

#' callExecutablePy
#' This function calls test.py which will be allow to all python file to be
#' executable
#' @return nothing
#' @import PythonInR
#' @rdname callExecutablePy-function
callExecutablePy <- function () {
    path <- system.file("python",
                        package = "rRice")
    path2 <- system.file("python",
                        package = "rRice")
    #print(paste0("R : ",path))
    #capture.output(path, file = "python/appel.txt")
    #modif = readLines(path1, -1)
    #modif[1] = path
    #writeLines(path, path1)
    ##put the variable path into python __main__
    # if (Sys.getenv("R_ARCH") == "/x64") {
    #   PythonInR::pyConnect("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python35\\python.exe")
    # }
    # else {
    #   PythonInR::pyConnect("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python35-32\\python.exe")
    # }
    # print(PythonInR::pyIsConnected())
    PythonInR::pySet("path", path2, namespace = "__main__")

#' dlPythonModules
#' This function calls importModules.py in order to install all the python
#' modules we need if they have not yet been installed
#' @return nothing
#' @importFrom findpython find_python_cmd
#' @import utils
#' @rdname dlPythonModules-function
dlPythonModules <- function () {
    path <- system.file("python",
                        package = "rRice")
    if (Sys.info()["sysname"] != "Windows"){
        ##call importModules.py to improt all the modules we need with python
        system2(command = path, args=c(), stdout = TRUE)
    else {
        ##call importModules.py to improt all the modules we need with python
        path <- shortPathName(path)
        args = c(path)
        cmd <- findpython::find_python_cmd()
        system2(command = cmd, args=args)
Lagaillette/RRicePackage documentation built on May 29, 2019, 2:04 p.m.