
Defines functions to_element_themes element_types demo_themes_line demo_themes_rect demo_themes_text demo_theme_properties apply_elements_text ggplot_themes preview_themes demo.adj

Documented in apply_elements_text demo.adj demo_theme_properties demo_themes_line demo_themes_rect demo_themes_text element_types ggplot_themes preview_themes to_element_themes

# demo.adj ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Demo of Graphical Parameter "adj"
#' Demonstration of the effect of the graphical parameter "adj" (horizontal and
#'   vertical adjustment)
#' @param text text to be plotted
#' @param srt The string rotation in degrees (see \code{par})
#' @param cex character expansion factor
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to \code{text}
#' @param to.pdf if \code{TRUE} the output goes into a PDF file
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' kwb.plot::demo.adj()
#' kwb.plot::demo.adj("Exampletext", srt = 30)
#' #kwb.plot::demo.adj(srt = c(0, 45, 90), to.pdf = TRUE)  
demo.adj <- function(
  text = "Text", srt = c(0, 90), cex = 1, ..., to.pdf = FALSE
  adjs <- list(
    c(0.0, 0.0),
    c(0.0, 0.5), 
    c(0.0, 1.0),
    c(0.5, 0.0),
    c(0.5, 0.5),
    c(0.5, 1.0),
    c(1.0, 0.0),
    c(1.0, 0.5), 
    c(1.0, 1.0)
  names.adj <- names(adjs)
  pdfFile <- kwb.utils::preparePdfIf(to.pdf)
    mfrow = kwb.plot::bestRowColumnSetting(length(adjs)), mar = c(2, 2, 2, 2)
  for (rotation in srt) {
    for (i in seq_along(adjs)) {
        0, 0, xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1), xlab = "", ylab = "",  
        axes = FALSE, main = sprintf(
          "srt = %s\nadj = c(%s, %s)", rotation, adjs[[i]][1], adjs[[i]][2]
      graphics::abline(h = 0, v = 0, col = "grey")
        x = 0, 0, labels = text, adj = adjs[[i]], cex = cex, srt = rotation, ...
  kwb.utils::finishAndShowPdfIf(to.pdf, pdfFile)

# preview_themes ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' Preview the Effects of Themes on a Plot
#' Preview the effects of ggplot2-themes on a given plot
#' @param x ggplot object
#' @param themes list of ggplot-themes as returned by
#'   \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme}}
#' @param to_pdf if \code{TRUE} (default) the output goes to a PDF file
#' @param landscape if \code{TRUE} (default) the output to a PDF file will be in
#'   DIN A4 landscape format, else in DIN A4 portrait format
#' @param \dots arguments passed to \code{\link[gridExtra:arrangeGrob]{grid.arrange}}
#' @export
preview_themes <- function(
  x = example_plot(), themes = ggplot_themes(), to_pdf = TRUE, 
  landscape = TRUE, ...
  plots <- lapply(themes, function(theme) x + theme)
  plots <- set_titles(plots, names(themes))
  if (to_pdf) {
    arrange_in_pdf(plots, landscape = landscape, ...)
  } else {
    do.call(gridExtra::grid.arrange, c(plots, list(...)))

# ggplot_themes ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' List of available ggplot2-Themes
#' Return a list of predefined themes from the ggplot2-package
ggplot_themes <- function()
  envir <- asNamespace("ggplot2")
  # Find functions returning complete themes
  #theme_names <- grep("^theme_", ls(envir = envir), value = TRUE)
  #cat(kwb.utils::stringList(theme_names, qchar = '"'))
  theme_names <- c(

  lapply(stats::setNames(nm = theme_names), function(name) {
    do.call(get(name, envir = envir), list())

# apply_elements_text ----------------------------------------------------------

#' Apply themes with given text properties to a plot
#' @param x ggplot object
#' @param elements objects as created by function 
#' \code{\link[ggplot2:element]{element_text}}
apply_elements_text <- function(x, elements)
  plots <- lapply(elements, function(element) {
    x + ggplot2::theme(text = element)
  kwb.plot::set_titles(plots, names(elements))

