
Defines functions valuesToCsv replaceNaWithEmptyStringInCharColumns removeEmptyLines readPackageFile quoteTextIfNeeded getValueFromKeyValueString dataFrameToCsvLines_v2 dataFrameToCsvLines_v1 dataFrameContentToTextLines asNumericIfRequired

Documented in readPackageFile valuesToCsv

# asNumericIfRequired ----------------------------------------------------------
asNumericIfRequired <- function(x, name = deparse(substitute(x)), dbg = TRUE)
  if (is.numeric(x)) {

    messageText = sprintf("Converting '%s' to numeric", name),
    expr = as.numeric(x),
    dbg = dbg

# dataFrameContentToTextLines --------------------------------------------------
dataFrameContentToTextLines <- function(dframe, mycsv = FALSE, ...)
  if (mycsv) {
    dataFrameToCsvLines_v1(dframe, ...)
  } else {
    dataFrameToCsvLines_v2(dframe, ...)

# dataFrameToCsvLines_v1 -------------------------------------------------------
dataFrameToCsvLines_v1 <- function(dframe, sep, ...) 
  #cat(sprintf("\nsep in dataFrameToCsvLines_v1(): '%s'\n", sep))
  n_columns <- ncol(dframe)
  output <- matrix("", nrow = nrow(dframe), ncol = n_columns)
  for (column_num in seq_len(n_columns)) {
    output[, column_num] <- valuesToCsv(dframe[[column_num]], sep = sep, ...)
  apply(output, 1, paste, collapse = sep)

# dataFrameToCsvLines_v2 -------------------------------------------------------
dataFrameToCsvLines_v2 <- function(dframe, qchar = NULL, ...)
  # Do not pass qchar to write.table
  con <- textConnection("buffer", "w")
  utils::write.table(dframe, con, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, ...)      

# get_columns ------------------------------------------------------------------
get_columns <- kwb.utils::selectColumns

# get_elements -----------------------------------------------------------------
get_elements <- kwb.utils::selectElements

# getValueFromKeyValueString ---------------------------------------------------
getValueFromKeyValueString <- function(keyvalue)
  sapply(strsplit(keyvalue, "="), "[", 2L)

# quoteTextIfNeeded ------------------------------------------------------------
quoteTextIfNeeded <- function(x, sep, qchar, qmethod)
  pattern <- sprintf("\\%s|\\%s", sep, qchar)
  indices <- grep(pattern, x)
  if (length(indices) > 0) {
    surrogate <- paste0(if (qmethod == "double") qchar else '\\\\', qchar)
    quoted <- gsub(qchar, surrogate, x[indices])
    x[indices] <- paste0(qchar, quoted, qchar)    

# readPackageFile --------------------------------------------------------------

#' Read CSV File from Package's extdata Folder
#' @param file file name (without path)
#' @param \dots additional arguments passed to \code{read.csv}
#' @return data frame representing the content of \code{\link{file}}
readPackageFile <- function(file, ...)
  kwb.utils::readPackageFile(file, package = "kwb.en13508.2", ...)

# removeEmptyLines -------------------------------------------------------------
removeEmptyLines <- function(x, dbg = TRUE)
  indices.empty <- grep("^$", x)
  n.empty <- length(indices.empty)
  if (n.empty == 0L) {

    paste("Removing",  n.empty, "empty lines"),
    dbg = dbg, 

# replaceNaWithEmptyStringInCharColumns ----------------------------------------
replaceNaWithEmptyStringInCharColumns <- function(x)
  is_char <- sapply(x, is.character)
  x[is_char] <- lapply(x[is_char], function(y) {
    y[is.na(y)] <- ""

# valuesToCsv ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Values to CSV
#' @param x vector of values representing a row in a CSV file
#' @param dec decimal character
#' @param sep field separating character
#' @param na text to be used in case of NA values
#' @param qchar quoting character to be used to surround text fields containing
#'   the field separator
#' @param qmethod method used to indicate that a quoting character within a
#'   quoted text field is not the ending quote. Either "double" (double the
#'   quote character) or "escape" (backslash in front of the quoting character).
valuesToCsv <- function(
    x, dec = ".", sep = ",", na = "", qchar = '"', 
    qmethod = c("double", "escape")[1]
  #cat(sprintf("\nsep in valuesToCsv(): '%s'\n", sep))
  na.indices <- is.na(x)
  if (is.factor(x)) {
    x <- as.character(x)
  x <- if (mode(x) == "numeric") {
    # Replace decimal character if required
    if (dec != ".") sub("\\.", dec, x) else x
  } else {
    quoteTextIfNeeded(x, sep, qchar, qmethod)
  x[na.indices] <- na
KWB-R/kwb.en13508.2 documentation built on April 3, 2024, 9:47 a.m.