
Defines functions ggThemeViewer

# ------------------------------------------------------
# To Do next steps
# Read https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ggthemes/ggthemes.pdf
# Compare with \\M3-XPS-15\RMIT\Dev_V2\R\Shiny\ggThemeViewer\Themes.xlsx  which I've started updating
# Confirm all options here are covered: https://yutannihilation.github.io/allYourFigureAreBelongToUs/ggthemes/
# Decide ho to handle the options with many combinations/palettes e.g Canva
# Canva resources:
#       https://www.canva.com/colors/color-palettes/page/1/
#       https://www.canva.com/colors/color-wheel/
# Work out how to export the code needed to add the theme/palette etc to the ggplot passed
# Also return a ggplot object with the changes applied.
# Caution with making changes after the p1 (plot render) as it stops the plot rendering.
# look for other options and decide which are practical to implement (eg. xkcd seems problematic.)

#' An addin to let you see how good your ggplot can look
#' This function allows you to pass a ggplot and then see how that plot will look with many
#' different themes and colour schemes
#' @param ggp Your ggplot. If none passed, there are samples included.
#' @param scale_type The colour scale your plot uses (scale_) colour, fill, continuous. Will attempt to guess if none passed.
#' @param palette_size How many colours are in your plot (default = 10)
#' @keywords ggplot, theme, colour,  color
#' @import shiny, miniUI, rstudioapi, ggplot2, ggthemes, scales, ggsci, jcolors, RColorBrewer, wesanderson
#' @examples
#' p <- ggplot(mtcars) + geom_bar(aes(factor(hp), fill=factor(hp)))
#' ggThemeViewer(p)
#' @name ggThemeViewer
ggThemeViewer <- function(ggp = NULL, scale_type = c('colour', 'fill', 'continuous'), palette_size = NULL) {

    # devtools::use_package("wesanderson")

    #context <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()
    #text <- context$selection[[1]]$text
    ggtv_out <- '!'

    test_fn <- function(ss) {
        ggtv_out <<- paste0(ggtv_out, ss)

    plot_info <- function(ggplot) {
        ret = list()
        bp <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(ggplot)
        ret$x_scale <- class(bp$layout$get_scales(1)$x)[2]
        ret$y_scale <- class(bp$layout$get_scales(1)$y)[2]
        # Swap if axes are flipped (so only x axis needs to be checked)
        if (ret$x_scale == 'ScaleContinuous' & ret$y_scale != 'ScaleContinuous') {
            ret$x_scale <- ret$y_scale
            ret$y_scale <- 'ScaleContinuous'
        clr_max <- 0
        for (i in 1:length(bp$data)) {clr_max <- max(clr_max, length(unique(as.data.frame(bp$data[i])$colour)))}
        ret$colours <- clr_max
        fll_max <- 0
        for (i in 1:length(bp$data)) {fll_max <- max(fll_max, length(unique(as.data.frame(bp$data[i])$fill)))}
        ret$fills <- fll_max
        grp_max <- 0
        grps <- c()
        for (i in 1:length(bp$data)) {
            grp_max <- max(grp_max, length(unique(as.data.frame(bp$data[i])$group)))
            grps <- c(grps, unique(as.data.frame(bp$data[i])$group))
        ret$group_count <- grp_max
        ret$groups <- unique(grps)
        if (ret$x_scale == 'ScaleDiscrete') {
            if (ret$fills > 1) {
                ret$scale_type <- 'fill'
                ret$pal_size <- ret$fills
            else {
                ret$scale_type <- 'colour'
                ret$pal_size <- ret$colours
        else {
            if (ret$group_count > 1) {
                ret$scale_type <- 'colour'
                ret$pal_size <- ret$colours
            else {
                ret$scale_type <- 'continuous'
                ret$pal_size <- -1
        return (ret)

    palette_fill_na <- function(palt, n) {
        ret <- palt
        if (length(palt) < n) {
            for (i in (length(palt) + 1):n) {
                ret <- c(ret, NA)
        return (ret)
    # options(error = NULL)
    # To do - tidy this up
    passed.valid <- FALSE

    if (is.null(ggp)) {
        passed.valid = FALSE
    } else if (class(ggp)[1] == 'gg') {
        # if (class(ggp)[2] == 'ggplot') {
        #     passed.valid = TRUE
        # } else {
        #     passed.valid = FALSE
        # }
        passed.valid = (class(ggp)[2] == 'ggplot')
    } else {
        passed.valid = FALSE

