
Defines functions daysPerMonth hsTStampsPerDay hsDateStr resetTimePart .intervalKeyFormat .timestamp_type_info intervalKey hsQua hsQuaStr hsTsInfo daylightSavingTimeInEffect reformatTimestamp

Documented in daylightSavingTimeInEffect daysPerMonth hsDateStr hsQua hsQuaStr hsTsInfo hsTStampsPerDay intervalKey reformatTimestamp resetTimePart

# reformatTimestamp ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Convert Timstamp String from one Format to another
#' @param x vector of timestamps (character)
#' @param old.format format in which timestamps in \code{x} are given. Default:
#'   \code{"\%Y-\%m-\%d \%H:\%M:\%S"}
#' @param new.format format to be applied to timestamps. Default: 
#'   \code{"\%Y-\%m-\%d \%H:\%M:\%S"}
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to \code{\link{hasTimeFormat}}, such as
#'   \code{method}
#' @export
reformatTimestamp <- function(x, old.format = NULL, new.format = NULL, ...)
  # set default time formats (it seems that inlinedocs does not like the default
  # assignment in the argument definition above)
  old.format <- kwb.utils::defaultIfNULL(old.format, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
  new.format <- kwb.utils::defaultIfNULL(new.format, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

  # check if all timestamps have the expected format (old.format)
  invalid <- which(!hasTimeFormat(x, old.format, ...))
  if (length(invalid) > 0) {
      "%d timestamps do not comply with the format '%s':\n%s",
      length(invalid), old.format, 
      kwb.utils::stringList(utils::head(x[invalid]), collapse = "\n")
  timestamps <- as.POSIXct(x, format = old.format, tz = "UTC")
  invalid <- which(is.na(timestamps))
  if (length(invalid)) {
        "%d timestamps are NA after conversion to POSIXct with format '%s'.\n",
        length(invalid), old.format
      "The original timestamps look like this:\n",
      kwb.utils::stringList(utils::head(x[invalid]), collapse = "\n")
  format(timestamps, format = new.format)

# daylightSavingTimeInEffect ---------------------------------------------------

#' Is Daylight Saving Time (DST) in Effect?
#' @param x object of class POSIXt (either POSIXct or POSIXlt)
#' @param tz time zone string given to \code{\link{as.POSIXlt}}
#' @return Returns (hopefully!) \code{TRUE} if daylight saving time is in effect
#'   at the given time, \code{FALSE} if daylight saving time is not in effect
#'   and \code{NA} if it is unknown
#' @keywords internal
daylightSavingTimeInEffect <- function(x, tz = "")
  stopifnot("POSIXt" %in% class(x))
  dst <- as.POSIXlt(x, tz = tz)$isdst
  ifelse(dst > 0, TRUE, ifelse(dst == 0, FALSE, NA))

# hsTsInfo ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Full Information on Timestamps
#' different representations of timestamp(s), including POSIXct-objects for 
#' local and UTC timezone as well as ISO-8601 compliant (text) timestamp and 
#' information if daylight savings time is in effect
#' @param tstamp (vector of) timestamp(s), either of POSIXt-type or character
#' @param tzone time zone in which timestamps in \emph{tstamp} are given. Will
#'   only be used if \emph{tstamp} are not yet of POSIXt-type.
#' @param tsep character used in ISO-8601 text representation to divide date
#'   from time
#' @return data frame with columns \emph{tPosix.local} (POSIXct-objects in time 
#'   zone \emph{tzone}), \emph{tzone} (name of time zone), \emph{tPosix.UTC} 
#'   (POSIXct-objects in time zone \emph{UTC}), \emph{tChr.ISO} (timestamp in 
#'   ISO-8601 syntax), \emph{isdst} (1 if daylight savings time is in effect, 
#'   otherwise 0).
#' @keywords internal
hsTsInfo <- function(tstamp, tzone = "", tsep = "T")
  tPosix.local = as.POSIXct(tstamp, tz = tzone)
  tinfo <- data.frame(tPosix.local)
  tinfo$tzone <- format(tPosix.local, "%Z")    
  tinfo$tPosix.UTC <- as.POSIXct(format(tPosix.local, tz = "UTC"), tz = "UTC")
  # time difference to UTC in minutes
  minToUTC <- as.numeric(difftime(
    as.POSIXct(format(tinfo$tPosix.local), tz = "UTC"),
    as.POSIXct(format(tinfo$tPosix.UTC), tz = "UTC"), units = "min"
  formatstr <- paste0("%Y-%m-%d", tsep, "%H:%M:%S")
  tinfo$tChr.ISO <- sprintf(
    format(tinfo$tPosix.local, format = formatstr), 
    as.integer(minToUTC / 60), # full hours of time difference to UTC
    minToUTC %% 60 # remaining minutes of time difference to UTC 
  tinfo$isdst <- unclass(as.POSIXlt(tPosix.local))$isdst

