# Basic tests for the IndexedRelations class.
# library(testthat); library(IndexedRelations); source("setup.R"); source("test-basic.R")
r1 <- random_ranges(20)
r2 <- random_ranges(10)
r3 <- random_ranges(40)
N <- 100
i1 <- sample(length(r1), N, replace=TRUE)
i2 <- sample(length(r2), N, replace=TRUE)
i3 <- sample(length(r3), N, replace=TRUE)
# Constructors #
test_that("basic construction works correctly", {
IR <- IndexedRelations(list(i1, i2, i3), list(r1, r2, r3))
expect_identical(length(IR), as.integer(N))
expected <- DataFrame(i1, i2, i3)
colnames(expected) <- paste0("X.", 1:3)
expect_identical(partners(IR), expected)
expect_identical(unname(featureSets(IR)), List(r1, r2, r3))
# Preserves names.
IRn <- IndexedRelations(list(X=i1, Y=i2, Z=i3), list(r1, r2, r3))
expect_identical(partnerNames(IRn), c("X", "Y", "Z"))
IRn <- IndexedRelations(list(X=i1, Y=i2, Z=i3), list(A=r1, B=r2, C=r3))
expect_identical(partnerNames(IRn), c("X", "Y", "Z"))
# Handles zero-length inputs.
ir0 <- IndexedRelations(list(integer(0), integer(0), integer(0)), list(r1, r2, r3))
expect_identical(length(ir0), 0L)
expect_identical(featureSets(ir0), featureSets(IR))
ir0 <- IndexedRelations(list(integer(0), integer(0), integer(0)), list(r1[0], r2[0], r3[0]))
expect_identical(length(ir0), 0L)
test_that("alternative construction works correctly", {
ir <- IndexedRelations(list(i1, i2, i3), list(r1, r2, r3))
ir2 <- IndexedRelations(list(r1[i1], r2[i2], r3[i3]))
expect_as_if(ir, ir2)
expect_identical(featureSets(ir2)[[1]], r1[unique(i1)])
expect_identical(featureSets(ir2)[[2]], r2[unique(i2)])
expect_identical(featureSets(ir2)[[3]], r3[unique(i3)])
# Preserves names.
ir3 <- IndexedRelations(list(A=r1[i1], B=r2[i2], C=r3[i3]))
expect_identical(partnerNames(ir3), c("A", "B", "C"))
# Handles zero-length inputs.
ir0 <- IndexedRelations(list(r1[0], r2[0], r3[0]))
expect_identical(length(ir0), 0L)
test_that("constructors fail with invalid inputs", {
expect_error(IndexedRelations(list(-1L, i2, i3), list(r1, r2, r3)), "out-of-bounds")
expect_error(IndexedRelations(list(10000L, i2, i3), list(r1, r2, r3)), "out-of-bounds")
expect_error(IndexedRelations(list(NA, i2, i3), list(r1, r2, r3)), "out-of-bounds")
expect_error(IndexedRelations(list(i1, i2, i3), list(r1)), "should be the same")
expect_error(IndexedRelations(list(), list()), NA)
# Name-related methods #
test_that("names getting and setting works", {
IR <- IndexedRelations(list(i1, i2, i3), list(r1, r2, r3))
expect_identical(names(IR), NULL)
all.inters <- sprintf("LINK.%i", seq_along(IR))
names(IR) <- all.inters
expect_identical(names(IR), all.inters)
names(IR) <- NULL
expect_identical(names(IR), NULL)
IR <- IndexedRelations(list(A=i1, B=i2, C=i3), list(r1, r2, r3))
expect_identical(partnerNames(IR), c("A", "B", "C"))
partnerNames(IR) <- c("C", "B", "A")
expect_identical(partnerNames(IR), c("C", "B", "A"))
# Partner getters #
test_that("partner getter works correctly", {
ir <- IndexedRelations(list(i1, i2, i3), list(r1, r2, r3))
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir, 1), r1[i1])
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir, 2), r2[i2])
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir, 3), r3[i3])
expect_identical(partners(ir)[,1], i1)
expect_identical(partners(ir)[,2], i2)
expect_identical(partners(ir)[,3], i3)
# Works by name.
ir <- IndexedRelations(list(A=i1, B=i2, C=i3), list(r1, r2, r3))
expect_identical(partners(ir)[,"A"], i1)
expect_identical(partners(ir)[,"B"], i2)
expect_identical(partners(ir)[,"C"], i3)
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir, "A"), r1[i1])
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir, "B"), r2[i2])
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir, "C"), r3[i3])
