Defines functions pamPREP

Documented in pamPREP

#' Prepare data for analysis by deriving summary statistics
#' @description This function summarises the data based on different patterns such as sustained acitivity, sustained pressure changes, etc... and extracts these from the data as a timetable. It then creates summary statics for each of these periods or events, such as cumulative altitude change, mean pitch etc...
#' @param dta PAM data to be used in the analysis e.g. str(hoopoe)
#' @param availavariable Variables to be used to derive metrics for classification. must have "pressure", but ideally `availavariable = c("pressure", "light", "acceleration")` if any of these are incomplete, do not use them
#' @param Pdiff_thld Pressure threshold. Only used when method="pressure".  This if pressure changes more than e.g. 2hpa over 30 minutes, then the bird is flying
#' @param light_thld Light threshold. Only used when method="darkness". This is the the light threshold for finding darkness, should be the same as for GeoLight::twilightCalc
#' @param method The type of event that is being classified. Can be "flap", "endurance", "rest", "pressure","light" or "darkness".If method = "pressure" then  it find periods where pressure has changed more than a certain threshold. If method = "flap", then the algorithm looks for sustained periods of high activity. If method = "endurance" it looks for sustained activity (low or high). If method = "rest+ then it looks for sustained periods of no activity. If method = "light" if looks for periods of sustained sunlight. If method = "darkness" if looks for periods of darkness
#' @param twl twilight estimates formatted according to twilightCalc in GeoLight package
#' @param tz Timeuzone. default is "UTC"
#' @param interp whether or not to interpolate the magnetic data. If FALSE, then NAs are left in the dataset
#' @return a dataframe of derives metrhics based on pressure:
#' @return date : Date (without time)
#' @return start : Start time and date of the event, POSIXct format
#' @return end : Time and date that the event finished, POSIXct format
#' @return duration : How long it lasted (in hours)
#' @return total_daily_duration : The total duration of all the events that occured that day (in hours)
#' @return total_daily_event_number : The total number of events which occured that day
#' @return cum_pressure_change : The cumulative change in atmospheric pressure during that event (in hectopascals)
#' @return cum_altitude_change : The cumulative change in altitude during that event (in metres)
#' @return cum_altitude_up : The cumulative number of metres that the bird went upwards during that event
#' @return total_daily_P_change : The cumulative change in atmospheric pressure for all the events for that date (in hectopascals)
#' @return P_dep_arr : The difference between atmospheric pressure at the start of the event, and at the end (in hectopascals)
#' @return pressure_range : The total range of the atmospheric pressure during that event (maximum minus miniimum - in hectopascals)
#' @return altitude_range : The total altitude range during that event (maximum minus miniimum - in metres)
#' @return mean_night_P : The mean pressure during the night before the event took place (in hectopascals)
#' @return sd_night_P : The standard deviation of pressure the night before the event took place (in hectopascals)
#' @return mean_nextnight_P : The mean pressure the night after the event took place (in hectopascals)
#' @return sd_nextnight_P : The standard deviation of pressure the night after the event took place (in hectopascals)
#' @return night_P_diff : The difference between the mean pressures of the night before and the night after the event took place (in hectopascals)
#' @return median_activity : The median activity during that event
#' @return sum_activity : The sum of the activity during that event
#' @return prop_resting : The propotion of time during that event where activity = 0
#' @return prop_active : The propotion of time during that event where activity > 0
#' @return mean_night_act : The mean activity during the night before the event took place
#' @return sd_night_act : The standard deviation of activity the night before the event took place
#' @return sum_night_act : The summed activity during the night before the event took place
#' @return mean_nextnight_act :The mean activity the night after the event took place
#' @return sd_nextnight_act : The standard deviation of activity the night after the event took place
#' @return sum_nextnight_act : The summed activity the night after the event took place
#' @return night_act_diff : The difference between the mean activity of the night before and the night after the event took place
#' @return median_pitch : The median pitch during that event
#' @return sd_pitch : The standard deviation of pitch during that event
#' @return median_light : The median light recordings during that event
