
Defines functions LNpurpose LNsamplingDescription LNstudyExtent LNsampling LNqualityControl LNmethodStep LNtaxonomicClassification LNcommonName LNtaxonRankValue LNtaxonRankName LNcalendarDate LNnorthBoundingCoordinate LNsouthBoundingCoordinate LNeastBoundingCoordinate LNwestBoundingCoordinate LNgeographicDescription LNintellectualRights LNkeywordThesaurus LNkeyword LNabstract LNlanguage LNpubDate LNelectronicMailAddress LNpostalCode LNcity LNdeliveryPoint LNpositionName LNorganizationName LNsurName LNgivenName LNtitle LNalternateIdentifier LNcontact LNdataset LNtaxonomicCoverage LNrangeOfDates LNendDate LNbeginDate LNtemporalCoverage LNboundingCoordinates LNgeographicCoverage LNcoverage LNkeywordSet LNmetadataProvider LNcreator LNindividualName LNaddTranslation processChildArgs getTagGenerationFunctions LNaddTag generateID

Documented in generateID getTagGenerationFunctions LNabstract LNaddTag LNaddTranslation LNalternateIdentifier LNbeginDate LNboundingCoordinates LNcalendarDate LNcity LNcommonName LNcontact LNcoverage LNcreator LNdataset LNdeliveryPoint LNeastBoundingCoordinate LNelectronicMailAddress LNendDate LNgeographicCoverage LNgeographicDescription LNgivenName LNindividualName LNintellectualRights LNkeyword LNkeywordSet LNkeywordThesaurus LNlanguage LNmetadataProvider LNmethodStep LNnorthBoundingCoordinate LNorganizationName LNpositionName LNpostalCode LNpubDate LNpurpose LNqualityControl LNrangeOfDates LNsampling LNsamplingDescription LNsouthBoundingCoordinate LNstudyExtent LNsurName LNtaxonomicClassification LNtaxonomicCoverage LNtaxonRankName LNtaxonRankValue LNtemporalCoverage LNtitle LNwestBoundingCoordinate processChildArgs


# ====== 1.1. Generate tag IDs ======
#' Check tag ID
#' Check values given as IDs for EML tag. It the entry is NA then a unique ID is generated
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar for with the ID code
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the processed ID code
#' @seealso \code{\link[uuid::UUIDgenerate]{UUIDgenerate}}
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @keywords internal
generateID <- function(tagID) {
  outArg <- tryCatch(as.character(tagID), error = function(err) {
    stop("error encountered whilst processing the tag ID: ", err)
  if(length(outArg) <= 0) {
    outArg <- NA
  } else if(length(outArg) > 1) {
    warning("tagID has a length greater than 1: only using the first element")
    outArg <- outArg[1]
  if(is.na(outArg) || outArg == "") {
    outArg <- NA
  } else if(grepl("\\s+", outArg, perl = TRUE)) {
    stop("error encountered whilst processing tag ID: whitespace is present")
  if(is.na(outArg)) {
    # If the tag ID is NA then generate a unique tag code from the UUID package
    outArg <- uuid::UUIDgenerate()

