
Defines functions ResolutionSaturation

Documented in ResolutionSaturation

#' Resolution Saturation Identification Tool
#' This function aims to identify the best spatial resolution required per class in order to
#' get the highest accuracy results from a supervised classicifation.
#' @param img A raster file.
#' @param model The model which will be used for the classification. See \code{\link[caret]{train}} for model selection.
#' @param trainData SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or SpatialPointsDataFrame containing the training locations.
#' @param valData SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or SpatialPointsDataFrame containing the validation locations (optional). If no valData is given, the trainData will be split into 70 percent training and 30 percent validation.
#' @param prodAcc TRUE or FALSE. If prodAcc is TRUE, the producer accuracy will be returned. If prodAcc is FALSE, the user accuracy will be returned.
#' @param responseCol Character or integer giving the column in \code{trainData}, which contains the response variable.
#' @param resolutions A vector containing the spatial resolutions after which the input raster will be reprojected.
#' @param nSamples Integer. Number of samples per land cover class.
#' @param overall TRUE or FALSE. Defines, whether the overall accuracy should be included or not.
#' @param plot_graph TRUE or FALSE. Defines, whether the resulting data.frame should be automatically plotted or not.
#' @return A data.frame with the accuracy numbers per class depending on the spatial resolution.
#' @examples
#' library(sp)
#' library(raster)
#' library(RStoolbox)
#' library(reshape2)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(randomForest)
#' # Load sample raster file
#' my_raster <- raster::brick(system.file(package = "superClassAnalysis", "extdata", "landsat_sample.tif"))
#' # Load sample training and validation data
#' my_train <- raster::shapefile(system.file(package = "superClassAnalysis", "extdata", "training_sample.shp"))
#' my_val <- raster::shapefile(system.file(package = "superClassAnalysis", "extdata", "validation_sample.shp"))
#' # Execute ResolutionSaturation function
#' x = ResolutionSaturation(img = my_raster, model = 'rf', trainData = my_train,
#'                      valData = my_val, resolutions = c(30, 50, 75, 100, 200),
#'                      nSamples = 100, responseCol = "class_name", prodAcc = TRUE,
#'                      overall = TRUE, plot_graph = TRUE)
#' @export
ResolutionSaturation <- function(img, model, trainData, valData, prodAcc, responseCol,
                                 resolutions, nSamples, overall, plot_graph) {
  # Get class names of training data
  my_class_names <- names(trainData)
  # Get position of desired column within the names
  col_position <- match(responseCol, my_class_names)
  # Subset poly to the desired column
  trainData_subset <- trainData[,col_position]
  # Turn data.frame into a vector
  my_classes <- as.vector(trainData_subset@data[,1])
  # Calculate number of classes
  number_of_classes <- length(unique(my_classes))
  # check number of classes, if 2 make one class -> because only one positive class after classification
  if (number_of_classes == 2) {
    number_of_classes <- 1
  # set number of columns depending on overall accuracy
  if (overall == TRUE) {
    colnumber <- 2 + number_of_classes
  } else {
    colnumber <- 1 + number_of_classes
  # create data frame
  mat <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = length(resolutions), ncol = colnumber)
  acc.data <- as.data.frame(mat)
  # start for-loop for the number of different samples
  for (i in 1:length(resolutions)) {
    # create new raster with resolutions from vector
    new_res_img <- raster::projectRaster(from = img, res = resolutions[i],
                                 crs = crs(img), method = 'bilinear')
    # Beginn Classification with or without validation data (30% used for validation)
    if (missing(valData)) {
      x <- RStoolbox::superClass(img = new_res_img, trainData = trainData, trainPartition = 0.7,
                      responseCol = responseCol, nSamples = nSamples,
                      areaWeightedSampling = TRUE, model = model,
                      mode = "classification", verbose = TRUE)
    } else {
      x <- RStoolbox::superClass(img = new_res_img, trainData = trainData, valData = valData,
                      responseCol = responseCol, nSamples = nSamples,
                      areaWeightedSampling = TRUE, model = model,
                      mode = "classification", verbose = TRUE)
    # Fill table with number of samples
    acc.data[i,1] <- resolutions[i]
    # check numberof classes
    if (number_of_classes == 1) {
      # Check whether overall accuracy should be included or not
      # Check if user or producer accuracy should be used
      if (overall == TRUE) {
        acc.data[i,2] <- x$validation$performance$overall[1]
        # Check if user or producer accuracy should be used
        if (prodAcc == TRUE) {
          acc.data[i,3] <- x$validation$performance$byClass[1]
        } else {
          acc.data[i,3] <- x$validation$performance$byClass[3]
      } else {
        if (prodAcc == TRUE) {
          acc.data[i,2] <- x$validation$performance$byClass[1]
        } else {
          acc.data[i,2] <- x$validation$performance$byClass[3]
    } else {
      if (overall == TRUE) {
        acc.data[i,2] <- x$validation$performance$overall[1]
        # Check if user or producer accuracy should be used
        if (prodAcc == TRUE) {
          for (z in 1:number_of_classes) {
            acc.data[i,2+z] <- x$validation$performance$byClass[z,1]
        } else {
          for (z in 1:number_of_classes) {
            acc.data[i,2+z] <- x$validation$performance$byClass[z,3]
      } else {
        # Check if user or producer accuracy should be used
        if (prodAcc == TRUE) {
          for (z in 1:number_of_classes) {
            acc.data[i,1+z] <- x$validation$performance$byClass[z,1]
        } else {
          for (z in 1:number_of_classes) {
            acc.data[i,1+z] <- x$validation$performance$byClass[z,3]
  if (number_of_classes ==1) {
    positive_class <- x$validation$performance$positive
    if (prodAcc == TRUE) {
      rownames <- paste("Producer's Accuracy of", positive_class, sep=" ")
    } else {
      rownames <- paste("User's Accuracy of", positive_class, sep=" ")
  } else {
    if (prodAcc == TRUE) {
      rownames <- paste("Prod", row.names(x$validation$performance$byClass), sep=" ")
    } else {
      rownames <- paste("User", row.names(x$validation$performance$byClass), sep=" ")
  # check if overall accuracy is included
  if (overall == TRUE) {
    names(acc.data) <- c("Resolution", "Overall_Accuracy", rownames)
  } else {
    names(acc.data) <- c("Resolution", rownames)
  if (plot_graph == TRUE) {
    # melt data frame and plot results
    acc.data_long <- reshape2::melt(acc.data, id="Resolution")
    print(ggplot2::ggplot(data=acc.data_long, aes(x=Resolution, y=value, colour=variable)) +
            labs(y = "Accuracy", x = "Resolution", colour = "Legend:\n") +
MBalthasar/superClassAnalysis documentation built on July 12, 2019, 12:53 a.m.