
Defines functions write_input_file write_fst_file set_root round_2 remove_column_expected_empty message_updating message_on_missing_url get_root get_environment_variable download_file day_strings_until_today db_path clean_stop add_day_column_from add_credentials

Documented in day_strings_until_today db_path download_file get_environment_variable get_root remove_column_expected_empty set_root write_fst_file write_input_file

# add_credentials --------------------------------------------------------------
add_credentials <- function(url, user_pwd)
  gsub("://", paste0("://", user_pwd, "@"), url)

# add_day_column_from ----------------------------------------------------------
add_day_column_from <- function(df, column)
  df$Day <- lubridate::as_date(kwb.utils::selectColumns(df, column))


# clean_stop -------------------------------------------------------------------
clean_stop <- function(...)
  stop(call. = FALSE, ...)

# db_path ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Path to "Database" File
#' @param root path to "root" directory of the application
#' @param file file name within application's "database" folder
#' @export
db_path <- function(file, root = get_root())
  file.path(root, "database", file)

# day_strings_until_today ------------------------------------------------------

#' Day Strings from Start Day Up to Today
#' @param start_day start day as string (yyyy-mm-dd) or POSIXt object
#' @return vector of character containing date strings in format "yymmdd"
#' @export
day_strings_until_today <- function(start_day)
  format(seq(as.Date(start_day), as.Date(Sys.time()), 1), "%y%m%d")

# download_file ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Download a File
#' @param url URL to the file to be downloaded
#' @param destfile full path to target file name
#' @param dbg show message about the downloading process if \code{TRUE}
#' @importFrom kwb.utils catAndRun
#' @importFrom utils download.file
download_file <- function(url, destfile, dbg = TRUE)
    dbg = dbg,
    messageText = paste("Downloading file to\n ", destfile),
    expr = utils::download.file(url, destfile, quiet = TRUE)

# get_environment_variable -----------------------------------------------------

#' Get Environment Variable Giving a Hint on Missing Variables
#' @param x name of environment variable
#' @param do_stop logical. If \code{TRUE} an error is raised if the environment
#'   variable is not set. Otherwise (the default), a message is shown.
#' @export
get_environment_variable <- function(x, do_stop = FALSE)
  content <- Sys.getenv(x)

  if (content == "") {

    text <- paste0(
      sprintf("There is no such environment variable '%s'.\n", x),
      "Use the following command to set the variable:\n",
      sprintf("Sys.setenv(%s = \"<value-of-%s>\")", x, x)

    if (do_stop) {


    } else {



# get_root ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get Root
#' @return root
#' @export
get_root <- function()
  path.expand(get_environment_variable("FLUSSHYGIENE_ROOT", do_stop = TRUE))

# message_on_missing_url -------------------------------------------------------
message_on_missing_url <- function(ftp_url, owner)
  if (nzchar(ftp_url)) {

  message("\nSkipping the download of files from ", owner, "'s FTP server.")

# message_updating -------------------------------------------------------------
message_updating <- function(context, root)
  message("\nUpdating the ", context, " (root folder: ", root, ")\n")

# remove_column_expected_empty -------------------------------------------------
#' Remove Column Expected Empty
#' @param df df
#' @param column column
#' @param dbg default: FALSE
#' @return data frame without "column" to be removed (if empty!)
#' @export
#' @importFrom kwb.utils isNaOrEmpty removeColumns selectColumns
remove_column_expected_empty <- function(df, column, dbg = FALSE)
  if (all(kwb.utils::isNaOrEmpty(kwb.utils::selectColumns(df, column)))) {

    return(kwb.utils::removeColumns(df, column, dbg = dbg))

    "Column '%s' is not empty as expected and thus kept!", column


# round_2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
round_2 <- function(x)
  round(x, digits = 2)

# set_root ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Set the Root Folder of the Flusshygiene App
#' The root folder will be stored in the environment variable
#' @param root path to the root folder
#' @export
set_root <- function(root)
  Sys.setenv(FLUSSHYGIENE_ROOT = root)

# write_fst_file ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' Write Fst File
#' @param x object to be saved
#' @param file file
#' @param context default: deparse(substitute(x))
#' @return write fst file
#' @export
#' @importFrom fst write_fst
write_fst_file <- function(x, file, context = deparse(substitute(x)))
    sprintf("Writing %s to\n  '%s'", context, file),
    fst::write_fst(x, file)

# write_input_file -------------------------------------------------------------

#' Write Data Frame to CSV File
#' @param x data frame to be written to CSV file
#' @param file full path to target file
#' @param context text describing the kind of data that is written. This text
#'   will appear in the debug message
#' @param sep column separator, default: ";"
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils write.table
write_input_file <- function(
  x, file, context = deparse(substitute(x)), sep = ";"
    sprintf("Writing %s to\n  '%s'", context, file),
    utils::write.table(x, file, sep = sep, dec = ".", row.names = FALSE)
KWB-R/kwb.flusshygiene.app documentation built on July 18, 2021, 2:55 p.m.