# ====== 1.2. Add tag ======
#' Generate a Living Norway metadata tag
#' Add a metadata HTML tag.  This function is designed to be run in RMarkdown documents.  This function
#' is not designed to be run directly by the users but serves as a utility functions for other
#' HTML tag generation functions.
#' @param tagTxt A \code{character} scalar containing the text to be enclosed in the tag
#' @param tagtype A \code{character} scalar containing the name of the EML element that will be tagged
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing the unique ID of the tag
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the unique ID of the parent of the tag
#' (if there is a parent)
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar determining whether the tag should appear in the rendered HTML text
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @keywords  internal
LNaddTag <- function(tagText, tagType, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, ...) {
  # Function to sanity check the tag related inputs
  checkArgText <- function(inArg, argName) {
    outArg <- tryCatch(as.character(inArg), error = function(err) {
      stop("error encountered whilst processing ", argName, " parameter: ", err)
    if(length(outArg) <= 0) {
      outArg <- NA
    } else if(length(outArg) > 1) {
      warning("parameter ", argName, " has a length greater than 1: only using the first element")
      outArg <- outArg[1]
    if(is.na(outArg)) {
      outArg <- NA
    } else if(grepl("\\s+", outArg, perl = TRUE)) {
      stop("error encountered whilst processing ", argName, "parameter: whitespace is present")
  # Sanity check the input text
  curText <- tryCatch(paste(as.character(tagText), collapse = " "), error = function(err) {
    stop("error encountered whilst processing tagText parameter: ", err)
  if(is.na(curText)) {
    curText <- ""
  # Sanity check the tag ID
  curTagID <- generateID(tagID)
  # Sanity check the tag type
  curTagType <- checkArgText(tagType, "tagType")
  if(is.na(curTagType) || !(curTagType %in% c(names(getTagGenerationFunctions()), "value"))) {
    stop("error encountered whilst processing tagType parameter: tag type not found")
  # Sanity check the language attribute
  curLang <- checkArgText(lang, "lang")
  # Sanity check the parent ID
  curParentID <- checkArgText(parentID, "parentID")
  # Sanity check the hidden parameter
  curHidden <- tryCatch(as.logical(isHidden), error = function(err) {
    stop("error encountered whilst processing isHidden parameter: ", err)
  if(length(curHidden) < 0) {
    stop("error encountered whilst processing isHidden parameter: vector length is zero")
  } else if(length(curHidden) > 1) {
    warning("parameter isHidden has a length greater than 1: only using the first element")
    curHidden <- curHidden[1]
  if(is.na(curHidden)) {
    # Default to FALSE if the hidden input is NA
    curHidden <- FALSE
  outText <- ""
  # Ascertain whether HTML output is being requested
  isHTML <- knitr::is_html_output()
  if(isHTML) {
    # If the output is HTML then contain the text within a span tag
    if(!is.na(curText) && curText != "") {
      outText <- paste(
        "<span id=\"LN", curTagType, "_", curTagID,
        ifelse(is.na(curParentID), "", paste("_", curParentID, sep = "")),
        "\" class=\"LNmetadata\"",
        ifelse(curHidden, " style=\"display:none\"", ""),
        ifelse(is.na(curLang), "", paste(" xml:lang=\"", curLang, "\"", sep = "")),
        ">", curText, "</span>",
        sep = "")
    } else {
      outText <- paste(
        "<span id=\"LN", curTagType, "_", curTagID,
        ifelse(is.na(curParentID), "", paste("_", curParentID, sep = "")),
        "\" class=\"LNmetadata\"",
        ifelse(curHidden, " style=\"display:none\"", ""),
        ifelse(is.na(curLang), "", paste(" xml:lang=\"", curLang, "\"", sep = "")),
        sep = "")
  } else {
    # If the output is not HTML then simply display the tag text without any HTML markup (unless the text is hidden, in which case don't display anything at all)
    outText <- ifelse(curHidden, "", curText)

