
Defines functions editParentChild

Documented in editParentChild

#' @title Edit a Parent-Child table
#' @description Allow the user to easily make manual changes to a parent child table.
#' @author Kevin See
#' @param parent_child dataframe produced by `buildParentChild()`.
#' @param fix_list a list of vectors to be changed. Each vector must be length 3,
#' where the first two elements contain the parent and child locations to be edited,
#' and the third element is the new parent location.
#' @param switch_parent_child list of vectors to switch parent/child designations, where
#' each vector consists of a current parent location and a child location, in that order.
#' This is primarily intended to help with sites downstream of a tagging/marking location.
#' Adding a parent/child pair here will not fix parent/child relationships with upstream or
#' downstream locations of the parent/child pair (use the `fix_list` for that).
#' @source \url{http://www.ptagis.org}
#' @import dplyr purrr
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @export
#' @return NULL
#' @examples createParentChildDf()

editParentChild = function(parent_child = NULL,
                           fix_list = NULL,
                           switch_parent_child = NULL) {

  stopifnot(sum(map_dbl(fix_list, length) != 3) == 0)

  # pull out some info from original parent/child table
  pc_old = parent_child
  pc_meta =  pc_old %>%
    select(starts_with("parent")) %>%
    rename(site_code = parent) %>%
    rlang::set_names(nm  = str_remove,
                     "parent_") %>%
    bind_rows(pc_old %>%
                select(starts_with("child")) %>%
                rename(site_code = child) %>%
                rlang::set_names(nm  = str_remove,
                                 "child_")) %>%

  # switch old and new parents
  if(!is.null(fix_list)) {
  parent_child %<>%
    inner_join(fix_list %>%
                 purrr::map_df(.f = function(x) {
                   tibble::tibble(parent = x[1],
                          child = x[2],
                          new_parent = x[3])
               by = c("parent", "child")) %>%
    mutate(parent = new_parent) %>%
           -new_parent) %>%
    left_join(parent_child %>%
                select(starts_with("child")) %>%
                                 pattern = "child",
                                 replacement = "parent") %>%
                bind_rows(parent_child %>%
                            select(starts_with("parent"))) %>%
              by = "parent") %>%
    select(all_of(names(parent_child))) %>%
                        by = c("child")))

  # switch some parent/child pairs
  if(!is.null(switch_parent_child)) {
    switch_df = switch_parent_child %>%
      map_df(.f = function(x) {
        tibble(parent = x[1],
               child = x[2])

    parent_child = parent_child %>%
                by = c("parent", "child")) %>%
      bind_rows(parent_child %>%
                             by = c("parent", "child")) %>%
                  rename(parent = child,
                         child = parent,
                         parent_hydro = child_hydro,
                         child_hydro = parent_hydro) %>%

  # fix the parent and child hyrdo sequences (and other meta-data)
  parent_child %<>%
    select(parent, child) %>%
    left_join(pc_meta %>%
                rlang::set_names(nm =  ~ paste("parent", ., sep = "_")) %>%
                rename(parent = parent_site_code),
              by = "parent") %>%
    left_join(pc_meta %>%
                rlang::set_names(nm =  ~ paste("child", ., sep = "_")) %>%
                rename(child = child_site_code),
              by = "child") %>%
    select(any_of(names(pc_old))) %>%
    distinct() %>%

  # issue a warning is a child location now has more than one parent
  if(sum(duplicated(parent_child$child)) > 0) {
    dup_child = parent_child %>%
      filter(child %in% child[duplicated(child)])

    dup_child %>%
      group_by(child) %>%
      summarise(message = paste(child, "has multiple parents:", paste(parent, collapse = ","), "\n")) %>%
      distinct() %>%
      pull(message) %>%



KevinSee/PITcleanr documentation built on Feb. 27, 2024, 11:03 p.m.