    # A better option may be this code, from Dean Attali's plotHelper
    # If it's a ggplot2 plot, we need to explicitly print it to see if there
    # are errors
    # if (ggplot2::is.ggplot(p)) {
    #     print(p)
    # } else {
    #     p
    # }

    # ggtv_out = paste0('Nothing', passed.valid, Sys.time())

    if (passed.valid) {
        plt.info <- plot_info(ggp)
        scale.type <- ifelse(missing(scale_type), plt.info$scale_type, scale_type)
        palette.size <- ifelse(is.null(palette_size), plt.info$pal_size, palette_size)
        # ggtv_out <- deparse(substitute(ggp))

    Themes <- new.env()
    Themes[['grey']]$src <- 'ggplot';        Themes[['grey']]$nm <- 'theme_grey()';      Themes[['grey']]$th <- theme_grey()
    Themes[['bw']]$src <- 'ggplot';          Themes[['grey']]$nm <- 'theme_grey()';      Themes[['bw']]$th <- theme_bw()
    Themes[['classic']]$src <- 'ggplot';     Themes[['classic']]$th <- theme_classic()
    Themes[['dark']]$src <- 'ggplot';        Themes[['dark']]$th <- theme_dark()
    Themes[['light']]$src <- 'ggplot';       Themes[['light']]$th <- theme_light()
    Themes[['linedraw']]$src <- 'ggplot';    Themes[['linedraw']]$th <- theme_linedraw()
    Themes[['minimal']]$src <- 'ggplot';     Themes[['minimal']]$th <- theme_minimal()
    Themes[['void']]$src <- 'ggplot';        Themes[['void']]$th <- theme_void()

    Themes[['base']]$src <- 'ggthemes';      Themes[['base']]$th <- theme_base()
    Themes[['calc']]$src <- 'ggthemes';      Themes[['calc']]$th <- theme_calc()
    Themes[['economist']]$src <- 'ggthemes'; Themes[['economist']]$th <- theme_economist()
    Themes[['excel']]$src <- 'ggthemes';     Themes[['excel']]$th <- theme_excel()
    Themes[['few']]$src <- 'ggthemes';       Themes[['few']]$th <- theme_few()
    Themes[['fivethirtyeight']]$src <- 'ggthemes'; Themes[['fivethirtyeight']]$th <- theme_fivethirtyeight()
    Themes[['gdocs']]$src <- 'ggthemes';     Themes[['gdocs']]$th <- theme_gdocs()
    Themes[['hc']]$src <- 'ggthemes';        Themes[['hc']]$th <- theme_hc()
    Themes[['par']]$src <- 'ggthemes';       Themes[['par']]$th <- theme_par()
    Themes[['pander']]$src <- 'ggthemes';    Themes[['pander']]$th <- theme_pander()
    Themes[['solarized']]$src <- 'ggthemes'; Themes[['solarized']]$th <- theme_solarized()
    Themes[['stata']]$src <- 'ggthemes';     Themes[['stata']]$th <- theme_stata()
    Themes[['tufte']]$src <- 'ggthemes';     Themes[['tufte']]$th <- theme_tufte()
    Themes[['wsj']]$src <- 'ggthemes';       Themes[['wsj']]$th <- theme_wsj()

    Themes[['dark_bg']]$src <- 'jcolors';    Themes[['dark_bg']]$th <- theme_dark_bg()
    Themes[['light_bg']]$src <- 'jcolors';   Themes[['light_bg']]$th <- theme_light_bg()

    tn <- c()                           # Names
    td <- c()                           # Sources & names
    ord <- c('ggplot', 'ggthemes', 'jcolors')      # Set display order
    # Order by source, then theme name alphabetically (otherwise just sorted by alpha)
    for (i in 1:length(ord)) {
        for (each in ls(Themes)) {
            m = match(Themes[[each]]$src, ord)
            if (m == i) {
                tn <- append(tn, each)
                td <- append(td, paste0(Themes[[each]]$src, ' - ', each))
    names(tn) <- td