# ====== 1.3. Retrieve the tag generation functions ======
#' Retrieve the tag generation functions
#' Get a full list of functions that generate tags formatted so that metadata scraper can
#' retrieve and collate the metadata
#' @return \code{List} of functions for each of the available Living Norway metadata tags
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @keywords  internal
getTagGenerationFunctions <- function() {
    # Low-level tags that don't have any children
    "alternateIdentifier" = LNalternateIdentifier,
    "taxonomicClassification" = LNtaxonomicClassification,
    "commonName" = LNcommonName,
    "taxonRankValue" = LNtaxonRankValue,
    "taxonRankName" = LNtaxonRankName,
    "calendarDate" = LNcalendarDate,
    "northBoundingCoordinate" = LNnorthBoundingCoordinate,
    "southBoundingCoordinate" = LNsouthBoundingCoordinate,
    "eastBoundingCoordinate" = LNeastBoundingCoordinate,
    "westBoundingCoordinate" = LNwestBoundingCoordinate,
    "geographicDescription" = LNgeographicDescription ,
    "intellectualRights" = LNintellectualRights,
    "keywordThesaurus" = LNkeywordThesaurus,
    "keyword" = LNkeyword,
    "abstract" = LNabstract,
    "language" = LNlanguage,
    "pubDate" = LNpubDate,
    "electronicMailAddress" = LNelectronicMailAddress,
    "postalCode" = LNpostalCode,
    "city" = LNcity,
    "deliveryPoint" = LNdeliveryPoint,
    "positionName" = LNpositionName,
    "organizationName" = LNorganizationName,
    "givenName" = LNgivenName,
    "surName" = LNsurName,
    "title" = LNtitle,
    "methodStep" = LNmethodStep,
    "qualityControl" = LNqualityControl,
    "sampling" = LNsampling,
    "studyExtent" = LNstudyExtent,
    "samplingDescription" = LNsamplingDescription,
    "purpose" = LNpurpose,
    # Collection tags that can have children
    "individualName" = LNindividualName,             # individualName tag is: (firstName, lastName)
    "creator" = LNcreator,                           # creator tag is: (individualName, organizationName, positionName, deliveryPoint, city, postalCode, electronicMail)
    "metadataProvider" = LNmetadataProvider,         # metadataProvider tag is: (individualName, organizationName, positionName, deliveryPoint, city, postalCode, electronicMail)
    "keywordSet" = LNkeywordSet,                     # keywordSet tag is: (keyword, keywordThesaurus)
    "coverage" = LNcoverage,                         # coverage tag is: (geographicCoverage, temporalCoverage, taxonomicCoverage)
    "geographicCoverage" = LNgeographicCoverage,     # geographicCoverage tag is: (geographicDecription, boundingCoordinates)
    "boundingCoordinates" = LNboundingCoordinates,   # boundingCoordinates tag is: (westBoundingCoordinate, eastBoundingCoordinate, northBoundingCoordinate, southBoundingCoordinate)
    "temporalCoverage" = LNtemporalCoverage,         # temporalCoverage tag is: (calenderDate (beginDate, endDate), rangeOfDates)
    "beginDate" = LNbeginDate,                       # beginDate tag is: (calendarDate)
    "endDate" = LNendDate,                           # endDate is: (calendarDate)
    "rangeOfDates" = LNrangeOfDates,                 # rangeOfDates is: (beginDate, endDate)
    "taxonomicCoverage" = LNtaxonomicCoverage,       # taxonomicCoverage is: (taxonRankName, taxonRankValue, commonName, taxonomicClassification)
    "dataset" = LNdataset,
    "contact" = LNcontact

# ====== 1.4. Process the child tags ======
#' Process the child-parent metadata tags
#' Create a series of child metadata tags based on a naming convention of \code{...} arguments
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the unique ID of the parent of the tag
#' (if there is a parent)
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param isHiddenDefault A \code{logical} scalar that set the default \code{isHidden} parameter
#' for each of the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @keywords  internal
processChildArgs <- function(parentID, sep = sep, isHiddenDefault = FALSE, ...) {
  # Process the input ID
  curID <- generateID(parentID)
  # Go through each of the potential child tag generation functions and
  outTags <- sapply(X = names(getTagGenerationFunctions()), FUN = function(curTag, curID, genFuncs, inArgs) {
    outText <- NA
    # Retrieve the arguments that correspond to the current tag
    isTagArg <- grepl(paste("^", curTag, "\\.", sep = ""), names(inArgs), perl = TRUE)
    if(any(isTagArg)) {
      # Rename the arguments so that they can used correctly in the relevant function
      newParams <- setNames(inArgs[isTagArg], gsub(paste("^", curTag, "\\.", sep = ""), "", names(inArgs)[isTagArg], perl = TRUE))
      if(!("parentID" %in% names(newParams))) {
        newParams <- append(newParams, list(parentID = curID))
      if(!("isHidden" %in% names(newParams))) {
        newParams <- append(newParams, list(isHidden = isHiddenDefault))
      outText <- do.call(genFuncs[[curTag]], newParams)
  }, curID = curID, genFuncs = getTagGenerationFunctions(), inArgs = list(...))
  # Collect together the processed tags and collapse them into one character string
  tryCatch(paste(outTags[!is.na(outTags)], collapse = as.character(sep)), error = function(err) {
    stop("error encountered during processing of metadata tag parent-child arguments")