#' @return nightime : Whether or not it was night during the majority of the event (1= night, 0 = day)
#' @return median_gX : Median raw acceledation on the x axis during the event
#' @return median_gY : Median raw acceledation on the y axis during the event
#' @return median_gZ : Median raw acceledation on the z axis during the event
#' @return median_mX : Median raw magnetic field on the x axis during the event
#' @return median_mY : Median raw magnetic field on the y axis during the event
#' @return median_mZ : Median raw magnetic field on the z axis
#' @return median_temp : Median temperature during the event (in celsius)
#' @return sd_temp : Standard deviation of temperature during the event (in celsius)
#' @return cum_temp_change : Cumulative absolute difference in temperature during the event (in celsius)
#' @examples
#' #data(hoopoe)
#' #PAM_data=hoopoe
#' #twl = GeoLight::twilightCalc(PAM_data$light$date, PAM_data$light$obs,
#' #                             LightThreshold = 2, ask = FALSE)
#' #TOclassify = pamPREP(PAM_data,
#' #                     method= "flap",
#' #                     twl = twl)
#' #str(TOclassify)
#' @importFrom stats aggregate sd kmeans median
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom GeoLight twilightCalc
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%" distinct last
#' @importFrom zoo na.approx
#' @export
pamPREP <- function(dta,
                    availavariable = c("pressure", "light", "acceleration", "magnetic", "temperature"),
                    Pdiff_thld = 2,
                    light_thld = 1,
                    method = "pressure",
                    interp = FALSE,
  print("Error: This function is deprecated, use create_summary_statistics, or install v.1.0 of PAMLr by running devtools::install_github('KiranLDA/PAMLr', ref = 'v.1.0')")

#   PAM_data = dta
#   if("pressure" %in% availavariable){
#     pressure <- PAM_data$pressure
#     if(interp == TRUE){
#       pressure[,2:ncol(pressure)] = na.approx(pressure[,2:ncol(pressure)])
#     }
#   }
#   if("light" %in% availavariable){
#     light <- PAM_data$light
#     if(interp == TRUE){
#       light[,2:ncol(light)] = na.approx(light[,2:ncol(light)])
#     }
#   }
#   if("acceleration" %in% availavariable){
#     activity <- PAM_data$acceleration
#     if(interp == TRUE){
#       activity[,2:ncol(activity)] = na.approx(activity[,2:ncol(activity)])
#     }
#   }
#   if("magnetic" %in% availavariable){
#     magnetic <- PAM_data$magnetic
#     if(interp == TRUE){
#       if (method == "pressure"){
#         magnetic = merge(pressure, magnetic, all = TRUE)
#       }
#       if (method %in% c("light","darkness")){
#         magnetic = merge(light$date, magnetic, all = TRUE)
#       }
#       if (method %in% c("rest", "flap", "endurance")){
#         magnetic = merge(activity, magnetic, all = TRUE)
#       }
#       magnetic[,2:ncol(magnetic)] = na.approx(magnetic[,2:ncol(magnetic)])
#     }
#     # }
#   }
#   if("temperature" %in% availavariable){
#     temperature <- PAM_data$temperature
#     if(interp == TRUE){
#       temperature[,2:ncol(temperature)] = na.approx(temperature[,2:ncol(temperature)])
#     }
#   }
#   if( method == "pressure"){
#     if(!("pressure" %in% availavariable)){
#       stop('There is no pressure data to classify pressure differences')
#     }
#     # find when a bird is flying
#     pressure$Pdiff_thld <- c(0,abs(diff(pressure$obs)))
#     pressure$flying <- 0
#     pressure$flying[pressure$Pdiff_thld >= Pdiff_thld] <- 1
#     # find start of event event
#     x <- c(0,1)
#     start <- which(pressure$flying == x[1])
#     start <- start[sapply(start, function(i) all(pressure$flying[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
#     start <- start
#     # find end of event event
#     x <- c(1, 0)
#     end <- which(pressure$flying == x[1])
#     end <- end[sapply(end, function(i) all(pressure$flying[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
#     #remove any back to back start end start end and merge them
#     to_remove <- which(start[2:length(start)] - end[1:(length(start)-1)] == 1)
#     if(length(to_remove) >0){
#       end <- end[-to_remove]
#       start <- start[-(to_remove+1)]
#     }
#     #housekeeping
#     if(end[1]< start[1]) end <- end[-1] #if the series starts with an end not a start, remove the first ending
#     if (length(end)<length(start)) start <- start[1:length(end)]
#     if (length(end)>length(start)) end <- end[1:length(start)]
#     # get rif of any 30 minute events
#     index <- which((end-start) > 1)
#     start <- start[index]
#     end <- end[index]
#     #--------------------------------------------------
#     #For each event event, figure out how long it lasted
#     event_list <- data.frame(start = pressure$date[start],
#                              end = pressure$date[end],
#                              duration = difftime(pressure$date[end], pressure$date[start], tz= tz,
#                                                  units = "hours"))
#     event_list$duration <- as.numeric(event_list$duration )
#     event_list$date <- as.Date(event_list$start)
#   }
#   if(method == "flap"){
#     if(!