
Defines functions create_legend_broken plot.surv_prediction_breakdown_explainer

Documented in plot.surv_prediction_breakdown_explainer

#' @title Plot for surv_breakdown object
#' @description Function plot for surv_breakdown object visualise estimated survival curve of mean probabilities in chosen time points.
#' @param x an object of class "surv_prediction_breakdown_explainer"
#' @param ... optional, additional objects of class "surv_prediction_breakdown_explainer"
#' @param numerate logical; indicating whether we want to number curves
#' @param lines logical; indicating whether we want to add lines on chosen time point or probability
#' @param lines_type a type of line; see http://sape.inf.usi.ch/quick-reference/ggplot2/linetype
#' @param lines_col a color of line
#' @param scale_col a vector containig two colors for gradient scale in legend
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(survxai)
#' library(rms)
#' data("pbcTest")
#' data("pbcTrain")
#' predict_times <- function(model, data, times){
#'                   prob <- rms::survest(model, data, times = times)$surv
#'                   return(prob)
#'                   }
#' cph_model <- cph(Surv(years, status)~sex + bili + stage, data=pbcTrain, surv=TRUE, x = TRUE, y=TRUE)
#' surve_cph <- explain(model = cph_model, data = pbcTest[,-c(1,5)],
#'                     y = Surv(pbcTest$years, pbcTest$status), predict_function = predict_times)
#' broken_prediction <- prediction_breakdown(surve_cph, pbcTest[1,-c(1,5)])
#' plot(broken_prediction)
#' }
#' @method plot surv_prediction_breakdown_explainer
#' @importFrom scales seq_gradient_pal
#' @export

plot.surv_prediction_breakdown_explainer <- function(x, ..., numerate = TRUE, lines = TRUE,
                                                     lines_type = 1, lines_col = "black",
                                                     scale_col = c("#010059","#e0f6fb")){
  y <- col <- label <- value <- position <- legend <-  NULL

  df <- data.frame(x)
  dfl <- list(...)
  if (length(dfl) > 0) {
    for (resp in dfl) {
      class(resp) <- "data.frame"
      df <- rbind(df, resp)

    add_facet <- NULL
    legend <- NULL
    add_facet <- facet_wrap(~label, ncol = 1)
    legend <- theme(legend.position = "none")

  df <- create_legend_broken(df, x)
  cc <- seq_gradient_pal(scale_col[1],scale_col[2])(seq(0,1,length.out=length(unique(df$legend))))

  median_time <- median(unique(df$x))
  median <- which.min(abs(unique(df$x) - median_time))
  median <- unique(df$x)[median]

    line <- geom_hline(yintercept = attributes(x)$prob, color = lines_col, linetype = lines_type)
  }else if (!is.null(attributes(x)$time)){
    line <- geom_vline(xintercept = attributes(x)$time, color = lines_col, linetype = lines_type)
    line <- geom_vline(xintercept = median, color = lines_col, linetype = lines_type)

  if(lines == TRUE){
    line <- line
    line <- NULL

  if(numerate == TRUE){
    numbers <- geom_text(data = df[df$x == median,], aes(label = position), color = "black", show.legend = FALSE, hjust = 0, vjust = 0, nudge_x = 0.4)
    numbers <- NULL

  ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y, col = factor(legend)))+
    labs(title = "BreakDown plot",
        x = "time",
        y = "mean survival probability",
        col =  "variable") +
    add_facet +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0,1,0.1),
                       limits = c(0,1),
                       labels = paste(seq(0,100,10),"%"),
                       name = "survival probability") +


create_legend_broken <- function(df, x){
  df$legend <- paste0(df$position,": ", df$value)
  broken_cumm <- attributes(x)$contribution
  broken_cumm$contribution <- round(broken_cumm$contribution, digits = 2)
  broken_cumm$contribution <- paste0("(", broken_cumm$contribution, ")")
  broken_cumm$variable <- as.character(broken_cumm$variable)
  broken_cumm <- rbind(broken_cumm, c(round(attributes(x)$Intercept,2), "Intercept"))
  broken_cumm <- rbind(broken_cumm, c(round(attributes(x)$Observation,2), "Observation"))

  df <- merge(df, broken_cumm, by = "variable")
  df$legend <- paste(df$legend, df$contribution)
  df$legend <- factor(df$legend, levels = unique(df$legend[order(df$position)]))
MI2DataLab/survxai documentation built on Sept. 10, 2022, 12:03 a.m.