#' Getting the workflow data from a single participation
#' Takes the log data from a single participation and returns a list describing the workflow.
#' @param json_data The log data for a single participation in form of a nested list
#' @param project_modules Dataframe including the running numbers and ids for the project modules
#' @param scenario_elements Dataframe including the codes for all existing scenario elements, which are used in the event list.
#' @param questionnaire_elements Dataframe including the codes for all questionnaire elements, which are used in the event list as well as in the summary results.
#' @param aggregate_duplicate_events If TRUE duplicate events occurring directly after each other are aggregated.
#' @param idle_time Numeric describing after how many seconds an event is considered as idle.
#' @param event_codes Dataframe with the event codes that are used to structure the log data
#' @param tool_codes Dataframe with the tool codes that are used to assign each used tool to a common code
#' @param debug_mode If TRUE the internal hash IDs for the project elements and additional lower level data are included
#' @return A list including the workflow data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' json_file = "participation_logdata.json"
#' json_data <- rjson::fromJSON(file=json_file)
#' workflow <- get_workflow(json_data)
#' }
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr rename_with
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr across
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest_wider
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom lubridate as_datetime
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom plyr mapvalues
#' @importFrom rlang syms
#' @importFrom dplyr slice
#' @importFrom dplyr starts_with
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange
#' @importFrom tibble add_column
#' @importFrom dplyr coalesce
#' @importFrom rjson toJSON
get_event_list <- function (json_data, project_modules, scenario_elements,
questionnaire_elements, aggregate_duplicate_events=FALSE, idle_time,
event_codes=lucar::event_codes, tool_codes=lucar::tool_codes, debug_mode=FALSE) {
# return only the element with the current list of questionnaire elements if no events were recorded
if (length(json_data$surveyEvents)==0) {
# formatting the events into a tibble
participant_events <-
# transforming nested list into a iibble
dplyr::as_tibble(data.frame(matrix(unlist(json_data$surveyEvents, recursive=FALSE), nrow=length(json_data$surveyEvents), byrow=TRUE))) %>%
# retrieving original column names
dplyr::rename_with(~names(json_data$surveyEvents[[1]])) %>%
# unnest columns provided in lists
dplyr::mutate(across(c(timestamp, eventType, index), ~sapply(.x, function(x) x[[1]]))) %>%
# rename column
# get all mail recipients the participant(s) were entering in any email and add them to the list of scenario elements
scenario_elements <- add_user_created_mails(scenario_elements, participant_events)
# Construction of a helper dataframe that includes all variables used from the nested JSON data structure
# it is needed to add missing variables to the temporary dataframe of the event list (e.g. if some events did not occur for the given participant)
# without adding the variables the values for the data column prepared later would not run through
needed_variables <- data.frame(message=NA_character_, content=NA_character_, value=NA_character_, text=NA_character_, mimeType=NA_character_,
spreadsheetTitle=NA_character_, binaryFileTitle=NA_character_, startCellName=NA_character_,
endCellName=NA_character_, cellName=NA_character_, to=NA_character_, cc=NA_character_, subject=NA_character_,
tool=NA_character_, directory=NA_character_, endType=NA_character_, answerPosition=NA_character_,
spreadsheetId=NA_character_, occurred=NA_character_, interventionId=NA_character_,
directoryId=NA_character_, textDocumentTitle=NA_character_, tableType=NA_character_, columnName=NA_character_,
rowId=NA_character_, tableName=NA_character_, scenarioId=NA_character_, questionnaireId=NA_character_,
binaryFileId=NA_character_, fileId=NA_character_, emailId=NA_character_, questionId=NA_character_,
answerId=NA_character_, id=NA_character_, articleId=NA_character_, chapterId=NA_character_, cellType=NA_character_)
event_list <-
# match events with the basic_event_codes
dplyr::left_join(participant_events, event_codes, by="event_type") %>%
