
vector_names <- function(all){ # change to vector_grant_taxa
  index <- sapply(all, function(x) length(x) > 0)
  funded_names <- all[index]
  unique_names <- unique(unlist(funded_names))
  unique_names <- unique_names[!unique_names == "NA"]
  unique_names <- unique_names[!unique_names == ""]
  unique_names <- unique_names[!is.na(unique_names)]
  # unique_names <- tolower(unique_names)

# add ott_ids on all these functions too
clean_unmapped_taxa <- function(){
    nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct <- nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_low <- sapply(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa, tolower)
    unique_names1 <- vector_names(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa)
    unique_names <- vector_names(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_low)
    # 0. map names to ott with tnrs:
    tax_map_tnrs <- suppressWarnings(rotl::tnrs_match_names(unique_names))
    # I. find, check and correct tnrs unmapped names (NA in unique)
    unmapped <- unique_names[is.na(tax_map_tnrs$unique)]
        cat("The following taxa extracted from grants do not match ott.\n", paste0("'", unmapped, "' "), "\n\n",
            "Review the award information and submit a valid ott name or NA if it is not a taxon name.\n\n")
        unmapped_index <- sapply(unmapped, grep, nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_low)
        unmapped_correct <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(unmapped))
        for(i in seq(unmapped)){
            cat("OTT unmatched name:\n", paste0("'", unmapped[i], "'"), "\n")
            cat("Award Title:\n", unique(unlist(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$title[unmapped_index[[i]]])), "\n")
            cat("All names found in award:\n", paste0("'", unique(unlist(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa[unmapped_index[[i]]])), "' "), "\n")
            cat("Award Abstract:\n", unique(unlist(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$abstract[unmapped_index[[i]]])), "\n")
            unmapped_correct[i] <- readline(paste0("\nReview the award and give a valid ott name for' ", unmapped[i], "' (NA if it is not a taxon name; separated by comma if multiple names; uppercases are ignored): "))
        if(any(sapply(unmapped_correct, function(x)any(x == "")))){
          unmapped <- unmapped[sapply(unmapped_correct, function(x)any(x != ""))]
          unmapped_index <- sapply(unmapped, grep, nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct)
          unmapped_correct <- unmapped_correct[sapply(unmapped_correct, function(x) any(x != ""))]
        unmapped_correct <- sapply(unmapped_correct, strsplit, ",")
        unmapped_correct <- sapply(unmapped_correct, trimws)
        for(i in seq(unmapped_index)){
          for(j in seq(length(unmapped_index[[i]]))){
                  unmapped_i <- unmapped[i] == nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct[[unmapped_index[[i]][j]]]
                  nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct[[unmapped_index[[i]][j]]][unmapped_i] <- NA
                  all_correct <- unique(c(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct[[unmapped_index[[i]][j]]], unmapped_correct[[i]]))
                  all_correct <- all_correct[all_correct != "NA"]
                  nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct[[unmapped_index[[i]][j]]] <- all_correct
        unmapped_correct <- unique(unlist(unmapped_correct))
        unmapped_correct <- unmapped_correct[!is.na(unmapped_correct)]
        unmapped_correct <- unmapped_correct[unmapped_correct != "NA"]
        unmapped_tnrs <- suppressWarnings(rotl::tnrs_match_names(unmapped_correct))
        unmapped <- unmapped[is.na(unmapped_tnrs$unique)]
#' @export
clean_approximated_taxa <- function(nsf_relevant_grants_raw){
    # II. determine, check and correct names approximated to ott
    correct_names <- vector_names(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct)
    tax_map_tnrs <- suppressWarnings(rotl::tnrs_match_names(correct_names))
    approxed <- tax_map_tnrs$search[tax_map_tnrs$approx]
    approxed_index <- sapply(approxed, grep, tolower(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct))