# ====== 1.5. Add translation ======
#' Add a translation to a data tag
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the translated text to enclose in the tag
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar specifying the language attribute to mark the translation text as.  See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNaddTranslation <- function(tagText = NA, lang = "en-US", parentID = NA, tagID = NA, isHidden = TRUE) {
  LNaddTag(tagText = tagText, tagType = "value", tagID = tagID, parentID = parentID, isHidden = isHidden, lang = lang)


# ====== 2.1. LNindividualName tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the individualName EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNindividualName <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
  # Retrieve the tag for the function
  curID <- generateID(tagID)
    # Format the collection tag
    LNaddTag(tagText, "individualName", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
    # Format the children tags (if provided)
    processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
    sep = "")

# ====== 2.2. LNcreator tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the creator EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNcreator <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
  # Retrieve the tag for the function
  curID <- generateID(tagID)
    # Format the collection tag
    LNaddTag(tagText, "creator", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
    # Format the children tags (if provided)
    processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
    sep = "")

# ====== 2.3. LNmetadataProvider tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the metadataProvider EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNmetadataProvider <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
  # Retrieve the tag for the function
  curID <- generateID(tagID)
    # Format the collection tag
    LNaddTag(tagText, "metadataProvider", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
    # Format the children tags (if provided)
    processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
    sep = "")

# ====== 2.4. LNkeywordSet tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the keywordSet EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNkeywordSet <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
  # Retrieve the tag for the function
  curID <- generateID(tagID)
    # Format the collection tag
    LNaddTag(tagText, "keywordSet", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
    # Format the children tags (if provided)
    processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
    sep = "")

# ====== 2.5. LNcoverage tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the coverage EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNcoverage <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
  # Retrieve the tag for the function
  curID <- generateID(tagID)
    # Format the collection tag
    LNaddTag(tagText, "coverage", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
    # Format the children tags (if provided)
    processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
    sep = "")

# ====== 2.6. LNgeographicCoverage tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the geographicCoverage EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNgeographicCoverage <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
  # Retrieve the tag for the function
  curID <- generateID(tagID)
    # Format the collection tag
    LNaddTag(tagText, "geographicCoverage", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
    # Format the children tags (if provided)
    processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
    sep = "")

# ====== 2.7. LNboundingCoordinates ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the boundingCoordinates EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNboundingCoordinates <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
  # Retrieve the tag for the function
  curID <- generateID(tagID)
    # Format the collection tag
    LNaddTag(tagText, "boundingCoordinates", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
    # Format the children tags (if provided)
    processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
    sep = "")

# ====== 2.8. LNtemporalCoverage tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the temporalCoverage EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNtemporalCoverage <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
  # Retrieve the tag for the function
  curID <- generateID(tagID)
    # Format the collection tag
    LNaddTag(tagText, "temporalCoverage", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
    # Format the children tags (if provided)
    processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
    sep = "")

# ====== 2.9. LNbeginDate tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the beginDate EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNbeginDate <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
  # Retrieve the tag for the function
  curID <- generateID(tagID)
    # Format the collection tag
    LNaddTag(tagText, "beginDate", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
    # Format the children tags (if provided)
    processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
    sep = "")

# ====== 2.10. LNendDate tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the endDate EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNendDate <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
  # Retrieve the tag for the function
  curID <- generateID(tagID)
    # Format the collection tag
    LNaddTag(tagText, "endDate", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
    # Format the children tags (if provided)
    processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
    sep = "")

# ====== 2.11. LNrangeOfDates tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the rangeOfDates EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNrangeOfDates <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
  # Retrieve the tag for the function
  curID <- generateID(tagID)
    # Format the collection tag
    LNaddTag(tagText, "rangeOfDates", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
    # Format the children tags (if provided)
    processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
    sep = "")

# ====== 2.12. LNtaxonomicCoverage tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the taxonomicCoverage EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNtaxonomicCoverage <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
  # Retrieve the tag for the function
  curID <- generateID(tagID)
    # Format the collection tag
    LNaddTag(tagText, "taxonomicCoverage", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
    # Format the children tags (if provided)
    processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
    sep = "")

