
#' Shadow Test item selection
#' Get the item index selected by the Shadow Testing adaptive test assembly procedure by van der Linden (2000).
#' @details
#' At each step in a CAT, a Shadow Test is created consisting of an optimal complete test meeting all constraints.
#' The best item that was not already administrated is then selected from this test.
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item Van der Linden, W. J. (2000). Constrained adaptive testing with shadow tests. In W. J. van der Linden & C. A. W. Glas (Eds.), Computerized adaptive testing: Theory and practice (pp. 27-52). Dordrecht,
#' the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 
#' }
#' @param number_items Number of items in the test bank.
#' @param administered Vector with indices of administered items.
#' @param available Vector with indices of yet available items.
#' @param answers Vector with answers to administered items.
#' @param lp_constraints Data frame with constraints in \code{\link{lp}} format: the \code{lp_constraints} from the list returned by \code{\link{constraints_lp_format}}. \code{NULL} means no constraints.
#' @param lp_characters Data frame with constraint characteristics in \code{\link{lp}} format: the \code{lp_chars} from the list returned by \code{\link{constraints_lp_format}}. \code{NULL} means no constraints.
#' @param item_information Vector with summarized information of each yet available item, with zeros for administered items 
#' (as returned by \code{\link{get_summarized_information}} with \code{pad = TRUE}).
#' @return Item index selected by the Shadow Testing adaptive test assembly procedure.
#' @importFrom lpSolve lp
get_item_index_max_information_constrained <- function(number_items, administered, available, answers, lp_constraints, lp_characters, item_information) {
  administered_binary <- sapply(1:number_items, FUN = function(x) { if (x %in% administered) 1 else 0 } )
  result <- function() {
    solution <- get_lp_solution()
    # get items from the pool that have the max value from the solution set.
    item_with_max_information <- which(item_information == max(item_information[as.logical(solution)]))

    # since it is theoretically possible that items not in the set share this value, cull them.
    if (length(item_with_max_information) > 1)
      intersect(item_with_max_information, available)
  get_lp_solution <- function() {
    # user created constraints are combined with constraint to select all administered items.
    lp(direction = 'max',
       objective.in = item_information,
       const.mat = as.matrix(cbind(lp_characters, administered_binary)),
       const.dir = c(lp_constraints$op, "="),
       const.rhs = c(lp_constraints$target, length(answers)),
       all.bin = TRUE,
       transpose.constraints = FALSE)$solution

  validate <- function() {
    if (is.null(lp_constraints))
      add_error("lp_constraints", "matrix not given. Shadow Testing without constraints is equivalent to maximum information selection, but with more overhead.")

  invalid_result <- function() {
    list(errors = errors())

Karel-Kroeze/ShadowCAT documentation built on May 7, 2019, 12:28 p.m.