knitr::opts_chunk$set(message=FALSE, warning=FALSE,echo=TRUE,error = FALSE, cache = FALSE,
                      fig.width = 7)



RNA-Seq differential expression (DE) studies contain multiple steps, which can be broken up into two stages: treatment stage and measurement stage. The treatment stage is to apply treatments to experimental units (or identify factors of interest in observational studies). Experimental units receiving the same treatments are called biological replicates, and the variation between biological replicates is biological variation. Then in measurement stage, RNA-seq acquires a snapshot of the transcriptome of a given biological sample by deep sequencing. Briefly, a population of RNA species that are of interest are extracted from the biological samples, fragmented, reverse transcribed, and processed to obtain a large number of sequencing short reads. When an experimental unit is measured more than once starting at any of these steps, the resulting replicate samples are called technical replicates, and the variation between technical replicates is technical variation. In differential expression studies, technical variation is usually not of interest, therefore only biological replicates are used.

Because the measurement stage of RNA-Seq involves many steps which can and usually do bring technical variations to the final read count, when these technical factors are confounded with experimental factors, differential expression results can be biased and misleading. Statistical methods are available to adjust for confounding effects from technical variations, however, in most of cases with small number of samples in RNA-Seq it is not feasible to adjust for all technical factors; moreover, it will be far more efficient to control such unwanted confounding effects through sensible statistical experimental design.

In differential expression studies, all of the technical factors are nuisance factors, therefore we can design the measurement stage of RNA-Seq in such a way that these technical factors are confounded with each other as much as possible so that we can adjust for them using one or few factors in statistical model. For each of the technical steps except the final sequencing step, the number of samples that can be processed in one batch depends on the protocol used and the operator. In the sequencing step, RNA-Seq has one intrinsic limitation, which is the number of samples that can be sequenced under the same technical factors. This is determined by the sequencing platform.

The DEdesign package will perform statistical design for DE RNA-seq experiments to assign samples to sequencing blocks. The current version supports the popular sequencing platform Illumina HiSeq 2500. In HiSeq 2500 single flow cell mode, each flow cell contain 8 lanes. The DEdesign package also can be used to plot the design in the format of 8-lane flow cell.

Other platforms will be included in future developments of the DEdesign package.

Design principles and key points


Install DEdesign package from github


One treatment factor with 3 levels, 4 biological replicates for each level.

Using all default settings

Default settings will give design with 4 samples per lane for sequencing

treatments = data.frame(trt = c("A", "B", "C"), replicates = rep(4,3))
des = gendesign(treatments = treatments)

To retrieve design table that contains flowcell, lane and adapter assignment for each experimental unit

designDF(des) %>% kable(caption = "flowcell, lane and adapter assignment for each experimental unit")

For block efficiencies:

efficiency(des) %>% kable(caption = "lane and adapter block efficiency")

Plot the design:


Explore whether 3 or 5 samples per lane will give higher lane efficiency

des = gendesign(treatments = treatments, nperlane = 4, search.surrounding = 1)
plotdesign(des, selection = "suggestedDesign")

For higher lane efficiency, 3 samples per lane is recommended over 4 samples per lane.

efficiency(des) %>% kable(caption = "block efficiency using 4 samples per lane")
efficiency(des, selection = "suggestedDesign") %>% kable(caption = "block efficiency using 3 samples per lane")

Unbalanced one factor design

treatments = data.frame(trt = factor(1:5), replicates = c(3,4,4,3,3))
des = gendesign(treatments = treatments,
                nperlane = 4, search.surrounding = 2)
plotdesign(des, selection = "suggestedDesign")
efficiency(des) %>% kable(caption = "block efficiency using 4 samples per lane")
efficiency(des, selection = "suggestedDesign") %>% kable(caption = "block efficiency from suggestedDesign")

Among designs usign 3, 4, 5, 6 samples per lane, 6 samples per lane gives the highest lane efficiency, therefore is recommended as suggestedDesign.

2X2 factorial treatment model, 4 biological replicates per combination level.

treatments = data.frame(expand.grid(A=factor(1:2), B=factor(1:2)), 
                        replicates = rep(4,4))
des = gendesign(treatments = treatments,
                nperlane = 4, search.surrounding = 1)

Among designs usign 3, 4 or 5 samples per lane, 4 samples per lane gives the highest lane efficiency (In fact, when considering the 4 combination levels flatterned from the 2X2 factorial, 4 samples per lane gives Latin Square Design). Therefore suggestedDesign is the same as Design.

plotdesign(des, selection = "suggestedDesign")

One treatment factor with 9 levels, 4 biological replicates for each level

treatments = data.frame(trt = LETTERS[1:9], replicates = rep(4,9))
des = gendesign(treatments = treatments,
                nperlane = 4, search.surrounding = 2)
plotdesign(des, selection = "suggestedDesign")
efficiency(des) %>% kable(caption = "block efficiency using 4 samples per lane")
efficiency(des, selection = "suggestedDesign") %>% kable(caption = "block efficiency from suggestedDesign")

In this example, Design with 4 samples per lane has higher lane efficiency than suggestedDesign; however, rememeber because of sequenctial optimization approach, in Design, lane efficiency is actually conditional efficiency given the flowcell assignment and efficiency. In practice, flowcell variation is usually much larger than lane (nested within flowcell) variation, thus when comparing designs with different number of flowcells, suggestedDesign is the design with minimal number of flowcells among all candidate designs that gives the highest lane block efficiency. Also, not shown in this example, when more than one designs meet these criteria, design with highest nperlane is selected for less expenses for sequencing (assuming candidate designs are not dramatically different in number of samples per lane so that sequecing depth is not affected by much).

Lina-Gao/DEdesign documentation built on May 5, 2019, 2:39 a.m.