
server <- function(input, output, session) {
    # Define server logic to show elapsed time, update every second ----
    # Define server logic to show elapsed time, update every second ----
    initialtime <- Sys.time()
    output$Elapsedtime <- renderText({
      invalidateLater(1000, session)
      paste("The elapsed time", round(difftime(Sys.time(),initialtime,units = "secs")),"seconds")
    ## set reactive value
    rv <- reactiveValues(lines = data.frame(), n = 0, marketing_level = 1, piggy_bank = 1000, Price = 1, saled_mojito = 0, numberofserver=1,totalcost = 0,lemonstock = 10, mintstock = 30, sugarstock=20, rhumstock=10, mojitonumber = 0, ambiance = 1,x=data.frame())
    ## do something when add marketing is clicked
    observeEvent(input$addmarketing, {
      if(rv$marketing_level < 10 ){
        if(rv$piggy_bank >= 100){
          rv$marketing_level <- rv$marketing_level + 1     # if the add button is clicked, increment the value by 1 and update it
          rv$piggy_bank <- rv$piggy_bank - 100
        } else {rv$marketing_level <- rv$marketing_level}}else {rv$marketing_level <- rv$marketing_level}
    ##add lemon when click on button
                     rv$piggy_bank <- rv$piggy_bank - 5
                     rv$lemonstock <- rv$lemonstock + 10}
    ##add mint when click on button
                     rv$piggy_bank <- rv$piggy_bank - 5
                     rv$mintstock <- rv$mintstock + 20}
    ##add mint when click on button
                     rv$piggy_bank <- rv$piggy_bank - 5
                     rv$sugarstock <- rv$sugarstock + 30}
    ##add mint when click on button
                     rv$piggy_bank <- rv$piggy_bank - 10
                     rv$rhumstock <- rv$rhumstock + 10}
    # increase or deacrease price button handled.. 
    observeEvent(input$increaseprice, if (rv$Price<20)rv$Price <- rv$Price + 1)
    observeEvent(input$decreaseprice, if(rv$Price > 1){rv$Price <-rv$Price - 1})
    # increase or deacrease server button handled.. 
    observeEvent(input$addserver, rv$numberofserver <- rv$numberofserver + 1)
    observeEvent(input$lessserver, if(rv$numberofserver > 1){rv$numberofserver <-rv$numberofserver - 1})
    ## plot dataframe when refresh (at time of refresh)
    observeEvent(input$refresh, rv$x <- rv$lines)
    # specify the output 
    output$marketinglevel <- renderText(paste("your level is :", rv$marketing_level))
    output$piggy <- renderText(paste("Your Balance is:", rv$piggy_bank,"$"))
    output$mojitosupplylevel <- renderText(rv$mojito_stock_level)
    output$Price <- renderText(paste(rv$Price,"$"))
    output$profit <- renderText({paste("Your Gross Profit is: ", rv$lines[rv$n,12] ,"$")})
    output$saled_mojito <- renderText(rv$saled_mojito)
    output$numberofserver <- renderText(paste("you have:", rv$numberofserver,"waiter"))
    output$totalcost <- renderText(paste( rv$totalcost,"$"))
    output$lemonstock <- renderText(paste( rv$lemonstock,"lemon"))
    output$mintstock <- renderText(paste( rv$mintstock,"mint"))
    output$sugarstock <- renderText(paste( rv$sugarstock,"sugar"))
    output$rhumstock <- renderText(paste( rv$rhumstock,"rhum"))
    output$mojitonumber <- renderText(paste( rv$mojitonumber,"mojito"))
    ## define how much customer arrives each lambda second
    customer <- function(x) {
      if ( 0 < x && x <= ((2^1/1) * exp(-2)) ){ nb <- 0 }
      if ( ((2^1/1) * exp(-2)) < x  && x <= ((2^2/2) * exp(-2)) ){ nb <- 1 }
      if ( ((2^2/2) * exp(-2)) < x  && x <= ((2^3/3) * exp(-2)) ){ nb <- 2 }
      if ( ((2^3/3) * exp(-2)) < x  && x <= ((2^4/4) * exp(-2)) ){ nb <- 3 }
      if ( ((2^4/4) * exp(-2)) < x  && x <= ((2^5/5) * exp(-2)) ){ nb <- 4 }
      if ( ((2^5/5) * exp(-2)) < x  && x <= ((2^6/6) * exp(-2)) ){ nb <- 5 }
      if ( ((2^6/6) * exp(-2)) < x  && x <= ((2^7/7) * exp(-2)) ){ nb <- 6 }
      ## display the number of mojito we are able to do with this stock..
      rv$mojitonumber <- min(rv$rhumstock%/%1,rv$mintstock%/%2,rv$lemonstock%/%2,rv$sugarstock%/%3)
