Man pages for LTLA/fugi
Further Utilities for Genomic Interactions

annotateInteractionsAnnotate interactions
annotateRegionsAnnotate regions
asBEDCoerce to BED structure
availableDisplayParsAvailable display parameters
calculateDistancesCalculate interaction distances
capitalizeCapitalize first letter of string
categoriseInteractionsCategorize interaction types
countsBetweenAnchors-methodsSummarise interactions between anchors
dot-importHicLibFunction to read in processed Hi-C interaction data generated...
dot-importHomerFunction to read in processed Hi-C interaction data generated...
dot-processChiapetNameFunction to process names relating to interactions stored in...
dot-readBamFunction to read in interaction-data stored in a BAM file
dot-readTwoBamsFunction to read in interaction-data stored in a pair of BAM...
dot-validateInputFunction to validate tabular input
export.bed12Export interactions in BED12 format
export.bedpeExport interactions in BEDPE format.
export.chiasigExport interactions in a BEDPE-like format for use with...
export.igraphExport interactions to an igraph object
fugi-packagefugi: Further utitilies for Genomic Interactions
get_binom_ligation_thresholdGet self ligation threshold
get_self_ligation_thresholdGet self ligation threshold
gettersFunctions to access data in a GenomicInteractions object
hg19.refseq.transcriptsHuman Refseq transcripts from chr 17-18
hic_example_dataExample HiC dataset
InteractionHelpersInteraction type helper functions
InteractionTrackConstructor to create an InteractionTrack object
InteractionTrack-classThe InteractionTrack class
makeGenomicInteractionsFromFileCreate GenomicInteraction objects from a file
mm9_refseq_promotersMouse Refseq promoters from chr 14-15
plotAvgViewpointPlot coverage around a set of virtual 4C viewpoints
plotCisTransPlot cis/trans percentages
plotCountsPlot interaction count frequency
plotDistsCis interaction distances
plotInteractionAnnotationsPlot interaction types
plotSummaryStatsPlot summary statistics
plotViewpointPlot coverage around a virtual 4C viewpoint
removeDupsRemove duplicated interactions
resetAnnotationsReset annotations
sameStrandCheck if anchors have the same strand
settersFunctions to set interaction data
subsetByFeaturesSubset a GenomicInteractions object by features
sum-GenomicInteractions-methodReturn the total number of interactions in a...
summariseByFeaturePairsSummarise by feature pairs
summariseByFeaturesSummarize by features
thymus_enhPutative enhancers from mouse thymus data
viewPointVirtual 4C viewpoint
LTLA/fugi documentation built on June 22, 2019, 8:50 p.m.