
Defines functions writeText warningDeprecated readPackageFile printIf loadObject listObjects headtail getObjectFromRDataFile getNamesOfObjectsInRDataFiles containsNulString clearConsole catNewLineIf catLines catIf catAndRun

Documented in catAndRun catIf catLines catNewLineIf clearConsole containsNulString getNamesOfObjectsInRDataFiles getObjectFromRDataFile headtail listObjects loadObject printIf readPackageFile warningDeprecated writeText

# catAndRun --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Print Debug Messages Before and After Running Code
#' @param messageText text to be printed before running the code
#' @param expr expressions to be run. Enclose more than one expression in
#'   curly braces
#' @param newLine integer controlling new lines. 0: no extra new line, 1:
#'   new line after \code{messageText}, 2: new line after "ok.", 3: new line
#'   after both, \code{messageText} and "ok."
#' @param dbg logical. If \code{FALSE}, output is suppressed.
#' @param log_time logical. If \code{TRUE}, the time elapsed during the 
#'   evaluation of \code{expr} is printed.
#' @return This function returns the evaluation of \code{expr}. The result is
#'   returned invisibly so that the result of an assignment as the last 
#'   expression in \code{exprt} does not show up on the console.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' for (newLine in 0:3) {
#'   catAndRun("work hard", newLine = newLine, {
#'     cat("hard\nworking\n")
#'   })
#'   cat("here.\n\n")
#' }
catAndRun <- function(
  messageText = "Running code", expr, newLine = 2L, dbg = TRUE, log_time = TRUE
  catIf(dbg, messageText, "... ")
  catNewLineIf(dbg && bitwAnd(newLine, 1))
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  result <- eval(expr, envir = -1)

  catIf(dbg, "ok. ")
  dt <- Sys.time() - start_time
  catIf(dbg && log_time, sprintf("(%0.2f %s) ", dt, attr(dt, "units")))
  catNewLineIf(dbg && bitwAnd(newLine, 2))

# catIf ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Call cat If Condition Is Met
#' @param condition if TRUE, cat is called, else not
#' @param \dots arguments passed to cat
#' @export
catIf <- function(condition, ...)
  if (condition) {

# catLines ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Print Character Vector to the Console
#' Call cat on character vector, pasted with collapse = <new line>
#' @param x vector of character representing text lines to be printed
#' @export
catLines <- function(x)
  cat(paste0(paste0(x, collapse = "\n"), "\n"))

# catNewLineIf -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Print New Line Character to the Console if Condition is Met
#' @param condition if \code{TRUE} the new line is printed else not
#' @return Returns the condition, invisibly so that it can be reused
#' @export
catNewLineIf <- function(condition)
  catIf(condition, "\n")

# clearConsole -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Clear the R Console
#' @export
clearConsole <- function()

# containsNulString ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Check for nul String in File
#' @param filepath full path to file to be checked
#' @return \code{TRUE} if first two bytes of file are \code{<FF><FE>}, else 
#'   \code{FALSE}
#' @export
containsNulString <- function(filepath)
  x <- readBin(filepath, "raw", 2)
  x[1] == as.raw(0xff) && x[2] == as.raw(0xfe)

# getNamesOfObjectsInRDataFiles ------------------------------------------------

#' Deprecated. Use \code{\link{listObjects}} instead.
#' @param files.rdata vector of full paths to .RData files
#' @export
getNamesOfObjectsInRDataFiles <- function(files.rdata)
  warningDeprecated("getNamesOfObjectsInRDataFiles", "listObjects")

# getObjectFromRDataFile -------------------------------------------------------

#' Deprecated. Please use \code{\link{loadObject}} instead.
#' @param file path to .RData file
#' @param objectname name of object to be loaded
#' @param dbg if \code{TRUE} a message about which object is loaded from which 
#'   file is shown
#' @return R object as specified in \emph{objectname}. If an object of that name does
#'   not exist in the .RData file an error is thrown
#' @export
getObjectFromRDataFile <- function(file, objectname = NULL, dbg = TRUE)
  warningDeprecated("getObjectFromRDataFile", "loadObject")
  loadObject(file, objectname, dbg)

# headtail ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Print First and Last Rows of a Data Frame
#' Print the first and last rows of a data frame using head and tail, 
#' respectively. Print the number of omitted rows
#' @param x data frame
#' @param n total number of rows to be printed. 
#' @param pattern pattern given to \code{sprintf} containing a \code{\%d}
#'   placeholder to print the number of omitted rows
#' @return number of omitted rows, invisibly
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' x <- data.frame(number = 1:26, letter = LETTERS)
#' headtail(x)
#' headtail(x, 10)
#' headtail(x, 16)
#' headtail(x[10:20, ], 10)
headtail <- function(x, n = 6, pattern = "[%d rows omitted]")
  if (! is.data.frame(x)) {
    stop("headtail() is currently only defined for data frames")
  if (nrow(x) <= n) {
    n_omitted <- 0
  } else {
    n2 <- n %/% 2
    n_omitted <- nrow(x) - 2 * n2
    print(utils::head(x, n2))
    cat(sprintf(pattern, n_omitted), "\n")
    print(utils::tail(x, n2))

