
#' Calculates a set of TG related indices
#' @description Calculates a set of daily average temperature related indices as
#' they were defined for the KNMI14 scenarios brochure
#' @param index      vector of indices ("aTG", "amnTG", "amxTG")
#' @param input      Name of the input file (ASCII) that contains reference data
#'                   (all numerics) in which the columns provide time series for
#'                   specific stations.
#'                   The first column should provide either 00000000 or a
#'                   datestring YYYYMMDD:
#'                   Rows starting with 00000000 are considered station info
#'                   (station number, lat, lon etc.) and are ignored.
#'                   Rows starting with a datestring refer to a specific day in the
#'                   time series.
#'                   Rows starting with "#" are completely ignored and returned
#'                   unchanged.
#' @param ofile      (DEFAULT=NA) Name of the output file to write the indices to.
#'                   Format is similar to input without the 5 first lines
#' @param scenario   scenario ("GL", "GH", "WL", "WH"). If scenario is not one of the 4
#'                   then the indices are calculated for the reference period 1981-2010
#' @param horizon    time horizon ( DEFAULT=2030, 2050, 2085). If horizon is not one of the 3
#'                   then the indices are calculated for the reference period 1981-2010
#' @param season     season (0= year, 1=winter, 2=spring, 3=summer, 4=autumn)
#' @param regions     vector of regions
#'                   KNMI14 distinguishes following regions:\cr
#'                   <NLD> Nederland (DEFAULT) \cr
#'                   <NWN> Noordwest Nederland \cr
#'                   <ZWN> Zuidwest Nederland \cr
#'                   <NON> Noordoost Nederland \cr
#'                   <MON> Middenoost Nederland \cr
#'                            <ZON> Zuidoost Nederland
#' @export
TempAvgIndices<- function(input, index, scenario,
                          horizon = 2030, season,
                          regions = "NLD", ofile = NA) {

  if (!index %in% c("aTG", "amnTG", "amxTG")) {
    stop("index should be one of aTG, amnTG, amxTG")

  if (class(input) != "knmiTF") {
    input <- ReadInput("tg", input)

  if (!scenario %in% c("GL", "GH", "WL", "WH") &&
        horizon != c(2030, 2050, 2085)) {
    input <- input$obs
  } else {
    input <- TransformTemp(input = input, ofile = NA, scenario=scenario,
                           horizon = horizon, var = "tg", regions = regions)
    input <- input[-c(1:5), ]

  input <- as.data.frame(input)

  seasonalSplit <- SeasonalSplit(season, input[, 1])
  id  <- seasonalSplit$id
  idy <- seasonalSplit$idy

         "aTG" = X <- aggregate(input[id,-1],by=list(idy),  mean),
         "amnTG" = X <- aggregate(input[id,-1],by=list(idy),  min),
         "amxTG" = X <- aggregate(input[id,-1],by=list(idy),  max))


#' Calculates a set of TG related indices for all scenarios, horizons, and
#' seasons at once
#' @description Calculates a set of daily average temperature related indices as
#'   they were defined for the KNMI14 scenarios brochure
#' @inheritParams TempAvgIndices
#' @export
TempAvgIndicesWrapper <- function(input, regions = "NLD", ofile = NA) {

  if (class(input) != "knmiTF") {
    input <- ReadInput("tg", input)

  fn <- function(index, season, scenario, horizon) {
    tmp <- TempAvgIndices(input = input, index = index, ofile = ofile,
                          scenario = scenario, horizon = horizon, season = season,
                          regions = regions)
    tmp$season   <- season
    tmp$horizon  <- horizon
    tmp$scenario <- scenario
    tmp$index    <- index

  indices <- c("aTG", "amnTG", "amxTG")

  combinations <- MakeCombinations(indices)

  result <- pmap(combinations, fn)
  result <- rbindlist(result)
  setnames(result, "Group.1", "year")
  nCols <- ncol(result)
  names <- colnames(result)
  setcolorder(result, names[c( (nCols - (0:3)), 1, 2 : (nCols-4))])
KNMI/scenarioIndices documentation built on May 19, 2019, 8:20 a.m.