
Defines functions fs_lmm

Documented in fs_lmm

#' Create a data.frame that is ready for use in Freesufers linear
#' mixed models
#' \code{fs_lmm} Creates a data.frame of subsetted row and formatted
#' columns ready for use in Freesurfers (6.0) linear mixed models.
#' Design matrices are created for the grouping.var factors, and numeric
#' variables are z-transformed.
#' @param data The MOAS or a MOAS generated file.
#' @param grouping.var String vector specifying the column names of
#' categorical/ordinal factors.
#' @param numeric.var A string vector of column names for numeric,
#' scalar co-variates.
#' @param missing.action Action to take on missing data i the
#' numeric.var
#' @param keep For double/triple scans, which data should be kept.
#' option calls \code{site_keeper}.
#' @param file Optional string specifying file name to be saved
#' @return a data frame ready for Freesurfer LMM use.
#' @details Available options for 'missing.action' are:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"delete"}{delete observations with any missing numeric.vars}
#'  \item{"mean"}{replace missing with mean for that participant}
#'  \item{"all"}{replace all values with the mean for that participant}
#'  \item{"first"}{replace all values with the first
#'  observation for that participant}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' site_keeper(MOAS)
#' site_keeper(MOAS, "ousSkyra")
#' site_keeper(MOAS, "ousAvanto")
#' }
#' @export

fs_lmm = function(data,
                  missing.action = "mean",
                  keep = "long",


  if(missing(grouping.var) | missing(numeric.var)){
    stop("Both grouping and numeric variables must be supplied.")

  # Get data from participants who have FS data available
  dt = names(data)[grep("aparc", names(data))[1]]
  reqCols = c("CrossProject_ID","Site_Number","Project_Number","Project_Wave", "Folder","Interval_FirstVisit")
  if(any(!reqCols %in% names(data)) | is.na(dt) ){

    errString  = "Data must contain"
    reqColsS=paste(reqCols[!reqCols %in% names(data)], collapse=" ,")

    if(any(!reqCols %in% names(data))) errString = paste(errString, reqColsS)
    if(any(!reqCols %in% names(data)) & is.na(dt) ) errString = paste(errString, "and")
    if(is.na(dt) ) errString = paste(errString, "at least one 'aparc' column for data verification.")


  noCol = !(c(grouping.var,numeric.var) %in% names(data) )
    cols = paste(c(grouping.var,numeric.var)[noCol], collapse=", ")
    stop(paste("Check spelling, there are no columns named", cols))

  if(any(!missing.action %in% c("mean","all","first","delete"))){
    stop(paste0("Unrecognised option '",missing.action,"' for missing.action. Options are: 'mean','first','all','delete'"))

  data <- cbind.data.frame(orig_data,N=1:nrow(orig_data))

  # Decide which data to keep from double/triple scans
  data <- MOAS::filter_site(data, keep, quiet=T)

  data <- dplyr::filter(data, !is.na(get(dt)))

  data <- dplyr::mutate_at(data,
  data <- dplyr::ungroup(data)

  names(data)[grep("CrossProject_ID",names(data))] = "ID"

  FS_data <- dplyr::transmute(data, N=N,
  FS_data <- stats::na.omit(FS_data)

  # Remove omitted rows above in the incoming data. For merging purposes
  data<- dplyr::filter(data, N %in% FS_data$N)

  # Get the grouping.var data, and create one column with them pasted into eachother. Reduce factor levels to only the present ones
  GROUPS <- dplyr::select(data, ID,N,dplyr::one_of(grouping.var))
  GROUPS <- dplyr::mutate_all(GROUPS, dplyr::funs(factor))
  GROUPS<- stats::na.omit(GROUPS)

  # Create model.matrix (GLM) for the group variables
  Group.matrix = eval(parse(text=paste("model.matrix(~ ",paste(grouping.var, collapse="+"),",data=GROUPS)"))) %>% as.data.frame()
  tmp = names(Group.matrix)[-1];
  Group.matrix = as.data.frame(Group.matrix[,-1])

  for(i in 1:length(grouping.var)){
    names(Group.matrix) = gsub(grouping.var[i], paste("1.",grouping.var[i],":",sep=""), tmp)
    tmp = names(Group.matrix)

