#' Conduct (parallel) mediation analysis
#' Runs mediation analysis with one or more parallel mediators (using the `lavaan`
#' package). The results can then be plotted with `plot_mediation()`.
#' Note that covariates (if given) are used in predicting each mediator and the outcome. The
#' coefficients for covariates are returned as an attribute to the main results,
#' given that they are not always reported. To access them, use `attr(res, "CV_coefficients")`
#' if you have saved the return of this function in `res`. The lavaan code to estimate the model is
#' also returned as an attribute, access it with `attr(res, "lavaan_code")`.
#' @param data Data frame
#' @param X Predictor variable (all variables should be passed 'bare' in tidyverse style)
#' @param Y Outcome variable
#' @param Ms Mediator variable(s)
#' @param CVs Covariates (in predicting mediators *and* outcomes)
#' @param standardized_all Logical. Should all coefficients (paths, direct and indirect effects) be standardized?
#' @param conf_level The confidence level to be used for confidence intervals. Must be between 0 and 1
#' (exclusive), defaults to .95 (i.e. 95% confidence intervals).
#' @param seed Random seed. You should set this to get reproducible results.
#' @param bootstraps Number of bootstraps, defaults to 5000.
#' @param ... Options passed on to [lavaan::sem()].
#' @return Tibble with direct, total and indirect effects, based on bootstrap resamples. In addition, 'a' coefficients for paths from
#' X to mediators and 'b' coefficients for paths from mediators to Y are returned. Coefficients for covariates
#' are returned as an attribute - see the example.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Might the link between depression and self-reported health be partly explained
#' # by reductions in physical activity level, when holding age constant?
#' set.seed(4321)
#' res <- run_mediation(ess_health, fltdpr, health, dosprt, agea, bootstraps = 50)
#' # Note that high number of bootstraps fails - in that case, CIs might not be reliable -
#' # this is likely due to the limited range of the variables here
#' res
#' attr(res, "CV_coefficients")
#' # NB: bootstraps = 50 only set to reduce running time - should be 1000+
run_mediation <- function(data, X, Y, Ms, CVs = NULL, standardized_all = TRUE,
conf_level = .95, seed = NULL,
bootstraps = 5000, ...) {
if (utils::packageVersion("lavaan") > "0.6.12") {
message('Due to a bug in lavaan, run_mediation might not currently be stable - see https://github.com/yrosseel/lavaan/issues/275.
Specify missing = "listwise" or estimator = "ML" as a workaround')
args <- as.list(match.call(sys.function(1), sys.call(1), expand.dots = TRUE))[-1]
if ("conf.level" %in% names(args)) {
stop("The confidence level needs to be specified as conf_level, NOT conf.level")
# Convert arguments to strings
X <- as.character(rlang::ensym(X))
Y <- as.character(rlang::ensym(Y))
Ms_string <- all.vars(rlang::enquo(Ms))
if (length(Ms_string) > 0) Ms <- Ms_string
CVs_string <- all.vars(rlang::enquo(CVs))
if (length(CVs_string) > 0) CVs <- CVs_string
CVs_string <- CVs
if (is.null(CVs)) {
CVs <- ""
} else {
CVs <- paste("+", paste(CVs, collapse = " + "))
if (any(stringr::str_detect(c(X, Y, CVs, Ms), "__")))
stop("This function does not support variable names that contain two __ in a row. Please rename.")
