
Defines functions has_codebook nettskjema_write_codebook.nettskjema_codebook nettskjema_write_codebook.nettskjema_codebook_raw nettskjema_write_codebook.default nettskjema_write_codebook print.nettskjema_codebook_raw format.nettskjema_codebook_raw get_raw_codebook nettskjema_get_codebook codebook

Documented in codebook get_raw_codebook has_codebook nettskjema_get_codebook nettskjema_write_codebook nettskjema_write_codebook.default nettskjema_write_codebook.nettskjema_codebook nettskjema_write_codebook.nettskjema_codebook_raw

#' Constructor for nettskjema codebook
#' Function works on meta-data downloaded from a form.
#' It will return a data.frame in long format with
#' meta-data information from a specific nettskjema form.
#' @param meta_data form meta-data from \code{\link{nettskjema_get_meta}}
#' @template form_id
#' @return long format tibble with meta-data for a specific nettskjema
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' meta_110000 <- nettskjema_get_meta(110000)
#' codebook(meta_110000)
#' }
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows relocate
codebook <- function(meta_data, form_id){
  els <- meta_data$elements$details
  idx <- which(unlist(lapply(els, is.data.frame)))

  codes <- lapply(idx,
                  function(x) els[[x]])
  names(codes) <- meta_data$elements$order[idx]

  dt <- bind_rows(codes, .id = "element_no")
  dt$form_id <- form_id
  dt <- relocate(dt, form_id, element_no)

    dt, class = c("nettskjema_codebook", class(dt))

#' Get codebook for a form
#' With the given API token, will retrieve
#' a list of all the forms you have access to
#' @template form_id
#' @template token_name
#' @template as_is
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link[httr]{GET}}
#' @return list of class nettskjema_meta_data
#' @export
#' @importFrom httr content
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' codebook_110000 <- nettskjema_get_codebook(110000)
#' }
nettskjema_get_codebook <- function(form_id,
                                    as_is = FALSE,
                                    token_name = "NETTSKJEMA_API_TOKEN",

    cb <- get_raw_codebook(form_id = form_id,
                           token_name = token_name,

  # Get codebook based on the meta-data elements
  meta <- nettskjema_get_meta(form_id = form_id,
                              as_is = FALSE,
                              token_name = token_name,

  codebook(meta, form_id)

#' Get the raw codebook
#' The raw codebook is a list
#' of answers and questions with
#' unique ids for both, and the text associated
#' with them. This information can be retrieved
#' from the raw nettskjema data. This can be useful
#' if the nettskjema submission data has been returned
#' with \code{as_is = TRUE}.
#' @template form_id
#' @template token_name
#' @param ... other arguments to \code{\link[httr]{GET}}
#' @return long format tibble with meta-data for a specific nettskjema
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' form_id <- 100000
#' get_raw_codebook(form_id)
#' Or if the token is saved in a non-standard name
#' get_raw_codebook(form_id, token_name = "MY_NETTSKJEMA_TOKEN_NAME")
#' }
get_raw_codebook <- function(form_id, token_name = "NETTSKJEMA_API_TOKEN", ...){

  path <- file.path("forms", form_id, "codebook")
  resp <- nettskjema_api(path, token_name = token_name, ...)


  dt <- content(resp)

  # remove NULLs
  idx <- which(!sapply(dt$externalQuestionIds, is.null))
  dt$externalQuestionIds <- lapply(idx, function(x) dt$externalQuestionIds[[x]])

  # remove NULLs
  idx <- which(!sapply(dt$externalAnswerOptionIds, is.null))
  dt$externalAnswerOptionIds <- lapply(idx, function(x) dt$externalAnswerOptionIds[[x]])

      form_id = form_id,
      questions = dplyr::tibble(
        id = names(dt$externalQuestionIds),
        text = unlist(unname(dt$externalQuestionIds))
      answers = dplyr::tibble(
        id = names(dt$externalAnswerOptionIds),
        text = unlist(unname(dt$externalAnswerOptionIds))
    ), class = c("nettskjema_codebook_raw", "list")

#' @export
format.nettskjema_codebook_raw <- function(x, ...){
    sprintf("# Nettskjema raw codebook for form %s", x$form_id),
    sprintf("no. questions: %s", nrow(x$questions)),
    sprintf("no. answers: %s", nrow(x$answers))

#' @export
print.nettskjema_codebook_raw <- function(x, ...){
  cat(format(x), sep="\n")

#' Write codebook to file
#' Save codebook information to a
#' file for safe keeping. Depending
#' on the type of codebook (raw or tidy)
#' the file will either be stored as a
#' json-file through \code{\link[jsonlite]{write_json}}
#' or a text table through \code{\link[utils]{write.table}}.
#' @details Given the two types of codebooks, writes different
#'        types of files.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{codebook}{ - writes a tab-separated table}
#' \item{codebook_raw}{ - writes a json-file}
#' }
#' @param codebook object of class nettskjema_codebook
#' @param pretty logical. If writing json-file, make it pretty
#' @param sep character. If writing text table, column delimiter.
#' @param file filename or path
#' @param ... arguments to \code{\link[jsonlite]{write_json}} or \code{\link[utils]{write.table}}
#' @return no return value. Writes a file to path.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' form_id <- 1100000
#' my_cb <- nettskjema_get_codebook(form_id)
#' nettskjema_write_codebook(my_cb, "my/path/codebook_110000.txt")
#' }
nettskjema_write_codebook <- function(codebook, file, ...){

#' @export
#' @rdname nettskjema_write_codebook
nettskjema_write_codebook.default <- function(codebook, file, ...){
  warning("Cannot write object of class", class(codebook)[1], "as codebook-data file",
          call. = FALSE)

#' @export
#' @rdname nettskjema_write_codebook
nettskjema_write_codebook.nettskjema_codebook_raw <- function(codebook, file, pretty = TRUE, ...){
  if(!grepl("json$", file)){
    message("Switching file extention to .json")
    file <- sprintf("%s.json", rm_ext(file))
                       path = file,
                       pretty = pretty, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname nettskjema_write_codebook
nettskjema_write_codebook.nettskjema_codebook <- function(codebook, file, sep = "\t", ...){
                     file = file,
                     sep = sep,
                     row.names = FALSE,

#' Check if form has codebook
#' Codebook is by default turned off
#' in Nettskjema, but best practices in handling
#' data is to have it on. This function
#' checks if the codebook of a form has been activated
#' or not
#' @template form_id
#' @template token_name
#' @return logical is codebook is turned on
#' @export
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' has_codebook(110000)
#' }
has_codebook <- function(form_id, token_name = "NETTSKJEMA_API_TOKEN"){
  nettskjema_get_meta(form_id, token_name = token_name)$codebook
LCBC-UiO/nettskjemar documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 5:44 p.m.