
Defines functions format_ids format_to_ref

Documented in format_ids format_to_ref

#' Format the sample and reference data to match
#' This function keeps matching gene IDs between the sample and reference data, removing non-matching data.
#' @param samp the sample gene expression matrix with genes as rows and individuals as columns
#' @param refdata the reference matrix, same format as `samp`
#' @param na.rm if TRUE (default), rows with NA are removed
#' @param verbose if TRUE (default), prints a summary of initial and resulting gene counts
#' @return a list with matching `samp` and `refdata` expression matrices as well as an `inter.genes` character vector with the matching gene IDs.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(50), ncol = 5)
#' Y <- X
#' rownames(X) <- paste0('g', 1:10)
#' rownames(Y) <- paste0('g', 4:13)
#' Z <- format_to_ref(X,Y)
format_to_ref <- function(samp, refdata, 
                          na.rm=T, verbose=T)
    stop("No matching gene IDs (rownames) between sample and reference.")
    stop("Rownames of samp don't hold gene IDs.")
  samp <- as.matrix(samp)
  mode(samp) <- 'numeric'
    samp <- na.omit(samp)
    refdata <- na.omit(refdata)

  l.r <- nrow(refdata)
  l.s <- nrow(samp)
  inter.genes <- intersect(rownames(refdata), rownames(samp))
  samp <- samp[inter.genes,, drop=F]
  refdata <- refdata[inter.genes,, drop=F]
    to.print <- rbind(refdata=l.r, samp=l.s, 
    colnames(to.print) <- "nb.genes"
  return(list(samp=samp, refdata=refdata, inter.genes=inter.genes))

#' Format/convert the sample gene IDs
#' This function converts the gene IDs from given input and aggregates IDs 
#' if necessary for unique ID output (e.g multiple transcripts to a gene).
#' @param X the sample gene expression matrix with genes as rows and individuals as columns
#' @param IDs A dataframe holding current IDs for `X` and target IDs 
#' @param from,to defaults to 1 and 2 ; columns of `IDs` holding current and target IDs of `X` respectively
#' @param aggr.fun the function used for \code{\link[stats]{aggregate}}
#' @param verbose if TRUE (default), prints number of genes kept and aggregated
#' @return a gene expression matrix, with new IDs as rownames
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # make dummy data
#' ids <- data.frame(id.a = paste0('a', 1:10), id.b = paste0('b', 1:10), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(50), ncol = 5)
#' rownames(X) <- ids$id.a
#' # format ids
#' format_ids(X, ids, from = "id.a", to = "id.b")
format_ids <- function(X, IDs, from=1, to=2, 
                       aggr.fun=mean, verbose=TRUE){
  requireNamespace("stats", quietly = T)
  n.i <- nrow(X)
  keep.ids <- intersect(rownames(X), IDs[,from])
    stop("No matching IDs between rownames(X) and IDs[,from]")
  X.a <- stats::aggregate(X[keep.ids,],
                          by=list(as.factor(IDs[match(keep.ids, IDs[,from]),to])),
  X <- X.a[,-1]
  rownames(X) <- as.character(X.a[,1])
  n.f <- nrow(X)
    message(paste("Kept", length(keep.ids), "out of", n.i, "- aggregated into", n.f))
LBMC/wormAge documentation built on April 6, 2023, 3:52 a.m.