled from various PubMed
#' abstracts.
#' * `lexicon`: Column specifying lexicon.
#' @source tidytext::stop_words; manually created from various PubMed abstracts.

#' Stop words for text mining from PubMed abstracts
#' Data frame containing PubMed stop words, manually curated from
#' PubMed abstracts
#' @usage stopwords_pubmed
#' @format Tibble.
#' * `word`: Column containing stop words. Pulled from various PubMed
#' abstracts.
#' * `lexicon`: Column specifying lexicon.
#' @source Manually created from various PubMed abstracts.

#' Stop words for text mining with common PubMed 2-grams
#' Data frame containing PubMed 2-gram stop words, manually curated from
#' PubMed abstracts
#' @usage stopwords_2gram
#' @format Tibble.
#' * `word`: Column containing stop words. Pulled from various PubMed
#' abstracts.
#' * `lexicon`: Column specifying lexicon.
#' @source Manually created from various PubMed abstracts.
JulFriedrich/miRetrieve documentation built on Sept. 20, 2021, 11:37 p.m.