#' Efficient Round
#' @description
#' Takes an approximate design, and a number of points and converts the design to
#' an approximate design. It uses the multiplier (n - l/2) and evens the total
#' number of observations afterwards.
#' @param design a dataframe with columns "Point" and "Weight" that represents a design
#' @param n an integer that represents the desired number of observations of the exact design
#' @param tol optional parameter for the consideration of an integer in the rounding process
#' @return a data.frame with columns "Point" and "Weight" representing an exact design
#' with n observations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' design_test <- data.frame("Point" = seq(1, 5, length.out = 7),
#' "Weight" = c(0.1, 0.0001, 0.2, 0.134, 0.073, 0.2111, 0.2818))
#' efficient_round(design_test, 20)
#' exact_design <- efficient_round(design_test, 21)
#' aprox_design <- exact_design
#' aprox_design$Weight <- aprox_design$Weight/sum(aprox_design$Weight)
efficient_round <- function(design, n, tol = 0.00001){
if(n%%1!=0 | n <= 0){
stop("n must be a possitive integer")
else if(!identical(names(design), c("Point", "Weight"))){
stop("the design must be a data.frame with 'Point' and 'Weight' columns")
l <- nrow(design)
app_weights <- design[["Weight"]] * (n - l/2)
candidates_to_increase <- min(abs(c(app_weights %% 1, app_weights %% 1 - 1))) < tol
app_weights[candidates_to_increase] <- round(app_weights[candidates_to_increase])
app_weights <- ceiling(app_weights)
if(sum(app_weights) > n){
message(crayon::blue(cli::symbol$info), " The proposed size of rounding is greater than n: \n", paste(app_weights, collapse = " "))
dif <- app_weights - design[["Weight"]] * n
decrease_order <- order(dif, decreasing = TRUE)
index <- 1
while(sum(app_weights) > n){
if(app_weights[decrease_order[index]] > 1)
app_weights[decrease_order[index]] <- app_weights[decrease_order[index]] - 1
index <- index + 1
if(index > l){
dif <- app_weights - design[["Weight"]] * n
decrease_order <- order(dif, decreasing = TRUE)
index <- 1
while(sum(app_weights) > n){
app_weights[decrease_order[index]] <- app_weights[decrease_order[index]] - 1
index <- index + 1
message(crayon::blue(cli::symbol$info), " An alternative with size n is returned")
else if(sum(app_weights) < n){
candidates_to_increase <- sample(candidates_to_increase)
index <- 1
while(sum(app_weights) < n){
message(crayon::blue(cli::symbol$info), " The proposed size of rounding is smaller than n: \n", paste(app_weights, collapse = " "))
app_weights[candidates_to_increase[index]] <- app_weights[candidates_to_increase[index]] + 1
index <- index + 1
if(index > length(candidates_to_increase)){
dif <- app_weights - design[["Weight"]] * n
increase_order <- order(dif, decreasing = FALSE)
index <- 1
while(sum(app_weights) < n){
app_weights[increase_order[index]] <- app_weights[increase_order[index]] + 1
index <- index + 1
message(crayon::blue(cli::symbol$info), " An alternative with size n is returned")
design[["Weight"]] <- app_weights
#' Combinatorial round
#' @description
#' Given an approximate design and a number of points, computes all the possible combinations of
#' roundings of each point to the nearest integer, keeps the ones that amount to the requested number of points,
#' and returns the one with the best value for the criterion function
#' @param design either a dataframe with the design to round, or an object of class "optdes". If the former,
#' the criterion, model and parameters must be specified. The dataframe should have two columns:
#' * \code{Point} contains the support points of the design.
#' * \code{Weight} contains the corresponding weights of the \code{Point}s.
#' @param n integer with the desired number of points of the resulting design.
#' @param criterion character variable with the chosen optimality criterion. Can be one of the following:
#' * 'D-Optimality'
#' * 'Ds-Optimality'
#' * 'A-Optimality'
#' * 'I-Optimality'
#' * 'L-Optimality'
#' @param model formula describing the model. Must use x as the variable.
#' @param parameters character vector with the parameters of the models, as written in the \code{formula}.
#' @param par_values numeric vector with the parameters nominal values, in the same order as given in \code{parameters}.
#' @param weight_fun optional one variable function that represents the square of the structure of variance, in case of heteroscedastic variance of the response.
#' @param par_int optional numeric vector with the index of the \code{parameters} of interest for Ds-optimality.
#' @param reg_int optional numeric vector with the ranges of integration, for I-optimality.
#' @param matB optional matrix of dimensions k x k, for L-optimality.
#' @return A data.frame with the rounded design to n number of points
#' @export
#' @examples
#' aprox_design <- opt_des("D-Optimality", y ~ a * exp(-b / x), c("a", "b"), c(1, 1500), c(212, 422))
#' combinatorial_round(aprox_design, 27)
combinatorial_round <- function(design, n, criterion = NULL, model = NULL, parameters = NULL, par_values = NULL, weight_fun = function(x) 1, par_int = NULL, reg_int = NULL, matB = NULL){
if(inherits(design, "optdes")){
design_df <- design$optdes
criterion <- design$criterion
crit_funct <- attr(design, "crit_function")
} else{
design_df <- design
design_df$Weight <- design_df$Weight / sum(design_df$Weight)
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " criterion must be specified or an 'optdes' object must be provided")
stop(error_msg, call. = FALSE)
} else {
grad <- gradient(model, parameters, par_values, weight_fun)
if (identical(criterion, "D-Optimality")) {
crit_funct <- function(design_df){
M <- inf_mat(grad, design_df)
return(dcrit(M, length(parameters)))}
else if (identical(criterion, "Ds-Optimality")) {
crit_funct <- function(design_df){
M <- inf_mat(grad, design_df)
return(dscrit(M, par_int))}
else if (identical(criterion, "A-Optimality")) {
crit_funct <- function(design_df){
M <- inf_mat(grad, design_df)
return(icrit(M, diag(length(parameters))))}
else if (identical(criterion, "I-Optimality")) {
if (!is.null(reg_int)) {
k <- length(par_values)
matB <- integrate_reg_int(grad, k, reg_int)
} else{
error_msg <- paste0(error_msg, "\n", crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), " reg_int must be specified for I-Optimality")
stop(error_msg, call. = FALSE)
crit_funct <- function(design_df){
M <- inf_mat(grad, design_df)
return(icrit(M, matB))}
else if (identical(criterion, "L-Optimality")) {
crit_funct <- function(design_df){
M <- inf_mat(grad, design_df)
return(icrit(M, matB))}
prod_weights <- design_df$Weight * n
combinations_df <- data.frame(matrix(c(ceiling(prod_weights), floor(prod_weights)), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))
combinations_df <- expand.grid(data = combinations_df)
combinations_df$n <- rowSums(combinations_df)
combinations_df <- combinations_df[combinations_df$n == n,]
combinations_df$crit <- purrr::map_dbl(1:nrow(combinations_df), function(x){temp_design <- data.frame("Point" = design_df$Point, "Weight" = unlist(combinations_df[x, 1:(ncol(combinations_df)-1)])/n); return(crit_funct(temp_design))})
opt_comb <- combinations_df[which.min(combinations_df$crit),]
output <- data.frame("Point" = design_df$Point, "Weight" = unlist(opt_comb[1, 1:(ncol(combinations_df)-2)]))
rownames(output) <- NULL
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