# Works with empty inputs.
expect_identical(partners(ir[0]), partners(ir)[0,])
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir[0], 1), partnerFeatures(ir, 1)[0,])
test_that("partner setter works correctly (same feature set)", {
ir.0 <- ir <- IndexedRelations(list(i1, i2, i3), list(r1, r2, r3))
alt <- rev(i2)
partners(ir)[,2] <- alt
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir, 2), r2[alt])
expect_identical(partners(ir)[,2], alt)
expect_identical(featureSets(ir), featureSets(ir.0))
alt <- rev(r1[i1])
partnerFeatures(ir, 1) <- alt
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir, 1), alt)
expect_identical(featureSets(ir)[[1]], unique(alt))
# Works by name.
ir <- IndexedRelations(list(A=i1, B=i2, C=i3), list(r1, r2, r3))
alt <- rev(i2)
partners(ir)[,"B"] <- alt
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir, "B"), r2[alt])
expect_identical(partners(ir)[,"B"], alt)
expect_identical(unname(featureSets(ir)), unname(featureSets(ir.0)))
alt <- rev(r1[i1])
partnerFeatures(ir, "A") <- alt
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir, "A"), alt)
expect_identical(featureSets(ir)[[1]], unique(alt))
test_that("partner setter works correctly (different feature set)", {
ir <- IndexedRelations(list(i1, i2, i3), list(r1, r2, r3))
# Guarantee uniqueness from 'r1', for easier testing.
new.ranges <- sample(random_ranges(15), length(ir), replace=TRUE)
width(new.ranges) <- max(width(r1))+1
partnerFeatures(ir, 1) <- new.ranges
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir, 1), new.ranges)
expect_identical(featureSets(ir)[[1]], unique(new.ranges))
# Partially unique from 'r2'.
chosen <- sample(length(ir), 10)
new.ranges <- random_ranges(10)
width(new.ranges) <- max(width(r2))+1
partnerFeatures(ir, 2)[chosen] <- new.ranges
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir, 2)[-chosen], r2[i2[-chosen]])
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir, 2)[chosen], new.ranges)
# Handles metadata.
new.ranges <- sample(random_ranges(15), length(ir), replace=TRUE)
mcols(new.ranges)$blah <- runif(length(new.ranges))
expect_warning(partnerFeatures(ir, 1) <- new.ranges, NA)
expect_identical(colnames(mcols(featureSets(ir)[[1]])), "blah")
expect_warning(partnerFeatures(ir, 3)[chosen] <- new.ranges[chosen], NA)
test_that("partner setter handles odd inputs correctly", {
ir <- IndexedRelations(list(i1, i2, i3), list(r1, r2, r3))
# Complains with invalid values.
alt <- ir
expect_error(partners(alt)[,1] <- -1L, "out-of-bounds")
expect_error(partners(alt)[,1] <- 1000L, "out-of-bounds")
expect_error(partners(alt)[,1] <- NA_integer_, "out-of-bounds")
# Works with empty inputs.
alt <- ir[0]
partners(alt[0])[0,] <- integer(0)
expect_identical(alt, ir[0])
partnerFeatures(alt[0], 2) <- IRanges()
expect_identical(alt, ir[0])
# Fails if you try to give it another class.
expect_error(partnerFeatures(alt[0], 2) <- GRanges(), "failed to coerce")
# Feature getters #
test_that("feature getter works correctly", {
ir <- IndexedRelations(list(i1, i2, i3), list(A=r1, B=r2, C=r3))
expect_identical(featureSets(ir)[[1]], r1)
expect_identical(featureSets(ir)[[2]], r2)
expect_identical(featureSets(ir)[[3]], r3)
# Respects names.
partnerNames(ir) <- c("X", "Y", "Z")
expect_identical(names(featureSets(ir)), c("X", "Y", "Z"))
test_that("feature setter works correctly", {
ir <- IndexedRelations(list(i1, i2, i3), list(A=r1, B=r2, C=r3))
featureSets(ir)[[1]] <- resize(featureSets(ir)[[1]], width=100)
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir, 1), resize(r1[i1], width=100))
