# ====== 1.1. Generate tag IDs ======
#' Check tag ID
#' Check values given as IDs for EML tag. It the entry is NA then a unique ID is generated
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar for with the ID code
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the processed ID code
#' @seealso \code{\link[uuid::UUIDgenerate]{UUIDgenerate}}
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @keywords internal
generateID <- function(tagID) {
outArg <- tryCatch(as.character(tagID), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered whilst processing the tag ID: ", err)
if(length(outArg) <= 0) {
outArg <- NA
} else if(length(outArg) > 1) {
warning("tagID has a length greater than 1: only using the first element")
outArg <- outArg[1]
if(is.na(outArg) || outArg == "") {
outArg <- NA
} else if(grepl("\\s+", outArg, perl = TRUE)) {
stop("error encountered whilst processing tag ID: whitespace is present")
if(is.na(outArg)) {
# If the tag ID is NA then generate a unique tag code from the UUID package
outArg <- uuid::UUIDgenerate()
# ====== 1.2. Add tag ======
#' Generate a Living Norway metadata tag
#' Add a metadata HTML tag. This function is designed to be run in RMarkdown documents. This function
#' is not designed to be run directly by the users but serves as a utility functions for other
#' HTML tag generation functions.
#' @param tagTxt A \code{character} scalar containing the text to be enclosed in the tag
#' @param tagtype A \code{character} scalar containing the name of the EML element that will be tagged
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing the unique ID of the tag
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the unique ID of the parent of the tag
#' (if there is a parent)
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar determining whether the tag should appear in the rendered HTML text
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @keywords internal
LNaddTag <- function(tagText, tagType, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, ...) {
# Function to sanity check the tag related inputs
checkArgText <- function(inArg, argName) {
outArg <- tryCatch(as.character(inArg), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered whilst processing ", argName, " parameter: ", err)
if(length(outArg) <= 0) {
outArg <- NA
} else if(length(outArg) > 1) {
warning("parameter ", argName, " has a length greater than 1: only using the first element")
outArg <- outArg[1]
if(is.na(outArg)) {
outArg <- NA
} else if(grepl("\\s+", outArg, perl = TRUE)) {
stop("error encountered whilst processing ", argName, "parameter: whitespace is present")
# Sanity check the input text
curText <- tryCatch(paste(as.character(tagText), collapse = " "), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered whilst processing tagText parameter: ", err)
if(is.na(curText)) {
curText <- ""
# Sanity check the tag ID
curTagID <- generateID(tagID)
# Sanity check the tag type
curTagType <- checkArgText(tagType, "tagType")
if(is.na(curTagType) || !(curTagType %in% c(names(getTagGenerationFunctions()), "value"))) {
stop("error encountered whilst processing tagType parameter: tag type not found")
# Sanity check the language attribute
curLang <- checkArgText(lang, "lang")
# Sanity check the parent ID
curParentID <- checkArgText(parentID, "parentID")
# Sanity check the hidden parameter
curHidden <- tryCatch(as.logical(isHidden), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered whilst processing isHidden parameter: ", err)
if(length(curHidden) < 0) {
stop("error encountered whilst processing isHidden parameter: vector length is zero")
} else if(length(curHidden) > 1) {
warning("parameter isHidden has a length greater than 1: only using the first element")
curHidden <- curHidden[1]
if(is.na(curHidden)) {
# Default to FALSE if the hidden input is NA
curHidden <- FALSE
outText <- ""
# Ascertain whether HTML output is being requested
isHTML <- knitr::is_html_output()
if(isHTML) {
# If the output is HTML then contain the text within a span tag
if(!is.na(curText) && curText != "") {
outText <- paste(
"<span id=\"LN", curTagType, "_", curTagID,
ifelse(is.na(curParentID), "", paste("_", curParentID, sep = "")),
"\" class=\"LNmetadata\"",
ifelse(curHidden, " style=\"display:none\"", ""),
ifelse(is.na(curLang), "", paste(" xml:lang=\"", curLang, "\"", sep = "")),
">", curText, "</span>",
sep = "")
} else {
outText <- paste(
"<span id=\"LN", curTagType, "_", curTagID,
ifelse(is.na(curParentID), "", paste("_", curParentID, sep = "")),
"\" class=\"LNmetadata\"",
ifelse(curHidden, " style=\"display:none\"", ""),
ifelse(is.na(curLang), "", paste(" xml:lang=\"", curLang, "\"", sep = "")),
sep = "")
} else {