# hsQuaStr ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Timestamp to Quarter String
#' @param tstamp (vector of) timestamp(s) of type POSXIXt
#' @return string of the form \dQuote{Q<n> of <yyyy>} with <n> representing the 
#'   number of the quarter within the year and <yyyy> representing the year.
#' @keywords internal
hsQuaStr <- function(tstamp) 
  quarter <- hsQua(as.integer(format(tstamp, "%m")))
  sprintf("Q%d of %s", quarter, format(tstamp, "%Y"))

# hsQua ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Number of Month to Number to Quarter
#' @param month number of month (1:12)
#' @return number of quarter: 1 if month in (1:3), 2 if month in (4:6), 3 if
#'   month in (7:9), 4 if month in (10:12)
#' @keywords internal
hsQua <- function(month)
  as.integer((month - 1) / 3) + 1

# intervalKey ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Representative String for Part of Timestamp
#' @param tstamps (vector of) timestamp(s) of type POSXIXt
#' @param itype one of 'y' (year), 'q' (quarter in year), 'm' (month in year),
#'   'd' (day in month in year), 'w' (week in year), 'D' (weekday in month in
#'   year), 'qo' (quarter only), 'mo' (month only), 'do' (day only), 'dm' (day
#'   in month), 'wo' (week only), 'Do' (weekday only), 'Dy' (weekday in year)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Define a sequence of times
#' times <- as.POSIXct(kwb.datetime::sequenceOfTimestamps(
#'   "2017-11-04 22:00:00", "2017-11-05 02:00:00", step.s = 3000
#' ))
#' # Apply all different defined types and print the result
#' for (type in rownames(kwb.datetime:::.timestamp_type_info())) {
#'   kwb.utils::printIf(TRUE, intervalKey(times, type), paste("\ntype:", type))
#' }
intervalKey <- function(tstamps, itype) 
  type_info <- .timestamp_type_info()
  if (! (itype %in% rownames(type_info))) {
    error_message <- paste0(
      "itype must be one of\n  ", 
        "'", rownames(type_info), "' (", type_info[, "desc"], ")", 
        collapse = ",\n  "
  if (itype == "q" || itype == "qo") {
    quarter <- hsQua(as.integer(format(tstamps, "%m")))

    if (itype == "q") {
      sprintf("%s-Q%d", format(tstamps, "%Y"), quarter)
    } else {
      sprintf("Q%d", quarter)
  } else {
    format(tstamps, .intervalKeyFormat(itype))    

# .timestamp_type_info ---------------------------------------------------------
.timestamp_type_info <- function()
  content <- "key, format, labelformat, desc
                y, %Y,                , year
                q, ,                  , quarter in year
                m, %Y-%m (%B %Y),     , month in year
                d, %Y-%m-%d,          , day in month in year
                w, %Y-W%U,            , week in year
                D, %Y-%m-WD%w (%A),   , weekday in month in year
               qo, ,                  , quarter only
               mo, %m (%B),           , month only
               do, %d,                , day only
               dm, %m-%d (%B %d),     , day in month
               wo, W%U (week %U),     , week only
               Do, WD%w (%A),         , weekday only
               Dy, %Y-WD%w (%A),      , weekday in year"
  result <- utils::read.table(text = content, sep = ",", header = TRUE)
  result <- do.call(cbind, lapply(result, kwb.utils::hsTrim))
  result[is.na(result)] <- ""
  rownames(result) <- result[, 1]
  result[, -1]