# exclude irrelevant variables
dplyr::select(invitation_id=invitationId, survey_id=surveyId, timestamp, label, event_type, event_code, data=data, index=index) %>%
# unnest columns with ids
dplyr::mutate(invitation_id=unlist(invitation_id), survey_id=unlist(survey_id)) %>%
# format time variable
dplyr::mutate(time=lubridate::as_datetime(timestamp)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(data2=data) %>%
# unnest all variables included in the list variable data
tidyr::unnest_wider(data) %>%
# add dummy variables for event data that was not generated for this participant
tibble::add_column(!!!needed_variables[!names(needed_variables) %in% names(.)]) %>%
# unnest additional columns provided in lists (only done here to make sure they exist)
dplyr::mutate(across(c(value), ~sapply(.x, function(x) x[[1]]))) %>%
# renaming ID variables according to naming conventions
dplyr::rename(binary_file_id=binaryFileId, spreadsheet_id=spreadsheetId, file_id=fileId, email_id=emailId) %>%
# Combine the questionnaire and scenario id to a single module_id variable
dplyr::mutate(module_id=dplyr::coalesce(.$scenarioId, .$questionnaireId)) %>%
# Order events according to their time stamps (this step might be unnecessary once the log data generation is corrected in LUCA office)
arrange(time) %>%
# calculate variables for project run time and event durations
dplyr::mutate(project_time = time-time[1], event_duration = dplyr::lead(time)-time) %>%
# exclude cases with a wf code of "#" (see basic table with event codes)
dplyr::filter(event_code!="#") %>%
# if no tool value is provided impute the value from mimeType
dplyr::mutate(tool=replace(tool, is.na(tool)&!is.na(mimeType), mimeType[is.na(tool)&!is.na(mimeType)])) %>%
# replace the imputed mimeType values acording to the values used in the tool variable
dplyr::mutate(tool=recode(tool, ApplicationPdf="PdfViewer", ImageJpeg="ImageViewer", Spreadsheet="SpreadsheetEditor", VideoMp4="VideoPlayer")) %>%
# integrate corresponding tool id into all event_codes were necessary (starting with "T##")
dplyr::mutate(event_code=replace(event_code, grepl("^T##", event_code),
plyr::mapvalues(tool, tool_codes$tool, tool_codes$code, warn_missing = FALSE)[grepl("^T##", event_code)],
substr(event_code[grepl("^T##", event_code)], 4, 10) ))) %>%
# integrate module id into the event_codes were necessary
dplyr::mutate(event_code=replace(event_code, grepl("^M##", event_code),
plyr::mapvalues(module_id, project_modules$module_id, project_modules$code, warn_missing = FALSE)[grepl("^M##", event_code)],
substr(event_code[grepl("^M##", event_code)], 4, 10) ))) %>%
# The following steps are only conducted for a non-empty list of questionnaire elements
if (length(questionnaire_elements)>0) {
# integrate questionnaire, question, and answer ids into the event_codes
dplyr::mutate(., event_code=replace(event_code,
grepl("^Q##Q##A##", event_code),
paste0("Q", plyr::mapvalues(questionnaireId, questionnaire_elements$questionnaire_id,
questionnaire_elements$questionnaire_no, warn_missing = FALSE)[grepl("^Q##Q##A##", event_code)],
"Q", plyr::mapvalues(questionId, questionnaire_elements$question_id,
questionnaire_elements$question_no, warn_missing = FALSE)[grepl("^Q##Q##A##", event_code)],
"A", plyr::mapvalues(answerId, questionnaire_elements$answer_category_id,
questionnaire_elements$answer_no, warn_missing = FALSE)[grepl("^Q##Q##A##", event_code)],
substr(event_code[grepl("^Q##Q##A##", event_code)], 10, 10)))) %>%
# set answer id to "00" for free text answers that are edited
dplyr::mutate(., event_code=replace(event_code, grepl("^Q..Q..A..E", event_code),
paste0(substr(event_code[grepl("^Q..Q..A..E$", event_code)], 1, 7),
substr(event_code[grepl("^Q..Q..A..E$", event_code)], 10, 10))))
} else { . }
} %>%
# prepare content for the data column depending on the event type
dplyr::mutate(data=dplyr::case_when(event_type=="StoreParticipantData" ~ paste0("Salutation: ", salutation, "; First name: ", firstName, "; Last name: ", lastName),
event_type=="UpdateNotesText" | event_type=="UpdateEmailText" | event_type=="SendEmail" ~ text,
event_type=="OpenTool" | event_type=="CloseTool" | event_type=="RestoreTool" | event_type=="MinimizeTool" ~ tool,
event_type=="SelectEmailDirectory" ~ directory,
event_type=="EndScenario" ~ endType,
event_type=="OpenSpreadsheet" | event_type=="SelectSpreadsheet" ~ spreadsheetTitle,
event_type=="SelectSpreadsheetCell" ~ cellName,
event_type=="UpdateSpreadsheetCellStyle" ~ cellName,