# If the output is not HTML then simply display the tag text without any HTML markup (unless the text is hidden, in which case don't display anything at all)
outText <- ifelse(curHidden, "", curText)
# ====== 1.3. Retrieve the tag generation functions ======
#' Retrieve the tag generation functions
#' Get a full list of functions that generate tags formatted so that metadata scraper can
#' retrieve and collate the metadata
#' @return \code{List} of functions for each of the available Living Norway metadata tags
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @keywords internal
getTagGenerationFunctions <- function() {
# Low-level tags that don't have any children
"alternateIdentifier" = LNalternateIdentifier,
"taxonomicClassification" = LNtaxonomicClassification,
"commonName" = LNcommonName,
"taxonRankValue" = LNtaxonRankValue,
"taxonRankName" = LNtaxonRankName,
"calendarDate" = LNcalendarDate,
"northBoundingCoordinate" = LNnorthBoundingCoordinate,
"southBoundingCoordinate" = LNsouthBoundingCoordinate,
"eastBoundingCoordinate" = LNeastBoundingCoordinate,
"westBoundingCoordinate" = LNwestBoundingCoordinate,
"geographicDescription" = LNgeographicDescription ,
"intellectualRights" = LNintellectualRights,
"keywordThesaurus" = LNkeywordThesaurus,
"keyword" = LNkeyword,
"abstract" = LNabstract,
"language" = LNlanguage,
"pubDate" = LNpubDate,
"electronicMailAddress" = LNelectronicMailAddress,
"postalCode" = LNpostalCode,
"city" = LNcity,
"deliveryPoint" = LNdeliveryPoint,
"positionName" = LNpositionName,
"organizationName" = LNorganizationName,
"givenName" = LNgivenName,
"surName" = LNsurName,
"title" = LNtitle,
"methodStep" = LNmethodStep,
"qualityControl" = LNqualityControl,
"sampling" = LNsampling,
"studyExtent" = LNstudyExtent,
"samplingDescription" = LNsamplingDescription,
"purpose" = LNpurpose,
# Collection tags that can have children
"individualName" = LNindividualName, # individualName tag is: (firstName, lastName)
"creator" = LNcreator, # creator tag is: (individualName, organizationName, positionName, deliveryPoint, city, postalCode, electronicMail)
"metadataProvider" = LNmetadataProvider, # metadataProvider tag is: (individualName, organizationName, positionName, deliveryPoint, city, postalCode, electronicMail)
"keywordSet" = LNkeywordSet, # keywordSet tag is: (keyword, keywordThesaurus)
"coverage" = LNcoverage, # coverage tag is: (geographicCoverage, temporalCoverage, taxonomicCoverage)
"geographicCoverage" = LNgeographicCoverage, # geographicCoverage tag is: (geographicDecription, boundingCoordinates)
"boundingCoordinates" = LNboundingCoordinates, # boundingCoordinates tag is: (westBoundingCoordinate, eastBoundingCoordinate, northBoundingCoordinate, southBoundingCoordinate)
"temporalCoverage" = LNtemporalCoverage, # temporalCoverage tag is: (calenderDate (beginDate, endDate), rangeOfDates)
"beginDate" = LNbeginDate, # beginDate tag is: (calendarDate)
"endDate" = LNendDate, # endDate is: (calendarDate)
"rangeOfDates" = LNrangeOfDates, # rangeOfDates is: (beginDate, endDate)
"taxonomicCoverage" = LNtaxonomicCoverage, # taxonomicCoverage is: (taxonRankName, taxonRankValue, commonName, taxonomicClassification)
"dataset" = LNdataset,
"contact" = LNcontact
# ====== 1.4. Process the child tags ======
#' Process the child-parent metadata tags
#' Create a series of child metadata tags based on a naming convention of \code{...} arguments
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the unique ID of the parent of the tag
#' (if there is a parent)
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param isHiddenDefault A \code{logical} scalar that set the default \code{isHidden} parameter
#' for each of the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @keywords internal
processChildArgs <- function(parentID, sep = sep, isHiddenDefault = FALSE, ...) {
# Process the input ID
curID <- generateID(parentID)
# Go through each of the potential child tag generation functions and
outTags <- sapply(X = names(getTagGenerationFunctions()), FUN = function(curTag, curID, genFuncs, inArgs) {
outText <- NA
# Retrieve the arguments that correspond to the current tag
isTagArg <- grepl(paste("^", curTag, "\\.", sep = ""), names(inArgs), perl = TRUE)
if(any(isTagArg)) {
# Rename the arguments so that they can used correctly in the relevant function
newParams <- setNames(inArgs[isTagArg], gsub(paste("^", curTag, "\\.", sep = ""), "", names(inArgs)[isTagArg], perl = TRUE))
if(!("parentID" %in% names(newParams))) {
newParams <- append(newParams, list(parentID = curID))
if(!("isHidden" %in% names(newParams))) {
newParams <- append(newParams, list(isHidden = isHiddenDefault))
outText <- do.call(genFuncs[[curTag]], newParams)
}, curID = curID, genFuncs = getTagGenerationFunctions(), inArgs = list(...))