# Run mediation model
M_letter <- letters[seq_along(Ms)]
M_codes <- paste0("M", seq_along(Ms))
mod <- c(" #Mediators", purrr::map2(Ms, M_letter, function(x, y) glue::glue("{x} ~ {y}*{X} {CVs}"))) %>%
paste(" ", collapse = "\n") %>%
paste(collapse = "\n", "\n", glue::glue("
{Y} ~ cdash*{X} + {paste0(M_letter, M_letter, '*', Ms, collapse=' + ')} {CVs}
#Direct effects cond on moderator
direct := cdash
")) %>%
paste(paste(purrr::pmap(list(Ms, M_letter, M_codes), function(x, y, z) glue::glue("
#Indirect effects of {x}
{z}.indirect := {y} * {y}{y}
")), collapse = "\n"), paste(glue::glue("
#Total effects
total := direct + {purrr::map(M_codes, paste0, '.indirect') %>% paste(collapse = ' + ')}
indirect_total := total - direct
#Named params
{paste(purrr::map(M_letter, function(x) glue::glue('.{x} := {x}')), collapse = '\n')}
{paste(purrr::map(M_letter, function(x) glue::glue('.{x}{x} := {x}{x}')), collapse = '\n')}
"), collapse = "\n"), collapse = "\n")
# Lavaan arguments - set defaults if not overridden in dots
# Thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/a/35587633/10581449
# capture ... in a list
dots <- list(...)
# default arguments with their values
def.vals <- list(
model = mod,
estimator = "MLR",
fixed.x = FALSE,
missing = "direct",
data = data,
std.ov = standardized_all
# find elements in dots by names of def.vals. store those that are NULL
ind <- unlist(lapply(dots[names(def.vals)], is.null))
# fill empty elements with default values
dots[names(def.vals)[ind]] <- def.vals[ind]
# run model
lavaansem <- function(...) {
fit <- do.call(lavaansem, dots)
bs <- lavaan::bootstrapLavaan(fit, R = bootstraps, FUN = "coef", parallel = "snow") %>%
data.frame() %>%
# Drop unsuccessful bootstraps
bs_CVs <- bs %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::matches(paste0(paste0("\\.", CVs_string), collapse = "|")), -dplyr::matches("\\.\\.")) %>%
t() %>%
bs <- bs %>%
dplyr::select(-dplyr::matches("\\."), -dplyr::matches("\\~")) %>%
dplyr::rename(M_letter %>% magrittr::set_names(paste0("a__", M_letter))) %>%
dplyr::rename(paste0(M_letter, M_letter) %>% magrittr::set_names(paste0("b__", M_letter)))
# Execute dplyr::mutate command based on character string
char_mutate <- function(data, s) {
q <- quote(dplyr::mutate(data, z = s))
eval(parse(text = sub("z = s", s, deparse(q))))
purrr::map(M_letter, function(x) glue::glue("indirect__{x} = a__{x}*b__{x}")) %>%
purrr::walk(function(x) {
bs <<- char_mutate(bs, x)
bs <- bs %>% char_mutate(paste0("total = cdash + ", paste0("indirect__", M_letter, collapse = " + "))) %>%
dplyr::rename(direct = "cdash")
res <- bs %>%
t() %>%
data.frame() %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column("parameter") %>%
tidyr::gather(-.data$parameter, key = "rep", value = "coef") %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$parameter) %>%
dplyr::summarise(est = mean(.data$coef), se = sd(.data$coef),
pvalue = ifelse(.data$est > 0, mean(.data$coef < 0) * 2, mean(.data$coef > 0) * 2),
ci.lower = quantile(.data$coef, (1 - conf_level) / 2),
ci.upper = quantile(.data$coef, 1 - (1 - conf_level) / 2)) %>%
tidyr::separate(.data$parameter, c("type", "mediator"), fill = "right", sep = "__") %>%
dplyr::mutate(mediator = stringr::str_replace_all(.data$mediator, Ms %>% magrittr::set_names(M_letter)))
CV_res <- bs_CVs %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column("parameter") %>%
tidyr::gather(-.data$parameter, key = "rep", value = "coef") %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$parameter) %>%
dplyr::summarise(est = mean(.data$coef), se = sd(.data$coef),
pvalue = ifelse(.data$est > 0, mean(.data$coef < 0) * 2, mean(.data$coef > 0) * 2),
ci.lower = quantile(.data$coef, (1 - conf_level) / 2),
ci.upper = quantile(.data$coef, 1 - (1 - conf_level) / 2)) %>%
tidyr::separate(.data$parameter, c("DV", "CV"), fill = "right", sep = "~")
attr(res, "CV_coefficients") <- CV_res
attr(res, "lavaan_code") <- mod
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