
Defines functions prerender_cache_location prerender_cache_sync prerender run_api run_app

Documented in prerender prerender_cache_location prerender_cache_sync run_api run_app

#' Running this function launches a Shiny web application presenting
#' the datasets bundled in this package
#' @param example the name of the bundled Shiny application example
#' @param port the port to run on, default is the port set in the shiny.port option 
#' if it exists or 3737 if it doesn't
#' @param host the interface to bind to, default is the port set in the shiny.host option 
#' if it exists or, if not, to bind to all interfaces, ie
#' @export
#' @importFrom shiny runApp
run_app <- function(example, port, host) {
  PKG <- "bibliomatrix"
  APPS <- "shiny-apps"
  validExamples <- list.files(system.file(APPS, package = PKG))
  validExamplesMsg <-
      "Valid examples are: '",
      paste(validExamples, collapse = "', '"),
  # if an invalid example is given, throw an error
  if (missing(example) || !nzchar(example) ||
      !example %in% validExamples) {
      'Please run `runExample()` with a valid example app as an argument.\n',
      call. = FALSE)
  appDir <- system.file(APPS, example, package = PKG)
  if (appDir == "") {
    msg <- paste0("Could not find example directory. Try re-installing `",
                  PKG, "`.")
    stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
  if (missing(port)) {
    port <- getOption("shiny.port")
    if (is.null(port)) port <- 3737

  if (missing(host)) {
    host <- getOption("shiny.host")
    if (is.null(host)) host <- ""
  shiny::runApp(appDir, port = port, host = host, display.mode = "normal")

#' Running this function launches a Plumber API presenting
#' resources bundled in this package
#' @param port the port to run on, default is 8080
#' @param host the interface to bind to, default is all
#' @export
#' @import callr
run_api <- function(port = 8080, host = "") {
  message("NB: if you want to run the API within the IDE, use the Jobs pane to launch a job for the 'run_api.R' script")
  message("Location of the 'run_api.R' script:",
    normalizePath(dirname(system.file(package = "bibliomatrix", "plumber", "abm", "run_api.R"))))

  message("You can also launch the API from the CLI to have it running in the background:")
  msg <- sprintf("Please do this manually for now; open a terminal and issue: \ncd %s \nmake up", 
     normalizePath(dirname(system.file(package = "bibliomatrix", "plumber", "abm", "plumber.R"))))
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows")
    message("On Windows, please use 'RScript.exe run_api.R' instead of 'make up'")
  message("Now proceeding to launch the API in the current session")
  #rs <- callr::r_session$new()
  abm_api <- function(port = port, host = host) {
    pr <- plumber::plumb(system.file(package = "bibliomatrix", "plumber", "abm", "plumber.R"))
    pr$run(port = port, swagger = TRUE, host = host)
  #rs$run(abm_api(port, host))
  rx <- callr::r_bg(abm_api(port, host))
  return (rx)

#' Prerender dashboards for public data
#' @param refresh logical to indicate whether the cache should be refreshed
#' @export
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom rmarkdown render
#' @importFrom rappdirs app_dir
#' @import dplyr progress
prerender <- function(refresh = FALSE) {
  abm_public_kth <- bibliomatrix::abm_public_kth
  dest <- prerender_cache_location()
  if (!dir.exists(dest)) dir.create(dest, recursive = TRUE)
  orgid <- abm_public_kth$meta$Diva_org_id
  f_from_orgid <- function(uc) paste0(uc, ".html")
  uc_from_orgid <- function(orgid) 
    abm_public_kth$meta %>% filter(Diva_org_id == orgid) %>% pull(unit_code)
  f <- file.path(dest, f_from_orgid(abm_public_kth$meta$Diva_org_id))
  f_exists <- f[which(file.exists(f))]
  if (refresh & length(f_exists) > 0) {
    message("Deleting cached pre-rendered dashboards: ", f_exists)
  if (!refresh && identical(f, f_exists)) {
    message("pre-render cache at ", dest, " is up to date.")
    return (invisible(TRUE))
  render_with_progress <- function(orgid){
    unit_code <- uc_from_orgid(orgid)
    dash <- system.file("extdata", "abm.Rmd", package = "bibliomatrix")
    f <- function(fn, embed) {
      rmarkdown::render(dash, output_file = fn, quiet = TRUE,
       params = list(
         unit_code = unit_code, 
         is_employee = FALSE, 
         use_package_data = TRUE, 
         embed_data = embed))
    fn1 <- file.path(dest, f_from_orgid(orgid))
    fn2 <- file.path(dest,f_from_orgid(paste0(orgid, "-embed")))
    f(fn1, embed = FALSE)
    f(fn2, embed = TRUE)

  #pb <- progress_estimated(length(orgid))
  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = length(orgid))
  res <- map(orgid, render_with_progress)
  return (res)

#' Update shiny apps www/cache with prerenderd 
#' dashboard HTML content
#' @param overwrite logical boolean default false
#' @export
#' @importFrom rappdirs app_dir
prerender_cache_sync <- function(overwrite = FALSE) {
  loc_www <- system.file("shiny-apps", "abm", "www", "cache", 
    package = "bibliomatrix", mustWork = TRUE)
  message("Updating shiny app cache at ", loc_www)
  fz <- list.files(prerender_cache_location(),full.names = TRUE)
  file.copy(fz, loc_www, overwrite = overwrite)

#' Location for prerender cache with dashboard HTML content
#' @export
#' @importFrom rappdirs app_dir
prerender_cache_location <- function() {
  file.path(rappdirs::app_dir("bibmon")$config(), "www")
KTH-Library/bibliomatrix documentation built on May 20, 2024, 11:33 p.m.