# Collect together the processed tags and collapse them into one character string
tryCatch(paste(outTags[!is.na(outTags)], collapse = as.character(sep)), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered during processing of metadata tag parent-child arguments")
# ====== 1.5. Add translation ======
#' Add a translation to a data tag
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the translated text to enclose in the tag
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar specifying the language attribute to mark the translation text as. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNaddTranslation <- function(tagText = NA, lang = "en-US", parentID = NA, tagID = NA, isHidden = TRUE) {
LNaddTag(tagText = tagText, tagType = "value", tagID = tagID, parentID = parentID, isHidden = isHidden, lang = lang)
# ====== 2.1. LNindividualName tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the individualName EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNindividualName <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
# Retrieve the tag for the function
curID <- generateID(tagID)
# Format the collection tag
LNaddTag(tagText, "individualName", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
# Format the children tags (if provided)
processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
sep = "")
# ====== 2.2. LNcreator tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the creator EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNcreator <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
# Retrieve the tag for the function
curID <- generateID(tagID)
# Format the collection tag
LNaddTag(tagText, "creator", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
# Format the children tags (if provided)
processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
sep = "")
# ====== 2.3. LNmetadataProvider tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the metadataProvider EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNmetadataProvider <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
# Retrieve the tag for the function
curID <- generateID(tagID)
# Format the collection tag
LNaddTag(tagText, "metadataProvider", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
# Format the children tags (if provided)
processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
sep = "")
# ====== 2.4. LNkeywordSet tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the keywordSet EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNkeywordSet <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
# Retrieve the tag for the function
curID <- generateID(tagID)
# Format the collection tag
LNaddTag(tagText, "keywordSet", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
# Format the children tags (if provided)
processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
sep = "")
# ====== 2.5. LNcoverage tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the coverage EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNcoverage <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
# Retrieve the tag for the function
curID <- generateID(tagID)
# Format the collection tag
LNaddTag(tagText, "coverage", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
# Format the children tags (if provided)
processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
sep = "")
# ====== 2.6. LNgeographicCoverage tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the geographicCoverage EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNgeographicCoverage <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
# Retrieve the tag for the function
curID <- generateID(tagID)
# Format the collection tag
LNaddTag(tagText, "geographicCoverage", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
# Format the children tags (if provided)
processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
sep = "")
# ====== 2.7. LNboundingCoordinates ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the boundingCoordinates EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNboundingCoordinates <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
# Retrieve the tag for the function
curID <- generateID(tagID)
# Format the collection tag
LNaddTag(tagText, "boundingCoordinates", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
# Format the children tags (if provided)
processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
sep = "")
# ====== 2.8. LNtemporalCoverage tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the temporalCoverage EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNtemporalCoverage <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
# Retrieve the tag for the function
curID <- generateID(tagID)
# Format the collection tag
LNaddTag(tagText, "temporalCoverage", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
# Format the children tags (if provided)
processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
sep = "")
# ====== 2.9. LNbeginDate tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the beginDate EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNbeginDate <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
# Retrieve the tag for the function
curID <- generateID(tagID)
# Format the collection tag
LNaddTag(tagText, "beginDate", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
# Format the children tags (if provided)
processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
sep = "")
# ====== 2.10. LNendDate tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the endDate EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNendDate <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
# Retrieve the tag for the function
curID <- generateID(tagID)
# Format the collection tag
LNaddTag(tagText, "endDate", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
# Format the children tags (if provided)
processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
sep = "")
# ====== 2.11. LNrangeOfDates tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the rangeOfDates EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNrangeOfDates <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
# Retrieve the tag for the function
curID <- generateID(tagID)
# Format the collection tag
LNaddTag(tagText, "rangeOfDates", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
# Format the children tags (if provided)
processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
sep = "")
# ====== 2.12. LNtaxonomicCoverage tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the taxonomicCoverage EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNtaxonomicCoverage <- function(tagText = NA, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
# Retrieve the tag for the function
curID <- generateID(tagID)
# Format the collection tag
LNaddTag(tagText, "taxonomicCoverage", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
# Format the children tags (if provided)
processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
sep = "")
# ====== 2.12.1 LNdataset tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the dataset EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNdataset <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
# Retrieve the tag for the function
curID <- generateID(tagID)
# Format the collection tag
LNaddTag(tagText, "dataset", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
# Format the children tags (if provided)
processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
sep = "")
# ====== 2.12.2 LNcontact tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the contact EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @param sep A \code{character} scalar providing the delimiter to use between the child tags
#' @param ... A series of parameters defining the child tags to generate and the parameters of the
#' generation functions
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNcontact <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA, sep = " ", ...) {
# Retrieve the tag for the function
curID <- generateID(tagID)
# Format the collection tag
LNaddTag(tagText, "contact", curID, parentID, isHidden, lang),
# Format the children tags (if provided)
processChildArgs(curID, sep, isHidden, ...),
sep = "")