# ====== 2.12.1 LNdataset tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the dataset EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNdataset <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
  # Retrieve the tag for the function
  curID <- generateID(tagID)
    # Format the collection tag
    LNaddTag(tagText, "dataset", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
    # Format the children tags (if provided)
    processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
    sep = "")

# ====== 2.12.2 LNcontact tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the contact EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNcontact <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
  # Retrieve the tag for the function
  curID <- generateID(tagID)
    # Format the collection tag
    LNaddTag(tagText, "contact", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
    # Format the children tags (if provided)
    processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
    sep = "")

# ====== 2.13. LNalternativeIdentifier tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the alternativeIdentifier EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNalternateIdentifier <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "alternateIdentifier", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.14. LNtitle tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the title EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNtitle <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "title", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.15. LNgivenName tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the givenName EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNgivenName <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "givenName", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.16. LNsurName tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the surName EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNsurName <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "surName", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.17. LNorganizationName tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the organizationName EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNorganizationName <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "organizationName", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.18. LNpositionName tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the positionName EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNpositionName <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "positionName", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.19. LNdeliveryPoint tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the deliveryPoint EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNdeliveryPoint <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "deliveryPoint", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.20. LNcity tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the city EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNcity <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "city", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.21. LNpostalCode tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the postalCode EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNpostalCode <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "postalCode", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.22. LNelectronicMailAddress tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the electronicMailAddress EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNelectronicMailAddress <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "electronicMailAddress", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.23. LNpubDate tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the pubDate EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNpubDate <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "pubDate", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.24. LNlanguage tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the language EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNlanguage <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(toupper(tagText), "language", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.25. LNabstract tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the abstract EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNabstract <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "abstract", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.26. LNkeyword tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the keyword EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNkeyword <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "keyword", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.27. LNkeywordThesaurus tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the keyworkThesaurus EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNkeywordThesaurus <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "keywordThesaurus", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.28. LNintellectualRights tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the intellectualRights EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNintellectualRights <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "intellectualRights", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.29. LNgeographicDescription tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the geographicDescriprion EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNgeographicDescription  <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "geographicDescription", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.30. LNwestBoundingCoordinate tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the westBoundingCoordinate EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNwestBoundingCoordinate <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "westBoundingCoordinate", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.31. LNeastBoundingCoordinate tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the eastBoundingCoordinate EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNeastBoundingCoordinate <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "eastBoundingCoordinate", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.32. LNsouthBoundingCoordinate tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the southBoundingCoordinate EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNsouthBoundingCoordinate <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "southBoundingCoordinate", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.33. LNnorthBoundingCoordinate ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the northBoundingCoordinate EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNnorthBoundingCoordinate <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "northBoundingCoordinate", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.34. LNcalendarDate tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the calendarDate EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNcalendarDate <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "calendarDate", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.35. LNtaxonRankName tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the taxonRankName EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNtaxonRankName <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "taxonRankName", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.36. LNtaxonRankValue tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the taxonRankValue EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNtaxonRankValue <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "taxonRankValue", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.37. LNcommonName tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the commonName EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNcommonName <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "commonName", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.38. LNtaxanomicClassification tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the taxanomicClassification EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNtaxonomicClassification <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "taxonomicClassification", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.39. LNmethodStep tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the methodStep EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNmethodStep <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "methodStep", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.40. LNqualityControl tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the qualityControl EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNqualityControl <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "qualityControl", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.41. LNsampling tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the sampling EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNsampling <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "sampling", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.42. LNstudyExtent tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the studyExtent EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNstudyExtent <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "studyExtent", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.43. LNsamplingDescription tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the samplingDescription EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNsamplingDescription <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "samplingDescription", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)

# ====== 2.44. LNpurpose tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the purpose EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute.  A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNpurpose <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
  LNaddTag(tagText, "purpose", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
LivingNorway/LivingNorwayR documentation built on Jan. 11, 2024, 5:07 a.m.