
Defines functions queryFlowlines

Documented in queryFlowlines

#' @title Download NHDPlus flow lines
#' @description Download a subset of the NHDPlus v2.1 flowlines that covers a list of detection sites.
#' @author Kevin See
#' @param sites_sf An `sf` class object containing points of all detection sites. Must contain a column named `site_code` containing the site code of each site.
#' @param root_site_code Site code for the starting detection site.
#' @param min_strm_order minimum stream order to query flowlines for. Default value is `0`.
#' @param dwnstream_sites Does `sites_sf` contain sites that are downstream of `root_site_code`? If `TRUE`, then all flowlines within a boundary box of `sites_df` will be downloaded
#' @param dwn_min_stream_order_diff Used to control the minimum stream order of downloaded downstream flowlines. This can be useful if the user wants to prevent downloading excessive smaller streams downstream of a tagging or release location. It corresponds to the difference between the stream order of the `root_site_code` site and the minimum stream order desired in the downstream flowlines. For example, if the `root_site_code` is located on a stream order 6 and `dwn_min_stream_order_diff = 2`, then only flowlines of at least 6-2=**4** will be downloaded. The default value is 0, meaning only streams of equal or greater order than the tagging or release site will be returned.
#' @param buffer_dist when querying flowlines downstream of `root_site_code`, how big a buffer should be used around all sites in `sites_sf` to capture all the flowlines? Default is `0`. See `?sf::st_buffer()` for more help with possible formats.
#' @import dplyr sf nhdplusTools
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @importFrom nngeo st_remove_holes
#' @export
#' @return sf

queryFlowlines = function(sites_sf = NULL,
                          root_site_code = NULL,
                          min_strm_order = 0,
                          dwnstrm_sites = FALSE,
                          dwn_min_stream_order_diff = NULL,
                          buffer_dist = 0) {

  requireNamespace("nhdplusTools", quietly = TRUE)


  # if no root side code given, default to the first site code
  if(is.null(root_site_code)) {
    root_site_code = sites_sf$site_code[1]

  # set minimum stream order for downstream flowlines
  if(is.null(dwn_min_stream_order_diff)) dwn_min_stream_order_diff = 0

  # find the starting point (most downstream point)
  start_comid = sites_sf %>%
    dplyr::filter(site_code == root_site_code) %>%
    sf::st_transform(crs = 4326) %>%

  # query flowlines from NHDPlus layer
  cat(paste("Querying streams upstream of", root_site_code, "\n"))
  nhd_lst = nhdplusTools::plot_nhdplus(outlets = list(start_comid),
                                       streamorder = min_strm_order,
                                       actually_plot = F)

  flowlines = nhd_lst$flowline %>%
    sf::st_zm() %>%
    sf::st_transform(crs = sf::st_crs(sites_sf))

  # a list to return
  # includes flowlines and polygon of basin
  return_list = list(flowlines = flowlines,
                     basin = nngeo::st_remove_holes(nhd_lst$basin) %>%
                       sf::st_zm() %>%
                       sf::st_transform(crs = sf::st_crs(sites_sf)))

  if(dwnstrm_sites) {
    cat("Calculating furthest mainstem point downstream \n")
    # get flowlines for downstream sites based on bounding box of all sites
    if(as.numeric(buffer_dist) == 0) {
     site_bb <-
       sites_sf %>%
       sf::st_transform(crs = 3857) %>%
    } else {
      site_bb <-
        sites_sf %>%
        sf::st_transform(crs = 3857) %>%
        sf::st_buffer(dist = buffer_dist) %>%
    nhd_lst_tmp <-
      site_bb %>%
      nhdplusTools::plot_nhdplus(bbox = .,
                                 streamorder = max(min_strm_order, (max(flowlines$StreamOrde) - dwn_min_stream_order_diff)),
                                 actually_plot = F)

    # pull out the comid for the largest stream order and furthest downstream segment
    dwn_comid = nhd_lst_tmp$flowline %>%
      dplyr::filter(StreamOrde == max(StreamOrde)) %>%
      # filter(Hydroseq == min(Hydroseq)) %>%
      dplyr::filter(TotDASqKM == max(TotDASqKM)) %>%

    # # determine stream order of hydrosequences of downstream sites
    # min_strm_order <-
    #   sites_sf |>
    #   st_transform(st_crs(flowlines)) |>
    #   st_join(flowlines |>
    #             st_buffer(dist = 100) |>
    #             select(starts_with("gnis"),
    #                    StreamOrde,
    #                    contains("Hydroseq")),
    #           join = st_covered_by) |>
    #   filter(!is.na(gnis_id)) |>
    #   pull(StreamOrde) |>
    #   max()

    cat(paste("Querying streams downstream of", root_site_code, "\n"))
    # nhd_lst_dwn = nhdplusTools::plot_nhdplus(outlets = list(dwn_comid),
    #                                          # streamorder = max(flowlines$StreamOrde),
    #                                          # streamorder = max(min_strm_order, (max(flowlines$StreamOrde) - dwn_min_stream_order_diff)),
    #                                          streamorder = min_strm_order,
    #                                          actually_plot = F)

    nhd_lst_dwn = nhd_lst_tmp

    # dwn_flowlines = nhd_lst_dwn$flowline %>%
    #   dplyr::filter(!COMID %in% flowlines$COMID) %>%
    #   sf::st_zm() %>%
    #   sf::st_transform(crs = sf::st_crs(sites_sf))

    dwn_site_comids = nhd_lst_dwn$flowline %>%
      sf::st_zm() %>%
      sf::st_transform(crs = sf::st_crs(sites_sf)) %>%
      dplyr::select(COMID, Hydroseq) %>%
              join = st_nearest_feature) %>%
      dplyr::filter(! COMID %in% flowlines$COMID) %>%
      dplyr::as_tibble() %>%

    dwn_comids = c(start_comid,
                   dwn_site_comids) %>%
      as.list() %>%
      map_df(.f = function(x) {
        tibble(comid = nhdplusTools::get_DM(network = nhd_lst_dwn$flowline,
                                            comid = x))
      }) %>%
      distinct() %>%

    # dwn_comids = get_DM(nhd_lst_dwn$flowline,
    #                     start_comid)

    dwn_flowlines = nhd_lst_dwn$flowline %>%
      dplyr::filter(COMID %in% dwn_comids) %>%
      sf::st_zm() %>%
      sf::st_transform(crs = sf::st_crs(sites_sf))

    return_list$dwn_flowlines = dwn_flowlines

  # return(flowlines)
KevinSee/PITcleanr documentation built on Feb. 27, 2024, 11:03 p.m.