
Defines functions asRowList asColumnList diffrows stopIfNotMatrix assertRowsAndColumns setMatrixColumns createMatrix randomMatrix linearCombination

Documented in asColumnList asRowList assertRowsAndColumns createMatrix diffrows linearCombination randomMatrix setMatrixColumns stopIfNotMatrix

# linearCombination ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Linear Combination of a Matrix
#' Calculate the linear combination of a matrix
#' @param x numeric matrix
#' @param coeffs numeric vector of coefficients
#' @param version 1 or 2 (default: 1). Allows for two different versions of
#'   calculation both of which should return the same!
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' (x <- randomMatrix(c(4, 2)))
#' (coeffs <- rnorm(ncol(x)))
#' # Calculate the linear combination manually
#' LC1 <- x[, 1] * coeffs[1] + x[, 2] * coeffs[2]
#' # Caluclate with linearCombination()
#' LC2 <- linearCombination(x, coeffs)
#' # The result shoulc be the same!
#' all.equal(LC1, LC2) # TRUE
linearCombination <- function(x, coeffs, version = 1)
  if (! is.matrix(x)) {
    x <- as.matrix(x)
  if (! is.numeric(x)) {
    stop("x is not numeric (after coercion to matrix) but ", mode(x))
  if (! is.numeric(coeffs)) {
    stop("coeffs is not numeric but ", mode(coeffs))
  if (ncol(x) != length(coeffs)) {
      paste("The number of columns of x (%d) is not equal to the length",
            "of coeffs (%d)"),
      ncol(x), length(coeffs)
  if (version == 1) {
    colSums(t(x) * coeffs)
  } else {
    apply(x, 1, function(valuesInRow) sum(valuesInRow * coeffs))

# randomMatrix -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Create a Matrix with Random Integer Values
#' Create a matrix of given dimension and fill it with random integer values
#' @param dim integer vector of length two containing the number of rows and
#'   columns, respectively, that the output matrix shall contain
#' @param values set of values to be used within the matrix
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # By default, the matrix has a random number of rows between 1 and 10 and
#' # a random number of columns between 1 and 10 and random values of 1:100
#' randomMatrix()
#' # You may specify the dimensions (here: 5 rows, 3 columns)...
#' randomMatrix(dim = c(5, 3))
#' # ... and the set of values to be used within the matrix
#' randomMatrix(dim = c(5, 3), values = c(0, 0.5, 1, NA))
randomMatrix <- function(
  dim = c(sample(10, 1), sample(10, 1)), values = seq_len(100)
  matrix(sample(values, size = dim[1] * dim[2], replace = TRUE), ncol = dim[2])

# createMatrix -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Matrix with Row and Column Names
#' Create a matrix by giving row and column names and with all elements being 
#' set to a default value
#' @param rowNames character vector of row names to be given to the matrix
#' @param colNames character vector of column names to be given to the matrix
#' @param value value to be given to each matrix element
#' @param name.row optional. Name to be given to the row dimension
#' @param name.col optional. Name to be given to the column dimension
#' @return matrix with \code{rowNames} as row names and \code{colNames} as
#'   column names, filled with \emph{value} at each position
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' ## Initialise a matrix with rows A to E and columns x to z of value -1
#' createMatrix(c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"), c("x", "y", "z"), -1)
#' ## By default the column names are assumed to be equal to the row names
#' createMatrix(c("A", "B", "C"))
#' ## Initialise a square matrix with NA
#' createMatrix(c("A", "B", "C"), value = NA)
#' ## Give a name to the row dimension
#' createMatrix(c("A", "B", "C"), name.row = "Letters")
createMatrix <- function(
  rowNames, colNames = rowNames, value = 0, name.row = NULL, name.col = NULL
  nrows <- length(rowNames)
  dimnames <- list(rowNames, colNames)
  if (! is.null(name.row) || ! is.null(name.col)) {
    names(dimnames) <- c(
      defaultIfNULL(name.row, ""), 
      defaultIfNULL(name.col, "")
    data = rep(value, times = nrows * length(colNames)), 
    nrow = nrows,
    dimnames = dimnames