    Scales <- new.env()
    Scales[['default']]$src <- 'ggplot';     Scales[['default']]$sc <- scale_colour_hue();           Scales[['default']]$sf <- scale_fill_hue();           Scales[['default']]$pal <- hue_pal()(12)
    Scales[['calc']]$src <- 'ggthemes';      Scales[['calc']]$sc <- scale_colour_calc();             Scales[['calc']]$sf <- scale_fill_calc();             Scales[['calc']]$pal <- calc_pal()(12)
    Scales[['colorblind']]$src <- 'ggthemes';Scales[['colorblind']]$sc <- scale_colour_colorblind(); Scales[['colorblind']]$sf <- scale_fill_colorblind(); Scales[['colorblind']]$pal <- colorblind_pal()(8)
    Scales[['economist']]$src <- 'ggthemes'; Scales[['economist']]$sc <- scale_colour_economist();   Scales[['economist']]$sf <- scale_fill_economist();   Scales[['economist']]$pal <- economist_pal()(6)
    Scales[['excel']]$src <- 'ggthemes';     Scales[['excel']]$sc <- scale_colour_excel();           Scales[['excel']]$sf <- scale_fill_excel();           Scales[['excel']]$pal <- excel_pal()(7)
    Scales[['few']]$src <- 'ggthemes';       Scales[['few']]$sc <- scale_colour_few();               Scales[['few']]$sf <- scale_fill_few();               Scales[['few']]$pal <- few_pal()(7)
    Scales[['gdocs']]$src <- 'ggthemes';     Scales[['gdocs']]$sc <- scale_colour_gdocs();           Scales[['gdocs']]$sf <- scale_fill_gdocs();           Scales[['gdocs']]$pal <- gdocs_pal()(10)
    Scales[['hc']]$src <- 'ggthemes';        Scales[['hc']]$sc <- scale_colour_hc();                 Scales[['hc']]$sf <- scale_fill_hc();                 Scales[['hc']]$pal <- hc_pal(palette = 'default')(10)
    Scales[['pander']]$src <- 'ggthemes';    Scales[['pander']]$sc <- scale_colour_pander();         Scales[['pander']]$sf <- scale_fill_pander();         Scales[['pander']]$pal <- palette_pander(8)
    Scales[['ptol']]$src <- 'ggthemes';      Scales[['ptol']]$sc <- scale_colour_ptol();             Scales[['ptol']]$sf <- scale_fill_ptol();             Scales[['ptol']]$pal <- ptol_pal()(10)
    Scales[['solarized']]$src <- 'ggthemes'; Scales[['solarized']]$sc <- scale_colour_solarized();   Scales[['solarized']]$sf <- scale_fill_solarized();   Scales[['solarized']]$pal <- solarized_pal()(8)
    Scales[['stata']]$src <- 'ggthemes';     Scales[['stata']]$sc <- scale_colour_stata();           Scales[['stata']]$sf <- scale_fill_stata();           Scales[['stata']]$pal <- stata_pal()(15)

