
Defines functions baseProps_ex1 example1 getModelComparisonTable compareModelResults plotModelComparison

Documented in baseProps_ex1 compareModelResults example1 getModelComparisonTable plotModelComparison

#' USGS verification example: base parameterisation
#' @description USGS verification example
#' @references p.23, \url{https://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2010/5102/support/sir2010-5102.pdf}
#' @export
baseProps_ex1 <- function() {
    time = 1.5, ### days
    basinWidth = 33.63, ### feet
    basinLength = 33.63, ### feet
    infiltrationRate = 1.333,
    horizConductivity = 4, ### feet/day
    iniHead = 10, ### feet
    specificYield = 0.085,
    numberTimeSteps = 150

#' USGS verification example: model parameterisation (multiple distances)
#' @param x distance from the center of the recharge basin in the x direction (L)
#' @param baseProps basic model properties as retrieved by baseProps_ex1()
#' @param dbg If True additional messages on debug messages
#' @references p.23, \url{https://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2010/5102/support/sir2010-5102.pdf}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' res <- example1()
#' if (FALSE) {
#'   #### Head for each time step (defined with parameter "numberTimeSteps)
#'   xyplot(head ~ x | as.factor(sprintf("%f days", timeSteps)),
#'     data = res$timeSteps,
#'     type = "b",
#'     las = 1,
#'     as.table = TRUE
#'   )
#'   #### Head at end of simulation
#'   plot(head ~ x,
#'     data = res$simTime,
#'     type = "b",
#'     las = 1
#'   )
#' }
#' #### Water level increase at end of simulation & compare to alternative models
#' modelComparison <- compareModelResults(conf = res)
#' plotModelComparison(modelComparison = modelComparison)
example1 <- function(x = c(0, 0.3, 3.3, 6.6, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200),
                     baseProps = baseProps_ex1(),
                     dbg = FALSE) {
    x = x,
    baseProps = baseProps,
    dbg = dbg

#' USGS verification example: get model comparison table
#' @return data.frame with water level increase of different model approaches
#' @references Table 5, p.25, \url{https://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2010/5102/support/sir2010-5102.pdf}
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @export
#' @examples
#' modelComparison <- getModelComparisonTable()
getModelComparisonTable <- function() {
  csvPath <- system.file("extdata",
    package = "kwb.hantush"
  modelComparison <- utils::read.csv(file = csvPath, header = TRUE, dec = ".")


#' USGS verification example: compare R results for water level increase with other
#' models and calculate statistical goodness of fit values (e.g. RMSE, PBIAS, NSE)
#' @param conf list as retrieved by example1()
#' @return data.frame with R results and other model including all goodness of fit
#' criteria calculated with gof() of package hydrogof
#' @export
#' @references Table 5, p.25, \url{https://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2010/5102/support/sir2010-5102.pdf}
#' @seealso \code{\link{example1}} for the USGS example parameterisation with distances
#' @importFrom stats reshape
compareModelResults <- function(conf = example1()) {
  table <- getModelComparisonTable()

  res <- conf$simTime[, c("x", "head")]
  ### Water level increase
  res$head <- res$head - conf$baseProps$iniHead
  names(res)[names(res) == "head"] <- "R"

  modelComparison <- merge(res, table)

  ##### Reformat
  newNames <- names(modelComparison)[3:ncol(modelComparison)]
  modelComparison <- stats::reshape(
    data = modelComparison, times = newNames,
    timevar = "model",
    varying = list(newNames),
    direction = "long"

  names(modelComparison)[names(modelComparison) == "Tailor"] <- "modelVal"

  gofRes <- data.frame()
  for (myModel in unique(modelComparison$model))
    tmp <- modelComparison[modelComparison$model == myModel, ]
    tmp_gofRes <- t(hydroGOF::gof(
      sim = tmp$R,
      obs = tmp$modelVal,
      na.rm = TRUE,
      digits = 5
    colnames(tmp_gofRes) <- gsub(" %", "", colnames(tmp_gofRes))
    tmp_gofRes <- cbind(data.frame(model = myModel), as.data.frame(tmp_gofRes))

    gofRes <- rbind(gofRes, tmp_gofRes)

  gofRes$ModelLabel <- sprintf(
    "%s (RMSE: %1.3f feet, PBIAS: %2.1f %%, NSE: %1.3f)",

  modelComparison <- merge(modelComparison, gofRes)


#' USGS verification example: plot model comparison results
#' @param modelComparison data.frame as retrieved by compareModelResults(),
#' Default: (compareModelResults())
#' @param title to be used as title above plot (Default: "")
#' @param ... further arguments passed to function xyplot()
#' @return model comparison goodness of fit plots
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{compareModelResults}} for comparison with USGS benchmark models
#' @importFrom lattice xyplot
#' @examples
#' ### Plot model comparison with title "Model comparison" and one plot for
#' ### each page
#' plotModelComparison(
#'   title = "Model comparison",
#'   layout = c(1, 1)
#' )
plotModelComparison <- function(modelComparison = compareModelResults(),
                                title = "",
                                ...) {
  print(lattice::xyplot(R + modelVal ~ x | ModelLabel,
    type = "b", pch = 16,
    xlab = "x distance from the center of the recharge basin (feet) ",
    ylab = "Water level increase (feet)",
    data = modelComparison,
    par.settings = lattice::simpleTheme(
      col = c("blue", "red"),
      pch = c(16, 16), lty = c(1, 1)
    auto.key = list(
      columns = 2,
      text = c("R", "Model"),
      lines = TRUE,
      points = FALSE
    main = title,
KWB-R/kwb.hantush documentation built on Oct. 1, 2019, 3:32 p.m.