
Defines functions intToHex how_prop how_oppo how_cent how_borw col2Hex contrastColors

Documented in col2Hex contrastColors

#' Contrast colors.
#' For a given set of colors, `contrastColors` returns an associated set
#' of colors.
#' @param colors vector of any of the three kinds of R color specifications,
#' see [grDevices::col2rgb()].

#' @param how a method to contrast `colors`. Methods currently available are
#' `how_borw`, `how_cent`, `how_oppo` and `how_prop`, see details.

#' @param alpha logical value indicating whether the alpha channel (opacity)
#' values should be returned.
#' @keywords colors, contrast
#' @details
#' Based on the sum of colors' saturation `how_borw` returns black or white,
#' `how_prop` proportionally remove or add some saturation. `how_oppo`
#' opposes the color (255-x) and `how_cent` centers the columns, i.e. remove
#' or add 127.
#' @seealso
#' [grDevices::col2rgb()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' contrastColors("blue")
#' contrastColors("blue", how = "how_prop")
#' @describeIn contrastColors Retuns a set of colors contrasted.
contrastColors <- function(colors, how = "how_borw", alpha = FALSE) {
    out <- apply(apply(col2rgb(colors, alpha = alpha), 2L, how), 2L, intToHex)
    paste0("#", out)

#' @export
#' @describeIn contrastColors Returns the hexadecimal string associates to a given vector of colors.
col2Hex <- function(colors, alpha = FALSE) {
    out <- apply(col2rgb(colors, alpha = alpha), 2L, intToHex)
    paste0("#", out)

how_borw <- function(x) {
    out <- x
    if (sum(x[1L:3L]) > 382) {
        out[1L:3L] <- 0
    } else {
        out[1L:3L] <- 255

how_cent <- function(x) {
    out <- x
    out[1L:3L] <- x[1L:3L] + c(127, -127)[(x[1L:3L] > 127) + 1]

how_oppo <- function(x) {
    out <- x
    out[1L:3L] <- 255 - x[1L:3L]

how_prop <- function(x) {
    out <- x
    n <- 382
    tmp <- sum(x[1L:3L])
    if (tmp > n) {
        out[1L:3L] <- x[1L:3L] - floor(n * x[1L:3L] / tmp)
    } else {
        out[1L:3L] <- x[1L:3L] + floor(n * (255 - x[1L:3L]) / (765 - tmp))

intToHex <- function(x) {
    vec <- c(0:9, letters[1L:6L])
    stopifnot(x < 256)
    paste0(vec[(x %/% 16) + 1], vec[(x %% 16) + 1], collapse = "")
KevCaz/graphicsutils documentation built on Sept. 16, 2022, 10:05 a.m.