    Scales[['tableau']]$src <- 'ggthemes';   Scales[['tableau']]$sc <- scale_colour_tableau();       Scales[['tableau']]$sf <- scale_fill_tableau();       Scales[['tableau']]$pal <- tableau_color_pal('Tableau 10')(10);  Scales[['tableau']]$cont <- scale_color_continuous_tableau()
    Scales[['tableau2']]$src <- 'ggthemes';   Scales[['tableau2']]$sc <- scale_colour_tableau();       Scales[['tableau2']]$sf <- scale_fill_tableau();       Scales[['tableau2']]$pal <- tableau_color_pal('Tableau 20')(20);  Scales[['tableau2']]$cont <- scale_color_continuous_tableau()
    Scales[['tableau Color Blind']]$src <- 'ggthemes';   Scales[['tableau Color Blind']]$sc <- scale_colour_tableau();       Scales[['tableau Color Blind']]$sf <- scale_fill_tableau();       Scales[['tableau Color Blind']]$pal <- tableau_color_pal('Color Blind')(10);  Scales[['tableau Color Blind']]$cont <- scale_color_continuous_tableau()
    Scales[['tableau4']]$src <- 'ggthemes';   Scales[['tableau4']]$sc <- scale_colour_tableau();       Scales[['tableau4']]$sf <- scale_fill_tableau();       Scales[['tableau4']]$pal <- tableau_color_pal('Seattle Grays')(5);  Scales[['tableau4']]$cont <- scale_color_continuous_tableau()
    # Scales[['tableau']]$src <- 'ggthemes';   Scales[['tableau5']]$sc <- scale_colour_tableau();       Scales[['tableau']]$sf <- scale_fill_tableau();       Scales[['tableau']]$pal <- tableau_color_pal('Traffic')(9);  Scales[['tableau']]$cont <- scale_color_continuous_tableau()
    # Scales[['tableau']]$src <- 'ggthemes';   Scales[['tableau6']]$sc <- scale_colour_tableau();       Scales[['tableau']]$sf <- scale_fill_tableau();       Scales[['tableau']]$pal <- tableau_color_pal('Miller Stone')(11);  Scales[['tableau']]$cont <- scale_color_continuous_tableau()

    # Suggestion from Yong Kai (Email 5 Nov 2017)
    # library(RColorBrewer)
    # df <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info
    # Scales <- new.env()
    # for(i in 1:nrow(df)){
    #     Scales[[ rownames(df)[i]  ]]$scr <- paste('brewer', df[i, 2] )
    # }

    Scales[['Blues']]$src <- 'brewer seq';   Scales[['Blues']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'Blues')
    Scales[['BuGn']]$src <- 'brewer seq';    Scales[['BuGn']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'BuGn')
    Scales[['BuPu']]$src <- 'brewer seq';    Scales[['BuPu']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'BuPu')
    Scales[['GnBu']]$src <- 'brewer seq';    Scales[['GnBu']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'GnBu')
    Scales[['Greens']]$src <- 'brewer seq';  Scales[['Greens']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'Greens')
    Scales[['Greys']]$src <- 'brewer seq';   Scales[['Greys']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'Greys')
    Scales[['Oranges']]$src <- 'brewer seq'; Scales[['Oranges']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'Oranges')
    Scales[['OrRd']]$src <- 'brewer seq';    Scales[['OrRd']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'OrRd')
    Scales[['PuBu']]$src <- 'brewer seq';    Scales[['PuBu']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'PuBu')
    Scales[['PuBuGn']]$src <- 'brewer seq';  Scales[['PuBuGn']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'PuBuGn')
    Scales[['PuRd']]$src <- 'brewer seq';    Scales[['PuRd']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'PuRd')
    Scales[['Purples']]$src <- 'brewer seq'; Scales[['Purples']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'Purples')
    Scales[['RdPu']]$src <- 'brewer seq';    Scales[['RdPu']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'RdPu')
    Scales[['Reds']]$src <- 'brewer seq';    Scales[['Reds']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'Reds')
    Scales[['YlGn']]$src <- 'brewer seq';    Scales[['YlGn']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'YlGn')
    Scales[['YlGnBu']]$src <- 'brewer seq';  Scales[['YlGnBu']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'YlGnBu')
    Scales[['YlOrBr']]$src <- 'brewer seq';  Scales[['YlOrBr']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'YlOrBr')
    Scales[['YlOrRd']]$src <- 'brewer seq';  Scales[['YlOrRd']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'YlOrRd')
    Scales[['Accent']]$src <- 'brewer qual'; Scales[['Accent']]$pal <- brewer.pal(8, 'Accent')
    Scales[['Dark2']]$src <- 'brewer qual';  Scales[['Dark2']]$pal <- brewer.pal(8, 'Dark2')
    Scales[['Paired']]$src <- 'brewer qual'; Scales[['Paired']]$pal <- brewer.pal(12, 'Paired')
    Scales[['Pastel1']]$src <- 'brewer qual';Scales[['Pastel1']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'Pastel1')
    Scales[['Pastel2']]$src <- 'brewer qual';Scales[['Pastel2']]$pal <- brewer.pal(8, 'Pastel2')
    Scales[['Set1']]$src <- 'brewer qual';   Scales[['Set1']]$pal <- brewer.pal(9, 'Set1')
    Scales[['Set2']]$src <- 'brewer qual';   Scales[['Set2']]$pal <- brewer.pal(8, 'Set2')
    Scales[['Set3']]$src <- 'brewer qual';   Scales[['Set3']]$pal <- brewer.pal(12, 'Set3')
    Scales[['BrBG']]$src <- 'brewer div';    Scales[['BrBG']]$pal <- brewer.pal(11, 'BrBG')
    Scales[['PiYG']]$src <- 'brewer div';    Scales[['PiYG']]$pal <- brewer.pal(11, 'PiYG')
    Scales[['PRGn']]$src <- 'brewer div';    Scales[['PRGn']]$pal <- brewer.pal(11, 'PRGn')
    Scales[['PuOr']]$src <- 'brewer div';    Scales[['PuOr']]$pal <- brewer.pal(11, 'PuOr')
    Scales[['RdBu']]$src <- 'brewer div';    Scales[['RdBu']]$pal <- brewer.pal(11, 'RdBu')
    Scales[['RdGy']]$src <- 'brewer div';    Scales[['RdGy']]$pal <- brewer.pal(11, 'RdGy')
    Scales[['RdYlBu']]$src <- 'brewer div';  Scales[['RdYlBu']]$pal <- brewer.pal(11, 'RdYlBu')
    Scales[['RdYlGn']]$src <- 'brewer div';  Scales[['RdYlGn']]$pal <- brewer.pal(11, 'RdYlGn')
    Scales[['Spectral']]$src <- 'brewer div';Scales[['Spectral']]$pal <- brewer.pal(11, 'Spectral')