("acceleration" %in% availavariable)){
#       stop('There is no activity data to classify flapping behaviour')
#     }
#     km = kmeans(activity$act,centers=2)
#     threshold = sum(min(max(activity$act[km$clust==1],na.rm=TRUE), max(activity$act[km$clust==2],na.rm= TRUE)),
#                     max(min(activity$act[km$clust==1],na.rm= TRUE), min(activity$act[km$clust==2],na.rm= TRUE)))/2
#     activity$flying = ifelse(activity$act >= threshold, 1, 0)
#     # find start of event event
#     x <- c(0,1)
#     start <- which(activity$flying == x[1])
#     start <- start[sapply(start, function(i) all(activity$flying[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
#     start <- start
#     # find end of event event
#     x <- c(1, 0)
#     end <- which(activity$flying == x[1])
#     end <- end[sapply(end, function(i) all(activity$flying[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
#     #remove any back to back start end start end and merge them
#     to_remove <- which(start[2:length(start)] - end[1:(length(start)-1)] == 1)
#     if(length(to_remove) >0){
#       end <- end[-to_remove]
#       start <- start[-(to_remove+1)]
#     }
#     #housekeeping
#     if(end[1]< start[1]) end <- end[-1] #if the series starts with an end not a start, remove the first ending
#     if (length(end)<length(start)) start <- start[1:length(end)]
#     if (length(end)>length(start)) end <- end[1:length(start)]
#     # get rif of any 30 minute events
#     index <- which((end-start) > 1)
#     start <- start[index]
#     end <- end[index]
#     #--------------------------------------------------
#     #For each event event, figure out how long it lasted
#     event_list <- data.frame(start = activity$date[start],
#                              end = activity$date[end],
#                              duration = difftime(activity$date[end], activity$date[start], tz= tz,
#                                                  units = "hours"))
#     event_list$duration <- as.numeric(event_list$duration )
#     event_list$date <- as.Date(event_list$start)
#   }
#   if(method == "endurance"){
#     if(!("acceleration" %in% availavariable)){
#       stop('There is no activity data to classify sustained activity (low and high combined)')
#     }
#     activity$flying = ifelse(activity$act > 0, 1, 0)
#     # find start of event event
#     x <- c(0,1)
#     start <- which(activity$flying == x[1])
#     start <- start[sapply(start, function(i) all(activity$flying[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
#     start <- start
#     # find end of event event
#     x <- c(1, 0)
#     end <- which(activity$flying == x[1])
#     end <- end[sapply(end, function(i) all(activity$flying[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
#     #remove any back to back start end start end and merge them
#     to_remove <- which(start[2:length(start)] - end[1:(length(start)-1)] == 1)
#     if(length(to_remove) >0){
#       end <- end[-to_remove]
#       start <- start[-(to_remove+1)]
#     }
#     #housekeeping
#     if(end[1]< start[1]) end <- end[-1] #if the series starts with an end not a start, remove the first ending
#     if (length(end)<length(start)) start <- start[1:length(end)]
#     if (length(end)>length(start)) end <- end[1:length(start)]
#     # get rif of any 30 minute events
#     index <- which((end-start) > 1)
#     start <- start[index]
#     end <- end[index]
#     #--------------------------------------------------
#     #For each event event, figure out how long it lasted
#     event_list <- data.frame(start = activity$date[start],
#                              end = activity$date[end],
#                              duration = difftime(activity$date[end], activity$date[start], tz= tz,
#                                                  units = "hours"))
#     event_list$duration <- as.numeric(event_list$duration )
#     event_list$date <- as.Date(event_list$start)
#   }
#   if(method == "rest"){
#     if(!