# demo_theme_properties --------------------------------------------------------

#' Plots Demonstrating Theme Properties
#' @param x ggplot object on which to demonstrate the theme properties
#' @param to_pdf if \code{TRUE} (default) the plots are written to a pdf file
#' @export
demo_theme_properties <- function(x = example_plot_2(), to_pdf = TRUE)
  pdf_file <- file.path(tempdir(), "demo_theme_properties.pdf")
  kwb.utils::preparePdfIf(to_pdf, pdf_file)
  print(preview_themes(x, demo_themes_text(), to_pdf = FALSE))
  print(preview_themes(x, demo_themes_rect(), to_pdf = FALSE))
  print(preview_themes(x, demo_themes_line(), to_pdf = FALSE))
  kwb.utils::finishAndShowPdfIf(to_pdf, pdf_file)

# demo_themes_text -------------------------------------------------------------

#' demo themes text
demo_themes_text <- function()
  style_text <- ggplot2::element_text(colour = "red", face = "bold")
  to_element_themes(element_types()$text, style_text)

# demo_themes_rect -------------------------------------------------------------

#' demo themes rect
demo_themes_rect <- function()
  style_rect <- ggplot2::element_rect(
    colour = "red", size = 1, fill = "lightpink"
  to_element_themes(element_types()$rect, style_rect)

# demo_themes_line -------------------------------------------------------------

#' demo themes line
demo_themes_line <- function()
  style_line <- ggplot2::element_line(
    colour = "red", size = 1, linetype = "solid"
  to_element_themes(element_types()$line, style_line)

# element_types ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' element types
#' @param secondary if \code{TRUE} all parameters are returned otherwise those
#' parameters related to the x axis on top, the y axis on the right or the 
#' distict x an y parameters related to the "stip.text" parameter are omitted
element_types <- function(secondary = FALSE)
    line = c(
      "line", "axis.ticks", "axis.ticks.x", "axis.ticks.y", "axis.line", 
      "axis.line.x", "axis.line.y", "panel.grid", "panel.grid.major", 
      "panel.grid.minor", "panel.grid.major.x", "panel.grid.major.y", 
      "panel.grid.minor.x", "panel.grid.minor.y"
    rect = c(
      "rect", "legend.background", "legend.key", "legend.box.background",
      "panel.background", "panel.border", "plot.background", "strip.background"
    text = c(
      "text", "title", "axis.title", "axis.title.x", 
      if (secondary) "axis.title.x.top" else NULL, 
      if (secondary) "axis.title.y.right" else NULL, 
      "axis.text", "axis.text.x", 
      if (secondary) "axis.text.x.top" else NULL, 
      if (secondary) "axis.text.y.right" else NULL, 
      "legend.text", "legend.title", "plot.title", "plot.subtitle", 
      "plot.caption", "strip.text",
      if (secondary) "strip.text.x" else NULL,
      if (secondary) "strip.text.y" else NULL
    unit = c(
      "axis.ticks.length", "legend.spacing", "legend.spacing.x", 
      "legend.spacing.y", "legend.key.size", "legend.key.height", 
      "legend.key.width", "legend.box.spacing", "panel.spacing", 
      "panel.spacing.x", "panel.spacing.y", "plot.margin", 
      "strip.switch.pad.grid", "strip.switch.pad.wrap"
    margin = c(
      "legend.margin", "legend.box.margin"
    numeric = c("aspect.ratio", "legend.text.align", "legend.title.align"),
    categorical = c(
      "legend.position", "legend.direction", "legend.box", "legend.box.just",
      "legend.justification", "strip.placement"
    logical = c(

# to_element_themes ------------------------------------------------------------

#' to element themes
#' @param names name of the argument given to \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme}}
#' @param element value of the argument given to \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme}}
to_element_themes <- function(names, element)
  lapply(kwb.utils::toNamedList(names), function(name) {
    do.call(ggplot2::theme, structure(list(element), names = name))
KWB-R/kwb.plot documentation built on Oct. 2, 2023, 10:16 p.m.