    Scales[['BottleRocket1']]$src <- 'wesanderson'; Scales[['BottleRocket1']]$pal <- wes_palette("BottleRocket1");
    Scales[['BottleRocket2']]$src <- 'wesanderson'; Scales[['BottleRocket2']]$pal <- wes_palette("BottleRocket2");
    Scales[['Rushmore1']]$src <- 'wesanderson';     Scales[['Rushmore1']]$pal <- wes_palette("Rushmore")
    Scales[['Royal1']]$src <- 'wesanderson';        Scales[['Royal1']]$pal <- wes_palette("Royal1")
    Scales[['Royal2']]$src <- 'wesanderson';        Scales[['Royal2']]$pal <- wes_palette("Royal2")
    Scales[['Zissou1']]$src <- 'wesanderson';       Scales[['Zissou1']]$pal <- wes_palette("Zissou1")
    Scales[['Darjeeling1']]$src <- 'wesanderson';   Scales[['Darjeeling1']]$pal <- wes_palette("Darjeeling1")
    Scales[['Darjeeling2']]$src <- 'wesanderson';   Scales[['Darjeeling2']]$pal <- wes_palette("Darjeeling2")
    Scales[['Chevalier1']]$src <- 'wesanderson';    Scales[['Chevalier1']]$pal <- wes_palette("Chevalier1")
    Scales[['FantasticFox1']]$src <- 'wesanderson'; Scales[['FantasticFox1']]$pal <- wes_palette("FantasticFox1")
    Scales[['Moonrise1']]$src <- 'wesanderson';     Scales[['Moonrise1']]$pal <- wes_palette("Moonrise1")
    Scales[['Moonrise2']]$src <- 'wesanderson';     Scales[['Moonrise2']]$pal <- wes_palette("Moonrise2")
    Scales[['Moonrise3']]$src <- 'wesanderson';     Scales[['Moonrise3']]$pal <- wes_palette("Moonrise3")
    Scales[['Cavalcanti1']]$src <- 'wesanderson';   Scales[['Cavalcanti1']]$pal <- wes_palette("Cavalcanti1")
    Scales[['GrandBudapest1']]$src <- 'wesanderson'; Scales[['GrandBudapest1']]$pal <- wes_palette("GrandBudapest1")
    Scales[['GrandBudapest2']]$src <- 'wesanderson'; Scales[['GrandBudapest2']]$pal <- wes_palette("GrandBudapest2")
    Scales[['IsleofDogs1']]$src <- 'wesanderson';     Scales[['IsleofDogs1']]$pal <- wes_palette("IsleofDogs1")
    Scales[['IsleofDogs2']]$src <- 'wesanderson';     Scales[['IsleofDogs2']]$pal <- wes_palette("IsleofDogs2")