event_type=="UpdateSpreadsheetCellType" ~ paste0(cellName, ": ", cellType),
event_type=="UpdateSpreadsheetCellValue" ~ paste0(cellName, ": ", value),
event_type=="ViewFile" ~ mimeType,
event_type=="ViewDirectory" ~ directoryId,
event_type=="OpenPdfBinary" | event_type=="SelectPdfBinary" | event_type=="SelectImageBinary" | event_type=="OpenImageBinary" | event_type=="OpenVideoBinary" | event_type=="SelectVideoBinary" ~ binaryFileTitle,
event_type=="SendParticipantChatMessage" | event_type=="ReceiveSupervisorChatMessage" ~ message,
event_type=="PasteFromClipboard" | event_type=="CopyToClipboard" ~ content,
event_type=="SelectQuestionnaireAnswer" | event_type=="UpdateQuestionnaireFreeTextAnswer" ~ as.character(value),
event_type=="EvaluateIntervention" ~ paste0("Occurred: ", occurred, ", Intervention ID: ", interventionId),
event_type=="OpenTextDocument" ~ textDocumentTitle,
event_type=="UpdateTextDocumentContent" ~ content,
event_type=="ErpSelectCell" ~ paste0("Table type: ", tableType, ", Column: ", columnName, ", Row index: ", rowId, ", Value: ", value),
event_type=="ErpSelectTable" ~ paste0("Table name: ", tableName, ", Table type: ", tableType),
event_type=="StartScenario" ~ scenarioId,
# TODO: Completing the data column for not yet considered events
#event_type=="" ~ value,
event_type=="UpdateEmail" ~ paste0("To: ", to, "; CC: ", cc, "; Subject: ", subject)
)) %>%
# The following step is only conducted for a not empty list of scenario elements (happens when only questionnaires were administered)
{ if (length(scenario_elements)>0) {
# match event ids with the ids of the scenario elements (if scenario element)
dplyr::left_join(., select(scenario_elements,-c("binary_file_id","spreadsheet_id")), by="id", na_matches="never") %>%
dplyr::left_join(select(scenario_elements,-c("id","spreadsheet_id")), by="binary_file_id", na_matches="never") %>%
dplyr::left_join(select(scenario_elements,-c("id","binary_file_id")), by="spreadsheet_id", na_matches="never") %>%
dplyr::left_join(select(scenario_elements,-c("id","spreadsheet_id")), by=c("file_id"="binary_file_id"), na_matches="never") %>%
dplyr::left_join(select(scenario_elements,-c("binary_file_id", "spreadsheet_id")), by=c("file_id"="id"), na_matches="never") %>%
dplyr::left_join(select(scenario_elements,-c("binary_file_id", "spreadsheet_id")), by=c("email_id"="id"), na_matches="never") %>%
name = do.call(coalesce, select(., dplyr::starts_with("name.")))
) %>% # merge name variable that was split via the above join back into a single one
select(-dplyr::starts_with("name.")) %>% # remove old name variables due to joins
dplyr::left_join(select(scenario_elements,-c("binary_file_id","spreadsheet_id", "id")), by=c("data"="name"), na_matches="never", relationship = "many-to-many") %>% # for mail folders
dplyr::left_join(select(scenario_elements,-c("binary_file_id","spreadsheet_id")), by=c("data"="id"), na_matches="never", relationship = "many-to-many") %>% # for file directories
dplyr::left_join(select(scenario_elements,-c("binary_file_id","spreadsheet_id")), by=c("chapterId"="id"), na_matches="never") %>% # for file directories
dplyr::left_join(select(scenario_elements,-c("binary_file_id","spreadsheet_id")), by=c("articleId"="id"), na_matches="never") %>% # for file directories
# merge relevant variables (replacing NAs with values included due to subsequent joins above) and replace NAs by empty string
dplyr::mutate(name=dplyr::coalesce(!!!syms(grep("^name",names(.), value=TRUE))),
usage_type=dplyr::coalesce(!!!syms(grep("^usage_type",names(.), value=TRUE))),
element_code=dplyr::coalesce(!!!syms(grep("^element_code",names(.), value=TRUE))),
element_code=replace(element_code, is.na(element_code), "")) %>%
# join basic event codes with individual project element code
dplyr::mutate(event_code=paste0(event_code, element_code)) %>%
# Fill missings in variable data with the value provided in the variable name (usually this will be the name of the file the participant is working with)
dplyr::mutate(., data=dplyr::coalesce(data, name))
} else {.}
} %>%
# select final set of variables
dplyr::select(invitation_id, survey_id, module_id, time, code=event_code, duration=event_duration,
label, data, project_time, type=event_type, data2, binary_file_id, email_id, spreadsheet_id, file_id) %>%
# Removing hash IDs and debugging variables if 'debug_mode' is set to `FALSE`
dplyr::select_if(debug_mode|!grepl("^event_type$|^data2$|^id$|_id$", names(.)))