    approxed2 <- tax_map_tnrs$unique[tax_map_tnrs$approx]
    cat("\n\n\nThe following taxa in grants match ott approximately:\n", paste0("'", unique(unlist(approxed)), "' "), "\n",
        "Review the grant on screen and submit a valid ott name, NA if it is not a taxon name, or hit enter if the original name is correct.\n\n")
    approxed_correct <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(approxed))
    for(i in seq(approxed)){
        cat("OTT approximated name:\n", approxed[i], " to ", approxed2[i], "\n")
        cat("Award Title:\n", nsf_relevant_grants_raw$title[approxed_index[[i]]], "\n")
        cat("All names found in award:\n", paste0("'", unique(unlist(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct[approxed_index[[i]]])), "' "), "\n")
        cat("Award Abstract:\n", nsf_relevant_grants_raw$abstract[approxed_index[[i]]], "\n")
        approxed_correct[i] <- readline(paste0("\nReview the award and give a valid ott name for '", approxed[i], "' (hit enter if the name is correct; NA if it is not a taxon name; separated by comma if multiple names; uppercases are ignored): "))
    if(any(sapply(approxed_correct, function(x)any(x == "")))){
        approxed <- approxed[sapply(approxed_correct, function(x)any(x != ""))]
        approxed_index <- sapply(approxed, grep, nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct)
        approxed_correct <- approxed_correct[sapply(approxed_correct, function(x)any(x != ""))]
    approxed_correct <- sapply(approxed_correct, strsplit, ",")
    approxed_correct <- lapply(approxed_correct, trimws)
    for(i in seq(approxed)){
            for(j in seq(length(approxed_index[[i]]))){
                    approxed_i <- approxed[i] == nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct[[approxed_index[[i]][j]]]
                    nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct[[approxed_index[[i]][j]]][approxed_i] <- NA
                    all_correct <- unique(c(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct[[approxed_index[[i]][j]]], approxed_correct[[i]]))
                    all_correct <- all_correct[all_correct != "NA"]
                    nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct[[approxed_index[[i]][j]]] <- all_correct
#' @export
clean_synonym_taxa <- function(nsf_relevant_grants_raw){
    # III. determine, check and correct names that are synonyms in tnrs taxonomy
    nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_ott <- nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct
    correct_names <- vector_names(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct)
    tax_map_tnrs <- rotl::tnrs_match_names(correct_names)
    syn <- tax_map_tnrs$search[tax_map_tnrs$is_syn]
    syn2 <- tax_map_tnrs$unique[tax_map_tnrs$is_syn]
    syn_index <- sapply(tolower(syn), grep, tolower(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct))
    cat("\n\n\nThe following taxa in grants are ott synonyms:\n", paste0("'", unique(unlist(syn)), "' "), "\n",
        "Review the grant on screen and and decide if the synonym is ok by hitting enter, NA if it is not a taxon name.\n\n")
    syn_correct <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(syn))
    for(i in seq(syn)){
        cat("OTT synonyms name:\n", paste0("'", syn[i], "'"), " to ", paste0("'", syn2[i], "'"), "\n")
        cat("Award Title:\n", nsf_relevant_grants_raw$title[syn_index[[i]]], "\n")
        cat("All names found in award:\n", paste0("'", unique(unlist(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct[syn_index[[i]]])), "' "), "\n")
        cat("Award Abstract:\n", nsf_relevant_grants_raw$abstract[syn_index[[i]]], "\n")
        syn_correct[i] <- readline(paste0("\nReview the award and hit enter if the OTT synonym '", syn2[i], "' is ok (NA if it is not a taxon name; uppercases are ignored): "))
    syn_correct[sapply(syn_correct, function(x)any(x == ""))] <- syn2[sapply(syn_correct, function(x)any(x == ""))]
    syn_index <- sapply(syn, grep, nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct)
    for(i in seq(syn_index)){

            for(j in seq(length(syn_index[[i]]))){
                    syn_i <- syn[i] == nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_ott[[syn_index[[i]][j]]]