    # https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ggsci/ggsci.pdf
    Scales[['aaas']]$src <- 'ggsci';         Scales[['aaas']]$sc <- scale_colour_aaas();                 Scales[['aaas']]$sf <- scale_fill_aaas();                Scales[['aaas']]$pal <- pal_aaas()(10);
    Scales[['d3']]$src <- 'ggsci';           Scales[['d3']]$sc <- scale_colour_d3();                     Scales[['d3']]$sf <- scale_fill_d3();                    Scales[['d3']]$pal <- pal_d3()(10);
    Scales[['futurama']]$src <- 'ggsci';     Scales[['futurama']]$sc <- scale_colour_futurama();         Scales[['futurama']]$sf <- scale_fill_futurama();        Scales[['futurama']]$pal <- pal_futurama()(11);
    Scales[['igv']]$src <- 'ggsci';          Scales[['igv']]$sc <- scale_colour_igv();                   Scales[['igv']]$sf <- scale_fill_igv();                  Scales[['igv']]$pal <- pal_igv()(20);
    Scales[['jama']]$src <- 'ggsci';         Scales[['jama']]$sc <- scale_colour_jama();                 Scales[['jama']]$sf <- scale_fill_jama();                Scales[['jama']]$pal <- pal_jama()(7);
    Scales[['jco']]$src <- 'ggsci';          Scales[['jco']]$sc <- scale_colour_jco();                   Scales[['jco']]$sf <- scale_fill_jco();                  Scales[['jco']]$pal <- pal_jco()(5);
    Scales[['lancet']]$src <- 'ggsci';       Scales[['lancet']]$sc <- scale_colour_lancet();             Scales[['lancet']]$sf <- scale_fill_lancet();            Scales[['lancet']]$pal <- pal_lancet()(9);
    Scales[['locuszoom']]$src <- 'ggsci';    Scales[['locuszoom']]$sc <- scale_colour_locuszoom();       Scales[['locuszoom']]$sf <- scale_fill_locuszoom();      Scales[['locuszoom']]$pal <- pal_locuszoom()(7);
#    Scales[['material']]$src <- 'ggsci';     Scales[['material']]$sc <- scale_colour_material();         Scales[['material']]$sf <- scale_fill_material();        Scales[['material']]$pal <- pal_material()(4);
    Scales[['nejm']]$src <- 'ggsci';         Scales[['nejm']]$sc <- scale_colour_nejm();                 Scales[['nejm']]$sf <- scale_fill_nejm();                Scales[['nejm']]$pal <- pal_nejm()(8);
    Scales[['npg']]$src <- 'ggsci';          Scales[['npg']]$sc <- scale_colour_npg();                   Scales[['npg']]$sf <- scale_fill_npg();                  Scales[['npg']]$pal <- pal_npg()(10);
    Scales[['rickandmorty']]$src <- 'ggsci'; Scales[['rickandmorty']]$sc <- scale_colour_rickandmorty(); Scales[['rickandmorty']]$sf <- scale_fill_rickandmorty();Scales[['rickandmorty']]$pal <- pal_rickandmorty()(12);
    Scales[['simpsons']]$src <- 'ggsci';     Scales[['simpsons']]$sc <- scale_colour_simpsons();         Scales[['simpsons']]$sf <- scale_fill_simpsons();        Scales[['simpsons']]$pal <- pal_simpsons()(16);
    Scales[['startrek']]$src <- 'ggsci';     Scales[['startrek']]$sc <- scale_colour_startrek();         Scales[['startrek']]$sf <- scale_fill_startrek();        Scales[['startrek']]$pal <- pal_startrek()(7);
    Scales[['tron']]$src <- 'ggsci';         Scales[['tron']]$sc <- scale_colour_tron();                 Scales[['tron']]$sf <- scale_fill_tron();                Scales[['tron']]$pal <- pal_tron()(7);
    Scales[['uchicago']]$src <- 'ggsci';     Scales[['uchicago']]$sc <- scale_colour_uchicago();         Scales[['uchicago']]$sf <- scale_fill_uchicago();        Scales[['uchicago']]$pal <- pal_uchicago()(9);