  #Remove correspinding rows in the data frames
  FS_data <- dplyr::filter(FS_data, N %in% GROUPS$N);
  data <- dplyr::filter(data, N %in% GROUPS$N)
  GROUPS <- dplyr::select(GROUPS, -N, -ID)

  # Get the numerical data
  NUMERIC = dplyr::select(data, dplyr::one_of(numeric.var))

  #Combine the Four matrices
  FS_data = cbind.data.frame(FS_data,GROUPS,Group.matrix,NUMERIC)

  # Get the mean numeric values for each particiant
  MEANS = FS_data %>%
    dplyr::group_by(ID) %>%
    dplyr::select(ID, dplyr::one_of(numeric.var))  %>%
    dplyr::summarise_all(dplyr::funs(mean(.,na.rm=T))) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%

  NumIdx = grep(paste(numeric.var,collapse="|"), names(FS_data))

  if(missing.action != "delete"){
    FS_data =  switch(missing.action,
                      #Replace missing values with the mean of other values for the same person
                      "mean" = {
                        for(i in NumIdx){
                          tmp[,i] = ifelse( is.na(tmp[,i]), MEANS[match(tmp$ID, MEANS$ID),idx], tmp[,i])

                        #Replace all values with the mean of other values for the same person.
                      },"all" = {
                        FS_data %>%
                          dplyr::select(-dplyr::one_of(numeric.var)) %>%
                          dplyr::left_join(MEANS, by="ID")

                        #Replace all values with the first instance for the same person.
                      },"first" = {
                        FIRSTS = FS_data %>%
                          dplyr::group_by(ID) %>%
                          dplyr::select(dplyr::one_of(numeric.var)) %>%
                          stats::na.omit() %>%
                          dplyr::summarise_all(dplyr::funs(dplyr::first(.))) %>%

                        FS_data %>%
                          dplyr::select(-dplyr::one_of(numeric.var)) %>%
                          dplyr::left_join(FIRSTS, by="ID")

    ) #Switch end

  # Delete instances where there still is missing values, it means we cannot compute them
  # If missing.action is set to "delete" then this the above ifs are circumvented and this line deletes all rows that include missing values.
  FS_data = FS_data %>% stats::na.omit()
  data = data %>% dplyr::filter(N %in% FS_data$N)

  if("Age" %in% numeric.var){
    FS_data = FS_data %>%
      dplyr::group_by(ID) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(Age=dplyr::first(Age)) %>%
    warning("'Age' is set to base-line constant, to avoid colinearity with 'time'")

  #Z-transform the numerical columns
  SCALED= apply(FS_data[NumIdx], 2, scale) %>% as.data.frame()
  names(SCALED) = paste("Z", names(SCALED), sep=".")

  FS_data = cbind.data.frame(FS_data,SCALED)

  #Time needs to be corrected, because we have been deleting cases with missing data.
  FS_data$Age_orig = data$Age
  FS_data$Site_Number = data$Site_Number

  FS_data = FS_data %>% dplyr::group_by(ID) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(time = dplyr::first(Age_orig)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(time = Age_orig-time) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%

  #Rename column two to what Freesurfer wants it to be.
  FS_data = FS_data %>%
    dplyr::mutate(`fsid-base`=paste("base",ID,Site_Number,sep="_")) %>%
    dplyr::select(-ID, -Site_Number)  %>%
    dplyr::select(fsid, `fsid-base`, time, dplyr::one_of(grouping.var), dplyr::one_of(numeric.var), dplyr::everything())

  if(!missing(file)) utils::write.table(FS_data, file=file, sep=",", dec=".", row.names = FALSE)


## quiets concerns of R CMD check
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1"){
LCBC-UiO/MOAS documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 3:29 a.m.