                    if(syn_correct[[i]] == "NA"){
                        nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct[[syn_index[[i]][j]]][syn_i] <- NA
                        nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_ott[[syn_index[[i]][j]]][syn_i] <- NA
                    } else {
                        nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_ott[[syn_index[[i]][j]]][syn_i] <- syn_correct[[i]]

clean_suspicious_taxa <- function(nsf_relevant_grants_raw, taxa = NULL){
    ott_names <- vector_names(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_ott)
        if(!all(taxa %in% ott_names)) {
            stop("taxa are not in database")
        ott_names <- tolower(as.character(taxa))
    } else {
        taxa <- tolower(ott_names)
  tax_map_tnrs <- suppressWarnings(rotl::tnrs_match_names(ott_names))
  taxa_index <- sapply(taxa, grep, tolower(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_ott))
  taxa2 <- tax_map_tnrs$unique[unique(unlist(sapply(taxa, grep, tax_map_tnrs$search)))]
  cat("\n\n\nThe following taxa in grants will be checked:\n", paste0("'", unique(taxa), "' "), "\n",
      "Review the grant on screen and submit a valid ott name, NA if it is not a taxon name, or hit enter if the name is correct.\n\n")
  taxa_correct <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(taxa))
  for(i in seq(taxa)){
      cat("\n\nName to check:\n", taxa[i], " matches ", taxa2[i], "in OTT\n")
      cat("Award Title:\n", unique(unlist(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$title[taxa_index[[i]]])), "\n")
      cat("All names found in award:\n", paste0("'", unique(unlist(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct[taxa_index[[i]]])), "' "), "\n")
      cat("Award Abstract:\n", unique(unlist(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$abstract[taxa_index[[i]]])), "\n")
      taxa_correct[i] <- readline(paste0("\nReview the award and give a valid ott name for '", taxa[i], "' (hit enter if the name is correct; NA if it is not a taxon name; separated by comma if multiple names; uppercases are ignored): "))
  if(any(sapply(taxa_correct, function(x)any(x == "")))){
      taxa <- taxa[sapply(taxa_correct, function(x)any(x != ""))]
      taxa_index <- sapply(taxa, grep, nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_ott)
      taxa_correct <- taxa_correct[sapply(taxa_correct, function(x)any(x != ""))]
  taxa_correct <- sapply(taxa_correct, strsplit, ",")
  taxa_correct <- lapply(taxa_correct, trimws)
  for(i in seq(taxa)){
          for(j in seq(length(taxa_index[[i]]))){
                  taxa_i <- taxa[i] == nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_ott[[taxa_index[[i]][j]]]
                  nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct[[taxa_index[[i]][j]]][taxa_i] <- NA
                  nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_ott[[taxa_index[[i]][j]]][taxa_i] <- NA
                  all_correct <- unique(c(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct[[taxa_index[[i]][j]]], taxa_correct[[i]]))
                  all_correct <- all_correct[all_correct != "NA"]
                  nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_correct[[taxa_index[[i]][j]]] <- all_correct
                  nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_ott[[taxa_index[[i]][j]]] <- all_correct
#' @export
get_ott_families <- function(nsf_relevant_grants_raw = NULL, taxa = NULL, tree = NULL){
    # enhancement: add possibility to get families from other taxonomies
    # e.g., taxize::downstream("Cottoidea", downto = "family", db = "ncbi")
      ott_names <- tolower(taxa)
  } else {
      ott_names <- tolower(vector_names(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_ott))
  # tax_map_tnrs <- rotl::tnrs_match_names(ott_names)
  tax_map_tnrs <- datelife::batch_tnrs_match_names(names = ott_names)
  tax_info <- fam_ids <- fams <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(ott_names))
  names(tax_info) <- names(fams) <- names(fam_ids) <- ott_names
  progression <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(tax_info), style = 3)
  for (i in seq(tax_info)){