#    Scales[['gsea']]$src <- 'ggsci';         Scales[['gsea']]$cont <- scale_colour_gsea();               Scales[['gsea']]$sf <- scale_fill_gsea()

    sn <- c()                                                  # Names
    sd <- c()                                                  # Sources & names (for display)
    # Set display order
    ord <- c('ggplot', 'ggthemes', 'brewer seq', 'brewer qual', 'brewer div', 'wesanderson', 'ggsci')
    # Order by source, then theme name alphabetically (otherwise just sorted by alpha)
    for (i in 1:length(ord)) {
        for (each in ls(Scales)) {
            m = match(Scales[[each]]$src, ord)
            if (m == i) {
                sn <- append(sn, each)
                sd <- append(sd, paste0(Scales[[each]]$src, ' - ', each))
    names(sn) <- sd

    t <- c('Point', 'Box', 'Bar', 'Contin.')

    ui <- miniPage(
        gadgetTitleBar("ggPlot Theme Viewer", right = miniTitleBarButton("done", "Done", primary = TRUE)),
                   '.shiny-output-error { visibility: hidden; }',
                   '.shiny-output-error:before { visibility: hidden; }'),
        fillRow(flex = c(1, 3),
                    #fillCol(flex = c(3, 3, 1, 1, 1),               # Not working
                            condition = "input.demo == true",
                    , padding = 15, scrollable = FALSE),
                    plotOutput("plot", height = "95%")
                    , padding = 15)

    server <- function(input, output, session) {
        output$theme <- renderUI({
            selectInput("theme", "Select background theme:",
                    choices  = tn,
                    selected = 'grey',
                    selectize = FALSE,
                    size = 4
        output$scale <- renderUI({

            selectInput("scale", "Select foreground theme:",
                        choices  = sn,
                        selected = 'default',
                        selectize = FALSE,
                        #size = 20
                        size = 20 + ifelse(input$demo, 0, 8)
        output$interpolate <- renderUI({
            checkboxInput("interpolate", "Match colour count to plot", value = TRUE)
        output$show_palette <- renderUI({
            checkboxInput("show_palette", "Show Palette (instead of plot)", value = FALSE)
        output$demo <- renderUI({
            checkboxInput("demo", "Demo chart", value = !passed.valid)
        output$plot_type <- renderUI({
            radioButtons("plot_type", "Select plot type:",
                        choices  = t,
                        selected = 'Point',
                        inline = TRUE
        output$alpha <- renderUI({
            sliderInput("alpha", "Alpha:", min = 0.05, max = 1, value = 1, step = 0.05)

