#' Variable Selection Server
#' Module to select environment variable
#' @param settings settings_server provide a central settings server if intending to share/save/restore settings accross the app, otherwise the default bare servers works fine.
#' @param close_button whether to include a close button
module_navbar_server <- function(
input, output, session, settings,
iso_objects = list(), close_button = FALSE) {
# namespace
ns <- session$ns
# safety check
if (length(iso_objects) > 0L) {
if (length(names(iso_objects)) == 0L || any(nchar(names(iso_objects)) == 0L)) {
stop("all iso objects provided to the viewer must be named", call. = FALSE)
if (any(duplicated(names(iso_objects)))) {
stop("all iso objects provided to the viewer must have unique names", call. = FALSE)
# available variables in namespace
all_objects <- parse_iso_objects(iso_objects)
type_objects <-
di = dplyr::filter(all_objects, type == "dual inlet")$variable,
cf = dplyr::filter(all_objects, type == "continuous flow")$variable,
scan = dplyr::filter(all_objects, type == "scan")$variable
# non-variable menu items (make sure IDs are unique by tagging pi to them)
info <- sprintf("info%.6f", pi)
close_id <- sprintf("close%.6f", pi)
type_objects_NA <-
sprintf("%s%.6f", names(type_objects), pi),
# reactive values
values <- reactiveValues(
last_menu_item = info,
initialized = FALSE,
selected_cf_variable = NULL,
selected_di_variable = NULL,
selected_scan_variable = NULL,
reset_settings = 1
# info server ====
module_info_server, "info",
settings = settings,
get_variables = reactive({ dplyr::select(all_objects, -.data$obj) }),
get_settings = reactive({
reset_settings = function() {
values$reset_settings <- values$reset_settings + 1
# render navbar ====
output$menu <- renderUI({
# determine selected
selected <- settings$get("menu", ns, default = info)
if (!selected %in% all_objects$variable) selected <- info
# info message
ns, "info", sprintf("NAVBAR creating navbar with the available variables: '%s', and selection '%s'",
paste(all_objects$variable, collapse = "', '"), selected)
# tab panels
tab_panels <-
type_objects, type_objects_NA,
~ {
if (length(.x) > 0)
purrr::map(.x, tabPanel)
list(tabPanel(shiny::em("No data available"), value = .y))
# navbar arguments
args <- list(
theme = shinythemes::shinytheme("united"),
title = "isoviewer",
collapsible = FALSE,
position = "static-top",
id = ns("menu"),
selected = selected,
tabPanel("Info", value = info, icon = icon("info"),
# TODO: add upload screen to upload collection / read files ----
do.call(navbarMenu, args = c(
list("Continuous Flow", menuName = "cf", icon = icon("area-chart")),
do.call(navbarMenu, args = c(
list("Dual Inlet", menuName = "di", icon = icon("signal")),
do.call(navbarMenu, args = c(
list("Scan", menuName = "di", icon = icon("line-chart")),
# close button?
if (close_button)
args <- c(args, list(tabPanel("Close", value = close_id, icon = icon("window-close"), width = 12)))
# navbar
do.call(navbarPage, args = args)
# close dialog =====
close_dialog <- modalDialog(
title = NULL, fade = FALSE, easyClose = TRUE, size = "s",
h2("Close GUI?"),
footer =
actionButton(ns("close"), label = "Close", icon = icon("window-close")),
# close event ===
observeEvent(input$close, {
module_message(ns, "info", "APP closing...")
# user selects navbar ----
observeEvent(input$menu, {
select_navbar_item(id = input$menu, update_navbar = FALSE)
# select navbar item ----
select_navbar_item <- function(id, update_navbar = TRUE) {
if (id == close_id) {
# show cancel model and switch back to previous tab
id <- values$last_menu_item
update_navbar <- TRUE
} else {
module_message(ns, "info", "NAVBAR loading menu item: '", id, "'")
# update navbar if not already the new value
values$last_menu_item <- id
if (update_navbar) updateNavbarPage(session, "menu", selected = id)
shinyjs::toggle("info", condition = id == info)
# set gui setting
settings$set("menu", id, ns)
# default selections
selected_cf_variable <- NULL
selected_di_variable <- NULL
selected_scan_variable <- NULL
# check what is selected (if anything)
if (id %in% type_objects$cf) {
# cf variable selected
selected_cf_variable <- id
} else if (id == type_objects_NA[['cf']]) {
# NA selected for cf
selected_cf_variable <- NA_character_
} else if (id %in% type_objects$di) {
# di variable selected
selected_di_variable <- id
} else if (id == type_objects_NA[['di']]) {
# NA selected for di
selected_di_variable <- NA_character_
} else if (id %in% type_objects$scan) {
# di variable selected
selected_scan_variable <- id
} else if (id == type_objects_NA[['scan']]) {
# NA selected for scan
selected_scan_variable <- NA_character_
# update reactive values
if (!identical(values$selected_cf_variable, selected_cf_variable))
values$selected_cf_variable <- selected_cf_variable
if (!identical(values$selected_di_variable, selected_di_variable))
values$selected_di_variable <- selected_di_variable
if (!identical(values$selected_scan_variable, selected_scan_variable))
values$selected_scan_variable <- selected_scan_variable
# return reactive functions ====
select_navbar_item = select_navbar_item,
get_selected_cf_variable = reactive(values$selected_cf_variable),
get_selected_di_variable = reactive(values$selected_di_variable),
get_selected_scan_variable = reactive(values$selected_scan_variable)
# generate code for navbar runctions
code_navbar_shinyjs_extension <- function() {
js_code <- c(
# close window
closeWindow =
"shinyjs.closeWindow = function() { window.close(); }"
extendShinyjs(text = paste(js_code, collapse = "\n"), functions = names(js_code))
#' module variable selection navbar
#' @param id the module id
module_navbar_ui <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.