("acceleration" %in% availavariable)){
#       stop('There is no activity data to classify resting periods')
#     }
#     activity$flying = ifelse(activity$act == 0, 1, 0)
#     # find start of event event
#     x <- c(0,1)
#     start <- which(activity$flying == x[1])
#     start <- start[sapply(start, function(i) all(activity$flying[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
#     start <- start
#     # find end of event event
#     x <- c(1, 0)
#     end <- which(activity$flying == x[1])
#     end <- end[sapply(end, function(i) all(activity$flying[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
#     #remove any back to back start end start end and merge them
#     to_remove <- which(start[2:length(start)] - end[1:(length(start)-1)] == 1)
#     if(length(to_remove) >0){
#       end <- end[-to_remove]
#       start <- start[-(to_remove+1)]
#     }
#     #housekeeping
#     if (end[1] < start[1]) end <- end[-1] #if the series starts with an end not a start, remove the first ending
#     if (length(end)<length(start)) start <- start[1:length(end)]
#     if (length(end)>length(start)) end <- end[1:length(start)]
#     # get rif of any 30 minute events
#     index <- which((end-start) > 1)
#     start <- start[index]
#     end <- end[index]
#     #--------------------------------------------------
#     #For each event event, figure out how long it lasted
#     event_list <- data.frame(start = activity$date[start],
#                              end = activity$date[end],
#                              duration = difftime(activity$date[end], activity$date[start], tz= tz,
#                                                  units = "hours"))
#     event_list$duration <- as.numeric(event_list$duration )
#     event_list$date <- as.Date(event_list$start)
#   }
#   if(method == "darkness"){
#     if(!("light" %in% availavariable)){
#       stop('There is no light data to classify darkness periods')
#     }
#     light$flying = ifelse(light$obs < light_thld, 1, 0)
#     # find start of event event
#     x <- c(0,1)
#     start <- which(light$flying == x[1])
#     start <- start[sapply(start, function(i) all(light$flying[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
#     start <- start
#     # find end of event event
#     x <- c(1, 0)
#     end <- which(light$flying == x[1])
#     end <- end[sapply(end, function(i) all(light$flying[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
#     #remove any back to back start end start end and merge them
#     to_remove <- which(start[2:length(start)] - end[1:(length(start)-1)] == 1)
#     if(length(to_remove) >0){
#       end <- end[-to_remove]
#       start <- start[-(to_remove+1)]
#     }
#     #housekeeping
#     if(end[1]< start[1]) end <- end[-1] #if the series starts with an end not a start, remove the first ending
#     if (length(end)<length(start)) start <- start[1:length(end)]
#     if (length(end)>length(start)) end <- end[1:length(start)]
#     # get rif of any 30 minute events
#     index <- which((end-start) > 1)
#     start <- start[index]
#     end <- end[index]
#     #--------------------------------------------------
#     #For each event event, figure out how long it lasted
#     event_list <- data.frame(start = light$date[start],
#                              end = light$date[end],
#                              duration = difftime(light$date[end], light$date[start], tz= tz,
#                                                  units = "hours"))
#     event_list$duration <- as.numeric(event_list$duration )
#     event_list$date <- as.Date(event_list$start)
#   }
#   if(method == "light"){
#     if(!("light" %in% availavariable)){
#       stop('There is no light data to classify periods of continuous sunlight')
#     }
#     light$flying = ifelse(light$obs == max(light$obs), 1, 0)
#     # find start of event event
#     x <- c(0,1)
#     start <- which(light$flying == x[1])
#     start <- start[sapply(start, function(i) all(light$flying[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
#     start <- start
#     # find end of event event
#     x <- c(1, 0)
#     end <- which(light$flying == x[1])
#     end <- end[sapply(end, function(i) all(light$flying[i:(i+(length(x)-1))] == x))]
#     #remove any back to back start end start end and merge them
#     to_remove <- which(start[2:length(start)] - end[1:(length(start)-1)] == 1)
#     if(length(to_remove) >0){
#       end <- end[-to_remove]
#       start <- start[-(to_remove+1)]
#     }
#     #housekeeping
#     if(end[1]< start[1]) end <- end[-1] #if the series starts with an end not a start, remove the first ending
#     if (length(end)<length(start)) start <- start[1:length(end)]
#     if (length(end)>length(start)) end <- end[1:length(start)]
#     # get rif of any 30 minute events
#     index <- which((end-start) > 1)
#     start <- start[index]
#     end <- end[index]
#     #--------------------------------------------------
#     #For each event event, figure out how long it lasted
#     event_list <- data.frame(start = light$date[start],
#                              end = light$date[end],
#                              duration = difftime(light$date[end],
#                                                  light$date[start], tz= tz,
#                                                  units = "hours"))
#     event_list$duration <- as.numeric(event_list$duration )
#     event_list$date <- as.Date(event_list$start)
#   }
#   #--------------------------------------------------
#   # for each event event, find out how much the bird was flying in total that day
#   duration_date <- aggregate(event_list$duration,by=list(as.Date(event_list$start)),FUN=sum)
#   names(duration_date) <- c("date", "total_daily_duration")
#   event_list <- merge(event_list, duration_date, by.x="date", by.y="date")
#   #--------------------------------------------------
#   # find out how many seperate  events were done that date
#   event_freq <- aggregate(event_list$duration,by=list(as.Date(event_list$start)),FUN=length)
#   names(event_freq) <- c("date", "total_daily_event_number")
#   event_list <- merge(event_list, event_freq, by="date")
#   if ("pressure" %in% availavariable){
#     #--------------------------------------------------
#     # for that event, how much did the pressure change
#     # event_list$cum_pressure_change <- 1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number)
#     event_list$cum_pressure_change <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                                     function(x) {sum(abs(diff(pressure$obs[(pressure$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                                              (pressure$date <= event_list$end[x])])))})
#     ))
#     #--------------------------------------------------
#     # for that event, how much did altitude change
#     # event_list$cum_altitude_change <- 1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number)
#     event_list$cum_altitude_change <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                                     function(x){
#                                                       sum(abs(diff(altitudeCALC(pressure$obs[(pressure$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                                                (pressure$date <= event_list$end[x])]
#                                                       ))))
#                                                     } )
#     ))
#     #--------------------------------------------------
#     # for that event, how much did the bird go upwards
#     # event_list$cum_altitude_up <- 1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number)
#     event_list$cum_altitude_up <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                                 function(x) {
#                                                   test = diff(altitudeCALC(pressure$obs[(pressure$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                                           (pressure$date <= event_list$end[x])]))
#                                                   test = test[test>0]
#                                                   test = sum(test)
#                                                   return(test)
#                                                 }
#     )))
#     #--------------------------------------------------
#     # for each event event, find out how much the pressure changed in total that day
#     duration_date <- aggregate(event_list$cum_pressure_change, by=list(as.Date(event_list$start)),FUN=sum)
#     names(duration_date) <- c("date", "total_daily_P_change")
#     event_list <- merge(event_list, duration_date, by.x="date", by.y="date")
#     #--------------------------------------------------
#     # for that event, what was pressure like when the bird departed and when in stopped
#     event_list$P_dep_arr <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                           function(x) {abs( pressure$obs[last(which(pressure$date <= event_list$end[x]))] -
#                                                               pressure$obs[which(pressure$date >= event_list$start[x])[1]])}
#                                           # pressure$obs[start[nrow(event_list[1:x,])]]-
#                                           #                 pressure$obs[end[nrow(event_list[1:x,])]] )
#     )
#     ))
#     #--------------------------------------------------
#     # for that event, what was the total pressure range
#     event_list$pressure_range <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                                function(x) {max(pressure$obs[(pressure$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                                (pressure$date <= event_list$end[x])])-
#                                                    min(pressure$obs[(pressure$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                       (pressure$date <= event_list$end[x])])}
#     )))
#     event_list$altitude_range <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                                function(x) {abs(altitudeCALC(max(pressure$obs[(pressure$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                                                 (pressure$date <= event_list$end[x])]))-
#                                                                   altitudeCALC(min(pressure$obs[(pressure$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                                                   (pressure$date <= event_list$end[x])])))}