# .intervalKeyFormat -----------------------------------------------------------
.intervalKeyFormat <- function(itype)
  type_info  <- .timestamp_type_info()
  ids <- rownames(type_info)
  if (! (itype %in% ids)) {
    error_message <- paste(
      "itype must be one of", 
      paste0("'", ids, "' (", type_info[, "desc"], ")", collapse = ", ")
  type_info[itype, 1]

# resetTimePart ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Reduce a Timestamp to a certain Information
#' @param tstamp (vector of) timestamp(s) of type POSXIXt
#' @param resetYear logical. If \code{TRUE}, the year of all timestamps is set
#'   to 1970
#' @param resetMonth logical. If \code{TRUE}, the month of all timestamps is set
#'   to 01
#' @param resetDay logical. If \code{TRUE}, the day of all timestamps is set to
#'   01
#' @param resetTime logical. Used as default for \code{resetHour}, 
#'   \code{resetMin}, \code{resetSec}
#' @param resetHour logical. If \code{TRUE}, the hours of all timestamps is set
#'   to 00
#' @param resetMin logical. If \code{TRUE}, the minutes of all timestamps is set
#'   to 00
#' @param resetSec logical. If \code{TRUE}, the seconds of all timestamps is set
#'   to 00
#' @param \dots further arguments to be passed to hsToPosix
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' resetTimePart(as.POSIXct("2017-11-04 16:18:44"), resetTime = TRUE)
#' # Reset year, month and day
#' resetTimePart(as.POSIXct("2017-11-04 16:18:44"), TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)
resetTimePart <- function(
  resetYear  = FALSE, 
  resetMonth = FALSE, 
  resetDay   = FALSE,
  resetTime  = FALSE,
  resetHour  = resetTime,
  resetMin   = resetTime,
  resetSec   = resetTime,
  fmt <- sprintf(
    "%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s",
    ifelse(resetYear, "1970", "%Y"),
    ifelse(resetMonth,  "01", "%m"),
    ifelse(resetDay,    "01", "%d"),
    ifelse(resetHour,   "00", "%H"),
    ifelse(resetMin,    "00", "%M"),
    ifelse(resetSec,    "00", "%S")
  hsToPosix(format(tstamp, fmt), ...)

# hsDateStr --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Timestamp or Date Object to String in format yyyy-mm-dd
#' @param tstamp vector of date or time objects  
#' @export
hsDateStr <- function(tstamp) 
  format(tstamp, "%Y-%m-%d")

# hsTStampsPerDay --------------------------------------------------------------

#' Number of Timestamps per Day
#' Number of timestamps per day in a vector of POSIX-time objects
#' @param tstamps vector of POSIX-timestamps
#' @param tsName name of "date" column in result data frame
#' @return data frame with columns \code{date} (or the name given in
#'   \code{tsName}) and \code{count}
#' @keywords internal
hsTStampsPerDay <- function(tstamps, tsName = "date")
  by <- list(hsDateStr(tstamps))
  result <- stats::aggregate(tstamps, by = by, FUN = length)
  structure(result, names = c(tsName, "count"))

# daysPerMonth ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' Number of Days in the Month of the given Date
#' @param date date object
#' @return (integer) number of days in the month of the given date
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # You may either pass a Date object...
#' daysPerMonth(as.Date("2010-01-04"))
#' # ... or a date string in yyyy-mm-dd format
#' daysPerMonth("2010-01-04")
#' # Number of days in February 2010
#' daysPerMonth("2010-02-01")
#' # Number of days in February 2012
#' daysPerMonth("2012-02-15")
daysPerMonth <- function(date) 
  date <- as.POSIXlt(date)
  date_string <- sprintf(
    ifelse(date$mon == 11, 1, 0) + date$year + 1900, # Dec? -> next year
    ifelse(date$mon == 11, 1, date$mon + 2) # Dec? -> Jan
  as.integer(substr(as.Date(date_string) - 1, 9, 10))
KWB-R/kwb.datetime documentation built on July 9, 2021, 10:28 p.m.