# setMatrixColumns -------------------------------------------------------------

#' Set Matrix Columns to Values
#' Set matrix columns of given names to fix values
#' @param m matrix
#' @param columnValuePairs list of elements each of which defines an assignment
#'   in the form \code{<column-name> = <value>}
#' @param warn if \code{TRUE}, warnings are given if columns named in
#'   \code{columnValuePairs} do not exist in matrix \code{m}
#' @export
setMatrixColumns <- function(m, columnValuePairs, warn = TRUE)
  names.list <- names(columnValuePairs)
  names.matrix <- colnames(m)
  columns.missing <- setdiff(names.list, names.matrix)
  if (isTRUE(warn) && length(columns.missing) > 0) {
    warning("No such column(s) in matrix 'm': ", stringList(columns.missing))
  columns <- intersect(names.list, names.matrix)
  for (column in columns) {
    m[, column] <- columnValuePairs[[column]]

# assertRowsAndColumns ---------------------------------------------------------

#' Assert Row and Column Names of a Matrix
#' Make sure that a matrix contains rows and columns of the given names in the
#' given order.
#' @param x A matrix
#' @param row_names character vector of row names
#' @param col_names character vector of column names
#' @param fill_value value to fill a row or column with if a row or column does
#'   not exist in \code{x}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' m <- matrix(1:12, nrow = 3, ncol = 4, dimnames = list(
#'   rows = paste0("row", 1:3), cols = paste0("col", 1:4)
#' ))
#' # Add two rows, reverse order of rows, add one column, remove one column
#' assertRowsAndColumns(
#'   m,
#'   row_names = paste0("row", 4:0),
#'   col_names = paste0("col", 0:2)
#' )
assertRowsAndColumns <- function(
  x, row_names = NULL, col_names = NULL, fill_value = 0
  if (is.null(row_names) && is.null(col_names)) {
    return (x)
  row_names <- defaultIfNULL(row_names, rownames(x))
  col_names <- defaultIfNULL(col_names, colnames(x))
  y <- matrix(
    fill_value, nrow = length(row_names), ncol = length(col_names),
    dimnames = structure(list(row_names, col_names), names = names(dimnames(x)))
  rows <- intersect(rownames(x), row_names)
  cols <- intersect(colnames(x), col_names)
  y[rows, cols] <- x[rows, cols]

# stopIfNotMatrix --------------------------------------------------------------

#' Stop with a Message if Input is not a Matrix
#' @param x object to be checked with \code{\link{is.matrix}}
#' @export
stopIfNotMatrix <- function(x)
  if (! is.matrix(x)) {
      "x is not a matrix but:\n", 
      call. = FALSE

# diffrows ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Differences between Matrix Rows
#' @param x matrix
#' @return matrix with one row less than in input matrix \code{x} and each row 
#'   \code{i} representing the difference \code{x[i+1, ]-x[i, ]} between rows
#'   \code{i+1} and \code{i} in \code{x}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' x <- matrix(1:12, nrow = 3)
#' d <- diffrows(x)
#' x[2, ] - x[1, ] == d[1, ]
#' x[3, ] - x[2, ] == d[2, ]
diffrows <- function(x)
  rows <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(x) - 1L), function(i) x[i + 1L, ] - x[i, ])
  result <- do.call(rbind, rows)
  if (ncol(result) == 1L) {
    colnames(result) <- colnames(x)

# asColumnList -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Matrix to List of Matrix Columns
#' @param x matrix
#' @return list with as many elements as there are columns in \code{x} and each
#'   element representing one column
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(1:12, nrow = 3)
#' column_list <- asColumnList(x)
#' for (i in 1:ncol(x)) print(identical(column_list[[i]], x[, i]))
asColumnList <- function(x)
  structure(lapply(seq_len(ncol(x)), function(i) x[, i]), names = colnames(x))

# asRowList --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Matrix to List of Matrix Rows
#' @param x matrix
#' @return list with as many elements as there are rows in \code{x} and each
#'   element representing one row
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(1:12, nrow = 3)
#' row_list <- asRowList(x)
#' for (i in 1:nrow(x)) print(identical(row_list[[i]], x[i, ]))
asRowList <- function(x)
  structure(lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(i) x[i, ]), names = rownames(x))
KWB-R/kwb.utils documentation built on April 1, 2024, 7:12 a.m.