# ====== 2.13. LNalternativeIdentifier tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the alternativeIdentifier EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNalternateIdentifier <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "alternateIdentifier", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.14. LNtitle tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the title EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNtitle <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "title", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.15. LNgivenName tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the givenName EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNgivenName <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "givenName", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.16. LNsurName tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the surName EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNsurName <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "surName", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.17. LNorganizationName tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the organizationName EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNorganizationName <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "organizationName", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.18. LNpositionName tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the positionName EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNpositionName <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "positionName", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.19. LNdeliveryPoint tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the deliveryPoint EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNdeliveryPoint <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "deliveryPoint", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.20. LNcity tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the city EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNcity <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "city", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.21. LNpostalCode tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the postalCode EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNpostalCode <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "postalCode", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.22. LNelectronicMailAddress tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the electronicMailAddress EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNelectronicMailAddress <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "electronicMailAddress", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.23. LNpubDate tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the pubDate EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNpubDate <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "pubDate", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.24. LNlanguage tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the language EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNlanguage <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(toupper(tagText), "language", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.25. LNabstract tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the abstract EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNabstract <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "abstract", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.26. LNkeyword tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the keyword EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNkeyword <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "keyword", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.27. LNkeywordThesaurus tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the keyworkThesaurus EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNkeywordThesaurus <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "keywordThesaurus", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.28. LNintellectualRights tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the intellectualRights EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNintellectualRights <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "intellectualRights", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.29. LNgeographicDescription tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the geographicDescriprion EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNgeographicDescription <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "geographicDescription", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.30. LNwestBoundingCoordinate tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the westBoundingCoordinate EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNwestBoundingCoordinate <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "westBoundingCoordinate", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.31. LNeastBoundingCoordinate tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the eastBoundingCoordinate EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNeastBoundingCoordinate <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "eastBoundingCoordinate", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.32. LNsouthBoundingCoordinate tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the southBoundingCoordinate EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNsouthBoundingCoordinate <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "southBoundingCoordinate", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.33. LNnorthBoundingCoordinate ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the northBoundingCoordinate EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNnorthBoundingCoordinate <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "northBoundingCoordinate", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.34. LNcalendarDate tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the calendarDate EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNcalendarDate <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "calendarDate", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.35. LNtaxonRankName tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the taxonRankName EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNtaxonRankName <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "taxonRankName", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.36. LNtaxonRankValue tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the taxonRankValue EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNtaxonRankValue <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "taxonRankValue", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.37. LNcommonName tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the commonName EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNcommonName <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "commonName", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.38. LNtaxanomicClassification tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the taxanomicClassification EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNtaxonomicClassification <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "taxonomicClassification", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.39. LNmethodStep tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the methodStep EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNmethodStep <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "methodStep", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.40. LNqualityControl tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the qualityControl EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNqualityControl <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "qualityControl", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.41. LNsampling tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the sampling EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNsampling <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "sampling", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.42. LNstudyExtent tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the studyExtent EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNstudyExtent <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "studyExtent", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.43. LNsamplingDescription tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the samplingDescription EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNsamplingDescription <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "samplingDescription", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
# ====== 2.44. LNpurpose tag ======
#' Add a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the purpose EML element
#' @param tagText A \code{character} scalar containing the text to encolse in the tag
#' @param tagID A \code{character} scalar containing a unique identifier for the tag element. If
#' the parameter is \code{NA} then a UUID will be generated
#' @param parentID A \code{character} scalar containing the ID for the parent tag (if there is one).
#' \code{NA} denotes that there is no parent for the tag
#' @param isHidden A \code{logical} scalar that, if \code{TRUE}, denotes that the text should be
#' hidden when rendered
#' @param lang A \code{character} scalar defining the language attribute to set for the tag. See
#' \url{https://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/}{the W3C guide to language tags} for the
#' best format to use for this attribute. A value \code{NA} indicates that no langauge attribute will be set.
#' @return A \code{character} scalar containing the rendered output including any HTML tags if a
#' HTML document is being knitted
#' @author Joseph D. Chipperfield, \email{joechip90@@googlemail.com}; Matthew Grainger, \email{matthew.grainger@@nina.no}
#' @export
LNpurpose <- function(tagText, tagID = NA, parentID = NA, isHidden = FALSE, lang = NA) {
LNaddTag(tagText, "purpose", tagID, parentID, isHidden, lang)
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