#     )))
#   }
#   #--------------------------------------------------
#   # for that event, what was pressure like the night before, and what was it like the next night
#   if (("light" %in% availavariable) & ("pressure" %in% availavariable)){
#     nights <- twl[twl$type==2,]
#     fun <- function(x){
#       to_add <- pressure[which(pressure$date > nights$tFirst[x] & pressure$date < nights$tSecond[x]),]#old
#       to_add$night <- x
#       to_add$night_before <- as.Date(nights$tFirst[x])
#       to_add$night_after <- as.Date(nights$tSecond[x])
#       return(to_add)
#     }
#     nightP <- do.call(rbind,lapply(1:(length(nights$tFirst)-1),FUN = fun))
#     obs = NULL
#     dt <- data.table(nightP)
#     dt <- dt[,list(mean=mean(obs),sd=sd(obs)),by=nightP$night_before]
#     dt <- dt %>% distinct()
#     dt <- as.data.frame(dt)
#     colnames(dt) <- c("date", "mean_night_P", "sd_night_P")
#     event_list <- merge(event_list, dt, by="date")
#     colnames(dt) <- c("date", "mean_nextnight_P", "sd_nextnight_P")
#     dt <-dt[-1,]
#     dt$date <- dt$date-1
#     event_list <- merge(event_list, dt, by="date", all.x = TRUE)
#     event_list$night_P_diff <- abs(event_list$mean_night_P - event_list$mean_nextnight_P)
#   }
#   #--------------------------------------------------
#   # for that event, what was the proportion of time spent resting?
#   if ("acceleration" %in% availavariable){
#     # event_list$median_activity <- 1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number)
#     event_list$median_activity <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                              function(x) {median(activity$act[(activity$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                              (activity$date <= event_list$end[x])], na.rm=TRUE)})))
#     # event_list$sum_activity <- 1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number)
#     event_list$sum_activity <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                              function(x) {sum(activity$act[(activity$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                              (activity$date <= event_list$end[x])])}))
# )
#     event_list$prop_resting <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                              function(x) {length(which(activity$act[(activity$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                                       (activity$date <= event_list$end[x])] == 0 )) /
#                                                  length(activity$act[(activity$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                        (activity$date <= event_list$end[x]) ])})))
#     event_list$prop_active <- 1-event_list$prop_resting
#   }
#   #--------------------------------------------------
#   # for that event, what was the proportion of time spent resting the night before and the night after?
#   if (("light" %in% availavariable) & ("acceleration" %in% availavariable)) {
#     nights <- twl[twl$type==2,]
#     fun <- function(x){
#       to_add <- activity[which(activity$date > nights$tFirst[x] & activity$date < nights$tSecond[x]),]
#       to_add$night <- x
#       to_add$night_before <- as.Date(nights$tFirst[x])
#       to_add$night_after <- as.Date(nights$tSecond[x])
#       return(to_add)
#     }
#     nightA <- do.call(rbind,lapply(1:(length(nights$tFirst)-1),FUN = fun))
#     act = NULL
#     dt <- data.table(nightA)
#     dt <- dt[,list(mean=mean(act),sd=sd(act), sum=sum(act)),by=nightA$night_before]
#     dt <- dt %>% distinct()
#     dt <- as.data.frame(dt)
#     colnames(dt) <- c("date", "mean_night_act", "sd_night_act", "sum_night_act")
#     event_list <- merge(event_list, dt, by="date")
#     colnames(dt) <- c("date", "mean_nextnight_act", "sd_nextnight_act", "sum_nextnight_act")
#     dt <- dt[-1,]
#     dt$date <- dt$date-1
#     event_list <- merge(event_list, dt, by="date", all.x=T)
#     event_list$night_act_diff <- abs(event_list$mean_night_act - event_list$mean_nextnight_act)
#   }
#   #--------------------------------------------------
#   # for that event, what was the median body position, and how variable was it
#   if ("acceleration" %in% availavariable){
#     # event_list$median_pitch <- 1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number)
#     event_list$median_pitch <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                              function(x){
#                                                median(activity$pit[(activity$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                      (activity$date <= event_list$end[x])], na.rm=TRUE)
#                                              })))
#     # event_list$sd_pitch <- 1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number)
#     event_list$sd_pitch <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                          function(x){
#                                            sd(activity$pit[(activity$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                              (activity$date <= event_list$end[x])], na.rm=TRUE)
#                                          })))
#   }
#   #--------------------------------------------------
#   # for that event, how light or dark was it
#   if ("light" %in% availavariable){
#     # event_list$median_light <- 1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number)
#     event_list$median_light <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                              function(x){
#                                                median(light$obs[(light$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                   (light$date <= event_list$end[x])], na.rm=TRUE)
#                                              })))
#     nights <- twl[twl$type==2,]
#     if (method %in% "pressure"){
#       nightime <- rep_len(0, length.out = length(pressure$date))
#       start2 = unlist(lapply(1:nrow(nights),
#                              function(x) which(pressure$date >= nights$tFirst[x])[1]))
#       end2 = unlist(lapply(1:nrow(nights),
#                            function(x) last(which(pressure$date <= nights$tSecond[x]))))
#     }
#     if (method %in% c("rest", "endurance","flap")){
#       nightime <- rep_len(0, length.out = length(activity$date))
#       start2 = unlist(lapply(1:nrow(nights),
#                              function(x) which(activity$date >= nights$tFirst[x])[1]))
#       end2 = unlist(lapply(1:nrow(nights),
#                            function(x) last(which(activity$date <= nights$tSecond[x]))))
#     }
#     if (method %in% c("light","darkness")){
#       nightime <- rep_len(0, length.out = length(light$date))
#       start2 = unlist(lapply(1:nrow(nights),
#                              function(x) which(light$date >= nights$tFirst[x])[1]))
#       end2 = unlist(lapply(1:nrow(nights),
#                            function(x) last(which(light$date <= nights$tSecond[x]))))
#     }
#     # housekeeping
#     start2 = start2[complete.cases(start2)]
#     end2 = end2[complete.cases(end2)]
#     if(end2[1]< start2[1]) end2 <- end2[-1] #if the series starts with an end not a start, remove the first ending
#     if (length(end2)<length(start2)) start2 <- start2[1:length(end2)]
#     if (length(end2)>length(start2)) end2 <- end2[1:length(start2)]
#     index2 = unlist(lapply(1:length(end2),
#                            function(x) start2[x]:end2[x]))
#     nightime[index2] = 1
#     if (method %in% "pressure"){
#       event_list$nightime <- unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                            function(x){
#                                              median(nightime[(pressure$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                (pressure$date <= event_list$end[x])], na.rm=TRUE)
#                                            }))
#     }
#     if (method %in% c("rest", "endurance","flap")){
#       event_list$nightime <- unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                            function(x){
#                                              median(nightime[(activity$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                (activity$date <= event_list$end[x])], na.rm=TRUE)
#                                            }))
#     }
#     if (method %in% c("light","darkness")){
#       event_list$nightime <- unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                            function(x){
#                                              median(nightime[(light$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                (light$date <= event_list$end[x])], na.rm=TRUE)
#                                            }))
#     }
#   }
#   #--------------------------------------------------
#   # for that event, what was the median tri-axial information
#   if ("magnetic" %in% availavariable){
#     event_list$median_gX <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                           function(x){
#                                             median(magnetic$gX[(magnetic$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                  (magnetic$date <= event_list$end[x])], na.rm=TRUE)
#                                           })))
#     event_list$median_gY <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                           function(x){
#                                             median(magnetic$gY[(magnetic$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                  (magnetic$date <= event_list$end[x])], na.rm=TRUE)
#                                           })))
#     event_list$median_gZ <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                           function(x){
#                                             median(magnetic$gZ[(magnetic$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                  (magnetic$date <= event_list$end[x])], na.rm=TRUE)
#                                           })))
#     event_list$median_mX <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                           function(x){
#                                             median(magnetic$mX[(magnetic$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                  (magnetic$date <= event_list$end[x])], na.rm=TRUE)
#                                           })))
#     event_list$median_mY <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                           function(x){
#                                             median(magnetic$mY[(magnetic$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                  (magnetic$date <= event_list$end[x])], na.rm=TRUE)
#                                           })))
#     event_list$median_mZ <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                           function(x){
#                                             median(magnetic$mZ[(magnetic$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                  (magnetic$date <= event_list$end[x])], na.rm=TRUE)
#                                           })))
#   }
#   #--------------------------------------------------
#   # for that event, what was the median temperature and the change in temp
#   if ("temperature" %in% availavariable){
#     event_list$median_temp <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                             function(x){
#                                               median(temperature$obs[(temperature$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                        (temperature$date <= event_list$end[x])], na.rm=TRUE)
#                                             })))
#     event_list$sd_temp <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                             function(x){
#                                               sd(temperature$obs[(temperature$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                        (temperature$date <= event_list$end[x])], na.rm=TRUE)
#                                             })))
#     event_list$cum_temp_change <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(1:length(event_list$total_daily_event_number),
#                                             function(x){
#                                               sum(abs(diff(temperature$obs[(temperature$date >= event_list$start[x]) &
#                                                                        (temperature$date <= event_list$end[x])], na.rm=TRUE)))
#                                             })))
#   }
#   event_list = do.call(data.frame,lapply(event_list, function(x) replace(x, is.infinite(x),NA)))
#   event_list = do.call(data.frame,lapply(event_list, function(x) replace(x, is.nan(x),NA)))
#   return(event_list)

KiranLDA/PAMLr documentation built on March 6, 2023, 1:40 p.m.