        # tvcars is a dataset designed for the demo chart. ToDo: Work out how to include in package.

        # Render the plot
        output$plot <- renderPlot({
            # ggtv_out <- paste0(ggtv_out, ':')
            p1 <- ggplot(mtcars) + geom_bar(aes(factor(hp), fill=factor(hp)), alpha = input$alpha)
            if (!is.null(input$theme)) {
                if (input$demo == TRUE | !passed.valid) {
                    ttl <- ifelse(!passed.valid, 'Object passed is not a ggplot, using demo chart', 'Demo chart')
                    pal_size <- 5
                    if (input$plot_type == 'Bar') {
                        p1 <- ggplot(mtcars) + geom_bar(aes(factor(hp), fill=factor(hp)), alpha = input$alpha)
                        pal_size <- 22
                        # p1 <- ggplot(tvcars, aes(x = Drive_Wheels, y = Kilowatts, fill = Cylinders )) +
                        #     geom_bar(stat="identity", position = "dodge", alpha = input$alpha) +
                        #     scale_x_discrete(name = "Drive Wheels")
                        scl_type <- 'fill'
                    else if (input$plot_type == 'Box') {
                        # p1 <- ggplot(tvcars, aes(x = Cylinders, y = Kilowatts, colour = Cylinders)) +
                        #     geom_boxplot(alpha = input$alpha) +
                        #     facet_grid(. ~ paste0(Drive_Wheels, ' wheel drive'))
                        p1 <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = as.factor(cyl), y = hp, colour = as.factor(cyl))) +
                            geom_boxplot(alpha = input$alpha) +
                            facet_grid(. ~ paste0(vs, ' vs'))
                        scl_type <- 'colour'
                    else if (input$plot_type == 'Contin.') {
                        # p1 <- ggplot(tvcars, aes(x = Weight, y = Economy_city, colour = Kilowatts)) +
                        #     geom_point(size = 5) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(15, 60))
                        p1 <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = wt, y = mpg, colour = hp)) +
                            geom_point(size = 5, alpha = input$alpha)
                        scl_type <- 'continuous'
                    else {
                        # p1 <- ggplot(tvcars, aes(x = Engine_size, y = Kilowatts, colour = Cylinders)) +
                        #     geom_point(position = "jitter", alpha = input$alpha) +
                        #     geom_smooth(aes(colour = Cylinders), method = lm, se = FALSE) +
                        #     scale_x_continuous(name = "Engine Size (litre)")
                        p1 <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = disp, y = hp, colour = as.factor(cyl))) +
                            geom_point(position = "jitter", alpha = input$alpha) +
                            geom_smooth(aes(colour = as.factor(cyl)), method = lm, se = FALSE) +
                            scale_x_continuous(name = "Displacement")
                            scl_type <- 'colour'
                    p1 <- p1 + ggtitle(ttl)
                else {
                    p1 <- ggp
                    pal_size <- palette.size
                    scl_type <- scale.type
                p1 <- p1 + Themes[[input$theme]]$th +
                            theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"), legend.key.size = unit(1.3, "cm"))
                # ggtv_out <- paste0(ggtv_out, " + ", Themes[[input$theme]]$th)
                if (pal_size <= length(Scales[[input$scale]]$pal)) {
                    palette_use <- Scales[[input$scale]]$pal
                else {
                    if (input$interpolate) {palette_use <- colorRampPalette(Scales[[input$scale]]$pal)(pal_size)}
                    else {palette_use <- palette_fill_na(Scales[[input$scale]]$pal, pal_size)}
                if (length(input$scale) > 0) {
                    if (scl_type == 'fill') {
                        p1 <- p1 + scale_fill_manual(values = palette_use)
                    else if (scl_type == 'colour') {
                        if (!is.null(Scales[[input$scale]]$pal) && is.null(Scales[[input$scale]]$sc)) {
                            p1 <- p1 + scale_color_manual(values = palette_use)
                        else {
                            p1 <- p1 + Scales[[input$scale]]$sc
                    else if (scl_type == 'continuous') {
                        if (!is.null(Scales[[input$scale]]$cont)) {
                            p1 <- p1 + Scales[[input$scale]]$cont
                        else {
                            p1 <- p1 + scale_colour_gradientn(colours = Scales[[input$scale]]$pal[1:5])
                if (!input$show_palette) {
                    # ggtv_out <- paste0(ggtv_out, " + ")
                    p1         # Must be the last thing done (rendered). Anything after will stop plot rendering
                else {
                    if (!input$interpolate) {
                    else {

        output$txtOut <- renderText({
            paste(paste0(Themes[[input$theme]]$src, '.', input$theme),
                  paste0(Scales[[input$scale]]$src, '.', input$scale),
                  input$alpha, ggtv_out, sep = ' | ')

        # textOutput("txtOut"),

        # Handle the Done button being pressed.
        observeEvent(input$done, {
            returnValue <- paste0(ggtv_out, ': ', Themes[[input$theme]]$src, '.', input$theme, '/', Scales[[input$scale]]$src, '.', input$scale, '\n')

        observeEvent(input$cancel, {
    viewer <- dialogViewer("Theme Viewer (v0.9.0)", width = 1200, height = 1000)
    runGadget(ui, server, viewer = viewer)
M3IT/ggThemeViewer documentation built on Feb. 11, 2020, 4:16 p.m.