# listObjects ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Get Names of Objects in .RData files
#' @param files vector of full paths to .RData files
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' ## Not run
#' ## Search for available .RData files below "searchdir"
#' #searchdir <- "Y:/SUW_Department/Projects/SEMA/WP/20_Braunschweig"
#' #files <- dir(searchdir, pattern = "\\\\.RData$", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
#' ## Get the names of the objects in the .RData files
#' #objectsInFiles <- listObjects(files)
#' ## Which file contains the object "DataQ"?
#' #dataQ.found <- sapply(objectsInFiles, function(x) {"DataQ" %in% x})
#' #cat("DataQ was found in the following files:",
#' #    paste(files[dataQ.found], collapse = "\n  "))
listObjects <- function(files)
  # Create new environment into which the .RData files are to be loaded
  # temporarily
  testenvironment <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
  # Prepare result list
  objectsInFiles <- list()
  # Loop through .RData files
  for (i in seq_along(files)) {
      "Loading %d/%d: %s... ", i, length(files), basename(files[i])
    load(file = files[i], envir = testenvironment)
    cat("ok. ")
    objectnames <- ls(envir = testenvironment)
    objectsInFiles[[i]] <- objectnames
    cat(length(objectnames), "objects found. ")
    cat("Clearing workspace... ")
    rm(list = ls(envir = testenvironment), envir = testenvironment)
  # Delete the testenvironment
  # Return the list of object names
  structure(objectsInFiles, files = files)

# loadObject -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Load R object from .RData file
#' Load an R object of given name from a .RData file
#' @param file path to .RData file
#' @param objectname name of object to be loaded
#' @param dbg if \code{TRUE} a message about which object is loaded from which 
#'   file is shown
#' @return R object as specified in \emph{objectname}. If an object of that name does
#'   not exist in the .RData file an error is thrown
#' @export
loadObject <- function(file, objectname = NULL, dbg = TRUE)
  envir <- new.env()
  catIf(dbg, sprintf("Loading '%s' from '%s'... ", objectname, file))
  load(safePath(file), envir = envir)
  # Get the names of the contained objects
  objectnames <- ls(envir = envir)
  if (is.null(objectname) || (! objectname %in% objectnames)) {
    message_1 <- if (is.null(objectname)) {
      "Please give an 'objectname'. "
    } else {
      sprintf("Object '%s' not found. ", objectname)
    message_2 <- sprintf(
      "Available objects in '%s':\n%s", file, stringList(objectnames)
    stop(message_1, message_2, call. = FALSE)
  catIf(dbg, "ok.\n")
  # Return the object
  get(objectname, envir = envir)

# printIf ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Call Print If Condition Is Met
#' @param condition if TRUE, print is called, else not
#' @param x object to be printed
#' @param caption optional. Caption line to be printed with cat before printing
#'   \emph{x}
#' @export
printIf <- function(condition, x, caption = deparse(substitute(x)))
  if (condition) {
    catIf(caption != "", paste0(caption, ":\n"))

# readPackageFile --------------------------------------------------------------

#' Read File from Package's extdata Folder
#' @param file name of file (without path)
#' @param package name of the package from which to read the file
#' @param stringsAsFactors passed to \code{utils::read.csv} (default:
#'   \code{FALSE})
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to \code{utils::read.csv}
#' @return result of reading \code{file} with \code{utils::read.csv}
#' @export
readPackageFile <- function(file, package, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, ...)
  # If the package is not (yet) installed system.file() may not return the path
  # to the installed package but the path to the where the package is developed!
  path <- base::system.file("extdata", package = package)
  if (path == "") {
    path <- base::system.file("inst", "extdata", package = package)
  file <- safePath(path, file)

  utils::read.csv(file = file, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, ...)

# warningDeprecated ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Create Warning About a Deprecated Function
#' @param old_name name of deprecated function
#' @param new_name name of new function to be used instead
#' @param parentheses logical. Should parentheses be printed after the names
#'   in the output? Default: \code{TRUE}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' warningDeprecated("old_function()", "new_function()")
#' }
warningDeprecated <- function(old_name, new_name, parentheses = TRUE)
  parens <- if (parentheses) "()" else ""
  warning(call. = FALSE, sprintf(
    "The function %s%s is deprecated.\nPlease use %s%s instead.", 
    old_name, parens, new_name, parens

# writeText --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Write Text Lines to a File
#' Write text to a file using \code{\link{writeLines}} and output a debug
#' message by default
#' @param x vector of character representing the lines to be written to
#'   \code{file}, passed to \code{\link{writeLines}}
#' @param file path to file to be written, passed to \code{\link{writeLines}}
#' @param type character string to be included in the debug message:
#'   "Writing <type>'file-path' ..."
#' @param dbg if \code{TRUE}, debug messages are shown
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to \code{\link{writeLines}}
#' @return This function invisibly returns the path to the output \code{file}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Define text to be written to file
#' x <- c("Hello", "world")
#' # Write text to a temporary file and catch the file path
#' file <- writeText(x, tempfile(fileext = ".txt"))
#' # Make the debug message more informative
#' writeText(x, file, type = "welcome file")
#' # Read lines back and show on the console
#' catLines(readLines(file))
writeText <- function(x, file, type = "", dbg = TRUE, ...)
  catIf(dbg, sprintf(
    "Writing %s%s'%s' ... ", type, ifelse(type == "", "", " "), file
  writeLines(x, file, ...)
  catIf(dbg, "ok.\n")
KWB-R/kwb.utils documentation built on April 1, 2024, 7:12 a.m.