# Respects being set with metadata.
X <- runif(length(r2))
mcols(featureSets(ir)[[2]])$blah <- X
expect_identical(mcols(partnerFeatures(ir, 2))$blah, X[i2])
stuff <- rnorm(length(r3))
mcols(featureSets(ir)$X.3)$stuff <- stuff
expect_identical(mcols(featureSets(ir)$X.3)$stuff, stuff)
# Complains with invalid values.
expect_error(featureSets(ir) <- featureSets(ir)[1:2], "invalid class")
expect_error(featureSets(ir) <- endoapply(featureSets(ir), "[", 0), "out-of-bounds")
# Other getters #
test_that("metadata getting and setting works correctly", {
ir <- IndexedRelations(list(i1, i2, i3), list(A=r1, B=r2, C=r3))
X <- runif(length(i1))
mcols(ir)$stuff <- X
expect_identical(ir$stuff, X)
ir$stuff <- X+1
expect_identical(ir$stuff, X+1)
ir$stuff <- NULL
expect_identical(ir$stuff, NULL)
# Subsetting and combining #
test_that("subsetting works correctly", {
original <- list(i1, i2, i3)
ir <- IndexedRelations(original, list(A=r1, B=r2, C=r3))
expect_identical(ir[1:10], IndexedRelations(lapply(original, "[", 1:10), list(A=r1, B=r2, C=r3)))
expect_identical(ir[10:1], IndexedRelations(lapply(original, "[", 10:1), list(A=r1, B=r2, C=r3)))
test_that("combining works correctly", {
# Same features.
original <- list(i1, i2, i3)
ir <- IndexedRelations(original, list(A=r1, B=r2, C=r3))
ir2 <- c(ir, ir[100:80])
modified <- mapply(c, original, lapply(original, "[", 100:80), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
expect_identical(ir2, IndexedRelations(modified, list(A=r1, B=r2, C=r3)))
# Different features.
irx <- IndexedRelations(original[c(3,1,2)], list(A=r3, B=r1, C=r2))
ir3 <- c(ir, irx)
for (i in 1:3) {
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir3, i), c(partnerFeatures(ir, i), partnerFeatures(irx, i)))
expect_identical(featureSets(ir3)[[1]], unique(c(r1, r3)))
expect_identical(featureSets(ir3)[[2]], unique(c(r2, r1)))
expect_identical(featureSets(ir3)[[3]], unique(c(r3, r2)))
# Crashes with incompatible features.
expect_error(c(ir, IndexedRelations(original[1:2], list(A=r1, B=r2))), "feature sets")
expect_error(c(ir, IndexedRelations(original[1:2], list(A=r1, B=r2, C=r3))), "feature sets")
test_that("combining works correctly with names and metadata", {
original <- list(i1, i2, i3)
ir <- IndexedRelations(original, list(r1, r2, r3))
# Checking warnings upon naming.
ir2a <- ir
ir2b <- c(ir, ir[100:80])
names(featureSets(ir2a)[[1]]) <- paste("REGION_", seq_along(r1))
expect_warning(out <- c(ir2a, ir2b), "potential modification of names")
expect_identical(names(featureSets(out)[[1]]), names(featureSets(ir2a)[[1]]))
names(featureSets(out)[[1]]) <- NULL
names(featureSets(out)) <- NULL
expect_identical(out, c(ir, ir2b))
# Equivalent warnings for metadata.
ir2a <- ir
mcols(featureSets(ir2a)[[1]])$X <- runif(length(r1))
expect_warning(out <- c(ir2a, ir2b), "potential modification of metadata")
expect_identical(mcols(featureSets(out)[[1]])$X, mcols(featureSets(ir2a)[[1]])$X)
mcols(featureSets(out)[[1]]) <- NULL
names(featureSets(out)) <- NULL
expect_identical(out, c(ir, ir2b))
test_that("subset assignment works correctly", {
# Same features.
original <- list(i1, i2, i3)
ir <- ir2 <- IndexedRelations(original, list(A=r1, B=r2, C=r3))
ir2[21:30] <- ir[1:10]
modified <- lapply(original, "[", c(1:20, 1:10, 31:100))
expect_identical(ir2, IndexedRelations(modified, list(A=r1, B=r2, C=r3)))
# Different features.
irx <- IndexedRelations(original[c(3,1,2)], list(A=r3, B=r1, C=r2))
ir3 <- ir
ir3[21:30] <- irx[1:10]
for (i in 1:3) {
ref <- partnerFeatures(ir, i)
ref[21:30] <- partnerFeatures(irx, i)[1:10]
expect_identical(partnerFeatures(ir3, i), ref)
expect_identical(featureSets(ir3)[[1]], unique(c(r1, r3)))
expect_identical(featureSets(ir3)[[2]], unique(c(r2, r1)))
expect_identical(featureSets(ir3)[[3]], unique(c(r3, r2)))
# Crashes with incompatible features.
expect_error(ir[1:100] <- IndexedRelations(original[1:2], list(A=r1, B=r2)), "feature sets")
expect_error(ir[1:100] <- IndexedRelations(original[1:2], list(A=r1, B=r2, C=r3)), "feature sets")
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