
# Euclidean function for finding all neighbors in range.

refFindNeighbors <- function(X, threshold, type="euclidean") {
    D <- unname(as.matrix(dist(X, method=type)))
    ind <- which(D <= threshold, arr.ind=TRUE)
    by.row <- split(ind[,2], ind[,1])
    by.dist <- split(D[ind], ind[,1])
    list(index=unname(by.row), distance=unname(by.dist))

refQueryNeighbors <- function(X, Y, threshold, type="euclidean") {
    out.dist <- out.indx <- vector("list", nrow(Y))
    for (j in seq_len(nrow(Y))) {
        diff <- Y[j,] - t(X)
        if (type=="euclidean") {
            targets <- sqrt(colSums(diff^2))
        } else {
            targets <- colSums(abs(diff))

        chosen <- targets <= threshold
        out.indx[[j]] <- which(chosen)
        out.dist[[j]] <- targets[chosen]
    list(index=out.indx, distance=out.dist)

# Setting up some common functions for range find checks.

REINFORCE <- function(out) {
# Remember that the output indices are unordered, though the identities are constant.
# Thus, we need to do some work to ensure that we get the same result.
    O <- lapply(out$index, order)
    re.index <- mapply(FUN="[", x=out$index, i=O, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    re.dist <- mapply(FUN="[", x=out$distance, i=O, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    list(index=re.index, distance=re.dist)

expect_identical_re <- function(left, right) {

    L <- REINFORCE(left)
    R <- REINFORCE(right)
    expect_identical(L$index, R$index)
    expect_equal(L$distance, R$distance)

# Setting up some common function for Manhattan distances.

refFindKNN <- function(X, k, type="euclidean") {
    if (type=="euclidean") {
        ref <- FNN::get.knn(X, k=k)
        return(list(index=ref$nn.index, distance=ref$nn.dist))

    collected.index <- collected.dist <- list()
    tX <- t(X)
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(X))) {
        all.dist <- colSums(abs(tX - X[i,]))
        o <- order(all.dist)
        keep <- head(setdiff(o, i), k)
        collected.index[[i]] <- keep
        collected.dist[[i]] <- all.dist[keep]
    list(index=do.call(rbind, collected.index),
        distance=do.call(rbind, collected.dist))

refQueryKNN <- function(X, Y, k, type="euclidean") {
    if (type=="euclidean") {
        ref <- FNN::get.knnx(data=X, query=Y, k=k)
        return(list(index=ref$nn.index, distance=ref$nn.dist))

    collected.index <- collected.dist <- list()
    tX <- t(X)
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(Y))) {
        all.dist <- colSums(abs(tX - Y[i,]))
        o <- order(all.dist)
        keep <- head(o, k)
        collected.index[[i]] <- keep
        collected.dist[[i]] <- all.dist[keep]
    list(index=do.call(rbind, collected.index),
        distance=do.call(rbind, collected.dist))

# Setting up some safe BPPARAM functions.

# Because SnowParam() is too slow, yet MulticoreParam() fails on Windows.
# See discussion at https://github.com/Bioconductor/BiocParallel/issues/98.
safeBPParam <- function(nworkers) {
    if (.Platform$OS.type=="windows") {
    } else {

# Checking whether it's safe to compare Annoy results.

ref.version <- RcppAnnoy::getAnnoyVersion(FALSE)
my.version <- BiocNeighbors:::annoy_version()
compare.annoy <- identical(ref.version, my.version)
LTLA/BiocNeighbors documentation built on Jan. 14, 2024, 9:46 p.m.