# If indicated insert idle events, in which the participant is not doing anything anymore
if (idle_time) {
event_list <- insert_idle_events(event_list, idle_time)
# Aggregate the events if indicated by the corresponding argument
if (aggregate_duplicate_events) {
event_list <- aggregate_duplicates(event_list)
# If function is not called in debug mode, split workflow into multiple lists, one for each module
if (!debug_mode){
full_event_list <- event_list %>%
dplyr::mutate(module_time=project_time, .after=project_time)
event_list <- list()
for (module_code in project_modules$code){
# Extracting the starting event for the current module code (if there were multiple `tries` to start the module, the first one is taken)
first_module_event <- grep(paste0("^M",module_code,"STR_SCN$|^M",module_code,"STR_QST$"), full_event_list$code)[0]
# Making sure that the module was started - otherwise return directly NULL for this modules event list
if (length(first_module_event)!=0) {
# Extracting the ending event for the current module code (if there were multiple `tries` to end the module the one corresponding to the last try to start the module is taken)
last_module_event <- grep(paste0("^M",module_code,"END_SCN$|^M",module_code,"END_QST$"), full_event_list$code)[length(first_module_event)]
# Checking if the participation was interrupted before the regular end and therefore no ending event is found
last_module_event <- ifelse (length(last_module_event)==0, length(full_event_list$code), last_module_event)
# Assigning the events from module starting to ending event to the current module
event_list[[module_code]] <- slice(full_event_list, c(first_module_event:last_module_event))
# Adjusting the run times to be module specific
event_list[[module_code]]$module_time <- event_list[[module_code]]$module_time - event_list[[module_code]]$module_time[1]
} else {
event_list[[module_code]] <- NULL
# Add current table with scenario elements to the result object
event_list[["scenario_elements"]] <- scenario_elements
globalVariables(c("timestamp", "eventType", "index", "invitationId", "surveyId",
"event_type", "data", "invitation_id", "survey_id", "value",
"binaryFileId", "spreadsheetId", "fileId", "emailId",
"element_code", "tool", "mimeType", "module_id", "questionId",
"answerId", "name", "data2", "binary_file_id", "email_id",
"spreadsheet_id", "file_id", "questionnaireId", "event_code", "event_duration"))
### Helper Functions
#' Inserts event that are marked as idle
#' Takes the event data from a single participation and returns the data
#' including additional events that are marked as idle when the participant was
#' not active for more than `idle_time` seconds.
#' @param event_list A list including the event data
#' @param idle_time Numeric describing after how many seconds an event is
#' considered as idle.
#' @return An event list including additional idle events
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr lead
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
insert_idle_events <- function (event_list, idle_time=5) {
idle_events <- event_list %>%
# helper variable to chek if the event_code is the same as the previous one
dplyr::filter(duration>idle_time) %>%
dplyr::mutate(project_time=project_time+idle_time) %>%
dplyr::mutate(code=paste0(substr(code, 1,6),"_IDL")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(label=paste0("Idled ", label))
result_event_list <- rbind(event_list, idle_events) %>%
# Sort enlarged event list according to time
arrange(time) %>%
# Calculation of the corrected event durations after inserting the idle events
#' Aggregate event data from a single participation
#' Takes event data from a single participation and returns an aggregated form,
#' where events with identical codes that occur directly after each other are
#' aggregated to a single event. The duration values are correspondingly adjusted,
#' and for each aggregated event an intensity is calculated that describes how
#' many events occurred in the original form.
#' @param event_list A list including the event data
#' @return A list including the aggregated event data
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr lag
#' @importFrom dplyr lead
#' @importFrom dplyr select
aggregate_duplicates <- function (event_list) {
aggregated_event_list <- event_list %>%
# helper variable to check if the event_code is the same as the previous one
dplyr::mutate(previous_code=dplyr::lag(code)) %>%
# helper variable to later calculate the intensity (i.e. how often an event occurred)
dplyr::mutate(event_no=1:n()) %>%
# only keep those case where the current workflow code is different from the previous
dplyr::filter(code!=previous_code) %>%
# calculation of the activity duration after summarizing events with identical workflows codes occurring directly after each other
dplyr::mutate(duration=dplyr::lead(project_time)-project_time) %>%
# calculation of the intensity (i.e. how how often the summarized events occurred in the original data set directly after each other)
dplyr::mutate(intensity=dplyr::lead(event_no)-event_no) %>%
# Selection and sort of returned variables
dplyr::select(time, code, duration, intensity, label, data, project_time)
globalVariables(c("code", "previous_code", "project_time",
"event_no", "time", "duration", "label", "intensity",
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