Man pages for MJomaba/flu-evidence-synthesis
Flu Evidence Synthesis: Analysing Effectiveness of Vaccine Strategies

adaptive.mcmcAdaptive MCMC algorithm
adaptive.mcmc.cppAdaptive MCMC algorithm implemented in C++
age_group_levelsCreate age group level description based on passed upper...
age_group_limitsExtract upper age group limits from age group level...
age_group_mappingCalculate a mapping from one sets of age groups to another...
age_sizesNumber of people of each age for the UK in 1999
aggregateModelAggregate model results at different time points
as_age_groupAge as age group
as.age.groupAge as age group
as_R0Calculate R0 from transmission rate
as_transmission_rateCalculate transmission rate from R0
as_vaccination_calendarCreate a vaccination calendar object
as.vaccination.calendarCreate a vaccination calendar object
confirmed.samplesNumber of confirmed positive samples per week
contact_matrixCreate a contact matrix based on polymod data.
contact.matrixCreate a contact matrix based on polymod data.
coverageData on vaccine coverage during the 2007-08 season
credible.interval.modelCalculate the (equal tailed) credible interval at different...
demographyDemography of the UK in 1999
dmultinom.cppProbability density function for multinomial distribution
getTimeFromWeekYearConvert given week in given year into an exact date...
iliNumber of Influenza-like illness cases per week
infectionODEsRun the SEIR model for the given parameters
infectionODEs.cppRun the SEIR model for the given parameters
inferenceMCMC based inference of the parameter values given the...
inference.resultsMCMC Result produced by the inference function
log_likelihood_casesReturns log likelihood of the predicted number of cases given...
mcmcsampleDEPRECATED: MCMC Result produced by the inference function
parameter_mappingMapping parameters to the model
polymod_ukPolymod contact data for the UK
public_health_outcomeCalculate the number of public health relevant cases (e.g....
read.legacy.vaccine.fileFunction to read legacy file format for vaccine calendar
risk_group_mappingCalculate a mapping from one sets of risk groups to another...
separate.into.age.groupsSeparate the population into age groups
separate.into.risk.groupsSeparate the population into risk groups
stat_ciDraw credibility intervals
StatCIStat object for drawing credible intervals
stratify_by_ageStratify the population by age
stratify_by_riskStratify age groups into different risk groups
uptakeData on the uptake rates of vaccination in the UK
vaccination_scenarioCalculate number of influenza cases given a vaccination...
vaccinationScenarioCalculate number of influenza cases given a vaccination...
vaccine_calendarVaccination uptake rate for the UK in 1999
vaccine.calendarFunction to create a vaccine calendar object
vaccine_dosesCalculate number of vaccine doses needed based on vaccine...
MJomaba/flu-evidence-synthesis documentation built on April 26, 2022, 11:12 p.m.