#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics start end strand start<-
#' @importFrom S4Vectors split
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpmapply bpisup bpstart bpstop SerialParam
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqnames
profileSites <- function(bam.files, regions, param=readParam(), range=5000, ext=100,
average=TRUE, normalize="none", strand=c("ignore", "use", "match"), BPPARAM=SerialParam())
# Computes the coverage profile around putative binding sites. The 5' edge of the
# binding site is identified by counting reads into a window of size `width`, on the left and
# right of a given position, and determining if the right/left ratio is greater than 5. It then
# records the coverage of the resulting bases, up to `range`.
# written by Aaron Lun
# created 2 July 2014
average <- as.logical(average)
# A bit of work for strand-specificity.
strand <- match.arg(strand)
use.strand <- (strand!="ignore")
match.strand <- (strand=="match")
if (match.strand && length(param$forward)) {
stop("set forward=NULL in param for strand-specific profiling")
if (use.strand) {
reverse <- strand(regions)=="-"
if (any(reverse)) {
reverse <- as.logical(reverse)
rregs <- regions[reverse]
start(rregs) <- end(rregs) # Using the 5' end of the reverse-stranded region.
rprof <- Recall(bam.files=bam.files, regions=rregs,
param=reform(param, forward=ifelse(match.strand, FALSE, NA)),
range=range, ext=ext, average=average, normalize=normalize,
strand="ignore", BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
if (any(!reverse)) {
fprof <- Recall(bam.files=bam.files, regions=regions[!reverse],
param=reform(param, forward=ifelse(match.strand, TRUE, NA)),
range=range, ext=ext, average=average, normalize=normalize,
strand="ignore", BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
} else {
fprof <- 0
if (average) {
prop.rstr <- sum(reverse)/length(reverse) # Weighting by the number of regions with each strand.
return(fprof * (1-prop.rstr) + rev(rprof) * prop.rstr) # Flipping the profile for reverse-strand.
} else {
total.len <- ncol(rprof)
final.mat <- matrix(0L, length(regions), total.len)
final.mat[reverse,] <- rprof[,rev(seq_len(total.len))]
final.mat[!reverse,] <- fprof
colnames(final.mat) <- colnames(fprof)
# Determining the normalization type.
norm.types <- c("none", "total", "max")
normalize <- match.arg(normalize, norm.types)
norm.type <- match(normalize, norm.types)
# Setting up.
bam.files <- .make_BamFiles(bam.files)
nbam <- length(bam.files)
ext.data <- .collateExt(nbam, ext)
range <- as.integer(range)
if (range <= 0L) {
stop("range should be positive")
if (average) {
total.profile <- numeric(range*2 + 1)
} else {
total.profile <- matrix(0L, length(regions), range*2 + 1)
indices <- split(seq_along(regions), seqnames(regions))
if (!bpisup(BPPARAM)) {
# Running through the chromosomes.
extracted.chrs <- .activeChrs(bam.files, param$restrict)
for (i in seq_along(extracted.chrs)) {
chr <- names(extracted.chrs)[i]
chosen <- indices[[chr]]
if (!length(chosen)) {
outlen <- extracted.chrs[i]
where <- GRanges(chr, IRanges(1L, outlen))
# Reading in the reads for the current chromosome for all the BAM files.
bp.out <- bpmapply(FUN=.profile_sites, bam.file=bam.files, init.ext=ext.data$ext,
MoreArgs=list(where=where, param=param, final.ext=ext.data$final, outlen=outlen),
starts <- lapply(bp.out, "[[", "starts")
ends <- lapply(bp.out, "[[", "ends")
# Pulling out the regions.
all.starts <- start(regions)[chosen]
os <- order(all.starts)
all.starts <- all.starts[os]
# We call the C++ functions to aggregate profiles.
starts <- unlist(starts)
ends <- unlist(ends)
if (!length(starts)) { next }
cur.profile <- .Call(cxx_get_profile, starts, ends, all.starts, range, average, norm.type)
if (average) {
total.profile <- total.profile + cur.profile
} else {
cur.profile <- t(cur.profile)
cur.profile[os,] <- cur.profile
total.profile[chosen,] <- cur.profile
# Cleaning up and returning the profiles.
if (average) {
total.profile <- total.profile/length(regions)
names(total.profile) <- (-range):range
} else {
colnames(total.profile) <- (-range):range
.profile_sites <- function(bam.file, where, param, init.ext, final.ext, outlen) {
if (param$pe!="both") {
reads <- .extractSE(bam.file, where=where, param=param)
extended <- .extendSE(reads, ext=init.ext, final=final.ext, chrlen=outlen)
start.pos <- extended$start
end.pos <- extended$end
} else {
out <- .extractPE(bam.file, where=where, param=param)
checked <- .coerceFragments(out$pos, out$pos+out$size-1L, final=final.ext, chrlen=outlen)
start.pos <- checked$start
end.pos <- checked$end
list(starts=start.pos, ends=end.pos)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
wwhm <- function(profile, regions, ext=100, proportion=0.5, rlen=NULL)
# This function computes the window width at half its maximum. This uses
# the output of profileSites to get the full width of the peak; it then
# subtracts twice the extension length to obtain the window width.
# written by Aaron Lun
# created 2 March 2015
# last modified 23 July 2015
if (proportion <= 0 | proportion >= 1) { stop("proportion should be between 0 and 1") }
is.max <- which.max(profile)
if (length(is.max)!=1L) { stop("profile cannot be empty or all-NA") }
cutoff <- proportion * profile[is.max]
above.max <- profile >= cutoff
# Getting the width of the peak at half-max.
out <- rle(above.max)
ends <- cumsum(out$lengths)
starts <- c(1L, ends[-length(ends)]+1L)
chosen <- findInterval(is.max, starts)
chosen.start <- starts[chosen]
chosen.end <- ends[chosen]
if (chosen.end==length(profile) || chosen.start==1L) {
warning("width at specified proportion exceeds length of profile")
peak.width <- chosen.end - chosen.start + 1L
# Getting the median size of the regions.
if (!missing(regions)) {
ref.size <- median(width(regions))
} else {
warning("regions not supplied, assuming width of 1 bp")
ref.size <- 1L
# To get the average extension length across libraries, via getWidths.
# Using a range of width 1 bp, so extension length is directly returned.
# Setting start above 1, to future-proof against potential issues with extending before chromosome start.
nlibs <- length(ext)
ext.data <- .collateExt(nlibs, ext)
dummy.data <- SummarizedExperiment(colData=DataFrame(ext=ext.data$ext),
rowRanges=GRanges("chrA", IRanges(start=100000, width=1)))
if (!is.null(rlen)) { dummy.data$rlen <- rlen }
ext.len <- getWidths(dummy.data)
# Computing the window size. Add 2 to ensure one base overlaps the
# most extreme fragments on both sides. Subtract ref.size-1 as random
# distribution of summits within maximal windows widens the peak.
max(peak.width - ext.len*2L + 2L - ref.size + 1L, 1L)
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