      tax_info[i] <- tryCatch(rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info(tax_map_tnrs$ott_id[i], include_lineage = TRUE),
        error = function(e) NA)
      utils::setTxtProgressBar(progression, i)

  tax_map_tnrs$rank <- tax_map_tnrs$ott_id
  tax_map_tnrs$rank[!is.na(tax_map_tnrs$ott_id)] <- unlist(sapply(tax_info, "[", "rank"))

  fams_index <- grep("^family$", tax_map_tnrs$rank)
  fams[fams_index] <- tax_map_tnrs$unique[fams_index]
  fam_ids[fams_index] <- paste0("ott", tax_map_tnrs$ott_id[fams_index])

  subfams_index <- sort(unname(unlist(sapply(c("species", "genus", "subfamily"), grep, tax_map_tnrs$rank))))
  fams[subfams_index] <- sapply(tax_info[subfams_index], function(x) {
      lin <- tryCatch(x$lineage[grep("^family$", sapply(x$lineage, "[", "rank"))][[1]]$unique_name,
      error = function(e) NA)
  fam_ids[subfams_index] <- sapply(tax_info[subfams_index], function(x) {
      lin <- tryCatch(paste0("ott", x$lineage[grep("^family$", sapply(x$lineage, "[", "rank"))][[1]]$ott_id),
      error = function(e) NA)
  superfams_index <- sort(unname(unlist(sapply(c("phylum", "domain", "class", "order", "superfamily"), grep, tax_map_tnrs$rank))))
  # tax_info2 <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(superfams_index))
  # progression <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(superfams_index), style = 3)
  # for (i in seq(superfams_index)){
  #     tax_info2[i] <- tryCatch(rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info(tax_map_tnrs$ott_id[superfams_index[i]], include_children = TRUE),
  #       error = function(e) NA)
  #     utils::setTxtProgressBar(progression, i)
  # }
  # clean_superfams <- get_valid_children_names(tax_info2)
  # fam_rank_index <- sapply(clean_superfams$ranks, function(x) grep("^family$", x))
  # for(i in seq(superfams)[sapply(fam_rank_index, length)>0]){
  #     fams[superfams_index[i]][[1]] <- unname(unlist(clean_superfams$unique_names[[i]][fam_rank_index[[i]]]))
  #     fam_ids[superfams_index[i]][[1]] <- unname(unlist(clean_superfams$ott_ids[[i]][fam_rank_index[[i]]]))
  # }
  nodes <- sapply(as.character(tax_map_tnrs$unique_name[superfams_index]), grep, fam_tree$node.label)
  ff <- sapply(unlist(nodes)+ape::Ntip(fam_tree), function(x) {
      tt <- phytools::getDescendants(fam_tree, x)
      ii <- fam_tree$ott_ids[tt[tt <= ape::Ntip(fam_tree)]]
      names(ii) <- fam_tree$ott_names[tt[tt <= ape::Ntip(fam_tree)]]
  names(ff) <- tolower(names(ff))
  for(i in tolower(names(ff))){
      fams[[i]] <- names(ff[[i]])
      fam_ids[[i]] <- unname(ff[[i]])
  all_index <- sapply(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_ott, match, ott_names)
  if(any(sapply(fams, length) ==0)){
    empty <- ott_names[sapply(fams, length) ==0]
    empties <- paste0("'", empty, "'", collapse = " ")
    get_ott <- readline(paste0("\nThe following taxa retrieved no OTT families: ", empties, "\nDo you want to add some: "))
    if(grepl("y", tolower(get_ott))){
      empty_index <- which(sapply(fams, length) ==0)
      for (i in seq(empty)){
        external <- readline(paste0("\nProvide family names from external data for taxon '", empty[i], "' to match to OTT (hit enter or NA if you have no external data; separate names by comma if multiple; uppercases are ignored): "))
        external <- unlist(strsplit(external, ","))
        external <- trimws(external)
        tax_map_tnrs <- datelife::batch_tnrs_match_names(names = external)
        tax_map_tnrs <- clean_tnrs(tnrs = tax_map_tnrs)
        fams[[empty_index[i]]] <- tax_map_tnrs$unique
        fam_ids[[empty_index[i]]] <- paste0("ott", tax_map_tnrs$ott_id)
  ## now add new data to the grants object:
  nsf_relevant_grants_raw$fams <- nsf_relevant_grants_raw$fam_ott_ids <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(nsf_relevant_grants_raw$taxa_ott))
  for (i in seq(all_index)){
    if(length(all_index[[i]][!is.na(all_index[[i]])]) == 0){
    } else {
      ottnames_index <- all_index[[i]][!is.na(all_index[[i]])]
      nsf_relevant_grants_raw$fams[[i]] <- unique(unlist(fams[ottnames_index]))
      nsf_relevant_grants_raw$fam_ott_ids[[i]] <- unique(unlist(fam_ids[ottnames_index]))
LunaSare/phunding documentation built on May 25, 2019, 1:36 p.m.