      ## set ambiance as a multiplier for further fct : classic = 1, electro = 2, jazz = 3, house =4
      rv$ambiance <- if(input$ambiance=="Classic"){
    ## create dataframe for sale..
      ## set lambda
      isolate({ lambda <- (10000*rv$Price)/(rv$marketing_level*rv$ambiance)})
      invalidateLater(lambda, session)
        rv$n <- rv$n + 1
        rv$lines[rv$n, 1] <- rv$n                                                              ## counter n
        rv$lines[rv$n, 2] <- customer( runif(1, min = 0, max = 1) )                            ## how much customer  "enter"
        rv$lines[rv$n, 3] <- if ( rv$numberofserver>rv$lines[rv$n, 2]) {rv$lines[rv$n, 2]} else {rv$numberofserver} ##number of customer serve depending on server capacity
        rv$lines[rv$n, 4] <- if (rv$Price<=6){rv$lines[rv$n, 3]}else{if(6<rv$Price & rv$Price<8){round(rv$lines[rv$n, 3]*0.8)}else{if(8<=rv$Price & rv$Price<10){round(rv$lines[rv$n, 3]*0.6)}else{if(10<=rv$Price & rv$Price<15){round(rv$lines[rv$n, 3]*0.3)}else{if(15<=rv$Price ){round(rv$lines[rv$n, 3]*0.1)}}}}} ## number of customer served in regard to the price
        rv$lines[rv$n, 5] <- min(rv$lines[rv$n, 4],rv$mojitonumber)
        rv$lines[rv$n, 6] <- rv$Price * rv$lines[rv$n, 5]                         ## save a value of how much we earn from this sales
        rv$piggy_bank <- rv$piggy_bank + rv$Price * rv$lines[rv$n, 5]          ## impact that in piggy bank
        ## handle stock
        rv$lemonstock <- rv$lemonstock - 2*rv$lines[rv$n, 5]
        rv$lines[rv$n, 7] <- rv$lemonstock ##lemon stock after sale
        rv$mintstock <- rv$mintstock - 2*rv$lines[rv$n, 5]
        rv$lines[rv$n, 8] <- rv$mintstock ##mint stock after sale
        rv$sugarstock <- rv$sugarstock - 3*rv$lines[rv$n, 5]
        rv$lines[rv$n, 9] <- rv$sugarstock ##sugar stock after sale
        rv$rhumstock <- rv$rhumstock - 1*rv$lines[rv$n, 5]
        rv$lines[rv$n, 10] <- rv$rhumstock ##rhum stock after sale
        rv$lines[rv$n, 11] <- round(difftime(Sys.time(),initialtime,units = "secs"))                ## store the elapsed time when customer arrive
        rv$lines[rv$n, 12] <- sum( rv$lines[, 6])                                             ## store profit over time
        rv$lines[rv$n, 13] <- sum( rv$lines[, 5]) ## cumulative sale of mojito
        rv$saled_mojito <- rv$lines[rv$n, 13]
        ##set name for dataframe column
        colnames(rv$lines) <- c("counter", "nbr of cust entering","cust serve in regard to server","served in regard of Price","real sale depending on stock","gain of sale nbr#","lemon stock","mint stock","sugar stock","rhum stock","time in sec","cumulative profit","sold mojito")
    ## cost of runing your business for now just 2$ by server each 5 sec (maybe add cost for storage..)
      ## input cost for each server
        rv$piggy_bank <- rv$piggy_bank - 2*rv$numberofserver
        rv$piggy_bank <- rv$piggy_bank - 0.1*rv$rhumstock
        rv$piggy_bank <- rv$piggy_bank - 0.1*rv$mintstock
        rv$piggy_bank <- rv$piggy_bank - 0.1*rv$lemonstock
        rv$piggy_bank <- rv$piggy_bank - 0.1*rv$sugarstock
    observe({rv$totalcost <- 2*rv$numberofserver+0.1*rv$rhumstock+0.1*rv$mintstock+0.1*rv$lemonstock+0.1*rv$sugarstock})
    ## see the data frame
    output$loc <- renderDataTable({
    ##graph output
    output$myPlot <- renderPlot({
             Profit = ggplot() + geom_line(aes(x = rv$lines[,11], y = rv$lines[,12])) +
               xlab("Elapsed Time (in seconds)")+
               ylab("Profit over Time"),
             Number_of_mojito_sold = ggplot() + geom_line(aes(x = rv$lines[,11], y = rv$lines[,13]))+
               xlab(" Elapsed Time (in seconds)") +
               ylab("Cumulative sales of mojito"))
    ## Warning no more stock to produce mojito
        # Show a modal when the button is pressed
        shinyalert("You have no more stock to produce Mojito Bro!",
                   type = "warning",
                   callbackR = function(x) { })
    ## end of game : 
      if(rv$lines[rv$n,12]>1000 ){
        # Show a modal when the button is pressed
        shinyalert("Yeah !!!", "You won the game making more than 1000$ profit. 
                   Click OK to close the game",
                   type = "success",
                   callbackR = function(x) { stopApp(returnValue = invisible()) })
      if(rv$piggy_bank<5 & rv$mojitonumber<1| rv$piggy_bank< (-200)){
        # Show a modal when the button is pressed
        shinyalert("Nope !!!", "You lost the game you have no more money nor mojito to sell.
                   Click OK to close the game",
                   type = "error",
                   callbackR = function(x) { stopApp(returnValue = invisible()) })
JulienKleinmann/Mojito documentation built on May 31, 2019, 6:38 p.m.