
Defines functions add_creation_metadata write_git_batch_and_execute set_github_user path_to_git kwb_string kwb_package kwb_author git_check_if_windows get_pkgname clean_stop

Documented in get_pkgname kwb_author kwb_package set_github_user

# clean_stop -------------------------------------------------------------------
clean_stop <- function(...)
  stop(..., call. = FALSE)

# get_pkgname ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Helper Function: Get Package Name
#' @param pkgname either package name or NULL. In this
#' case the DESCRIPTION file in the current working
#' directory is read and is package name ues (default: NULL)
#' @return package name
#' @export

get_pkgname <- function(pkgname = NULL)
  # Return the package name if it was given
  if (! is.null(pkgname)) {

  if (! file.exists("DESCRIPTION")) clean_stop(
    "No pkgname defined and no 'DESCRIPTION' file for deriving package name ",


# git_check_if_windows ---------------------------------------------------------

#' Git Check if Windows
#' @param git_exe path to Git executable on windows
#' @return git_exe provided (if os == "windows"), else: "git"
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
git_check_if_windows <- function(git_exe)
  # For non-Windows systems, assume that "git" is installed and on the PATH
  if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {

  # .Platform$OS.type == "windows"
  if (! file.exists(git_exe)) clean_stop(
    "GIT executable cannot be found: ", git_exe


# kwb_author -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Get Information About KWB Author
#' @importFrom kwb.utils selectElements
#' @keywords internal
kwb_author <- function(who)
  kwb.utils::selectElements(elements = who, x = list(
    rustler = list(
      name = "Michael Rustler",
      orcid = "0000-0003-0647-7726",
      url = "https://mrustl.de"

#' Get (Default) Information About KWB-R Package
#' @importFrom kwb.utils selectElements
#' @keywords internal
kwb_package <- function(pkg)
  kwb.utils::selectElements(elements = pkg, x = list(
    "kwb.umberto" = list(
      name = "kwb.umberto",
      title = "R package supporting UMBERTO LCA at KWB",
      desc = paste0(
        "Helper functions for data aggregation and visualisation",
        " of UMBERTO (https://www.ifu.com/umberto/) model output."

# kwb_string -------------------------------------------------------------------
kwb_string <- function()
  "Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH (KWB)"

# path_to_git ------------------------------------------------------------------
path_to_git <- function()
  "C:/Program Files/Git/bin/git.exe"

# set_github_user --------------------------------------------------------------

#' Set Github User For GIT
#' @param git_username Github username (default:
#'   "kwb.pkgbuild::use_autopkgdown()")
#' @param git_fullname Github fullname (default:
#'   "kwb.pkgbuild::use_autopkgdown()")
#' @param git_email (default: `kwbr-bot@kompetenz-wasser.de`), is then
#'   internally derived by calling whoami::fullname() and assuming that Github
#'   "kompetenz-wasser.de" used as email on Github
#' @param git_exe path git git executable (only used on Windows as it is not
#'   installed in the local "environment"). On all other plattforms it is
#'   assumed that a call with "git" works
#' @param execute should a batch file be run?
#' @param execute_dir path to directory where batch script should be run in case
#'   that execute == TRUE (default: tempdir())
#' @param dbg print debug messages (default: TRUE)
#' @return sets globally user.name and user.email in Git
#' @export
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
set_github_user <- function(
  git_username = "kwb.pkgbuild::use_autopkgdown()",
  git_fullname = "kwb.pkgbuild::use_autopkgdown()",
  git_email = "kwbr-bot@kompetenz-wasser.de",
  git_exe = path_to_git(),
  execute = FALSE,
  execute_dir = tempdir(),
  dbg = TRUE
  if (is.null(git_email)) {

    # Replace space with dot
    dot_name <- stringr::str_replace(git_fullname, "\\s+", ".")

    # Compose KWB e-mail address
    git_email <- paste0(tolower(dot_name), "@kompetenz-wasser.de")

  git_exe <- git_check_if_windows(git_exe)

  set_global_config_command <- function(name, value) sprintf(
    '"%s" config --global %s %s', git_exe, name, value

  cmd_gitconfig <- c(
    set_global_config_command("user.name", git_username),
    set_global_config_command("user.email", git_email)

  kwb.utils::catIf(dbg, paste0("Setting GIT user:\n", cmd_gitconfig))

  # Do not execute but only return the command string if execute is FALSE
  if (! execute) {

  filename <- sprintf("set_github_user_%s.bat", git_username)
  file <- file.path(execute_dir, filename)

  writeLines(cmd_gitconfig, file)

  kwb.utils::catAndRun(dbg = dbg, paste("Running:", file), {
    system(command = file)

# write_git_batch_and_execute --------------------------------------------------

#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
write_git_batch_and_execute <- function(
  set_githubuser = TRUE,
  bat_name = sprintf("%s.bat", basename(tempfile())),
  execute = TRUE,
  dbg = TRUE,
  if (set_githubuser) {
    cmd <- c(set_github_user(git_exe = git_exe, dbg = dbg, ...), cmd)

  file <- file.path(dest_dir, bat_name)

  kwb.utils::catAndRun(dbg = dbg, sprintf("Writing batch file: %s", file), {
    writeLines(cmd, file)

  if (! execute) {

  kwb.utils::catAndRun(dbg = dbg, sprintf("Running batch file: %s", file), {
    expr = system(file)

# add_creation_metadata --------------------------------------------------

#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom sessioninfo package_info
add_creation_metadata <- function(as_yaml = TRUE, line_sep = "\n")
  function_call <- deparse(sys.calls()[[1L]])

  package_name <- "kwb.pkgbuild"

  metadata <- sessioninfo::package_info(package_name)

  metadata <- metadata[metadata$package == package_name, ]

  comment_block <- function(x) {
    separator_line <- kwb.utils::repeated("#", 80L)
    paste(collapse = line_sep, c(
      paste("###", x),

  if (as_yaml) {

    info <- list(
      "generated-with" = list(
        type = "R-package",
        name = metadata$package,
        version = metadata$ondiskversion,
        "installed-from" = metadata$source,
        "installed-on" = metadata$date
      "generated-by" = list(
        user = kwb.utils::user(),
        "function-call" = function_call
      "generated-on" = as.character(Sys.time())

      # Create yaml text and split it into separate lines
      strsplit(yaml::as.yaml(info, line.sep = line_sep), line_sep)[[1L]]

      "Generated with R package %s v%s",
      "(installed from '%s' source code on %s)",
      "by calling %s",
      "(file created on: %s)"
    paste(function_call, collapse = paste0(line_sep, "###")),
KWB-R/kwb.pkgbuild documentation built on Oct. 25, 2022, 2:17 a.m.